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This is a short extract (introduction) of my article in L. Picht - K. Schmidt - G. Schmitz - L. Wiggering, The Limits of Change. Was ist der Wert der beständigen Dinge? (Berlin: Neofelis 2015), 83 - 102. For more information, take a look... more
In Making Mesopotamia: Geography and Empire in a Romano-Iranian Borderland, Hamish Cameron examines the representation of the Mesopotamian Borderland in the geographical writing of Strabo, Pliny the Elder, Claudius Ptolemy, the anonymous... more
Dynastic marriages in the Hellenistic world were an important diplomatic tool that provided distinct political benefi ts to one or both of the parties involved. The Parthian rulers from the Arsacid dynasty also engaged in such unions... more
This is the sixth chapter of 'Images of Mithra', a collaborative work written by members of the 'Empires of Faith Project' (2013-18, British Museum / University of Oxford). This chapter looks at the construction of a god by Antiochus I... more
Rolf Strootman, ‘Orontid kingship in its Hellenistic context: The Seleucid connections of Antiochos I of Commagene’, in: M. Blömer, S. Riedel, M. J. Versluys, and E. Winter eds., Common Dwelling Place of all the Gods: Commagene in its... more
R. Strootman, ‘The Great Kings of Asia: Universalistic titulature in the Seleukid and post-Seleukid East’, forthcoming in: R. Oetjen and F. X. Ryan eds., Seleukeia: Studies in Seleucid History, Archaeology and Numismatics in Honor of... more
The history and archaeology of Hellenistic Commagene is a rich field of study, not in the least because of the remarkable monuments and inscriptions of king Antiochos I (c. 70–36 BC). Over the last decades important new work has been done... more
The Red Apple Tree: the Tree of Life Analysis and interpretation of Greek and Turkish legends relating to the Holy Tree and its Eschatological, Messianic Role and Importance (in Greek) First published on 27th January 2018 here:... more
This book is the first-ever comprehensive study of the history and culture of these three little-known countries of Northern Mesopotamia (3rd century BCE – 7th century CE). The book gives an overview of the historical geography, material... more
The Hellenistic kingdom of Commagene exerted an outsized influence on the volatile world of post-Seleucid Western Asia given its small size and relatively recent independence. While Commagene is now starting to find a place within the... more
A Kingdom Between East and West: Commagene This study refers to the relations between Rome, Parthian and the Commagene. In addition, the social and cultural textures of the Commagene have been mentioned in this study. I would like to... more
In this article we present the first edition of five Hieroglyphic Luwian inscriptions of Ancoz and Samsat provenance from the Adıyaman Museum, provide clarification on the records of previously published inscriptions from Ancoz and... more
The international balance of power that materialized in the middle of the first century BCE was a bipolar system between Rome and Parthia. The kingdom of Commagene was a player within this system, albeit a minor one. It was precisely... more
From the conquests of Seleukos Nikator, Seleukid rulers presented themselves as heirs to the age-old Near Eastern ideal of universal monarchy. But since their power had started to decline in the 2nd century BC, new claims to 'Great... more
MUSIC IN URFA AND ITS AROUND IN THE LIGHT OF TODAY ARCHEOLOGICAL DATA The Euphrates and with view of the plains on the hills of Şanlıurfa, the traces of the... more
This study explores one the major new developments in Iranian culture that emerged during this chaotic yet creative period between Alexander and Islam. During this era, several Iranian-speaking or Iranian-influenced dynasties, from... more
Hybrid conference at Münster, January 20-21, 2022. Not much attention has been paid to the material culture of the vast regions of East and South-East Anatolia, Armenia, North-Western Iran and Northern Iraq in the Hellenistic and Roman... more
Ένας χώρος ορίου και πέρατος υπάρχει εδώ, ιδιαίτερα ανάλογος της γεωμορφικής διάπλασης. Βρισκόμαστε στο τέλος των υψιπέδων και των οροσειρών. Μετά, λίγο πιο κάτω, αρχίζει η μεγάλη, αχανής πεδιάδα της βόρειας Μεσοποταμίας: εκεί είναι ένας... more
Those Persian traditions you knew were important in late Hellenistic Persis, Commagene, Pontos and Judea? They're fake. Invented. To bolster the legitimacy of new imagined communities after the (imagined? invented?) Seleucid decline.
Seit 2015 steht die in der Südosttürkei am Rande der Metropole Gaziantep gelegene antike Stadt Doliche im Mittelpunkt eines neuen Forschungsprojektes, das von der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft gefördert wird. Doliche war in der Antike... more
The paper surveys all available evidence concerning the cultural landscape of Sophene from the Hellenistic to early Byzantine times. The survey includes literary texts, onomastic data, papyrological and epigraphic evidence, and finally... more
Εκδόσεις Δόμος, Αθήνα 1994 (πλήρης έκδοση)
Publishing House Domos, Athens 1994 (complete edition)
This paper reassesses the colossal torso of Athena in local limestone which has been recorded on the site of Zeugma for over a century .
Published in Greek, in 1994 (DOMOS Publishing House, Athens - Greece), 240 p., the book consists in a really atypical itinerary linking historical moments, topics of History of Religions, and the description of monuments and archeological... more