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Continuation of the Atlantic Theory of Homer's Ilias and Odyssey (part 1: Atlantic Troy; part 2: Atlantic Ismaros-Kikones; part 3: Atlantic Kuthera-Lotophages; part 4: Atlantic Land of the Cyclopes; part 5: Atlantic Aiolia). Odysseus'... more
The Druid referenced by Julius Caesar in his Gallic War Commentaries went by the name of Diviciacus. This name was more of a title, a job description if you wish than a true personal name. Indeed, Diviciacus was the Latinized form of... more
The Gundestrup Cauldron has remained enigmatic since the day it was discovered in a Danish peat bog near Borremosebog in May of 1891. Many have wondered and pondered over the mysterious imagery and have tried to give it an interpretation.... more
When the Early Imperial Roman writers imagined the cultural processes taking place in the newly-conquered Gaul, they frequently had recourse to a rhetoric that can appear strikingly similar to some later, colonial narratives of... more
This article asks if “indigenous,” associated as it is with “colonized peoples,” is being employed strategically by Druids in Britain to support cultural or political aims. Prominent Druids make various claims to indigeneity, presenting... more
Pagans have long been linked to environmentalism in multiple studies and practicing Pagans generally believe that environmentalism is inherent in Pagan paths. Further projects deduced that the motives for environmentalism by Pagan... more
The following results in an equation worked out via experiencing ongoing gang stalking and v2k harassment via this stalking. It is commonly known as targeted individualism but has recently exalted into empowered individuals. Many reasons... more
Language: Polish. With an English summary. The book is a much needed update on recent developments in research on western esotericism. It presents history of academic research in this field, proposes new and more accurate Polish... more
Frédéric Sanssens et Michel Weber, Philosopher, guérir et sanctifier. Dialogues sur la voie druidique, Louvain-la-Neuve, Éditions Chromatika, 2020. (ISBN978-2-930517-66-7, pdf 978-2-930517-67-4)... more
En el siguiente trabajo se realizará un breve análisis sobre los druidas y las druidesas y el papel que estos desempeñaron en la sociedad celta, así como la relación que tuvieron con el Imperio Romano y las medidas llevadas a cabo por... more
This book examines the sometimes fraught interactions and relationships between contemporary Pagan groups and archaeological heritage managers in the first decade and a half of the 21st century. It uses ethnographic field research,... more
réflexions sur les triades et comparaison de leurs traductions
Symbols are important cultural expressions that may be circulated through both time and space as groups appropriate, modify, and ascribe new meanings to them within a larger context of cultural appropriation and invented tradition. I... more
This paper offers a detailed discussion of Pliny naturalis historia 16, 249–251, maybe the best known passage on druids in ancient literature. Pliny’s famous description of druids culling the mistletoe from oaks fundamentally influenced... more
This drafts gives an overview over major steps in the shift of use of society-building pagan concepts as displayed in Insular Celtic literature to their oppressive abuse by Norman-Christian conquerors. The re-interpretation of pagan... more
The article was published in Sikorska, Liliana, Thise Stories Beren Witnesse. The Landscape of the Afterlife in Medieval and Post-medieval Imagination. Medieval English Mirror 7. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2010.
Did druids really exist? Did Celts perform human sacrifice? The aim of this paper is to scrutinise our sources on Celtic religion. We can see that our sources are not only unreliable, but they were also consciously used to manipulate the... more
"A Middle La Tène period grave with a special tool from Zvonimirovo in North Croatia The cemetery from Zvonimirovo comprises 99 burials of the period Lt C2 and presents an important site for the study of the Middle La Tène period in the... more
The seven seer-princes of the Septentrion, Lux Oriens-When considering the occult meaning of the septenaries in the Western cultural context, it is often supposed that this esoteric numerological concept was borrowed from the Egyptians by... more
Throughout history, the Druids have always been seen as sorcerers who had a strong bond with nature. Ancestral knowledge holders within Celtic society, directed all religious activity as the highest authority linked to the gods, practiced... more
At first glance, Buddhism and Druidism seem to be located one from the other at geographical and philosophical opposite sides. However, there is no incompatibility between ancient Druidism in general, still less with certain ancient... more
Article de présentation de la statuette en bronze de Cernunnos retrouvée en 1950 au sanctuaire lémovice gallo-romain des Pièces-Grandes (commune Margerides, dép. Corrèze). Publié dans Keltia, 58, 2022, pp.14-17.
