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This course aims to provide a critical and socio-technical understanding of making buildings by reexamining the concept of tectonics in architecture. By investigating historical and theoretical underpinnings of the cultural discourse of tectonics, the course will aim to foster an appreciation of the built form from its first inceptions to its final realisation. During the semester, students will encounter a series of themes that underpin the process of translation from the representation of an initial idea to the building itself-like notational systems, materiality, workmanship and the poetics of construction. This thematic structure will be discussed in relation to selected built and unbuilt works as well as in relation to generic documents like construction manuals. In this course, the students are expected to be willing to engage with the theoretical implications of the culture of tectonics and to be able to compare and contrast different formal and constructional strategies that shape buildings beyond practical requirements. The course will be in the form of weekly lectures and discussion sessions. The students will be required to follow the course readings and participate in weekly group discussions as well as moderating at least one of these discussions. For the final evaluation of this course students should submit either: (1) a 4000-4500 word essay on a topic to be agreed with the instructor, or (2) a project analysis portfolio and a 1/50 scale model of a built work to be agreed upon with the instructor.

ARCH 332 Course Syllabus Bilgi University Faculty of Architecture Elif Kendir B. Spring Semester 2015-16 ARCH 332 TECTONIC TRANSLATIONS ͚Model Illustrating the Origin of the Roof Geometry of the Sydney Opera House͛, Ove Arup and Partners / Jorn Utzon, England / Australia, 1961. Course Description This course aims to provide a critical and socio-technical understanding of making buildings by reexamining the concept of tectonics in architecture. By investigating historical and theoretical underpinnings of the cultural discourse of tectonics, the course will aim to foster an appreciation of the built form from its first inceptions to its final realisation. During the semester, students will encounter a series of themes that underpin the process of translation from the representation of an initial idea to the building itself - like notational systems, materiality, workmanship and the poetics of construction. This thematic structure will be discussed in relation to selected built and unbuilt works as well as in relation to generic documents like construction manuals. In this course, the students are expected to be willing to engage with the theoretical implications of the culture of tectonics and to be able to compare and contrast different formal and constructional strategies that shape buildings beyond practical requirements. The course will be in the form of weekly lectures and discussion sessions. The students will be required to follow the course readings and participate in weekly group discussions as well as moderating at least one of these discussions. For the final evaluation of this course students should submit either: (1) a 4000-4500 word essay on a topic to be agreed with the instructor, or (2) a project analysis portfolio and a 1/50 scale model of a built work to be agreed upon with the instructor. Credits 5 credits Meetings Wednesdays 2 pm - 5 pm, S-KD4, 4th floor 1 ARCH 332 Course Syllabus Bilgi University Faculty of Architecture Elif Kendir B. Spring Semester 2015-16 Course Schedule WEEK 1 February 10 Course Introduction: Tectonics 1 "The Scope of Tectonics" Reading: Sekler, Eduard F. ͞Structure, Construction, Tectonics,͟ in Structure in Art and Science, edited by György Kepes, 89-96. New York: George Braziller, 1965. WEEK 2 February 17 Tectonics 2 "Tectonic Culture" Reading: Frampton, Kenneth. "Introduction" in Kenneth Frampton, Studies in Tectonic Culture, 1-27. Cambridge, Mass.: The MIT Press, 1995. WEEK 3 February 24 Representation 1 "From Conception to Representation" Reading: Evans, Robin. ͞Translations from Drawing to Building,͟ in Translations from Drawing to Building and Other Essays, by Robin Evans. