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Cockatrice SoM.jpg

The Cockatrice is a repulsive Chaos-influenced beast resembling a giant, monstrous bird. [1a]

Cockatrices possess the deadly ability to turn other beings into stone with a simple stare, forcing prospective monster-slayers to battle them without ever looking at them. Some Cockatrices sport additional mutations, such as venomous claws or acidic vomit.[1a][5]

Cockatrices are cowardly creatures by nature. They seldom emerge from their lairs, and are more inclined to lurking around battlefields and preying on the dead and dying than in engaging in combat. However, a cornered Cockatrice will go berserk, clawing and shrieking madly. [1a][5]


Since Nehekhara became the Land of the Dead, Cockatrices now inhabit the desert. [3a]


The eyes of a cockatrice are important elements of the ritual to create a Sepulchral Stalker. [3b]


Weapons and Equipment

  • 2nd Edition: Claw and Beak Attacks. Will have several mutations. [4a]
  • 8th Edition: May take Acidic Vomit, Poisoned Claws. [1a]
  • W:TOW: Claws (Hand Weapon), Petrifying Gaze, Scaly Skin (Heavy Armour). May have Acidic Vomit, Poisoned Attacks. [5]




Even the mightest of creatures must fear the Cockatrice, for its gaze means certain death.

~ the famed Bretonnian explorer Bonnaudo. [2a]

That were the only thing I've eaten in my life that I don't ever want to eat again.

~ Greasus Goldtooth. [2a]


In 2nd Edition, only the Beak attack would potentially turn victims to stone. [5a]


Units Beast Lord - Bestigor - Bray-Shaman - Centigor - Chaos Giant - Chaos Ogre - Chaos Spawn - Chaos Troll - Chaos Warhound - Chimera - Cockatrice - Cygor - Doombull - Dragon Ogre - Dragon Ogre Shaggoth - Ghorgon - Gor - Gorebull - Great Bray Shaman - Harpy - Jabberslythe - Khorngor - Minotaur - Pestigor - Razorgor - Razorgor Chariot - Shaggoth - Slaangor - Tuskgor Chariot - Tzaangor - Ungor - Wargor - Warhoof
Characters Brrak Gorehorn - Ghorros Warhoof - Gribbleback - Gorthor - Kartok Great-horn - Khazrak - Kralmaw - Malagor - Moonclaw - Morghur - Ograh - Rurkhar Festigor - Slugtongue - Taurox - Ungrol Four-Horn
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Creatures Abyssal Terror - Ambull - Amphisbaena - Amaxon Swamp Python - Amoeba - Arachnarok Spider - Arcanadon - Basilisk - Bastiladon - Bat Swarm - Bear - Behemoth - Black Leviathan - Bloodwasp - Boar - Boar Centaur - Bog Octopus - Brood Horror - Carmine Dragon - Carnosaur - Carrion - Celestial Lion - Chameleoleech - Chasm Leech - Chasm Spawn - Chaos Steed - Chimera - Coatl - Cockatrice - Cold One - Colossal Squig - Culchan - Daggerfish - Dark Pegasus - Dark Steed - Demigryph - Dog - Doppelganger - Dracoleech - Dragon - Dragon Turtle - Dread Abyssal - Dread Maw - Dread Saurian - Elven Steed - Familiar - Fell Bat - Fen Worm - Fox - Frog - Frost Wyrm - Giant Bat - Giant Beetle - Giant Frog - Giant Owl - Giant Rat - Giant Scorpion - Giant Spider - Gigantic Spider - Gorger - Gorebeast - Great Cave Squig - Great Eagle - Great Moon Bird - Great Pox Rat - Great Sabre-toothed Snow Leopard - Great Stag - Great Taurus - Great Wolf - Griffon - Gymmcrab - Hawk - Helldrake - Hellsteed - Heomreth - Hippogriff - Hippogryph - Hixa - Horse - Hydra - Incarnate Elemental of Beasts - Incarnate Elemental of Death - Incarnate Elemental of Fire - Itxi Grub - Jabberslythe - Jabberwock - Jaguar - Jungle Swarm - Kharibdyss - Ki-rin - Kraken - Lammasu - Lashworm - Latch-Eel - Leviathan - Lion - Lurkerfish - Magma Dragon - Mammoth - Mangler Squig - Manticore - Megaladon - Monstrous Leech - Mourngul - Nightmare - Nightraven - Orb Leviathan - Otter - Pangolin - Pegasus - Phoenix - Pliodon - Preyton - Promethean - Rabbit - Rat Ogre - Raven - Razorbill - Razordon - Razorgor - Reik Eel - Rhinoxen - Ripperdactyl - Roc - Sabre-Toothed Tiger - Sabretusk - Salamander - Sand Clam - Scalemane Reptilion - Sea Dragon - Sea Elemental - Shard Dragon - Siren - Skeletal Steed - Slaughterbrute - Sphinx - Squig - Stegadon - Stirpike - Stoat - Stonehorn - Sunworm - Terradon - Terrorgheist - Theralind's Brood - Thunder Lizard - Tiguana - Toad Dragon - Thundertusk - Tregara - Troglodon - Unicorn - Varghulf - Warhawk - War Hydra - Warp Bat - Warpfire Dragon - Wild Cat - Wolf - Wolf-Rat - Wyvern
Notable Creatures Akholrak - Amanar - Angranir - Araugnir - Argaer - Ashtari - Balorith - Baudros - Big Red 'Un - Blackfang - Bloodfang - Boneripper - Bracchus - Bruwor - Bubebolos - Caledair - Ceithin-Har - Cinderbreath - Crimson Scourge - Daerlythe - Deathclaw - Deathfang - Draukhain - Drogo Le Mal - Frigustrex - Galrauch - Gargantuan - Ghoritch - Gobbla - Gordinar - Graug - Gribbleback - Grymloq - Hagdar - Indraugnir - Ithragar - Kalandrithir - Kalgalanos the Black - Lamoureux - Maedrethnir - Malgrimace - Mauldekorr - Mergaste - Mellanor - Minaithnir - Mordrak - Mournfang - Oblast Beast - Oriel - Seraphon - Shadow - Silak - Silverhorn - Silver Wind - Skaladrak Incarnadine - Skoll - Sleenrippa - Spite - Stormwing - Theralind - Vranesh- Warghan - Wizzbang - Wulfag - Xelbalbia - Xltzhpctli - Ymwrath - Zlaaq - Zwup
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