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This dissertation addresses a debate about the proper relationship between democratic theory and institutions. The debate has been waged between two rival approaches: on the one side is an aggregative and economic theory of democracy,... more
On the notion of "economic constitution" (Part I). Can we speak of an "economic constitution" in France ?
"Le thème dominant en droit constitutionnel comparé des rapports entre « Constitution » et « économie » dans les démocraties libérales est celui de la neutralité de la Constitution, plus précisément de la neutralité des juges... more
... POLITICAL ECONOMY AND LAW AND ... By changing the name of his research programme to constitutional political economy Buchanan distanced himself from those parts of the public choice literature that remained too close to the... more
Consequences of the constitutional adjudication and an impact of the constitutional system on the economy, when the court seems to be a political actor, could be comprised in a term “constitutional economic adjudication” or a... more
Esta contribución a la obra colectiva "Constitucionalizando la globalización", analiza el verdadero alcance del concepto Economía Social de Mercado, incorporado e institucionalizado en el Tratado de la Unión Europea como un principio... more
Когда передовые страны соревновались в улучшении делового климата Израиль сильно отстал. Однако сегодня, когда те же страны соревнуются в ухудшении его, Израиль снова имеет неплохие шансы отстать. Могущественная бюрократия, чрезмерно... more
У монографії розглянуто питання конституційно-правового регулювання економічної системи України. Визначено особливості побудови економічної системи держави на основі системи принципів правової держави. Розроблено пропозиції з... more
Il saggio prende le mosse dalla concezione dello Stato nel pensiero degli economisti classici per valutare se e come l'applicazione del principio di sussidiarietà insieme a quelli di autonomia, responsabilità e solidarietà possano... more
Even though much effort has been undertaken in studying the institutional dynamics, most analysis is on representation, structuring and separation of democratic institutions. Often it is argued that analyzing institutions has to challenge... more
Sayın Prof. Dr. Coşkun Can Aktan ömrünün kırk yıla yakın bir bölümünü kurallar ve kurumların önemi üzerine çalışarak harcamış bir bilim insanıdır. Sosyal bilimlerin bir çok alanına katkılar sağlamış, onlarca esere imza atmıştır. Ayrıca,... more
Anayasal İktisat Teorisi devletin güç ve yetkilerinin nasıl sınırlandırılabileceğini ve nasıl sınırlandırılması gerektiğini incelemektedir. Bu kapsamda Anayasal iktisatçılar tarafından, hazırlanacak olan ekonomik anayasa ile devletin... more
Indonesia’s oil and gas governance has been specified in certain laws. The first oil and gas law was Emergency Law No. 44 of 1960. This law was changed to Law No. 8 of 1971 which gave a dual function, namely to Pertamina National Oil... more
Nella logica della Costituzione, il credito è un’attività imprenditoriale di rilievo pubblico funzionale al lavoro, al sistema produttivo, alla crescita e all'inclusione economica e sociale. Alla luce di tale considerazione, il contributo... more
We provide a short introduction into the concept of Constitutional Economics. This approach is a subfield within Public Choice Theory. Public Choice and Constitutional Economics are closely related to the name of James Buchanan who,... more
No weakening, but rather an expansion, of statehood can be observed in the contemporary world. This does not, on the other hand, imply that extensive forms of constitutional ordering do not exist outside the realm of states. Instead, the... more
"Resumen: Este artículo trata de delimitar el contenido del concepto de Constitución económica aplicado a la Unión Europea. Una expresión que no es nueva, que ha recuperado su vigencia en los doctrinales actuales pero que es escurridizo y... more
DI Plinio Giampiero (2018). Giustizia costituzionale e costituzione finanziaria. In: L. Mezzetti E. Ferioli (cur). Giustizia e Costituzione agli albori del XXI secolo. p. 653-668, BOLOGNA:BONOMO, ISBN: 9788869720611
Especially for Europe, a growing socio-economic divide can be observed, both between nations and within the nations themselves. In light of this division, and of Europe’s differing economic cultures, the question must be asked as to... more
