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It is an ancient religious story of the 6th century BC, translated into Novoslovnica.
В статье обсуждается устройство искусственных языков, созданных для коммуникации с внеземными цивилизациями или изображающих коммуникативную систему инопланетян в произведениях литературы и кино. Демонстрируется, что такие языки чаще... more
Note that this abstract contains some linguistic errors (I believe that it was written by someone other than me): It is possible to classify Artificial Languages as well as Natural Languages into three main types, according to the forms... more
Tolkien is not always given due credit for his deep familiarity with Arthurian romances. Yet, in the 1920s, he co-edited and translated the Middle English romantic poem Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (Tolkien and Gordon 1925). Around... more
This paper explores, firstly, how fictional languages are constructed for films and television series, and what functions they serve in relation to these audiovisual texts. The structure of some fictional languages will be examined in... more
Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war die Beantwortung der Frage, ob die vom polnischen Autoren Andrzej Sapkowski konzipierte und vom polnischen Entwicklerstudio CD Projekt RED umgesetzte Darstellung der distinkten Aen Seidhe-und Aen... more
An introduction to constructed languages, language creation communities, constructed language users, and type of constructed languages. Examples include Esperanto, Klingon, Tolkien's Elvish, the Akana languages, and others.
Although a relatively minor project in terms of its impact on the broader international language movement, Basic English is interesting for the elaborate semiotic theory that lies behind it. The creator of Basic, Charles Kay Ogden... more
Der Dialogkorpus zum Paper Sprachlicher Relativismus in Hen Llinge: Einfluss der Elfenkultur auf die Elfensprache in The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings.
Artificial languages -- languages which have been consciously designed -- have been created for more than 900 years, although the number of them has increased considerably in recent decades, and by the early 21st century the total figure... more
By using the fundamentals of human language, we may be able to achieve complete vertical integration for software languages, allowing one language to do everything from low level programming to chatting with humans. Most software... more
Words for berries in natural languages are of several types: semantically transparent compounds, e.g. English blueberry, somewhat semantically opaque compounds, e.g. English cranberry and raspberry, where it is not clear what the semantic... more
A brief overview of the syntax of Klingon question formation. This paper looks at yes/no questions, wh- questions and tag questions.
The international auxiliary language Esperanto is probably the best known constructed language in the world, but also one of the most heavily criticised ones. Although it was meant to solve the problem of international understanding,... more
Since its cultural inception less than 300 years ago, modern conlanging has become ever more popular. By examining individual constructed languages – reasons for their creation, the dominant linguistic qualities, their creators, and the... more
In recent years, the rapid growth of the video game industry has attracted much scholarly attention to video game translation. Mangiron and O’Hagan (2006, 2013) borrowed the notion of transcreation from Translation Studies and wrote that... more
This document is the Lojban-English Dictionary from the Lojban Community as of 2019-01-09.  Lojban is an experimental artificial language.
This book evaluates the applicability of the linguistic worldview framework to the analysis of artificial languages and presents the limitations of such an approach. The following research conclusions were formulated: 1. Artificial... more
Among the hundreds of artificial languages put forth as possible international auxiliary languages, relatively few (e.g. Esperanto, Interlingua) have seen a substantial amount of actual use. Given this, one might think that the study of... more
BĀLAYBALAN, aka Bālaïbalan, Bāl-a i-Balan, and Bâleybelen, an a priori constructed language, represented by a single dictionary, manuscript copies of which are preserved in the Bibliothèque nationale de France and the Princeton University... more
A constructed language project in process. Consists of influences from Romance languages as well as from Hindi and Kannada.
In The Lord of the Rings, Book III, Chapter 3 (‘The Uruk-hai’), Pippin is threatened by an unnamed Mordor-orc who utters the following Orcish oath: “Uglúk u bagronk sha pushdug Saruman-glob búbhosh skai”. Although the context makes it... more
This chapter examines possibilities for pragmemes and practs in artificial languages, and whether and how artificial languages differ in these respects from natural languages. In some controlled languages (a type of artificial language),... more
Although cryptocurrencies and the artificial language Esperanto, designed by L. L. Zamenhof, are quite different types of things, it has been argued that there are resemblances between them. Both slightly positive and negative comparisons... more
Constructed languages (purposefully invented languages like Esperanto and Klingon) have long captured the human imagination. They can also be used as pedagogical tools in the linguistics classroom to enhance how certain aspects of... more
To some extent, the early twentieth century revival of universal languages was the work of logicians and mathematicians. Pioneers of modern logic such as Frege, Russell and Peano wanted to overcome the diversity and deficiencies of... more
Nowruz is very important in countries such as Azerbaijan and Iran, but not well known in the most countries in Europe and the Americas. One would therefore not expect it to receive much attention in media and works in artificial auxiliary... more
Since his birth in 1892, John Ronald Reuel Tolkien walked many paths during his life, which led him to be known as an author, a linguist, an academic and a mythologist, along with less career-orientated factions denoting him as a soldier,... more
A preview of the first chapter from my forthcoming book "The Elvish Writing Systems of J.R.R. Tolkien", covering Tolkien's history in writing systems, the origins of Sindarin and Quenya, the Tengwar, Cirth and Sarati, a history of Arda... more
Spring 2014 - 1 sec., 14 students | Spring 2015 - 1 sec., 17 students |*****| Invented languages like Klingon and Esperanto are the medium for engaging linguistic theory. The art, ideas, and goals behind invented languages will be... more
During his lifetime, Tolkien created a number of languages, all of which predicated on his personal and professional studies of real-world languages. A majority of these were associated with the fictional races from his publications such... more
Although hundreds of artificial languages designed for international use have been created in the last few centuries (the best known of which is Esperanto), Korea has largely remained outside of this sphere of activity: most such... more
Paper given at the XXI. Congress of the International Comparative Literature Association, Vienna, July 21-27, 2016
Constructed languages in fantasy and SF novels. From Percy Greg to J.R. Tolkien.
This article touches upon the problem of the manifold forms of the future tense in the group of Slavic languages. Covering a variety of methods of forming the future tense, the author tries to give a description of each form and to define... more
Homoj ofte neglektas la gravecon de la rutino, konsiderante ĉiutagaĵojn enuaj. Tamen, dum oni babilas, ridas, suferas kaj laboras en sia ordinara vivo, oni lernas kaj ankaŭ elformas neordinarajn ideojn. Tiamaniere, antaŭ pli ol 130 jaroj,... more
This in an extended version of a paper that I delivered at the the May 2016 International Medieval Congress at Kalamazoo Michigan. It draws upon newly published material in Tolkien's A Secret Vice - Tolkien on Language Invention... more
The author of the article discusses a special manner of existence of constructed languages created within the boundaries of science fiction. The subject matter occupies a special place in the general theory and practice of science fiction... more