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A lot has been written about the Celts and about their faith and beliefs. Generally this means the druid beliefs that were present in England just before the Romans turned up. The big problem is that the only contemporary reports of this... more
Many claims have been made linking ancient languages with genetically identified prehistoric and modern populations. There is much new ‘evidence’ and intense debate on the validity and appropriateness of such interdisciplinary work. Here... more
Información del artículo Les bateaux du pont romain de Chalon-sur-Saône (Saône-et-Loire): des témoins de l'évolution des techniques de construction navale au Ier s. apr. J.-C.
... Titre du document / Document title. The origin and spread of the Celts = L'origine et la diffusion des celtes. Auteur(s) / Author(s). COLLIS J. (1) ; ... The Celts are still a potent force, culturally economically and... more
The study discusses and analyzes the characterization of a secondary character in the movie Black Panther, Erik Killmonger whose status as a villain described as a Machiavellian; a person known to be gruesome and unreliable to acquire... more
IntroductionIn this article we set out to analyse, from an archaeological point of view, a political problem which, as demonstrated by current debate, including acts of violence, goes well beyond archaeology. Throughout the 19th century,... more
Page 1. Serie H istor Los Celtas La Europa del Hierro y la Península Ibérica Pedro Damián Cano Page 2. Page 3. Page 4. PEDRO DAMIÁN CANO BORREGO, nacido en Madrid en 1968, es abogado y administrador de empresas ...
This article distinguishes between critical and reconciliatory postcolonialisms, arguing that the former seeks radical alternatives to modernity based on non-Western traditions and lifeways, while the latter works to reconcile colonized... more
Es difícil encontrar en la historia de Europa Occidental otros pueblos que levanten tantas pasiones y que sean protagonistas de teorías diametralmente diferentes entre los investigadores en cuanto a su origen, desarrollo y extensión como... more
Page 1. Serie H istor Los Celtas La Europa del Hierro y la Península Ibérica Pedro Damián Cano Page 2. Page 3. Page 4. PEDRO DAMIÁN CANO BORREGO, nacido en Madrid en 1968, es abogado y administrador de empresas ...
Three novels entitled Brionne, The Californios, and Hondo written by Louis L’Amour reveal the hard life in the western frontier of America which was still wilderness. L’Amour shows the macho characteristics and attitudes through his macho... more
The text points out several imprecise and incomplete data used in the introduction to the cited work, and thus questions the certainty of the presented conclusions. The author bases his arguments on a recent comprehensive analysis of the... more
Teachers often regard literature as inappropriate to the language classroom. Teaching literature in foreign language classroom becomes essential if teachers are concerned with the meaningful foreign language learning activities... more
Résumé/Abstract C'est au mois d'août 2004 qu'une statue celtique a été mise au jour sur le site laténien et gallo-romain de Molesme Sur-les-Creux «(Bourgogne) lors de la fouille exhaustive d'un fossé comblé... more
... Reincarnation is widely regarded as a Page 3. 18 Marion Bowman Celtic belief in Pagan, New Age, Druidic and even some Celtic Christian circles. ... Page 5. 20 Marion Bowman a Glastonbury grove, and other Druids gather in Glastonbury... more
... Reincarnation is widely regarded as a Page 3. 18 Marion Bowman Celtic belief in Pagan, New Age, Druidic and even some Celtic Christian circles. ... Page 5. 20 Marion Bowman a Glastonbury grove, and other Druids gather in Glastonbury... more
Información del artículo Les bateaux du pont romain de Chalon-sur-Saône (Saône-et-Loire): des témoins de l'évolution des techniques de construction navale au Ier s. apr. J.-C.