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Breve exposición de los conceptos 'Go no sen', 'Sen no sen' y 'Sensen no sen' pertenecientes a las artes marciales japonesas (Budo) desde la perspetiva del Karate Do.
As initiated by a late night discussion, this short essay was originally going to be a short transcript, but then it grew as I looked for more sources and use of the term 心妙剣 in relation to Buddhism, bujutsu and ninjutsu. This is a... more
能に独特の不動の身体性は、〈カマエ〉と呼ばれる姿勢構築技法によって実現される。これが成立したのは江戸初期と考えられる。本稿は、〈カマエ〉のなかった世阿弥時代から能の身体がいかにして変容してきたのかを検証した。とりわけ、世阿弥が近江猿楽から導入し、後に大和猿楽の舞の身体性を根本的に規定した「天女舞」を詳細に分析した。それを通じ、(1)「腰を据える」という技法が天女舞に特有のものであった、(2)腰を据えることは、現在のカマエのそれとは異なり、ダイナミックな身体運動を可能にする技法... more
The practice of martial arts in the United States has become widespread. As a practitioner of Japanese martial arts, I was intrigued by the connections between the martial arts and Asian philosophy and religions, and how Americans viewed... more
This paper uses documentary research techniques to analyse the use of kata, forms, in the Japanese martial arts. Following an introduction on the existence of kata practice, using existing sources of information the paper first examines... more
Inoue Shōji (1927-2018) was born in Tokushima prefecture, Japan. As a youngster he took up jūdō. Later, he studied Kitō-ryū jūjutsu for some time with Odaka Shigeru. During his professional career as a prison guard he followed up on an... more
Western philosophical discourse on Zen and its relationship with the Japanese budō (martial arts) has long been dominated by the concept of Gelassenheit (“detachment” or “releasement”). This term, coined in the early fourteenth century by... more
Abstract Background and Study Aim The aim of this study is to investigate trait-aggression in Hungarian practitioners of Japanese martial arts (budo) and compare it to a control group of similar age. Materials & Methods: This study... more
This article relates the training of gendai budō/mudo to theatrical performance. While there are already studies that discuss theatricality in martial arts, the aim of this paper is to provide a systematic overview of the theatrical... more
This paper examines the unique and long-standing tradition of Japanese security culture based upon the foundation of Japan's samurai culture and its Bushido code of honor, focusing on its ethical aspects. It also raises the issue of the... more
Background and Study Aim: Aikido is considered a modern budo. Created in Japan around 1942, aikido has its origins in several martial arts and some religious aspects. In turn, the care of the self represents an antique spirituality... more
1 Ueshiba's experience in all martial arts while simultaneously founded on the principles of buddhism and taoism, Aikido was unique in that its aim was not war but peace. Ai-ki-do-the way of harmony between man and (nature's) energy-is... more
Diese Arbeit betrachtet den Zusammenhang zwischen Wander- und Lebensweg anhand des japanischen Künstlers Bashô in Verbindung der Budô-Künste.
В статье рассмотрена рецепция социокультурных практик эзотерических школ буддизма школами японских боевых искусств. Использованы методы культурной и интерпретативной антропологии. Выделены ритуалы, методы тренировки, специфические... more
The first part of this article presents insights into the nature of mind-body theory and practice in modern Japanese budo in general, and Aikido in particular. Based on personal experience and observations as both a trained academic and a... more
В статье рассматривается вопрос трансляции космологических и этических представлений китайской цивилизации на воинскую культуру Японии, а также рецепция китайских социокультурных практик японскими школами боевых искусств. Использованы... more
Een verkenning van de vraag wat de mens moet of kan doen met zijn agressie, in de keuze tussen repressie of ontwikkeling. In lijn met de psychoanalytische voorliefde voor het creatief en bewust omgaan met onze duistere kantjes, vinden we... more
Japon savaş sanatı aikidonun kurucusu Morihei Ueshiba (1883 - 1969) ile Kondo Hidezo (1908 - 1979) arasında 1956 yılında gerçekleşen bir röportaj. An interview between the founder of aikido, a Japanese martial art, Morihei Ueshiba (1883... more
This paper aims to examine the usefulness of karate by looking at Sri Lankan karate practitioners’ awareness about karate usefulness in their daily life, and to clarify the values which they find in karate. Karate activities in Sri Lanka... more
Catalogue de l’exposition : Ultime Combat au Musée du Quai Branly (26 sept. 2021 - 16 janv 2022). version française « Une histoire des arts martiaux japonais», Julien Rousseau, Stéphane de Mesnildot (dir.), Ultime Combat – Arts martiaux... more
Bu makalede, "aikido" kelimesinin özel isim olup olmadığı ve ilk harfinin nasıl yazılması gerektiği üzerine düşünceler ve bulgular derlenmiş ve yorumlanmıştır. In this article, whether the word "aikido" should be capitalized or not and... more
Вниманию читателей журнала «Современные востоковедческие исследования» представляется эксклюзивное интервью с легендой японского будо-сэнсэем Йошида Нобумаса (9 дан дзю-дзюцу, 9 дан айкидо). Интервьюирование является признанным научным... more
In this essay, I try to describe what practising budo can be like for a person on the autistic spectrum, with all the different bene- fits, but with a recognition of the obstacles on the road as well. By writing this ‘auti-ethnography’, I... more
Минору Мотидзуки (перевод с английского – А. Носов; редактор перевода – А. Лестев) *Статья сэнсэя М. Мотидзуки была впервые опубликована в AikidoJournal в переводе Икуко Кимуры и Стэнли Прэнина под за-главием " Theory of the essence of... more
Cet ouvrage est une adaptation de mon travail de thèse. Il présente les arts Martiaux traditionnels d’orient, leur histoire, leurs valeurs essentielles ainsi que l’ensemble des éléments psychologiques et socio-culturels liés à leur... more
The practice of budo - Japanese martial arts - has a positive impact on people’s quality of life. Yet the threshold for entering a dojo can be high, especially for people from minority groups. Therefore, my aim is to create graphic... more
An old family document related to kenjutsu and Bushido in the Japan of XVI century. The basis of Katayama Ryu - Hoki Ryu.
Organizational Bylaws of Takamura-ha Shindo Yoshin Kai, Second Edition
International audience« L’enjeu du corps dans la période dite modan », Sandra Schaal (dir.), Modan. La ville, le corps et le genre dans le Japon de l’entre-deux-guerres, Éditions Picquier, avril 2021, pp. 257-286
This article relates the training of gendai budō/mudo to theatrical performance. While there are already studies that discuss theatricality in martial arts, the aim of this paper is to provide a systematic overview of the theatrical... more