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Thursday, June 7, 2018

This post has no title...

Hey There! Thanks for stopping by. 

I'm currently at the Library again, waiting out VBS that my kids attend, since my house and the Church are not close together. 

I just finished the 5 day egg fast from "I breathe I'm hungry"'s website. Today was day one of transition back into Keto. I was sure glad to eat some meat for dinner! I can't wait to tell you about my success on it! I hit one of my top three goals!

Why I chose Keto?
I actually really can't remember the exact reason. I had heard some Chatter on FB about it from a few freinds of mine, and then you know the FB algorithims...KETO stuff kept popping up everywhere, so I read it, and thought hmm, this looks doable!

I never last more than two weeks on a diet or once I lose about 10 pounds I quit for some reason or another. 

I did some research, wrote down everything I learned, Found recipes, found support groups, and went for it. I made a grocery list, I meal planned, I shopped...

The first week I lost EIGHT pounds. Good! Probably water weight. The next two months were slow going but the scale moved ever so slowly downward. I never gave up. If I craved something I looked for an alternative, OR I had just one tiny bite of said craving. One time I over Indulged on a funnel cake from the local Fair. It was bad! But it lived up to its name, "Death by Chocolate"!!! By that time I had probably been on the KETO way of eating for a good month and half, well into it, probably in ketosis, though I have not once ever tested to see, it wasn't my main objective for this way of life. So the funnel cake really messed with me. The stuff I have eliminated from my diet, thats all it was made of, flour, sugar, more sugar, chocolate, even more sugar. It messed with my tummy for a good three days!

It was then that I knew I was going down the right path. 

Monday, June 4, 2018

Ya'll ain't gonna believe this $#!+ ......

Ya'll KETO is so popular that the library books have been all checked out and or placed on hold for months to come. 

I'm currently at the Library because my kids are Summer VBS. 

It has Wifi and I have some work to do. I'm sitting in a fabulously comfy chair, looking out onto their Butterfly Garden. Its pretty relaxing. I don't go home because home is across town, so why waste the gas. Anyhow, here I am. I figured hey I'd do a quick check for KETO books and there are NONE here! 

I have yet to read one. I've done all my research through Facebook groups, and internet searches. Mostly I've learned by watching others. I am still learning! I just found out that the Sugar substitute that I love uses carbohydrates to produce something called: oligosaccharides. They add enzymes to starchy vegetables (not allowed in KETO) The enzymes break down the starch, creating oligosaccharides. I need to really research this more to truly see the role it will play in my way of eating, but for now I will not be purchasing Swerve, I will be purchasing Monk Fruit. 

Do you know how you tell a northern fairy tale from a southern fairy tale?
The northen ones begins with Once upon a time...
The southern one begins with Ya'll ain't gonna believe this $#!+.... ðŸ˜‚

Please tell me you are laughing right now!

So next time I pop by I'm going to tell you about this egg fast I am currently doing! Whoop Whoop. I am down 6.8 pounds and I am ending day 4 today. One more day. I can't wait to share it with you!!

If you read this, drop a CLEAN joke in the comments!!

Saturday, May 26, 2018

Have you missed me?

Hello lovely few followers!

It's been awhile! over four years I think! I've been a busy little bee those four years!

We've moved, started a new school or two, new jobs, new house, new outlook on life, etc. I've been trying to figure out how to get myself connected again with blogger (its been four years, new computer, new emails, new passwords, bad memory), and I finally figured it out, woohoo! So I can start writing again! Things have dynamically changed for me since the beginning of the blog. It's went from one thing to the next as my life goes in different directions. So now that I am back in, I want to continue on with it, no matter where it goes or who sees it or who even cares. Its mostly for me to have somewhere to put my feelings and talk to the world, aren't you lucky?

Lots of new things to come! Sadly the nail polish is the least on my mind these days, however I do terribly miss creating it. So much thought and planning went into my lines and my creations. Another thing that has ended is my connection with Younique, I still do however love their makeup, still wear it, still purchase it, just not a distributor any longer. I am no longer a stay at home momma, I am a full time working SUPER mom. We have moved back to my home town, THANK GOD! Oh how I had missed it! My children have grown sooooo much! 

Well if you are still here, say Hi in the comments please!

