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Аbstract: During the past century, an enormous corpus of raw data was collected through extensive archaeological fieldwork on the territory of the Central Balkans-pottery, stone tools, figurines, and many more. However, due to the fact... more
The Central Balkans, in present-day Serbia, was a potentially dynamic zone during the Middle and Upper Paleolithic (MP-UP), as it is situated between hypothesized dispersal routes of modern humans and refuges of late Neanderthals.... more
The modelling and visualisation of networks is based on the material in: M. Mullett, Theophylact of Ochrid. Reading the Letters of a Byzantine Archbishop. Birmingham 1997. The first graph is a visualisation of the connections between... more
Central Balkans, 14 miles east of Belgrade in former Yugoslavia. Area was north to Banat, west to northeast to Bosnia and east to western Bulgaria and southwestern Romania. The Vinca Culture was noted for schematized snake goddesses with... more
Polished stone axes and adzes are ubiquitously recovered during the process of archaeological investigations at Neolithic settlements in the Balkans. Such artifact types are most commonly interpreted as the everyday tools of woodworking,... more
Апстракт: Детаљна анализа остатака цркве који се називају Манастириште Свете Петке Русалне код Сврљига показује да се ради о цркви са основом у облику триконхоса уписаног у правоугаоник и са три међусобно независне, апсидално завршене... more
The site called Manastirište Svete Petke Rusalne ("the former Monastery of St. Petka Rusalna) is located between the villages of Ribare and Djurinac, southeast of the present-day town of Svrljig. Remains of the church are visible on the... more
Inverted-rim bowls show a noticeable continuity through the Vinča D phase and represent one of the most distinctive features of Late Neo- lithic ceramic assemblages in the Central Balkans. Two additional char- acteristics are their... more
This paper presents new results of stable isotope analysis made on human and animal bones from Mesolithic–Neolithic sites (9500–5200 cal BC) in the Central Balkans. It reconstructs dietary practices in the Mesolithic and documents the... more
With the exception of the well known Mesolithic sites in the Danube Gorges (or the Iron Gates), the wider areas of the Central Balkans and southern fringes of the Great Pannonian Plain still represent a terra incognita when it comes to... more
This paper describes the dental cementum method and analysis of deer (Cervus elaphus and Capreolus capreolus) teeth from Middle and Late Neolithic Vinča culture (5400/5300-4600 BC) sites in the central Balkans: Petnica, Stragari, and... more
This paper presents unpublished finds from the Glasinac area, which became part of the museum’s collections in the last couple of years. Most of them are chance finds of pottery and ornaments or finds from small-scale excavations... more
Starting from the fact that the present knowledge of the late praehistory of the Central Balkans is based almost exclusively upon interpretations of funerary remains, the aim of this paper is to investigate the theoretical premises of the... more
Flaked stone artefacts found on the quarry Lojanik in west-central Serbia are good examples of how the function of non-diagnostic pieces could be determined through technological and use-wear analysis. In this study, we present the... more
Avian remains presented here were collected from the deposits spanning between late MIS 5 to 3, and give a rare opportunity to observe Last Interglacial/Last Glacial avian succession in the Central Balkans. The Late Pleistocene avifauna... more
From the earliest excavations on the territory of the central Balkans and up to today, Late Neolithic pottery assemblages have remained one of the most important contributors to our knowledge of the past. To a certain extent, the burned... more
Based on the choice of stone raw materials, the way they were made and their even dimensions, microperforators from workshop 1 represent specialized tools of Vinča inhabitants in the 46th century BC. Microlithic bases and penetrative tips... more
We present the first, well-dated, high-resolution record of vegetation and landscape change from Serbia, which spans the past 500 years. Biological proxies (pollen, spores, and charcoal), geochemical analysis through X-ray Fluorescence... more
The prevalent type of archaeological field surveys in the Republic of Macedonia has ensured that only a smaller percentage of the archaeological sites visible on the surface were included in the archaeological map of the country. Up until... more
Avian remains presented here were collected from the deposits spanning between late MIS 5 to 3, and give a rare opportunity to observe Last Interglacial/Last Glacial avian succession in the Central Balkans. The Late Pleistocene avifauna... more
Flaked stone artefacts found on the quarry Lojanik in west-central Serbia are good examples of how the function of non-diagnostic pieces could be determined through technological and use-wear analysis. In this study, we present the... more
Nakon što su centralnobalkanske oblasti postale deo Rimskog carstva, van urbanih središta počeo je da se razvija nov tip ruralnog naselja (villa rustica). Iako antički izvori svedoče da život za one koji su radili na imanjima nije bio... more
Avian remains presented here were collected from the deposits spanning between late MIS 5 to 3, and give a rare opportunity to observe Last Interglacial/Last Glacial avian succession in the Central Balkans. The Late Pleistocene avifauna... more
point of view, the data gathered in the course of these excavations are an important contribution to our understanding of the evolution of the topography of this settlement. This is briefly discussed against the background of the known... more
Avian remains presented here were collected from the deposits spanning between late MIS 5 to 3, and give a rare opportunity to observe Last Interglacial/Last Glacial avian succession in the Central Balkans. The Late Pleistocene avifauna... more
STUDY OF “CENTRAL PLACES” IN THE HISTORICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE BYZANTINE EMPIRE IN THE BALKANS AND POSSIBILITIES OF APPLYING THE NEW METHODOLOGY The paper aims to further promote the historical-geographical studies of urban centers in the... more
With the exception of well known Mesolithic sites in the Danube Gorges, which provide ample evidence of (more or less) continuous human occupation between 9500 and 5500 cal BC, the wider areas of the Central Balkans and southern fringes... more
Competition Between Humans and Large Carnivores presents Late Pleistocene archaeozoological material from Late Mousterian and Gravettian contexts in the Central Balkans. The results answer some important questions about Late Pleistocene... more
With the exception of well known Mesolithic sites in the Danube Gorges, which provide ample evidence of (more or less) continuous human occupation between 9500 and 5500 cal BC, the wider areas of the Central Balkans and southern fringes... more