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Showing posts with label Sinful Colors. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sinful Colors. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Cancer Awareness Challenge Day 5

Hi Guys.

This month I will be sporting a pink AND gold manicure everyday, except the days of my Halloween challenge I am participating in.

Why? To support Breast cancer awareness month and because I forgot last month or rather didn't really know because it isn't as publicized as Breast Cancer is, Pediatric cancer awareness.

I have a friend that has a wonderful little boy, E. He is so strong and so brave! He is fighting the evil dragon, that is what they call it. He has a GREAT supportive family, that has also been very strong and brave. I want to support them as well and what better way to do it then to do fun mani's?? If your the donating type, there are three charities that my Friend recommends:
Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation, St. Baldricks, and Curesearch
I did a reverse leopard print for today...Zoya Raven, a pink striper polish, and a gold from Sinful colors that I forget the name of....its the same one I used a few days ago.....oh yeah, This is It.

Emma said they looked like lips!!

Alfred came over to check them out...

Then tried to follow me inside:


Monday, April 9, 2012

Belated Easter Mani...

Ya, I'm late...but I have been so busy. We took a mini vacation and went to stay at my moms Saturday night and then had a cook out with the family on Easter.

Here is what I wore:

Sinful Colors: Sweet Dreams, Flutter, Firefly, Luminary, and Zues (in order: thumb to pinky)

Easter Basket time:





tired out....

Bunny Hole Cupcakes

Grandma hugging Emma


Nana and cousin Tyler

Someone snuck into mommies purse...

Happy Belated Easter! Hope you all we're blessed!!

<3 Carrie

Friday, January 27, 2012

Hey there you guys...

Ugh! I am going through a week of depression over here...It really sucks. I usually have better control over it. I haven't felt like painting my nails, or coming up with designs and I have been slacking, I am sorry. I will get better soon, its just a bad week....

I never did show you the rest of my Christmas time Manicure's did I? They aren't captured very well...but they were pretty...


Christmas Toes

I was so excited to open it I opened it upside down. lol....

I Eat Mainely Lobster, Color to Diner For, Tanzy

Silly Max...

Drama Queen and her polish she received from Santa

Savvy Deep Amethyst with Motley, Asylum, Twisted, and Flecked.

SOPI Sugar Plum Fairies over Sinful Colors Mint Apple
Tomorrow I will have a recipe for ya, yummy!!!!

<3 Carrie

PS Don't forget to check out my Blog Sale...Top of the page under 'Blog Sale'

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Shine of Times

Hey there...

On a recent trip to Walgreen's I saw a full display of Essie Luxe Effects. I was going to get Shine of Times, but put it back, the price of Essie just kills me!

I ended up going back to get it the next day though.

I also Picked up a Christmas-ie green, Sinful Colors San Fransisco, on a fellow PaA's recommendation. Its a really pretty color.

 I snapped those pictures literally right after I capped the polish after the third coat, so my fingers are a little dryish....isn't this a really pretty green?

I was going to do penguins this day, but really didn't want to put the effort into nail art. So I grabbed the Shine of Times (Essie) and put one coat of that on top, then SV on top! And wow! So amazing!

There is about a half an hour left for the franken naming poll! On the left in my side bar....

And don't forget about my Christmas/Holiday Themed mani contest, last day to enter is tomorrow!

<3 Carrie

Friday, November 25, 2011

Turkey, Turkey!

Well my Thanksgiving was yummy to say the least,  bit of family drama.....ya ya....

So Wednesday night, I quickly did a turkey mani...not the best but it was cute. It started lifting Thursday afternoon....

I used Revlon Carbonite as my base...and several Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear's colors for feathers, and then a gold sparkle from Sinful Colors, and a brown from China Glaze, Unplugged.

I did the feathers with a small dotting tool, dragging from the tip of nail toward the cuticle....
Then the dots for the turkey body....The other fingers have feet prints and feather droppings, lol.

Gobble Gobble.....

And  a Mini Me Mani....

Hope all of you had a great Thanksgiving as well, and If your not in the US, I Hope you had a great Thursday!

<3, Carrie

Sunday, November 13, 2011

15 Week Challenge......Part One, Week Ten

I decided to skip the Part Two Week Nine: Inspired by Feathers, because, well I'm not... :/
But here is one of my favorite pictures of one inspired by feathers:

See Her here

So onto the next challenge, Gradient. I wasn't successful with this, I should have used a sponge...

look how thick it is....ick!

I used Zoya Jo as my base. And then NOPI Kendall on the Catwalk, then Sinful Colors Frenzy, and then NOPI Rainbow in the S-Kylie.

Hope your having a great Sunday. My Husband is at America's Got Talent Auditions today! He is singing Lady by Styx. I wish you lots of luck Hunny!

<3 Carrie