Friday, December 5, 2014

Do you wear Mascara?

If you do, you know how much a difference it can make to your look. I don't walk out the door without mascara on.

I have found an amazing mascara that gives you 3X the volume and length of regular mascara. It beats the pants off of any mascara.

It's Younique's 3D Fiber Lash Mascara. I love it sooo much that I became an independent presenter with younique. 

Check out my results:

 This is just ONE coat of the Fiber Lash Mascara. You can layer it as much as you want to get very dramatic lashes. I made a video, its not the best, and I am really putting myself out there for you gals!

Here are some other results:


This product along with all of Younique, is avail in USA, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand.

Check out the great Customer Kudos this month: 

That is a super sweet deal! 

Need Christmas presents for female friends/family?? I've got you covered!
Order by December tenth to receive by Christmas!


Monday, November 17, 2014

Have you got your Sassy Lashes yet???

Today is the LAST day to order from my FIRST party as an Independent Presenter with Younique! I am THIS close to reaching the first Goal I set for myself! Thank you to those of you who have purchased, not only have you ordered an amazing product, but you've supported me too!! So a Very special Thank you to you ladies, enjoy your Sassy Lashes!! Don't forget you can still order until MIDNIGHT TONIGHT (PST). Also, please remember we have other amazing products, such as our Glorious Primer, Eye Pigments, BB Cream, Uplift Serum, Lip Gloss, Touch Powder/Cream, Lip Liner, Eye Liner, Cleansers, Application Brushes, Collection choices, and More! To see what all is available please check out my website:



Monday, November 10, 2014

3D Fiber Lashes, Say What?!?

Friends! Have you seen/heard about Younique? Specifically Moodstruck 3D Fiber Lashes Mascara?? No? Let me tell you about it! I LOVE this mascara, it makes my boring lashes Sassy! LOVE it! It takes your lashes from "Hi" to "Hello Baby!"

The 3D Fiber Mascara actually adds length to your lashes. Not like regular mascara. It's a 3 step process where you start with our Transplanting Gel first, then our Green Tea Fibers (there is where the magic happens!), then you seal it again with the Transplanting Gel. You will literally see the length of your lashes grow as you apply it. It stays on all day and is water resistant. This is seriously the best mascara I have ever come across!
**naturally based makeup, paraben free, carcinogen free, free of harmful chemicals, cruelty free, hypoallergenic! In less than 3 minutes you'll have the best looking lashes of your life! This goes on just like mascara, is safe for contact lens wearers, and water resistant! Removes easily with any face wash and water.

Check out my mom's before and after:

 Isn't that a transformation??? Look how her eye pops! Look how long her lashes are!! Mom's got some Sassy Lashes now!!

Here are some other before and after's:

We also carry other products, Here a few pictures:

Run, and grab your SASSY LASHES now! You can thank me later!


Friday, August 29, 2014

Blogging through tears...

Tonight I come to you through a waterfall of tears.

Right now they are angry tears. Asking how? Why?

I'm asking God to show me...I hear no answer, or maybe I do and don't want to listen, I don't know right now. I'm crying out to Him. Why me? Why us? What did I do to deserve this?

I know I didn't deserve anything. Its just the Devil trying to rear his little head in there...

The Bible says it is supposed to be a physical representation of the Holy Trinity and learning how to Love and Serve one another unconditionally. Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord. Husbands, love your wives just as Christ loved the Church and gave himself up for her.

Be Kind and Compassionate to each other, Forgive one another, Just as Christ God forgave you.  Ephesians 4:32

Week one of counseling has yielded nothing really. I just relearned what I knew already but forgot/set aside.

I don't know what he got from it, he isn't talking to me right now.

Ending with tears of sorrow.


Thursday, July 24, 2014

Trichotillomania, AKA: Hair Pulling

What is Trichotillomania? (I can not even pronounce that)

Trichotillomania (trik-o-til-o-MAY-nee-uh) is a disorder that involves recurrent, irresistible urges to pull out hair from your scalp, eyebrows or other areas of your body, despite trying to stop.
Hair pulling from the scalp often leaves patchy bald spots, which causes significant distress and can interfere with social or work functioning. People with trichotillomania may go to great lengths to disguise the loss of hair.
For some people, trichotillomania may be mild and generally manageable. For others, the compulsive urge to pull hair is overwhelming.