The case for female Druids; evidence from ancient and modern times.
Researching the fiction of Morgan Llywelyn encourages immersion in Celtic culture and knowledge of Celtic mythology that is both unusual and challenging. Basically, it involves two stages: identifying the characters, the events, and the... more
In the ancient sources, Druids are presented both as philosophers and sages who “likewise discuss and impart to the youth many things respecting the stars and their motion, respecting the extent of the world and of our earth, respecting... more
At first glance, the polytheistic pantheons of the Indo-Europeans, and in particular those of the Celts, seem desperately encumbered and confused. This is just an outsider’s impression. Gods were not just ranked according to their... more
RE: Facades, illusions & ideological concepts created & promoted by ancient royalty out of necessity; effective creation of an alternate version of reality. It is only by knowing this information that the true nature of ancient texts may... more
We Silver Elves are very happy to announce the publication of An Elfin Book of Trees for the Elven Druid: The Ogham of the Elves Using Elvish Wizard Script! We are quite excited because it is an oracle book about the magic of trees, our... more
O paganismo é um movimento religioso contemporâneo que acredita em vários deuses, sendo a natureza sacralizada e cultuada em ritos sazonais, com adaptações para a vida na sociedade moderna. Busca-se a inspiração e reconstrução das antigas... more
Contemporary Paganism is often described by its followers as a revival or reconstruction of the religions of pre-Christian Europe, which is sometimes referred to as "The Old Way". Most followers of the Neo-Pagan movement state... more
Thomas Paine’s close associations with famous Freemasons in America, England, and France have not only frequently been taken as evidence that he was a Freemason himself, but have also been seen as explaining his sudden rise to literary... more
Article on the alleged Roman persecution of Gallic druids and its cultural consequences. The text draws on Jan Assmann's theories on collective memory.
For know the controversial history of the Druids in the Celtic world, will investigate the sources of its origin, through stories of classic texts and medieval legends of Gaul, Britain and Ireland. His role in Celtic society surpassed the... more
The course covers some crucial topics in the emerging sub-discipline of Religious Studies, namely “Pagan Studies”, from the cultural psychology of religion perspective. Some classes will be devoted to historical aspects of contemporary... more
Résumé: Parmi les religiosités qui se substituent aux grandes traditions religieuses, les mouvances néopaïennes, associées aux religions antiques et médiévales préchrétiennes, connaissent un essor de plus en plus important. Le... more
Addendum: As to the question whether Koson's title Δρουεις implied any religious function I should like to mention a tradition overseen by me when writing this article: According to Jordanes' Getica (chap. 73), a Dacian king by the name... more
The subject of the paper are the reasons of intense, though short-lived, interest that a few Latin authors of the last years of the 4th century had in the druids. The druids, the most emblematic institution of the Gallic religion, are... more
Continuation of the Atlantic Theory of Homer's Ilias and Odyssey (part 1: Atlantic Troy; part 2: Atlantic Ismaros-Kikones; part 3: Atlantic Kuthera-Lotophages; part 4: Atlantic Land of the Cyclopes; part 5: Atlantic Aiolia; part 6:... more
Frédéric Sanssens et Michel Weber, Philosopher, guérir et sanctifier. Dialogues sur la voie druidique, Louvain-la-Neuve, Éditions Chromatika, 2020. (ISBN978-2-930517-66-7, pdf 978-2-930517-67-4)... more
Los druidas y druidesas son uno de los aspectos de la sociedad celta que más interés despiertan entre los estudiosos o simplemente curiosos del mundo galo y británico en tiempos de Roma. Con este trabajo se pretende dar un breve esbozo de... more
Thoughts on both the ancient and the modern meaning and significance of the Holy Grail