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 1986. WEEK 4 March 2 Representation 2 "From Representation to Realization" Reading: Rykwert, Joseph. ͞Translation and/or Representation.͟ RES: Anthropology and Aesthetics, 1998: 64-70. Robbins, Edward. Why Architects Draw, 2-49. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 1994. WEEK 5 March 9 Architectonic potential of construction. Case Study: "Jørn Utzon & Ove Arup - Sydney Opera House" Reading: Salvadori, Mario G. ͞The Engineer and the Artist.͟ Perspecta, no. 5 (1959): 16-19. WEEK 6 March 16 Architectonic potential of vernacular systems. Case Studies: "Eladio Dieste - Prestressed Brick Construction” + “Rafael Guastavino - Catalan Vaulting" Reading: Dieste, Eladio. ͞Architecture and Construction.͟ In Eladio Dieste: Innovation in Structural Art, by Stanford Anderson, 182-190. New York: Princeton Architectural Press, (1980)2004. Rudofsky, Bernard. Architecture without Architects: A Short Introduction to Non-Pedigreed Architecture. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1964. WEEK 7 March 23 Architectonic potential of materials. Case Study: "Carlo Scarpa - Works in the Veneto District" Reading: Frascari, Marco. "The Tell-the-Tale Detail," in VIA 7: The Building of Architecture, Paula Behrens and Anthony Fisher (eds.), 23-37. Cambridge, Mass.: The MIT Press, 1984. Ochsendorf, John. Guastavino Vaulting: The Art of Structural Tile. New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 2010. WEEK 8 March 30 Towards Specificity: Tailored Details versus Construction Manuals. Case Study: "Sigurd Lewerentz - Church of St. Petri in Klippan" Reading: McVicar, Mhairi. "Passion and Control: Lewerentz and a Mortar Joint" in Dutoit, Allison, Juliet Odgers, and Adam Sharr, Quality out of Control: Standards for Measuring Architecture. London: Routledge, 2010. 2 ARCH 332 Course Syllabus Bilgi University Faculty of Architecture Elif Kendir B. Spring Semester 2015-16 Deamer, Peggy. “Detail Deliberations.” In Building in the Future: Recasting Labor in Architecture, edited by Peggy Deamer and Philip Bernstein, 80-88. New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 2010. WEEK 9 April 6 Tectonic Collaborations Reading: Charrington, Harry. ͞Not a locked box: the everyday art of the Aalto atelier.͟ arq: Architectural Research Quarterly 14, no. 3 (2010): 255-266. Saint, Andrew. ͞Frank Lloyd Wright and Paul Mueller: the architect and his builder of choice.͟ arq: Architectural Research Quarterly 7, no. 2 (2003): 157-167. WEEK 10 April 13 The Tectonic Trajectory: Changing Modes of Making in Architecture Reading: DeLanda, Manuel. ͞Philosophies of Design: The Case of Modelling Software.͟ in Verb Architecture Boogazine: Authorship and Information (Actar Press), no. 1 edited by Jaime Salazar, Albert Ferré, Manuel Gausa, Ramon Prat, Tomoko Sakamoto and Anna Tetas. (March 2002). WEEK 11 April 20 Tectonic discussions in Turkey Guest Lecturer: TBA Reading: Kanıpak, Ömer. ͞Yeni Başbakanlık Sarayı ve Giydirilmiş Sandalyeler.͟ Istanbul Art News, June (2014). Aran, Kemal. “Kamu-Düzeni ve Övünç Duygusu Deneyimleten Yerleşke.” Doxa 9, May (2010): 106117. WEEK 12 April 27 Student Presentations: Essays + Models Reading: Pye, David. "Quality in Workmanship" in The Nature and Art of Workmanship. London: The Herbert Press, 1995, 1968. WEEK 13 May 5 Student Presentations: Essays + Models Reading: Habraken, N. J. "About an attitude in making architecture" in Palladio's Children: Seven Essays on the Everyday Environment and the Architect. 1st. Edited by Jonathan Teicher. Oxon: Taylor & Francis, 2005. WEEK 14 May 18 Design of the Final Exhibition / Final Discussion Reading: Zumthor, Peter. ͞A Way of Looking at Things.͟ Edited by Nobuyuki Yoshida. A+U, 1998: 6-24. FINAL [exact submission date to be announced] Model or Essay Submission Research Routes Alternative 1. Essay [individual work] In this alternative, the course participants will be given the option to propose an essay topic relevant to the subject matter of the course, and write up a 4000 to 4500-word essay on their proposed topic. This is an individual assignment, and the final essay will be expected to demonstrate a clear understanding of the issues discussed within the semester as well as supplementing this understanding with additional reading material to be attached at the end of the essays in the form of a bibliography. 