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Discussions of urban density have long been central to theories relating urban form to city life. Both maximum and minimum measures of density have been linked to qualitative aspects of cities including health, safety, creativity,... more
Context discussions occupy a diverse and colorful range of approaches in architectural theory – from Norberg-Schulz’s concept of genius loci to Koolhaas’ infamous dictum “Fuck context,” these various approaches problematize architecture’s... more
Anatolian master stonemasons are anachronistic in today's building practice: relatively autonomous within a practice landscape of specialized contractors, they are relics of a time when the art of the builder encompassed a wide variety of... more
Günümüz inşaat pratiğinde Anadolu taş ustaları anakronik bir yere sahipler: özelleşmiş yüklenicilerin çoğunlukta olduğu bir sektörde hala görece özerkliklerini koruyan bu kişilerin, bugüne değil, bina yapım sanatının geniş bir yelpazeye... more
This course aims to provide a critical and socio-technical understanding of making buildings by reexamining the concept of tectonics in architecture. By investigating historical and theoretical underpinnings of the cultural discourse of... more
This article will take a glimpse at the development of this movement, which continues to evolve through the creative work of many Iraqi artists living inside and outside of Iraq, with special attention paid to the discourse of... more
Practising design in the context of development reflects the design discourse, which emphasises improving the quality of life for the wider communities in developing countries. In keeping with this direction, Interdesign-2005 initiated... more
The aim of this book is to provide a clear overview of the region that stimulates debate, gives direction to the development of design education, and provides an agenda that would strategically inform practitioners. Respondents to the... more
The expeditions of Malay fishermen who arrived on the Western Australia Northern coast in the 17th century, prior to European settlement, are documented largely through narrative accounts. By contrast, there is archival information... more
The shanasheel is an Iraqi name for the mashrbiya, a well-known Islamic architectural element, which appears as an extruded wooden structure from the frontal façade of domestic buildings, and distinguishes the designs of traditional... more
The Iraqi term for the coppersmith is safar, and the plural is safafeer. It is one of Iraqi's oldest handcrafts, with archaeological evidence that links this craft with the ancient civilisation of Mesopotamia. Also, this craft flourished... more
Al-mūḍīf (reed house) | The Encyclopedia of Crafts in WCC-Asia Pacific Region (EC-APR)ḍif/ 1/2 Country: Iraq Al-mūḍīf (reed house) The ancient land of Mesopotamia hosts two great rivers-the Euphrates and... more