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Thursday, June 7, 2018

This post has no title...

Hey There! Thanks for stopping by. 

I'm currently at the Library again, waiting out VBS that my kids attend, since my house and the Church are not close together. 

I just finished the 5 day egg fast from "I breathe I'm hungry"'s website. Today was day one of transition back into Keto. I was sure glad to eat some meat for dinner! I can't wait to tell you about my success on it! I hit one of my top three goals!

Why I chose Keto?
I actually really can't remember the exact reason. I had heard some Chatter on FB about it from a few freinds of mine, and then you know the FB algorithims...KETO stuff kept popping up everywhere, so I read it, and thought hmm, this looks doable!

I never last more than two weeks on a diet or once I lose about 10 pounds I quit for some reason or another. 

I did some research, wrote down everything I learned, Found recipes, found support groups, and went for it. I made a grocery list, I meal planned, I shopped...

The first week I lost EIGHT pounds. Good! Probably water weight. The next two months were slow going but the scale moved ever so slowly downward. I never gave up. If I craved something I looked for an alternative, OR I had just one tiny bite of said craving. One time I over Indulged on a funnel cake from the local Fair. It was bad! But it lived up to its name, "Death by Chocolate"!!! By that time I had probably been on the KETO way of eating for a good month and half, well into it, probably in ketosis, though I have not once ever tested to see, it wasn't my main objective for this way of life. So the funnel cake really messed with me. The stuff I have eliminated from my diet, thats all it was made of, flour, sugar, more sugar, chocolate, even more sugar. It messed with my tummy for a good three days!

It was then that I knew I was going down the right path. 

Monday, June 4, 2018

Ya'll ain't gonna believe this $#!+ ......

Ya'll KETO is so popular that the library books have been all checked out and or placed on hold for months to come. 

I'm currently at the Library because my kids are Summer VBS. 

It has Wifi and I have some work to do. I'm sitting in a fabulously comfy chair, looking out onto their Butterfly Garden. Its pretty relaxing. I don't go home because home is across town, so why waste the gas. Anyhow, here I am. I figured hey I'd do a quick check for KETO books and there are NONE here! 

I have yet to read one. I've done all my research through Facebook groups, and internet searches. Mostly I've learned by watching others. I am still learning! I just found out that the Sugar substitute that I love uses carbohydrates to produce something called: oligosaccharides. They add enzymes to starchy vegetables (not allowed in KETO) The enzymes break down the starch, creating oligosaccharides. I need to really research this more to truly see the role it will play in my way of eating, but for now I will not be purchasing Swerve, I will be purchasing Monk Fruit. 

Do you know how you tell a northern fairy tale from a southern fairy tale?
The northen ones begins with Once upon a time...
The southern one begins with Ya'll ain't gonna believe this $#!+.... ðŸ˜‚

Please tell me you are laughing right now!

So next time I pop by I'm going to tell you about this egg fast I am currently doing! Whoop Whoop. I am down 6.8 pounds and I am ending day 4 today. One more day. I can't wait to share it with you!!

If you read this, drop a CLEAN joke in the comments!!

Saturday, May 26, 2018

Have you missed me?

Hello lovely few followers!

It's been awhile! over four years I think! I've been a busy little bee those four years!

We've moved, started a new school or two, new jobs, new house, new outlook on life, etc. I've been trying to figure out how to get myself connected again with blogger (its been four years, new computer, new emails, new passwords, bad memory), and I finally figured it out, woohoo! So I can start writing again! Things have dynamically changed for me since the beginning of the blog. It's went from one thing to the next as my life goes in different directions. So now that I am back in, I want to continue on with it, no matter where it goes or who sees it or who even cares. Its mostly for me to have somewhere to put my feelings and talk to the world, aren't you lucky?

Lots of new things to come! Sadly the nail polish is the least on my mind these days, however I do terribly miss creating it. So much thought and planning went into my lines and my creations. Another thing that has ended is my connection with Younique, I still do however love their makeup, still wear it, still purchase it, just not a distributor any longer. I am no longer a stay at home momma, I am a full time working SUPER mom. We have moved back to my home town, THANK GOD! Oh how I had missed it! My children have grown sooooo much! 

Well if you are still here, say Hi in the comments please!

Friday, December 5, 2014

Do you wear Mascara?

If you do, you know how much a difference it can make to your look. I don't walk out the door without mascara on.

I have found an amazing mascara that gives you 3X the volume and length of regular mascara. It beats the pants off of any mascara.

It's Younique's 3D Fiber Lash Mascara. I love it sooo much that I became an independent presenter with younique. 

Check out my results:

 This is just ONE coat of the Fiber Lash Mascara. You can layer it as much as you want to get very dramatic lashes. I made a video, its not the best, and I am really putting myself out there for you gals!

Here are some other results:


This product along with all of Younique, is avail in USA, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand.

Check out the great Customer Kudos this month: 

That is a super sweet deal! 

Need Christmas presents for female friends/family?? I've got you covered!
Order by December tenth to receive by Christmas!


Monday, November 17, 2014

Have you got your Sassy Lashes yet???

Today is the LAST day to order from my FIRST party as an Independent Presenter with Younique! I am THIS close to reaching the first Goal I set for myself! Thank you to those of you who have purchased, not only have you ordered an amazing product, but you've supported me too!! So a Very special Thank you to you ladies, enjoy your Sassy Lashes!! Don't forget you can still order until MIDNIGHT TONIGHT (PST). Also, please remember we have other amazing products, such as our Glorious Primer, Eye Pigments, BB Cream, Uplift Serum, Lip Gloss, Touch Powder/Cream, Lip Liner, Eye Liner, Cleansers, Application Brushes, Collection choices, and More! To see what all is available please check out my website:



Monday, November 10, 2014

3D Fiber Lashes, Say What?!?

Friends! Have you seen/heard about Younique? Specifically Moodstruck 3D Fiber Lashes Mascara?? No? Let me tell you about it! I LOVE this mascara, it makes my boring lashes Sassy! LOVE it! It takes your lashes from "Hi" to "Hello Baby!"

The 3D Fiber Mascara actually adds length to your lashes. Not like regular mascara. It's a 3 step process where you start with our Transplanting Gel first, then our Green Tea Fibers (there is where the magic happens!), then you seal it again with the Transplanting Gel. You will literally see the length of your lashes grow as you apply it. It stays on all day and is water resistant. This is seriously the best mascara I have ever come across!
**naturally based makeup, paraben free, carcinogen free, free of harmful chemicals, cruelty free, hypoallergenic! In less than 3 minutes you'll have the best looking lashes of your life! This goes on just like mascara, is safe for contact lens wearers, and water resistant! Removes easily with any face wash and water.

Check out my mom's before and after:

 Isn't that a transformation??? Look how her eye pops! Look how long her lashes are!! Mom's got some Sassy Lashes now!!

Here are some other before and after's:

We also carry other products, Here a few pictures:

Run, and grab your SASSY LASHES now! You can thank me later!