3 ARCH 332 Course Syllabus Bilgi University Faculty of Architecture Elif Kendir B. Spring Semester 2015-16 Alternative 2. Model [group work] In the second alternative, the course participants will be given the option to select a significant built example from 20th century Turkish architecture and build a 1/50 scale presentation model of their selected building. This will be done in groups of 2 or 3, and will be accompanied by a project portfolio comprised of a short written description of the building particulars along with its design documentation. The buildings to be selected will need to be approved by the instructor by Week 4, and if possible, the architects of the selected buildings will be invited for guest lectures before the final submission of the models. Grading Attendance and participation in group discussions 15%; Reading presentation and discussion moderation 20%; Final presentation 45%; Final exhibition 20%. Bibliography Allen, Stan. “Practice vs. Project.” Edited by Amanda Reeser and Ashley Schafer. Praxis: Journal of Writing and Building 1, no. 0 (Fall 1999): 112-123. Anderson, Stanford. Eladio Dieste: Innovation in Structural Art. New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 2004. Aran, Kemal. Beyond Shelter: Anatolian Indigenous Buildings. Ankara: Tepe Publishing, 2000. Aranda, Benjamin, and Chris Lasch. Pamphlet Architecture 27: Tooling. New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 2005. Cadwell, Michael. Strange Details. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press, 2007. Hortus Conclusus - Carlo Scarpa e la Querini Stampalia. DVD. Directed by Riccardo De Cal. Produced by Fondazione Querini Stampalia. 2007. Charrington, Harry. “Not a locked box: the everyday art of the Aalto atelier.” arq: Architectural Research Quarterly 14, no. 3 (2010): 255-266. Deamer, Peggy. “Detail Deliberations.” In Building in the Future: Recasting Labor in Architecture, edited by Peggy Deamer and Philip Bernstein, 80-88. New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 2010. Deamer, Peggy. “The Everyday and the Utopian.” In Architecture of the Everyday, edited by Steven Harris and Deborah Berke, 195-216. New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 1997. DeLanda, Manuel. “Philosophies of Design: The Case of Modelling Software.” Edited by Jaime Salazar, Albert Ferré, Manuel Gausa, Ramon Prat, Tomoko Sakamoto and Anna Tetas. Verb Architecture Boogazine: Authorship and Information (Actar Press), no. 1 (March 2002). Dieste, Eladio. “Architecture and Construction.” In Eladio Dieste: Innovation in Structural Art, by Stanford Anderson, 182-190. New York: Princeton Architectural Press, (1980)2004. Dieste, Eladio. “Some Reflections on Architecture and Construction.” Perspecta 27 (1992): 186203. Dutoit, Allison, Juliet Odgers, and Adam Sharr, . Quality out of Control: Standards for Measuring Architecture. London: Routledge, 2010. Evans, Robin. “Translations from Drawing to Building.” In Translations from Drawing to Building and Other Essays, by Robin Evans. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 1986. Frampton, Kenneth. Studies in Tectonic Culture. Cambridge, Mass.: The MIT Press, 1995. 4 ARCH 332 Course Syllabus Bilgi University Faculty of Architecture Elif Kendir B. Spring Semester 2015-16 Giedion, Sigfried. Building in France, Building in Iron, Building in Ferroconcrete. Translated by J. Duncan Berry. Santa Monica, CA: The Getty Center for the History of Art and the Humanities, 1995. Habraken, N. J. Palladio's Children: Seven Essays on the Everyday Environment and the Architect. 1st. Edited by Jonathan Teicher. Oxon: Taylor & Francis, 2005. Hvass, Svend M. Ise - Japan's Ise Shrines: Ancient Yet New. Copenhagen: Aristo Publishers, 1999. Kendir, Elif. “Idea and Phenomena: Interview with Steven Holl.” XXI, November 2003. Kendir, Elif. “Interview with Hani Rashid: On Architecture at the Interface.” XXI, October 2003. Kieran, Stephen, and James Timberlake. Refabricating Architecture: How Manufacturing Methodologies are Poised to Transform Building Construction. