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A brilliant and deep interview with one of the living legend of Karate and MA research.
Table showing the core differences between genuine Okinawan Karate and Japanese Karatedo, comparing:
Purpose - General Training Approach - Kata Practice - Bunkai - Kumite - Sparring Kumite - Rank Assignment
Karate and the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.
Who Will Represent Canada in 2020?
Athletes and Coaches Should Be Supported
This paper discusses some of the benefits of including karate-do lessons in schools. It begins by providing a brief history of karate-do which originated on the small island of Okinawa, South of mainland Japan and its intimate... more
The effect of using PowerPoint presentations in learning karate information on cognitive achievement and some psychological variables Safaa Saleh Hussen Faculty of physical education for girls – Zagazig University -Egypt Background... more
This text supports the perspective of Te, the predecessor of Karate-Jutsu, being an indigenous Okinawan martial art, as genuine as it can be, created, developed, and honed to perfection on the Ryukyu Islands independently from mainland... more
Breve exposición de los conceptos 'Go no sen', 'Sen no sen' y 'Sensen no sen' pertenecientes a las artes marciales japonesas (Budo) desde la perspetiva del Karate Do.
A statistical look at the construction of a martial art. This provides interesting data as to how long it actually takes to earn a black belt. This data can be used in any art; the statistical method can be applied to any martial art.
This analysis compares and contrasts two different karate styles, the Japanese Doshinkan Karatedo and the Okinawan Kobayashi Shorin Ryu, based on the author's training experience. The first one was created in Japan in the mid-1960ies by... more
Bernard Floirat, Paris, Kayogi France, novembre 2017-19 (62 p.), ISBN 978-2-9569617-0-3. Version numérique abrégée de l'ouvrage du même nom publié chez Kayogi en décembre 2019 (140 p.) :... more
The Map which reveals the truth of the martial arts, and starts the journey to Matrixing. This is a real breakthrough for any and every martial artist on the planet.
Three core components of "mastery" are outlined and applied to Okinawan Karate-Jutsu: 1. Holistic perception, "total and at once", realizing the "totality" of an entire big picture, its inherent patterns, and its possible developments. 2.... more
A brief interview with Sakumoto Tsuguo, World Karate Champion and WKF technical commission president.
PREFÁCIO Alguns karatecas praticam os katas de forma displicente ou até mesmo deixam de praticá-los, considerando-os pouco importantes ou desestimulantes. Isso é um grande erro, pois a prática regular dos katas consiste em um excelente... more
To resolve an ongoing discussion amongst Shorin Ryu Shorinkan adepts whether this style teaches higher stances/positions compared to other karate styles, basic physics, mechanics and mathematics are used to clarify the mutual... more
081288726800 Jual Matras Beladiri di Sidoarjo Murah Bagus Berkualitas #toko #jual #beli #harga #pabrik #produksi #produsen #agen #reseller #tempat #distributor #matras #beladiri #taekwondo #pencak #silat #karate #aikido #judo #senam... more
Background: Systematic reviews have shown that imagery improves performance in motor tasks. Objective: In order to observe the function of imagery in sport, this study investigated modifications in Imagery Ability, in terms of both... more
Misljenje o knjizi: Karate Do, Samoodbrana, sa specificnom psiholoskom pripremom
Univ. prof. dr Radomir Mudric
Las historias de tanto Chile como Japón se encuentran esclarecidas, dentro de todo el cierto margen de error que posee la historia en general, en los asuntos que trataré y por ese motivo es que representaré algunos de los sucesos... more Cette bibliographie est la première consacrée au Karaté-do Shito Ryu de Kenwa Mabuni Ce style de Karaté est né dans... more
Looking behind the ritual and into the deeper meanings of bowing as done in the martial arts.
How the martial arts are created in pure, and the process by which they are evolved, which is actual a form of dissolution.
How the martial arts are created in pure, and the process by which they are evolved, which is actual a form of dissolution.
The final bout in the men’s Karate (over-75 kg) in Tokyo ended in controversy, perhaps not within the Karate community, but certainly for Olympic audiences worldwide. In this battle for gold, Tareg Hamedi delivered a kick to Sajad... more
This paper discusses some of the benefits of including karate-do lessons in schools. It begins by providing a brief history of karate-do which originated on the small island of Okinawa, South of mainland Japan and its intimate... more
How the Martial Arts have been designed, and the Matrixing solution that makes all martial arts into one discipline.
How the martial arts are created in pure, and the process by which they are evolved, which is actual a form of dissolution.
Karate and the Olympics: Who Will Represent Canada? This documentary highlights the difficulties experienced in creating champions in Ontario. As this documentary explains, it doesn’t matter whether an athlete is talented or not: if... more