(I linked the Mayo clinic site up there ^ )

I have a mild case. I've always had it. One of my earliest (13 years old maybe younger) memories of it, is plucking most of my eye lashes out!!! Youch! right? 
My eye brows have been paper thin before, trying to get a straight line.
I still over pluck sometimes...and have to painfully let them grow back in. I say painfully, but what I mean is resist the urge to pluck and maintain a clean line.
I catch my self doing that with my eye lashes too! If there is one or two out of line I have to pluck. Or resist the urge to. Not really an urge but a compulsive behavior that just happens.

When my third son was born, I developed a habit or compulsion to pluck my hair out. I had a few spots that were BALD on my head. One was at the base of my hairline on the left side of my neck/head. I felt ashamed to put my hair up and let people wonder why. I thought it was stress, until I stumbled upon this disorder. I felt better about it, knowing it was 'real'. I thought it was all stress, overwhelmingness ( <--- a="""" house...etc.="""" not="" of="" p="" thats="" three="" word...="">
I 'grew' out of that slowly, my hair grew back.

Until recently. about a year ago. I started pulling my hair on my head again, right at the top. I had to part it differently, or rather a deeper side part to cover it up. And still it shows. I see it. Others may not. But I do. I am getting to the point where I may not be able to cover it up. It scares me, but I CAN'T stop!

I have tried occupying my hands.
When I realize what I am doing, get up and move around.
I change the way I'm sitting. I tried a squeeze ball.

I have also noticed my eyebrows getting thinner, and a greater distance from each other.

So I am hoping by admitting this, or rather publicly outing myself I can cope with it better, or lessen it, or hopefully stop it all together!

Do you have Trichotillomania? If so, do you have any techniques that you have in place to avoid plucking?
Or even if you don't, do you have any thoughts on how to overcome, or lessen my 'urge'?

Thanks for getting through all that.

Footnote: I do NOT eat my hair.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Thursday, May 15, 2014

New Family members

If your new to my blog, We have chickens. Last summer we hatched 6 eggs. We currently have two laying hens from those eggs, pretty amazing. Rosie and Valentine. They are Red Dorkings. Or Colored Dorkings.

Rosie in front, Valentine you can see her backside here. Shimmer and Sparkle are the black ones in the back.
 Shimmer and Sparkle are Black Americaunas

The girls run to the gate every time I come out and try to jump it.

Delicious home grown eggs. What could be better? I get light tan ones slightly pink, and a nice green blue color.
I think I told you that Shimmer and Sparkle were Christmas Gifts from some very special friends of ours. They have taught and given me so much. I don't know what I'd do with out them! Thanks Christina and Robert!

So, one night I was going out to put up the girls, into their coop, and lock them down so they don't get attacked by raccoons or possums. I upgraded the run also - fully enclosed it with chicken wire and PVC pipping, so now its more secure and things won't get in, hopefully.

And this little chicken is just roaming around the outside of my run! All by his lonesome self! I was shocked! Kevin (hubby) thought I bought a new one and said I found it, lol. So we scooped it up, put it in a cage inside the porch and posted pictures of him in my chicken group. They told me he was a friggin BALD EAGLE!! I panicked! Then I realized, nah, impossible. So we then decided it was indeed a chicken, after numerous amount of other bird predictions including a turkey...

Odd Ball when we first found him, when he was about 4-5 weeks old.
 He was lonely, So I went to get him some friends....Kevin wasn't so happy about it...

Odd Ball and his new friends.

Odd Balls new friends, Henny Penny (back right), Amelia Bedilia (front right), and Thelma and Louise (two left ones)

Henny Penny turned out to have a scissor beak, its just unaligned jaws. Hard for her to eat and drink, she is half the size of her sisters. She is being babied, gets special food, more love. She is a Buff Orpington. I forget what Amelia Bedilia is, something with a W, and the twins are Barred Rocks.

Now, remember the lovely Lavender Orpingtons I adopted back in December? Well they have grown up. They are beautiful!! Victor and Violet. Violet is not laying yet, but Victor has found his purpose in life, besides crowing. I can't wait to try my hand at hatching his biddies!!

