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Sunday, June 20, 2010

Car Crapola...

So, Last night Kevin went to a B-day party down at the pool/clubhouse. Well when he went to leave the car wouldn't start. The key goes in but it won't turn the ignition....So he came home called KIA roadside assistance, a tow guy came and picked it up, and we just had to hope that it gets to the dealership and nothing happens to it on the way there, or the tow guy don't steal it! LOL, I'm paranoid! So anyways, Kevin called this morning and the dealership has one loaner car left on the lot, and Kevin is on his way to get it now! This totally bites....It hasn't even been in our possession a year yet and its brand new, this shouldn't happen!

So here's to hoping nothing major is wrong, and that it is under warranty, which it SHOULD be!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Names, Names, and more Names:

I'm going to list all my names here and please comment on them, Honest opinions needed. Thanks! UPDATE:(husband Veto'ed Half the list), here's the updated list:

Alexander - (Greek) great leader, helpful
Ayden, Aiden - (Irish) knowing , fiery spirit
Austen - (Latin) serious and revered

Carson - (English) confident
Corey - (Irish) laughing

Gavin - (English) alert, hawk

Hunter - (English) adventurer

Jack - (Hebrew) God is gracious
Jared - (Hebrew) descendant, giving

Levi - (Hebrew) harmonious
Landon - (English) Plain, old fashioned

Mikah, Micah - (Hebrew) prophet, see all

Ryder, Rider - (American) horse rider

Sidney - (French) attractive

Tobey - (Hebrew) believing the Lord is good
Trevor - (Irish) wise
Ty - (English) industrious

Wilder - (English) wild man

Zander - (Greek) great leader, helpful
Zachary - (Hebrew) spiritual

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Princess and her Prince Charming!

Riley loves to dress Emma up in girly clothes, he has a knack for fashion I guess....gets that from his dad! So the other day he was getting Emma all gussied up and Daddy decided we might as well let him 'dress up' too. We got his suit, and he got dressed and then they took pictures!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Another Fur ball!

Yes that right, We (I) added another Furry Friend, Max, to our Family Saturday night....

I was working on Saturday and someone found a little Kitty outside in the bushes, and I was the lucky one to get 'stuck' with it.

Only member not so Happy: Alley ............ (and the hubby too, sort of, He was caught cuddling Max Sunday night!)

It's a BOY!

Yesterday we found out were adding another baby boy to our family! So excited...I was a tad bit disappointed though, to tell the truth...I had the U/S tech triple check her findings! Definitely a turtle in there! Apparently a turtle is the shape of the thingy when you view it on an U/S! And a girl has a hamburger! LOL!

So after that somewhat shock, I had my regular appt.....Measuring 20 weeks right on track with Oct 23rd due date....HOWEVER: The Doctors had two dates for me, the 21st and the 29th.....The baby was measuring for the Due date of Oct 19th, so the tech said they would prob change my Due date to the 21st! Yay! But then when I got to the Doc, she made it 'official' and made it the 29th! Nope, I told Kevin, 'whatever, I'll be out of the hospital by the 29th!'

We then went to JcPenny's and bought some clothes for the baby! Boy did we ever, lol! I think we have enough to get him through the first three months.....Well not really but it looked like it at the counter, checking out!

We went to eat lunch at Moe's......good place! I wish we had one closer to home!

Then we came home and broke the news to the kids and my mother in law! They were all happy....Emma said: A girl?!?! I said: No, its a boy.....I think she was a tad disappointed too but not really knowing We bought a little Onsie that said Little Brother on it, and then showed the kids, I had Riley read it.....It was sweet!

And this was just too cute!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Summer-time blues for Mama!


So this is the FIRST day of summer vacation for Riley....And he has been in his room all day so far! He doesn't know how to listen to me. He would rather have negative attention than positive attention.....all I have been doing this morning is yelling at them not to break the rules......ugh! This is going to be a longggggggggg Summer!

Why can't it be cool out while the kids are off of school? They could go outside and play then! Right now its so hot out there!

I have to figure out a way to distract them this summer.....I could set up our pool in the porch, but that would be messy.....with all the grass the pool gets disgusting if its on the it.....I could set a tarp up for underneath the pool, but then it still gets messy.....I could do other things like dig up the grass and put shell or rocks down.....costly.

I need to make charts for them too! With chores and rewards I guess.

One day I'll get the hang of this 'mother' thing. One day they will listen to me.....One Day!