El objeto de ensayo es desbancar a la narrativa dominante acerca de la estructura de nuestro ordenamiento constitucional económico asociada a la supuesta vigencia de un principio de subsidiariedad del Estado. Para ello, se complementa el... more
Este artículo pretende analizar la operatividad de las cláusulas de escape que permiten la suspensión temporal de las reglas de estabilidad presupuestaria en la Unión y España, enmarcando éstas en el contexto normativo del gobierno... more
Sommario: 1. Tensioni oggettive e pressioni sovranazionali sulle Costituzioni finanziarie e monetarie degli Stati.-2. L'impatto del modello Maastricht sulle Costituzioni nazionali.-3. Il Regno Unito e l'euro: opting out.-4. La... more
After the Mortgage-debt Financial Crisis and the European Debt Crisis, some remarkable and significant changes can be identified in public finances. In connection with this, new elements were incorporated into constitutions. The main... more
Resumen: El artículo analiza las cláusulas económicas de la Constitución de la República Dominicana de 2010. Esas cláusulas establecen un sistema de economía social de mercado, según el cual la economía debe basarse en el mecanismo del... more
O presente trabalho se debruça sobre o estudo das relações entre Estado e economia através do direito, especialmente o direito constitucional. Parte do surgimento das relações entre direito constitucional e economia ao redor do mundo... more
Does economic growth create democracy, as suggested by the proposition known as the Lipset hypothesis? According to this paper, for the Lipset hypothesis to be valid, it is sufficient for an ideological and a technological condition to be... more
Transformacja z definicji swojej jest zmianą. Postrzegając i opisując tę zmianę, można zadawać sobie kolejno pytania-co było przyczyną tej zmiany? Czy była to zmiana ilościowa czy jakościowa? Jeśli ilościowa-to czy w kierunku malejącym... more
Al calor de la constitucionalización de la estabilidad presupuestaria y su teorización, se ha ido configurando una serie de mecanismos ajenos a la misma que tienden a reforzar sus objetivos desde parámetros institucionales de diferente... more
Questo lavoro indica i limiti della sostanziale estensione a tutti i cittadini dell'uso semi-gratuito delle prestazioni sanitarie che contradice i principi di solidarietà e sussidiarietà oltre che i vincoli di bilancio. The law 833/1978... more
Although neoclassical environmental economics provides deeper insights into the study of environmental issues, the approach has had only a modest impact on shaping environmental policy. Theoretical and abstract neoclassical models often... more
This paper analyzes the constitutional change in Africa by focusing on the current phenomenon of the change in the presidential term limits. The analysis covers the period 1990 - 2010 for a set of 32 countries. Two cases are analyzed: the... more
Despite much theoretical discussion the enforceability of constitutional constraints, the question has received little empirical attention. After discussing the theoretical arguments for and against the proposition that constitutions are... more
In the middle of the 20th century, Joseph Schumpeter described the process of technological innovation “that incessantly revolutionizes the economic structure from within, incessantly destroying the old one, incessantly creating a new... more
Una delle conclusioni principali della odierna teoria del benessere è che non c'è differenza tra interessi privati e interessi pubblici, purché prevalga la concorrenza. Questo saggio prende le mosse dai malfunzionamenti dello Stato in... more
Legal philosophers like Montesquieu, Hegel and Tocqueville have argued that lay participation in judicial decision-making would have benefits reaching far beyond the realm of the legal system narrowly understood. From an economic point of... more
What are the factors driving the choice of the form of government? To address this question, the paper presents a theoretical model of the choice between a parliamentarian and presidential system. So far, it has been argued that higher... more
This essay considers the implications of the Seasteading Institute upon notions of law and sovereignty and argues that seasteading could make possible the implementation or ordering of polycentric legal systems while providing evidence... more