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Vranesh was a female dragon bonded to Liandra, Princess of Caledor during the Time of Legends. [1]


A large dragon, her gleaming scales were flame-red in colour. [1]


Vranesh was distant kin to the mighty Draukhain and a dragon in her prime during the War of the Beard.

She died from her wounds after she and Liandra slew in battle Urislakh, the Bloodfang, a black dragon under the control of the dark elf sorceress Drutheira. [1]


Playful but savage with only a semi-respectful relationship with the truth, Vranesh was deeply bonded to and very fond of Liandra who she called feleth-amina – fire-child. [1]


Forgive you? I do not forgive!

~ Vranesh.[1]


1: Master of Dragons (novel) by Chris Wraight

High Elves
Units Anointed of Asuryan - Chracian Chieftain - Dragon Mage - Dragon Prince - Eagle's Claw Repeater Bolt Thrower - Ellyrian Reaver - Flamespyre Phoenix - Frostheart Phoenix - Great Eagle - Handmaiden of the Everqueen - High Elf Archer - High Elf Archmage - High Elf Commander - High Elf Mage - High Elf Noble - High Elf Prince - High Elf Spearman - High Elf Warrior - Lion Chariot - Loremaster - Lothern Sea Guard - Lothern Sea Helm - Lothern Skycutter - Maiden Guard - Merwyrm - Phoenix Guard - Sea Elf Wardancer - Seeker - Shadow Warrior - Ships Company - Shore Rider - Silver Helm - Sister of Avelorn - Swordmaster - Tiranoc Chariot - Warwain - White Lion
Characters Aeltherin - Aenur - Aenarion - Aerenis - Aernuis - Aerethenis - Aethis - Aethis Flamebearer - Aislinn - Alatar - Aliathra - Alarielle - Alith Anar - Allisara‎‎ - Allurian - Althran Stormrider - Althinelle - Amanar - Amris Emberfell - Anaegnir - Anaryll - Aneron - Angranir - Antarion - Anurell - Araugnir - Argaer - Argalen - Arhalien - Alarnil - Asarnil the Dragonlord - Ashtari - Astarielle - Athielle - Avaloi Winesong - Bel-Hathor - Bel-Korhadris - Bel Shanaar - Belannaer - Belthania - Beltharius - Caelith Fireheart - Calaidan - Caledor Dragontamer - Caledor I - Caledor II - Caluandr - Caradryan -Caradryel - Carathril - Carvalon - Criseinur - Daefvid Maicross - Daendra Stillwater - Darlorhan - Deathfang - Dorien - Dramalliel - Draukhain - D'roi Haisplinn -Eldril - Eldroth - Eldyra - Elodhir - Elontir - Elrion - Eltharik - Eltharion - Eltreneth - Enador Thaintor - Eoloran Anar - Estrielle - Ethil Feyfarer - Farforian Whiteshore - Ferghal - Finrian Stardrake - Finubar - Finudel - Galifreius - Glarondril - Hallar - Haradrin - Hotek - Hythreir - Illeanith - Illissia Waysworn - Imladrik - Imrallion - Imrallion the Steadfast - Imrik - Indraugnir - Irion - Ishaya Vess - Kaldor - Kalhordis Whitemane - Kaldain - Kelendar - Khaltar - Kiarell - Koradrel - Korhien Ironglaive - Korhil - Lahaven Ramjewel - Lauraen - Liandra - Liandra Athinol - Lirian - Liselle Emeraldsea - Loranrol Glorenmar - Maedrethnir - Maldiar - Malene Emeraldsea‎‎ - Melenar - Maruviel - Maurenghir - Menieth - Mentheus - Mianderin - Milandrith - Minaithnir - Moranion - Morelian - Morelion - Morvael - Oakheart - Palanaith - Palthrain - Porthianas - Rilgaur - Riolta Snow - Salendor - Savan - Silver Wind - Sirion - Sullandiel Fartrader - Sumieren Imlordil - Symiel - Syndillian - Teclis - Tethlis - Thyrinor - Thyriol - Tithrain - Tyrion - Ulliafor Sunbright - Unthwe Windrider - Urdithriel Imraholen - Urathion - Valaun - Valoriel - Vranesh - Yeasir - Yrianath - Yrellian - Yvraine