Here are current Pictures of the newbies:

I think Odd Ball is some sort of Game Poultry

Amelia Bedilia is such a sweet girl, very friendly.


Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Weird Memories

I was out getting the kids some Klondike bars because their Daddy promised them some if they cleaned their rooms....( I wouldn't call their rooms cleaned, but at least they tried.)

....and was on my way home when I saw a Pontiac Sunfire. It's a sporty car. Every time I see one I am reminded of a friend who drove one, and the memory that pops in my mind is :

We were on our way to an amusement park and she was driving and there was a speed trap, she was pulled over.

That's what I think of.

Also every time I pass by that spot I slow down and check for police. 


Do you have any weird memories that pop up when you see certain things?

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Looking back...

I haven't visited my blog in sometime. Been busy, forgot about it, had other things on my mind, etc.

I just posted, and was looking back at my other posts and was getting teary eyed. I am going to look at this one day and really sob.

I need to post more often about my kiddos, its a great 'journal/picture album'.


Mommy Blogger?

Hey. Long time no see!

I went to see Mom's Night Out, Saturday night with a bunch of Sisters from Church. It was a pretty funny movie! Laughing almost all the way through, Tears were shed, from humor and from (not finding the word I'm looking for). Its about a mom who is overwhelmed with being a mom, and takes a night out and things just get worse and funnier from there. The dads try to take care of the kids, a baby is lost, shoulders dislocated, Bikers, Cops, Bowling... This is one for a date night. Its honest, morally clean, down to earth, and every mom and dad can learn from it and relate to it!

I've been struggling as a mom and wife. October last year was a turning point, light bulb clicked moment. Marriage was pretty rocky, not because He was bad or he didst love me, it was bad because I didn't know how it should be. There's alot of differences over the word in the Bible 'Submit', and to Submit to your husbands. The main point is that they are to be respected as the head of the household. I was used to running the show. I was mothering him. When I came upon a few books, (Power of a positive Wife, Marriage Matters and the Wife accompanying booklet, The Proper care and feeding of Husbands) it really changed how I felt about my position in the marriage and how I was wrong. (Hey I wasn't the only one at fault, He had his things too, still does, I still do too, but His aren't my concern, I can't change his, Only mine.)

I think alot of my views were because of how I grew up (I don't know if I use this as an excuse or what, but...) IT was just my mom, brother and I. My grandparents were pretty active in our lives and their marriage was pretty strong, but in our little world, mom was the boss, and me the boss of my brother. There was no man in charge. So in my own marriage I carried that over, I'm the boss. I made most of the decisions, and I tried to mother my husband. Which worsened the relationship I would compare us to others (still do-its really hard not to). I would watch movies and TV shows and get depressed that our life and love wasn't as special or perfect as what I just viewed.

The grass might be greener on the other side, but so is the water bill.

This trickled down to the kids. My kids, I love them, really do, but man is it hard to mother them. I'm supposed to be able to say something and them to do it. NOT NOT NOT NOT I have an eleven year old boy that is mouthy, nothing makes him happy, he likes nothing and hates everything. A 9 year old always right going on 30 little girl. A 6.5 year old boy that is considerably smarter than the rest of us and I am so proud, but he is getting disobedient and slightly off my good list. And lastly a 3.5 year old independent boy who wants candy every five minutes and makes me want to pull my hair out! I am a screaming mother. (UGH!) I hate being a screaming mother. When I ask someone to do something they grumble, complain, and stomp their feet. Makes me so upset. I don't know how to stop them, they don't respond to screaming but yet I still scream. They don't help around the house, They walk by trash and dirty clothes, they don't respect their toys, nor the cleaning I do. Whits END.

I have given up on their rooms, If they want to live like that, fine.

I am going to God for the rest. I am getting on my knees to ask for strength in dealing with the attitudes, the disrespect I and my husband receive from them. I can't do anything else.

I feel like a failure as a mom. I know I am not, but that doesn't make me feel any better. I know God entrusted these children to me. So now I feel like I am failing him.

I'm having a hard time staying Faithful. Our current situation, is financially unfit for a family of six. I could use some prayer warriors out there if I have any followers that pray, please do. I need to put my priorities in order. I am not acting like a Child of God, I am being disobedient to him. I need to follow is rules, how can i expect my kids to listen to me if I don't listen to God. Am I a disappointment to God?

