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"This book is the first-ever monograph on the family of royal converts from Adiabene including the broader perspective of the cultural and political environment of Hellenistic and Parthian Adiabene. It collects, arranges and discusses all... more
This course presents a broad survey of historical forces at work over the past 6,000 years, examining the manners in which human societies have organized themselves along categories of race, ethnicity, class, and gender to meet the... more
Abstract This article examines the longstanding rivalry of Rome and Parthia, which began as an unintended consequence of Crassus’ decisive defeat at Carrhae in 53 BCE. It synthesizes the accounts and opinions of numerous Graeco-Roman... more
When the Parthians rebelled against the Seleucid Empire in the middle third century BCE, seizing a large section of northeastern Iran, they inherited the challenging responsibility of monitoring the extensive frontier between the Iranian... more
Conflict in Greece and Rome: The Definitive Political, Social, and Military Encyclopedia, ed. Sara Phang, Douglas Kelly, Peter Londey, and Iain Spence, ABC-CLIO. 2016. (Note: Severus' arch celebrates his victories over the Parthians;... more
دوران اشکانی یکی از دوره‌های مهم تاریخ ایران به شمار می‌رود و به جهت پرابهام بودن، بازسازی و مطالعه آن به‌ویژه از نظر سیاسی و اجتماعی، دارای پیچیدگی‌های بسیاری است. به همین دلیل، منابع موجود از اهمیت بسیار بالایی در جهت شناخت و رفع... more
The climactic Battle of Carrhae in 53 BCE was the first major engagement between the Romans and Parthians. In the battle, the mobile Parthian army outmaneuvered and overwhelmed Crassus’ much larger force. There is a longstanding, recently... more
In this study, dedicated to the memory of Zeev Rubin, I explore one important facet of Iranian kingship between Alexander and Islam: the art and ritual of Achaemenid and Seleucid funerary monuments and their impact on later Macedonian and... more
>500 highest quality portrait coin images in highest resolution and large size from across the Hellenistic world incl 3 previously unknown hellenistic kings; 14 research articles on Hellenistic Portraiture on coins and other... more
The present paper intend to explore the way the new kingdoms born from the dissolution of the Greco-Macedonian powers east of the Tigris employed coinage in order to promote kingship ideology based on kinship and family relationships. At... more
This article combines historical analysis with international-relations theory to contend that geopolitical developments around the Eastern Mediterranean in the middle third century BCE were indirectly responsible for the emergence of the... more
This article examines the evidence for women at the Arsacid court. Western sources report in stereotypical narratives of numerous women and concubines of the Arsacid king, of eunuchs and their power in the "harem" and a life at court... more
This chapter and the larger body of work on which it builds focuses on what I characterize as the environmental, spatial, and visual bases of Iranian iden- tity and royal power: that is, landscape, architecture, the built environment, and... more
Guest Lecture for the Department of History and Classical Studies at McGill University. Montreal, QC, in honor of Dr. Arthur Eckstein on the 15th anniversary of Mediterranean Anarchy, Interstate War, and the Rise of Rome, September 14.
From late Hellenistic times until the expansion of Islam, the Middle East was governed by an Iranian empire. This monarchy was initially ruled by the Arsaci dynasty until 224 AD, at which point it found a violent end at the hands of the... more
Guest Lecture for the Payravi Conference on Ancient Iranian History IV “Contextualizing Iranian History: The Arsacids (ca. 250 BC – 224 AD)” at UC Irvine, Irvine, CA, February 28-March 2.
This article reevaluates the origins of the First Romano-Parthian War (56/5-50 BCE) to better understand the different perspectives, policies, and objectives of the various Parthian and Roman leaders in the early and middle 50 s that... more
Review of: A.J. Sachs, H. Hunger, Astronomical Diaries and Related Texts from Babylonia. Volume III. Diaries from 164 B.C. to 61 B.C.Vienna 1996. Review of the historical sections. Demetrius I's accession (162/1 BC), Alexander Balas... more
FOR THE FORMATTED VERSION WITH KENTRIDGE'S DRAWINGS GO TO: This is a guide to the iconography of William Kentridge’s Triumphs & Laments, the 500-meter-long frieze of colossal... more
A lo largo de su historia el Imperio romano tuvo que hacer frente a numerosas revueltas, debido al enorme territorio que controlaba. De entre los pueblos que las protagonizaron, los hebreos se contaban entre los que con mayor insistencia... more
Indo-Parthian state was established in southeastern Iran, Sistan c. 1 st century BC. The most of our knowledge about these kings is obtained from their coins. We have also some narrations made by ancient historians which include a few... more
The subject presents three problems in particular: 1. Distinguishing between the costume of the conquerors – the Parni – and the aristocratic costume of the various conquered or allied peoples whether Iranian, Semitic, Caucasian or from... more
The paper surveys all available evidence concerning the cultural landscape of Sophene from the Hellenistic to early Byzantine times. The survey includes literary texts, onomastic data, papyrological and epigraphic evidence, and finally... more
Presentation for the American Historical Association Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA, January 2016
The present volume unites a series of critical studies devoted to the political, institutional and ideological construction of the Seleukid empire, with particular focus on the complex interplay between the Seleukids’ Graeco-Macedonian... more
El conflicto entre Occidente y Oriente - tan de moda en la actualidad - no es nuevo, sino que hunde sus raíces en la Antigüedad. A la muerte de Alejandro Magno (323 a.C.) esa lucha se enquistó entre sus herederos y los partos, que... more
Four seasons of excavations have been carried out by the Italian Archaeological Expedition at Hatra between 1987-1989 and 1995, directed by Prof. Roberta Venco Ricciardi. The excavations brought to light a large house – Building A – and... more
Ancient Gordyene originated as the country of the Karduchoi who lived in the mountains north of modern Cizre and south of the Bohtan River (see Xenophon’s description of the march of the Greek army of “the Ten Thousand”). The origin of... more
in P. Leriche, ed., Art et civilisations de ’Orient hellénisé. Rencontres et échanges culturels d’Alexandre aux sassanides, Paris, Picard, 2014, 191-200 (ISBN) 9782708409835.
This article investigates the initial conflict between the Parthians and Seleucids in the late 230s BC that established a much longer period of rivalry between these opposing forces. Arsaces I founded the independent Parthian kingdom in... more
By 128 BCE the Parthians had emerged temporarily as the de facto leading power throughout the Hellenistic Middle East. Their defeat of Demetrius II's invasion of Mesopotamia in 138 BCE had furthered their heated rivalry with the... more