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SNEHA, a non-profit organisation, implements a program on prevention of gender based violence in informal urban settlements of Mumbai. This article highlights the strategies adopted to carry out prevention work on gender-based violence in... more
Community mobilisation (CM) is a transformative approach used to create social change on complex issues. CM has been used in practice for many years; however, until recently, had little presence in the academic literature. Increasing... more
Ce mémoire explore le rôle du logement dans l'expérience migratoire des nouveaux et nouvelles arrivantes à Montréal et l'impact de celui-ci sur les premières années d'installation, en fonction des caractéristiques socioculturelles des... more
RÉSUMÉ L'article explore les enjeux de deux campagnes de mobilisation réalisées au Centre des travailleuses et travailleurs immigrants (CTI), auprès de personnes (1) immigrantes permanentes insérées en agence de placement et (2) migrantes... more
The findings of an empirical study entitled ‘Meeting the challenge of poverty and inequality in the Cape Metropole: Factors impacting the mobilisation of congregations in their response to poverty and injustice’ reaffirm that the majority... more
კვლევით-საგანმანათლებლო პროექტი „ინიციატივა ვლილებისათვის“ განხორციელდა1 2015-2016 წლებში. პროექტი მიზნად ისახავდა, შეესწავლა საქართველოში თემის თვითორგანიზების კულტურა და გამოცდილება2 1921 წლის საბჭოთა ოკუპაციამდე. ასევე, წინ წამოეწია... more
Since 2004 South Africa has experienced a significant number of local protests in poor urban areas. These protests are often referred to as ‘service delivery’ protests as they are frequently related to the inadequate socio-economic... more
Most of the contemporary work pertaining religious-sectarian conflict is focused on insurgents driven by socio-economic and political grievances. In Politics and Economics of the Insurgence in Bahrain, Vladimir Remmer analyzes the... more
Grassroots migrant organizations, especially schools serving migrant children, function as centers of collective action which address the needs of the community and counter the deficit notions of migrant students and their families, by... more
Intimate partner violence (IPV) is experienced by one-third of women globally, yet few programs attempt to shift men's IPV perpetration. Community mobilization is a potential strategy for reducing men's IPV perpetration, but this has... more
Modèle de CV pour chercheur d'emploi Un formulaire-Guide pour le candidat, lui permettant de monter un bon CV pour convaincre l'employeur Les sections sont agencées de façon logique, les rubriques sont clairs et précis, des exemples... more
“Ramdarbar”, a rehabilitated colony of Chandigarh, experienced degeneration in its civic services, which was further aggravated in 1980s due to rapid growth of population. ere was no participation of local citizens in management of... more
When demonstrations swept the Anatolian heartland in 2013, social media played a key role in disseminating drawings, songs, stories and physical protest practices in a virtual sphere. From a material culture and performativity... more
À l’instar des sociétés contemporaines, la mémoire est devenue, pour les francophones vivant en milieu minoritaire, un des principaux éléments marqueurs de la délimitation de leurs frontières. Indice d’une double transformation, celle des... more
La géographie de la colère abordée ici est celle du mouvement des « Gilets jaunes » installés sur les sites inhospitalier des ronds-points. L'article qui repose sur une enquête menée pendant plusieurs mois sur celui du Rafour au Nord-Est... more
Indian economy can reach to the pinnacle of a $5 trillion GDP with the application of proper models of agriculture and food management, robust industrial production and infrastructure development, promotion of private investment and... more
Comment interroger « l’art de gouverner » aujourd’hui, sinon en problématisant la dimension éthique et politique de dispositifs censés renforcer le pouvoir de décision des citoyens ? Le croisement effectif des rationalités et des tensions... more
"The polio campaign...sets a precedent for women's participation in large-scale action within Syria, and provides a citable example with which women can more confidently deny claims that the present circumstances do not permit them a role... more
The complexity of the events of December 2001 in Argentina makes difficult to achieve a balanced evaluation between structural, historical and conjunctural issues, between external and domestic, international, regional and local factors... more
The Gilets Jaunes movement has done more for the fluorescent yellow vest than even Karl Lagerfeld, who a decade ago declared, “It’s yellow, ugly, and doesn’t go with anything, but might just save your life.” Reading between the lines of... more
Alison J. Bruey’s Bread, Justice, and Liberty: Grassroots Activism and Human Rights in Pinochet’s Chile is a wonderfully researched and written book. For those interested in the social history of human rights in Chile, popular resistance... more
In Primary Health Care we often use music, dance and drama to educate community members about health issues by singing out messages, dancing, reciting poems and acting skits that promote health and well-being.
Gender is well recognised as a critical consideration for HIV/AIDS organisations. Since the 1990s, HIV/AIDS policy-makers, donors, non-governmental organisations and transnational corporations have adopted gender mainstreaming as the... more