Wednesday, February 26, 2014


Yesterday a friend.... Its odd using that word/term for someone you do not know personally like a friend, but its even odder to me to use the word/term acquaintance for a person. So I just always use the word 'friend'.

Anyways, I was reading a friends blog, and a sermon that I just heard came to mind, I typed all of my notes from that sermon in her comments...I hope she didn't take it wrong, or is mad at me for it. But I felt that it was relevant in her situation.

I also think its a pretty important topic for all Christians to hear. Because the way my Pastor preached it, and boy did he preach it, I had never thought of it like that.

So I'm just gonna copy and paste what I put in her blog:

Pastor Greg this past Sunday, were in a one+one series…its really good, I urge you to listen online (Week three specifically, but the other two weeks are just as good!), they are short sweet, and easy to listen because he is an amazing ‘preacher’.

Anyways this week was how to LOVE others you dislike, or even HATE. It was titled, How to LOVE others you HATE. Most important thing: We are not commanded to like others, we are commanded to LOVE them. No matter. Even when they lie, hurt, deceive, dishonor, disobey….etc…you. Something that he said: “We’re his kids and we don’t act like him” (silent room, filled with gasps….wow!) Imagine if we could vaporize anything or anyone we wanted to that bothered us or hurt us. Clear roads…Awesome! Bad boss…poof gone! Now imagine if God had one…yep. Listen to this: “Instead of vaporizing sinners or lashing out at us, God put his son on the cross for us!” (more silence and gasping)

Luke 10:25-37, Good Samaritan story. A Jewish man was in the ditch and hurt, beaten, robbed. A priest (teacher of the word of God) came through, crossed to other side of the road, ignored the injured. A Levite (preparer of things in Church) came by, same thing crossed to the other side of road, and didn’t help. A Samaritan (Jews did not like the Samaritan community, Jews can’t even bring themselves to say the word, they think they are dirty and lowlife people) came by and helped the Jew up and took him to town for help.

Question: Who is my neighbor? (commandment: love thy neighbor)
Answer: The one who had mercy on him! The one being the Samaritan, the man asking was a Jew, he couldn’t even say Samaritan, he said ‘the one’.

To love a neighbor:
1 Move towards the, on the behalf of God, get to know people you wouldn’t normally associate with.
2 Give to people, do something for the above person

‘Give to Him to give to them.’

There are three kinds of people,
-Regular average people such as family and friends. Love them.
-Regular potentially harmful people. People with addiction, alcoholics, etc. Have a cautious loving action, very clear boundaries.
-Just plain evil people. How to deal with them you ask? Attorney’s and guns. Seriously He preached that! People like Adolf Hitler. Its your civil responsibility.

Ok last thing.

We are the person in the ditch
The Priest is Religion
The Levite is the Law
The Samaritan is Jesus Christ

Powerful message isn’t it?

That's the end of my copy and paste. Paster Greg urged us to go to people this week that we woudn't normally associate with, and give to them. How about forgiving people that you have in the past hated...Or are holding grudges against?

LOVE people! LOVE!


Monday, December 30, 2013

New Year 2014

Well Hello there. Its been a long while hasn't it?

A lot has taken place with our little family since my computer died.

The months without it were nice. Its hard getting used to a computer after having none and only my kindle for the internet.

I'm still trying to figure out this new computer. It has a touch screen! Windows 8.

Two kids had Birthdays. Youngest turned three and MEAN and doesn't listen! Man is keeping me on my toes!

We hatched 6 chicken eggs. 3 were hens three were roosters. I had to give up my roo's as they were noisey!!! Didn't want my neighbors getting mad. My Coop was attacked one night by an opossum, I lost a hen, her name was Charlotte. I cried like a baby. I cuddled the other two that night, and secured their coop the next day. They started laying eggs!!!! Santa brought two more chickens. My girls don't like them. I also just picked up a pair of chicks, Lavender Orpingtons. I love the orpington breed. They are so cute!!! ( I think they are a pair, I am hoping), so we can get and sell hatching eggs fro them! They are expensive birds!

Thanksgiving was fun. My dad and brother came down, we went to Daytona, and Orlando. Spent a day at Universal Studios. Kids enjoyed visiting, me too.

