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This article uses Spain's participation at the Cairo Congress of Arab Music (1932) as the basis to raise questions pertaining to the place of Arab music in the racial imagination of Europeans. It argues that Spain's unique response to the... more
Occupy Oud the forefront among the Arab musical instruments since ancient times, its methods of playing on Oud was developed during the twentieth century, which led to the appearance of new technologies in the way of performance, it was... more
Los estudios sobre música y trance se han caracterizado por trabajos comparativos, examinaciones basadas en las bases psicológicas, fisiológicas y médicas del fenómeno y luego un dominio de investigaciones etnográficas de tradiciones... more
Özet Duygularla yoğrulmuş insan fıtratına hitap ederek onu kendine cezbeden pek çok unsur varlık âlemini süslemektedir. Kimi zaman bu unsurlar bazı nesnelerde yoğunlaşmaktadır. Bir gülde, güzel görünüm ve hoş koku bir arada ahenkle... more
تقدم هذه الورقة نظاما حاسوبيا قادرا على تحليل واستخلاص خصائص الموسيقى العربية لالة الناي العربي بهدف أتمتة التدوين الموسيقي لها. وقد تم استخدم الناي كنموذج لاجراء هذا البحث بهدف تمكين المهتمين في مجال الموسيقى من تحليل واستخلاص النغمات... more
David Muallem’s Maqam Book is the first systematic presentation of the system of scales and modes (maqamat) used in Arab music, and is intended for musicians of all backgrounds, as well as for the layman who seeks to understand and... more
This study discusses Arabian modes (Maqamat) in contemporary Arabian songs. This is done through two-stage analysis of a random sample of these songs broadcasted in common Arabian music space channels. The first stage analyzes each song... more
An approach to the culture and aesthetic values behind musical creation in the Arab world, focusing on the concept of Tarab. There is no word in any western language that renders this term, nor is there any similar concept in western... more
Western music is characterized by the use of harmony that enriches the melody, which was written for orchestra, some instruments, or choir through different styles of harmonic accompaniments and chord functions. While Arabic music is... more
Analyse du maqâm Râst des origines à nos jours dans les traditions arabe persane et turque.
Version originale française de l'article publié en Persan par Dâ'erat-ol-ma'âref-e bozorg-e eslâmi (Teheran 2019).
Méthode d’éducation musicale levantine scolaire L’idée de la mise en place d’une méthode d’éducation musicale levantine scolaire démarre d’un état musical scolaire qui, par l’usage de méthodes privilégiant l’enseignement musical... more
An historical overview of how the use of the maqam/makam modal system became a major feature in the performance of the Jewish liturgy in the Easter Mediterranean and the Middle East since the 16th century.
Palestinian hip hop emerged when three Arab-­Israeli Palestinian hip hop rappers began rapping using the Arabic language for the first time, in a country of predominantly Hebrew speakers. Tamer Nafar, alongside his younger brother Suheil... more
Occupy Oud the forefront among the Arab musical instruments since ancient times, its methods of playing on Oud was developed during the twentieth century, which led to the appearance of new technologies in the way of performance, it was... more
This essay introduces the Arabic lexical field in German rap lyrics. The topic is understudied in the German scholarly literature and there are only a handful of articles that explore Arabic influences in urban German. Hip-hop music... more
During the 1930s, Egyptian and Lebanese composers began to incorporate the piano into their works. Because the piano also brought equal temperament, which is distinctly different than the tuning system used in Arab folk music, this new... more
This dissertation has three main aims: firstly, to explore how Egyptian culture and society have been shaped and redefined over time and the influence this has had on Egyptian music; secondly, to analyse the impact of globalisation on... more
This study discusses Arabian modes (Maqamat) in contemporary Arabian songs. This is done through two-stage analysis of a random sample of these songs broadcasted in common Arabian music space channels. The first stage analyzes each song... more
La Société Nouvelle Librairie Orientaliste Paul Geuthner y L'Institut du Monde Arabe, junto con la participación del Centre National du Livre, publicaron en 2001 la reimpresión de la obra en seis volúmenes La musique arabe, de Rodolphe... more
A political and musical account of Sheikh Imam of Cairo [1918-95], sometimes known as the “Red Sheikh”.
Feature article about the folk music traditions of Saudi Arabia. Appeared in the March/April 2007 edition of Saudi Aramco World Magazine. The photographs are by Nicole LeCorgne.... more
This paper traces the various steps of the redefinition process implemented by Arab musicians performing in France and in the United States. The assembling of Arabic music groups outside their institutional and national borders reveals... more
The Medi­ter­ra­nean is a sea that has expe­ri­enced extra­or­di­nary contacts, conf­licts, enco­un­ters and exchanges through the centu­ries. This comple­xity is analysed in the present volume through the eyes of twelve scho­lars... more
The current practice of the Iraqi maqām (Ar. maqām al-ʿirāqī), the urban art song of Iraq, is a historical product of the lived experiences of its performers, who have been accumulating its components and implementing their aesthetic... more
This paper is written for a general audience and explores some of the historical and musical connections between various traditions found along the peripheries of the Indian Ocean.
This project, complete with links and QR codes, looks at the compositional techniques of the Egyptian composer Nahla Mattar, based on an interview with Ms. Mattar in November 2015.
Here I examine the music and discourse of two Swedish non-Jewish chamber klezmer bands, and their strategies for claiming klezmer and distancing it from Jews. One band claims that klezmer, having always been subject to travel and outside... more
This article (book chapter) explores major the most complicated instrument of the maqām tradition with a fixed supply of pitches, the qānūn plays a central role in the definition of the Near-Eastern tuning system. Originally this... more
Mediterranean Periplus – voyages in time and space, around and beyond the sea of civilizations: we follow the movements of peoples, goods, ideas and cultural patterns in our historical space, underlying that exchange was the determining... more
This work focuses on eight case studies of amateur musicians, students of music, and professional musicians in Amman, Jordan. It discusses questions such as: How does Westernization affect the musical background and pedagogical practices... more
The harp is one of the oldest instruments, journeying from African origins while also developing indigenously in many cultures due to its connection to the bow and arrow and other everyday objects. Its long history means many effective... more
This is a local History of Music, related to Manacor town. From the earliest music landmarks to the contemporary ones, the path of the music practice is followed here, gathering repertoires, musicians, instruments and local bands.... more