I am wanting to put in a Pin It button, maybe a FB like button or a Twitter button, would you use them? Do you not bother....Do you just read and move on....
In this new year, what would you like to see. I want to post at least one nail blog a week, one recipe a week, and I really would like to start something cool, never before seen, 'thing' on a blog, I just don't know what that is yet, lol...
I'm kind of at a creative block....I wish I was as good as some other bloggers out there..wishing never got anyone anywhere though, did it.....
My Feet are cold, its 52 degree's outside right now....
My Christmas tree is still up, is yours?
I feel fat....I really really want to lose weight....if only I could snap my fingers....I'm just a lazy slacker who doesn't want to put the effort into it...I wish I wasn't like that, oh there I go 'wishing' again.
Oooooo Look what I got my hands on....
Essie Shine of The Times is in the middle, one thick coat, FP Flashy is on either side of it, one coat on the right and two coats on the left. All over WNW Black Creme. |
Until next time...
<3 Carrie