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For a new, critical translation of Daniel 9:24-27. This author approaches a range of Biblical Hebrew issues (semantic, syntactic, literary and critical textual). The paper was presented only to the Biblical Apocalyptic Study Group, a... more
The art of mosaic penetrated the Land of Israel from the west in the early Roman period, and was displayed in Herod's villas and palaces. During the Byzantine period, in the years 638-324 CE, the art of mosaic spread in religious public... more
תמצית - אבסטרקט מאמר זה מציע, שמתווה הרחובות הראשיים של ירושלים העתיקה נועד במקורו לשרת בית-מקדש יהודי, שנבנה החל משנת 118, ועמד להיחנך בשנת 130. ביבנה נוצרה היהדות הרבנית שקיימת עד היום, החל בשנת 70, כסטארט-אפ רומאי- יהודי, עם יוחנן בן... more
Excavations carried out in a fortress in the northern Negev dated to the period of the Bar-Kokhba Revolt against the Romans (132–135 C.E.) uncovered locally made stone seals and related objects used by the rebel authorities of the place,... more
Ḥorvat Qasra is located on a hilltop in the southern Judaean Foothills near the ancient road connecting the plains and foothills with Hebron. The site consists of a central building, with a tower and rooms built around an inner courtyard,... more
This paper presents and discusses Hebrew graffiti incised on the façade of a rock-cut tomb from the late Second Temple period. The name שפן (Shaphan) was incised three times in the Jewish script to the right of the entrance—apparently... more
I wanted to address the issue of antisemitism in the Muslim world coming from a perspective of a Muslim from Jewish descent. I highlighted the causes of antisemitism among Muslims and how antisemitism has no room in Islam.
צנירים סלעיים או מצוקיים. בישראל מוכרים צנירים בכל האזור הים תיכוני, עד ספר המדבר. במסגרת העבודה הנוכחית מופו בכרמל 127 צנירים. הם מרוכזים ב 7- אגני ניקוז, ונמצאים בין 56 ל 428- מטרים מעל פני הים. רוב הצנירים חתורים לאורך המדרונות הבונים... more
יחזקאל ופרומקין 2021. מכלול ייחודי של חמישים פניני מערה מנקבת עין ג'וויזה. תקציר פנינת מערות היא סוג של ספלאותם בעל צורה כדורית הגדל בצורה רדיאלית. לרוב, פניני מערות מתגבשות מסביב לגלעין קטן המצוי בברכה רדודה רוויה בתמס של קלציט או... more
תקציר מערת הנמרים היא מערה קרסטית גדולה הנמצאת בגדה הצפונית של ואדי סמיה שבדרום־ מזרח השומרון. המערה תועדה ונסקרה בקיץ 5102 בידי צוות 'סקר דרום השומרון' מטעם המכון לארכיאולוגיה של אוניברסיטת בר־אילן וקמ"ט ארכיאולוגיה ביהודה ושומרון... more
This article explores apologetic early Christian approaches to Pontius Pilate, demonstrating the popularity of the idea that Pilate was innocent of Jesus's death, regarded Christ as innocent and just, and even became a Christian himself.... more
This paper gives information using the new forensic methodology for ancient studies, demonstrating King Herod's descent from 'Adam' (aka pharaoh Adammenemes I, aka Amenemhept, founder of the XIIth Dynasty of Egypt. It is only because of... more
This paper comprises a numbered, chronological list of the Roman installed procurators of Judea, from 37 BCE until the Jewish Diaspora of 135 CE. What is different about this list is that making use of the new forensic methodology for... more
This paper comprises a numbered, chronological list of the Roman installed procurators of Judea, from 37 BCE until the Jewish Diaspora of 135 CE. What is different about this list is that making use of the new forensic methodology for... more
The rich and extensively studied archaeological record of the Near East provides an opportunity to develop a comprehensive archaeomagnetic dataset for exploring the behavior of the geomagnetic field with high precision. The Levantine... more
Recently, at (99+) There is no 70th week in Daniel | Doug Mason - I provided the Presentation, “There is no ‘70th week’ in Daniel” I am concerned that in my endeavor to keep the message simple and straightforward, that I... more
Judäo-israelitische Knochensiegel der Eisenzeit II – Ägyptische Ikonographie und kanaanäisches Erbe
Зелоты были милленаристским движением, подобным средневековым ересям. Судя по их отношению к человеческим жизням, материальным ценностям и архивам, зелоты считали, что время истории кончилось. В осажденном Иерусалиме они предпринимали... more
This paper discusses the growing trend in Late Hellenistic- and Early Roman-era Judea (ca. 200 b.c.e.–70 c.e.) for constructing “display tombs”—funerary architecture designed to achieve maximum visibility and project the status of the... more
Com esta monografia pretende-se explorar o olhar de Tácito, renomado historiador romano, para com os judeus de sua época. É normal que, em nossos dias, isso seja pouco considerado pelo leitor não especialista, uma vez que os textos... more
From the latter half of the first century BCE, an increased observance of Jewish purity laws is evidenced in Judea, focusing on Jerusalem and the Temple. This is further attested by the flourishing chalk-vessel industry, producing vessels... more
Chapter in the dossier Historiographie de la fiscalité antique (Michaël GIRARDIN, dir.), Archimède. Archéologie et Histoire Ancienne, vol. 10, 2023, p. 106-118. Since a few years, the study of taxation in Judaea has regained momentum.... more
The Byzantine pottery found in Building 900 was retrieved from two Byzantine-period occupation phases. Most of the pottery forms are of well-known types, characteristic of the Byzantine period in Jerusalem, both locally made and imported.... more