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Resumen Defiendo en este trabajo que la libertad de conciencia otorga protección a la objeción de conciencia con carácter general, por lo que en principio se puede invocar objeción frente a un deber jurídico sin que sea imprescindible que... more
This essay discusses whether civil disobedience is an option for Christians in light of Paul's teaching in Romans 13. Using canonical and rhetorical criticism, and including a very brief section noting some important examples in the... more
Cross-border solidarity has captured the interest and imagination of scholars, activists and a range of political actors in such contested areas as the US-Mexico border and Guantanamo Bay. Chandra Russo examines how justice-seeking... more
This dissertation is the first major academic analysis of the Danish refugee solidarity movement that mobilized more than 100,000 citizens in the fall 2015 when the European refugee crisis reached Denmark. The dissertation makes four main... more
In this essay I want to figure out in which ways the Squat Group Kinderen van Mokum fit into what we know about contemporary problems in Amsterdam, especially concerning the youth. In analysing literature and comparing that to the... more
Retracing the steps of London's history through the lenses and medium of its body of waters - this paper investigate the roles of waterways, canals and docklands as essential aspects of the making for the city we know now. Through... more
Trad. en italien en 2014 ( Les raisons de se révolter ne manquent pas. Mais en démocratie, s'engager dans un combat contre l'injustice, l'inégalité ou la domination est un geste... more
Society progresses not through acceptance of injustices, in contrary, it progresses through the courage of few men and women who oppose discrimination and challenge hateful bureaucracies. In the following analysis, three distinctive... more
This work aims to write about civil disobedience, defending an interpretation, based chiefly on an analysis of Martin Luther King Jr’s philosophical contributions, whereby this form of political claim has as one of its distinctive... more
ENG In the master thesis Towards a Better Future. Activist practices of grassroots movements for Climate, I discuss the activities of new social movements acting for the climate in Poland (Obóz dla Klimatu), the Czech Republic (Limity... more
Recent years have seen renewed interest in the study of revolution. Spurred by events like the 2011 uprisings in North Africa and the Middle East, the rise of Islamic State, and the emergence of populism, a new age of revolution has... more
For as long as we know, it is always stated that disobedience is a vice, yet in many cases obedience has been the underpinning of many destruction’s towards humanity. This study presented by me in 2009 at a conference, uproot some vital... more
Does the Leviathan —the state— have the absolute and unlimited authority? Can the population fight against the authority of the state? Are they allowed to resist? Are they able to rebel? The aim of this final paper is to answer those and... more
Neste trabalho, tem-se por objetivo estudar a definição de desobediência civil apresentada por John Rawls na sua obra Uma Teoria da Justiça. Pretende-se investigar as possibilidades para que, segundo Rawls, em uma sociedade democrática,... more
Outlines the main features of direct action. It covers its links to radical ideologies and its intersections and differences with civil disobedience, constitutional action and symbolic action. It addresses criticisms of direct action from... more
This article is about the behavior patterns that challenge the legitimacy of the law. The analysis focuses on the basic forms of questioning the legitimacy of such rights namely the right to resistance, civil disobedience and revolution.... more
This paper argues that non-violent acts of civil disobedience on public land must be accommodated to facilitate the larger right of freedom of peaceful assembly and freedom of expression to raise awareness of social justice issues. On... more
The intensifying speed-up of contemporary economic, social and political life troubles democratic theorists because they assume that democracy depends on patience. This article turns to Martin Luther King, Jr. to challenge democratic... more
Gerechtigkeit sollte die Grundlage allen politischen Handelns sein. Doch was, wenn staatliche Maßnahmen und Gesetze dieser Norm widersprechen? Können dann auch in Demokratien Akte des zivilen Ungehorsams gerechtfertigt sein? Und wenn ja,... more
This article addresses a neglected class of cases of civic resistance involving the anonymous and covert disruption of institutions and practices. Such cases have become more commonplace in the first decades of the twenty-first century... more
Political and social movements in South Africa, the United States of America, Germany, Myanmar, India, and elsewhere, have drawn inspiration from the non-violent political techniques advocated by Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi during his... more
Taking Rights Seriously is concerned above all with due process, both in law and politics. In this respect, his theory of law and critique of legal positivism frames his theory of politics. He conceives both law and politics in terms of a... more
And so the cultural and intellectual scene of Poland during the Communist Era had been dull and future seemed as bleak as can only be.
Until They came.
This work analyses the public perception of the role of privateers and their transition to pirates and examines both negative and positive outcomes in various areas like diplomacy, international trade, legal, racial and gender issues. The... more
Civil disobedience has a tattered history in the American story. Described by Martin Luther King Jr. as both moral reflection and political act, the performance of civil disobedience in the face of unjust laws is also, Patrice Rankine... more
Social movements often impose nontrivial costs on others against their wills. Civil disobedience is no exception. How can social movements in general, and civil disobedience in particular, be justifiable despite this apparent wrong-making... more