Christmas came and went. I had very little holiday spirit this year, it sucked, BIG TIME.

Now its almost the start of a new year. there are so many things I want to do this year, for myself, with my family.

Hope you all have a  great safe New Years eve and Day!

God Bless!


Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Well hello there....

Friend. :D 

Its been awhile.

So my last post I flunked my challenge's and that I was planning this huge summer full of things to do with the kids.

*I did pretty well until the last week of June, when my husband came home and told me he was laid off.

I was upset, or panicked. I held it together. We did the unemployment, food stamps, Medicaid, searching for jobs non stop, he was doing anything he could (well to a point ;) ) to make some money. My whole calendar of events stopped, dead.

He came with me and the kids to our Sarasota trip in mid July. He got a job. Our dog got sick. I LOST it! Friends, I completely went insane! I was angry, depression reared its ugly head again, anxiety hit, panic feelings. During his whole time off I was happy, it was nice to have him home, but something inside me went BOOM, on Thursday July 18 2013. I snapped. I was giving the dog a bath, at my moms house for the second time in two days. I didn't get to do any of the things I had wanted to do while there, because he was out on interviews and such. Praise the Lord he got one.

We contemplated moving, or rather being evicted since we were not going to have Aug 1st's rent. We talked with the landlord's, they let us stay, we just have to make it up, again, PTL!

I went to see a doctor on Monday the 22, She prescribed Paxil for me. I have been taking it now since that day, so almost a month, I see a little improvement. Hoping for more.

Kevin has been working for almost two weeks now back to our reg routine. I have had my off days, and have had a few good days (FEW). ITs getting better. As long as I GET UP OUT OF BED in the mornings, get dressed, and do something, if not I'm not worth anything.

There are twelve more days left until school starts back up again. I CAN NOT wait!

I am really ready to get back into a routine with school and stuff. (the quiet non fighting time will be really nice too) I will only have one kid at home this year. WOW! My little Parker is starting Kindergarten this year! I am sad but not, he went to VPK (voluntary pre-kindergarten) last year, he is more than ready for school!

I'm nervous about Riley this year. He is so immature and so much farther behind than kids his age. Contemplating putting him back on ADD meds to see if there is an improvement in school work. We took him off because they weren't affecting it and I didn't want to increase, because they already made him zombie like. So I guess we will have to decide on another medicine.

TMI: I am battling a case of Plantar warts on my two year olds feet! Gross! Eeew! Ick! He has several on the heel and two on the ball of one foot and then one on the heel of the other foot. Freezing has not worked, his doctor, wait for it, his doctor has told me to use duct tape! LOL. I had read that online, but come on really?? Well this is night two of him having duct tape on 24-7. Tomorrow we are going to bathe, scrub, freeze, and tape again. Hopefully this does the trick!

Today, because I saw it on pinterest, I stuck my feet in a weird solution of 1/2 cup Listerine, 1/2 cup vinegar and 1 cup hot water, for ten minutes. Then the dead skin is supposed to peel didn't, but I did Pumice it off a bit easier than without the soak. Worth the ten minute soak and nasty smell... NO!

OOOOOOO We Hatched Chickens!!! We, I mean I am the proud mother to six chickens. :) So cute.

 Little fluff balls!

 Zip tie'ing them so I can tell who is who. This is Roostette, she or he is mine :)
 Oooh little Chickadie's are getting feathers!

 Why Hello there ma'am. This is one of the definite hens.

 This is Roostette. She/He is the loudest, used to pace the box and peep loudly!

 This is Valentine, she is our baby, the littlest, the last to hatch. She is the sweetest looking thing!

Riley went on his first plane ride! From Florida to Seattle Washington! Corner to corner! He did really well, He was homesick, but nothing you wouldn't expect from a ten year old across the country from his parents. He flew to visit my brother and sister in law. He really enjoyed himself. I missed him too. Not five minutes into the car after I picked him up : "Mom she is kicking my seat" Oy! I had a two hour drive home. It wasn't fabulous! It was mid freak out too *see above*
 Waiting for big bro to get off plane!
 Big smile, I have returned, it says! LOL
That's about it. See ya on the go around.
PS Sale over in my shop! Half off everything!