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2003. King, Ross. Brunelleschi's Dome - The Story of the Great Cathedral in Florence. London: Chatto & Windus, 2000. Kolarevic, Branko, and Kevin Klinger. Manufacturing Material Effects: Rethinking Design and Making in Architecture. London: Routledge, 2008. Leatherbarrow, David. “Material Possibilities.” In The Roots of Architectural Invention: Site, Enclosure, Materials, by David Leatherbarrow. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993. Leatherbarrow, David. “The Play of Articulation.” In Uncommmon Ground: Architecture, Technology and Topography, by David Leatherbarrow. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 2002. Leatherbarrow, David, and Mohsen Mostafavi. On Weathering: The Life of Buildings in Time. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 1993. Loos, Adolf. “Building Materials (1898).” In Spoken into the Void: Collected Essays 1897-1900, by Adolf Loos. Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1982. Loos, Adolf. “The Principle of Cladding (1898).” In Spoken into the Void: Collected Essays 18971900, by Adolf Loos. Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1982. Meyers, Marshall D. “Making the Kimbell: A Brief Memoir.” In Louis I. Kahn: The Construction of the Kimbell Art Museum, edited by Luca Belinelli, 17-23. Milano: Skira, 1999. Moholy-Nagy, Sibyl. Native Genius in Anonymous Architecture in North America. New York: Schocken Books, 1976, 1957. Morris, William. “The Influence of Building Materials in Architecture.” Marxists Internet Archive. 20 November 1891. (accessed September 2007). Murray, Gordon. “Building simply: ethic or aesthetic? Thinking and making in an era of specialisation.” arq: Architectural Research Quarterly 11, no. 2 (2007): 112-117. Ochsendorf, John. Guastavino Vaulting: The Art of Structural Tile. New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 2010. Otto, Frei, and Bodo Rasch. Finding Form: Towards an Architecture of the Minimal. Edition Axel Menges, 1995. Pérez-Gómez, Alberto, and Louise Pelletier. Architectural Representation and the Perspective Hinge. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 1997. Pye, David. The Nature and Aesthetics of Design. London: The Herbert Press, 1988, 1978. Pye, David. The Nature and Art of Workmanship. London: The Herbert Press, 1995, 1968. Reeser, Amanda, and Ashley Schafer. “Defining Detail.” Edited by Amanda Reeser and Ashley Schafer. Praxis: Journal of Writing and Building 1, no. 1 (2000): 4-6. Reiser, Jesse, and Nanako Umemoto. Atlas of Novel Tectonics. New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 2006. 5 ARCH 332 Course Syllabus Bilgi University Faculty of Architecture Elif Kendir B. Spring Semester 2015-16 Robbins, Edward. Why Architects Draw. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 1994. Rudofsky, Bernard. Architecture without Architects: A Short Introduction to Non-Pedigreed Architecture. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1964. Rykwert, Joseph. “Translation and/or Representation.” RES: Anthropology and Aesthetics, 1998: 64-70. Saint, Andrew. “Frank Lloyd Wright and Paul Mueller: the architect and his builder of choice.” arq: Architectural Research Quarterly 7, no. 2 (2003): 157-167. Salvadori, Mario G. “The Engineer and the Artist.” Perspecta, no. 5 (1959): 16-19. Seike, Kiyosi. The Art of Japanese Joinery. New York: Weatherhill, 1977. Sekler, Eduard F. “Structure, Construction, Tectonics.” In Structure in Art and Science, edited by György Kepes, 89-96. New York: George Braziller, 1965. Semper, Gottfried. Style in the Technical and Tectonic Arts; or Practical Aesthetics. Los Angeles, CA: Getty Publications, 2004, 1860. Serra, Richard, and Klaus Ottmann. “Richard Serra.” Journal of Contemporary Art Online. 1989. (accessed 06 2010). Till, Jeremy. Architecture Depends. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 2009. Zumthor, Peter. “A Way of Looking at Things.” Edited by Nobuyuki Yoshida. A+U, 1998: 6-24. Zumthor, Peter. Thinking Architecture. Basel: Birkhaeuser, 2006. Zumthor, Peter, and Marco Masetti. “Interview with Peter Zumthor.” arch daily. 2009 December 2009. (accessed May 11, 2011). 6