Kingdoms Avelorn - Caledor - Chrace - Cothique - Eataine - Ellyrion - Saphery - Shadowlands - Tiranoc - Yvresse
Images - Miniatures - Magic Items - Vehicles
Creatures Abyssal Terror - Ambull - Amphisbaena - Amaxon Swamp Python - Amoeba - Arachnarok Spider - Arcanadon - Basilisk - Bastiladon - Bat Swarm - Bear - Behemoth - Black Leviathan - Bloodwasp - Boar - Boar Centaur - Bog Octopus - Brood Horror - Carmine Dragon - Carnosaur - Carrion - Celestial Lion - Chameleoleech - Chasm Leech - Chasm Spawn - Chaos Steed - Chimera - Coatl - Cockatrice - Cold One - Colossal Squig - Culchan - Daggerfish - Dark Pegasus - Dark Steed - Demigryph - Dog - Doppelganger - Dracoleech - Dragon - Dragon Turtle - Dread Abyssal - Dread Maw - Dread Saurian - Elven Steed - Familiar - Fell Bat - Fen Worm - Fox - Frog - Frost Wyrm - Giant Bat - Giant Beetle - Giant Frog - Giant Owl - Giant Rat - Giant Scorpion - Giant Spider - Gigantic Spider - Gorger - Gorebeast - Great Cave Squig - Great Eagle - Great Moon Bird - Great Pox Rat - Great Sabre-toothed Snow Leopard - Great Stag - Great Taurus - Great Wolf - Griffon - Gymmcrab - Hawk - Helldrake - Hellsteed - Heomreth - Hippogriff - Hippogryph - Hixa - Horse - Hydra - Incarnate Elemental of Beasts - Incarnate Elemental of Death - Incarnate Elemental of Fire - Itxi Grub - Jabberslythe - Jabberwock - Jaguar - Jungle Swarm - Kharibdyss - Ki-rin - Kraken - Lammasu - Lashworm - Latch-Eel - Leviathan - Lion - Lurkerfish - Magma Dragon - Mammoth - Mangler Squig - Manticore - Megaladon - Monstrous Leech - Mourngul - Nightmare - Nightraven - Orb Leviathan - Otter - Pangolin - Pegasus - Phoenix - Pliodon - Preyton - Promethean - Rabbit - Rat Ogre - Raven - Razorbill - Razordon - Razorgor - Reik Eel - Rhinoxen - Ripperdactyl - Roc - Sabre-Toothed Tiger - Sabretusk - Salamander - Sand Clam - Scalemane Reptilion - Sea Dragon - Sea Elemental - Shard Dragon - Siren - Skeletal Steed - Slaughterbrute - Sphinx - Squig - Stegadon - Stirpike - Stoat - Stonehorn - Sunworm - Terradon - Terrorgheist - Theralind's Brood - Thunder Lizard - Tiguana - Toad Dragon - Thundertusk - Tregara - Troglodon - Unicorn - Varghulf - Warhawk - War Hydra - Warp Bat - Warpfire Dragon - Wild Cat - Wolf - Wolf-Rat - Wyvern
Notable Creatures Akholrak - Amanar - Angranir - Araugnir - Argaer - Ashtari - Balorith - Baudros - Big Red 'Un - Blackfang - Bloodfang - Boneripper - Bracchus - Bruwor - Bubebolos - Caledair - Ceithin-Har - Cinderbreath - Crimson Scourge - Daerlythe - Deathclaw - Deathfang - Draukhain - Drogo Le Mal - Frigustrex - Galrauch - Gargantuan - Ghoritch - Gobbla - Gordinar - Graug - Gribbleback - Grymloq - Hagdar - Indraugnir - Ithragar - Kalandrithir - Kalgalanos the Black - Lamoureux - Maedrethnir - Malgrimace - Mauldekorr - Mergaste - Mellanor - Minaithnir - Mordrak - Mournfang - Oblast Beast - Oriel - Seraphon - Shadow - Silak - Silverhorn - Silver Wind - Skaladrak Incarnadine - Skoll - Sleenrippa - Spite - Stormwing - Theralind - Vranesh- Warghan - Wizzbang - Wulfag - Xelbalbia - Xltzhpctli - Ymwrath - Zlaaq - Zwup
Images - Miniatures -