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Le ricerche condotte sul Colle Madore, nel cuore della Sicilia centro-occidentale, hanno messo in luce resti archeologici che documentano uno dei periodi della storia antica dell’isola più interessanti per le grandi trasformazioni... more
This paper focuses on the study of the pre-Hispanic ceramics from the site of La Cerera (Gran Canaria) (7th century AD – 13th century AD). An integrated approach combining various levels of analysis has been carried out, employing... more
In base ai materiali raccolti sulla superficie dei campi dagli appassionati scopritori dell’insediamento preistorico e a quelli emersi nel corso degli scavi, l’area di Meduno sembra essere stata frequentata quasi esclusivamente in un... more
Domuztepe is located 40 km to the south of Kahramanmaraş city center in the Turkish Eastern Mediterranean. After its discovery during a 1993 survey by an Anglo-American team, excavations began in 1995 until 2006 under E. Carter (UCLA) and... more
This essay is on pottery as art and archaeology and the role of touch and how we view pottery as artists, archaeologists and as viewers in the gallery or museum. To make pottery, the potter needs to touch and shape clay by hand. The... more
The Uruk Expansion, which took place during various phases throughout the 4 th millennium BC, also developed in Northern Mesopotamia. In the area of Birecik, in eastern Turkey, on the edge of the Euphrates, various archaeological sites... more
Papers from an international conference on the chronology of the Pre-Roman Iron Age held at University of Copenhagen 1992. With contributions from Poland, Germany, Denmark, Sweden and Norway. Contributors: Ryszard Wolagiewicz, Horst... more
This paper discusses changes in cooking and consumption practices in the course of the Neolithic period in northern Greece, indicated by changes in pottery morphology, use, and overall style. The focus is on pottery related to consumption... more
This research set out to investigate the nature and extent of prehistoric human activity in the Vale of Pewsey, Wiltshire, a relatively poorly understood area located between the Marlborough Downs and Salisbury Plain. This was to be... more
This paper presents 77 pottery fragments from the archaeological site of Soroeni (Lodine-Nu), which attest an inhabitation from the Neolithic period to the Early Middle Ages. Despite of its apparently marginal position, the archaeological... more
ArcheoLogica Data offers researchers and professionals the opportunity to publish Open Access and peer-reviewed articles free of charge, as required by the European community and desired by the ANVUR national directives. POTTERY AND... more
The present article, describing the Ubaid pottery, is the final chapter of the study on the excavations of Tell Hassan, Hamrin valley, Iraq. Unlike the Halaf sequence, extensively analyzed in the previous issue of Mesopotamia, the Ubaid... more
This thesis combines a landscape archaeology and artefact-based study, synthesising a range of evidence; sites, settlements and artefacts, but with a central focus on multi-period lithic scatter assemblages. It includes a primary analysis... more
Early Neolithic Pit Groups containing good groups of Mildenhall ware and Plain Bowl vessels; smaller groups of early Bronze Age Beaker and Early Iron Age bowls also present.
(Un-published archive report)
A B S T R A C T This contribution discusses the results of an integrated approach of use wear analysis, spectroscopic analysis and experimental archaeology, applied for the investigation of the actual use of selected ceramic vessels,... more
This study aims to assess the pottery collected from Late Neolithic settlements during pedestrian surveys in the Kuseyr Plateau within the boundaries of Hatay Province (Turkey). The fact that the Neolithic and Chalcolithic periods of this... more
A presentation of the results of the reinvestigation of the prehistoric fortifications at Borremose, Jutland. The site is reinterpreted as a fortified village which most probably functioned as a central place for a larger region. A number... more
"Den gropkeramiska kulturen är kontroversiell och ifrågasatt. Det finns många forskningshistoriska anledningar till detta, men i grunden bottnar de många skilda åsikterna i arkeologins oförmåga att enhetligt definiera vad materiell kultur... more
The most interesting feature of the Chalcolithic village of Maccarese (Fiumicino, Italy) is the high quantity of pottery unearthed from the living floor. Through archaeometric analyses it has been possible to define the chemical and... more
Čeprav arheološke raziskave, ki so potekale v neposredni bližini Tabora in na samem Taboru, lahko preštejemo na prste ene roke, velja, da smo že postavili pomemben kamenček v mozaiku. Pred tem smo govorili zgolj o prazgodovinskem... more
Ceramic technology is a topic widely explored in archaeology, especially for its social inferences. This volume addresses the social aspects of production and the role of potters within prehistoric communities. The book focusses on the... more
Schnurartige Verzierungen erscheinen auf Tongefäßen unterschiedlicher Zeitstellung. Während zur Herstellung dieser Verzierungen in einigen Fällen in der Tat Schnüre verwendet wurden, entstanden sie in anderen Fällen durch das Eindrücken... more
The present research concerns 26 complete and restored askoi found during archaeological excavations at the settlement mounds near the modern villages of Yunatsite and Ognyanovo (Maltepe), district of Pazardzhik. The aim of this study is... more
The Early Chalcolithic period (end of the seventh–mid-sixth millennium BCE) witnessed the appearance of the so-called “Early Ubaid” pottery assemblage in Southern Mesopotamia. Several studies have recognized different pottery phases... more
The Ertebølle culture is a late Mesolithic hunter-gatherer-fisher culture in southern Scandinavia, northern Germany and Poland. Archaeological finds as well as scientific analyses of humans and their artefacts indicate the great... more
The author analyzes Neolithic and Copper Age in the Stryama Valley (South Central Bulgaria) based on newly published ceramic finds. The research question is: What was the nature of innovation in earlier Prehistory? Early Neolithic... more
The works of a pumice quarry at Ftellos on Thera revealed the remains of some pre-eruption buildings. The first period of the excavation there lead to the discovery of a dug out building consisting of more than two rooms circular or... more
This paper aims to re-construct the production chain of ceramic vessels from the Neolithic site of Ulucak (İzmir) by combining data obtained through technological analysis with the chaîne opératoire approach, ceramic theory and... more
The introduction of farming had far-reaching impacts on health, social structure and demography. Although the spread of domesticated plants and animals has been extensively tracked, it is unclear how these nascent economies developed... more