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This page is an open source resource guide for tomatoes. It is for growing and maintaining the most bio-diverse, delicious, and broadly applicable tomato selection possible. It contains cultural considerations, planting guidelines, descriptions, and the best places we’ve found for purchasing the species we’ve listed. As part of the One Community Highest Good food component of global transformation, this page will continue to evolve indefinitely to contain maintenance and care tips, accessioning and plant breeding and sharing information as part of the One Community open source botanical garden model, and even recipe’s, preparations, and preservation methods used on the property.


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tomato collage, One Communiyt


(Click here for tomato purchase details)

Tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum- formerly Lycopersicon esculentum)
Tomatoes, One Community

Tomatoes are heat-loving plants with two main growth habits; determinate (bush form) and indeterminate (sprawling ground-hugging branches). This versatile fruit (which is typically used as a vegetable) is eaten fresh when ripe, or cooked, stewed, sauced dried or pureed, and partially dehydrated to paste. Tomatoes are a highly nutritious source of vitamins C and E, and contain immune-boosting polysaccharides, lycopene and other carotenoids.

  • Excess nitrogen causes reduced fruit crop
  • Tomatoes like warm temperatures and rich soil
  • Plants like steady moisture, mulch is very beneficial
  • Tomatoes are subject to several insect pests and diseases
  • If planted too early plants will not grow until weather warms

Tomatoes are generally planted as transplants, which are started indoors in late winter or early spring. Soil should be amended in advance with compost or well rotted animal manure. In areas with nematode populations, inoculating the soil with beneficial nematodes may be advisable. Transplant out in full sun after last frost and when soil temperatures have warmed sufficiently. The sprawling forms are usually staked to keep the fruit off the ground. The most frequent pest is the tomato hornworm and these can be hand picked, but should not be entirely destroyed as the adult moth is an important pollinator. They can be moved to other solanaceous species to live out their life cycle – ground cherries (Physalis spp.) are a good trap crop.

DIY Video half, ways to help One Community, open source sustainability, One Community globalDo-it-yourself video coming, helping through crowdfunding, crowdfunding sustainability

VIDEO COMING: Planting tutorial followed by timelapse growth videos



Wikipedia ” Tomatoes

Amish Paste Tomato, One Community
GT#1 :: Amish Paste Tomato

Amish Paste tomatoes originate from the Amish near Lancaster, Pennsylvania. They have delicious and juicy flesh that is great for sauce or eating fresh from the vine. Its bright red fruits mature in about eighty-five days and grow to about twelve ounces and vary in shape from oxheart to round.


Black Krim Tomato, One Community
GT#2 :: Black Krim Tomato (AKA Black Crimea)

In 1990 the Black Krim was found in Krim Russia. It produces full-flavored beefsteak fruits that are a combination of violet-brown and purple-red in color, becoming almost black with sufficient sunlight and heat. It is an indeterminate type that matures in around 90 days from transplanting.

Currant, Sweet Pea Tomato, One Community
GT#3 :: Currant, Sweet Pea Tomato

The Currant Sweet Pea tomato produces hundreds of fruit per plant that are borne in trusses of 10-12 with a spreading habit. It has an excellent flavor with a hint of wine and is mainly used as a garnish. This tomato matures in about eighty days from transplanting and is an indeterminate type.

Gold Medal Tomato, One Community
GT#4 :: Gold Medal Tomato

This tomato was originally introduced as Ruby Gold by John Lewis Childs in 1921 and then later renamed Gold Medal by Ben Quisenberry in his 1976 catalog. It is an attractive and sweet tasting tomato that grows yellow with streaks of red and is a gourmet’s joy when sliced. It matures in 75-90 days from transplanting.

Mortgage Lifter, Halladay's Tomato, One Community
GT#5 :: Mortgage Lifter (Halladay’s) Tomato

Halladay’s Mortgage Lifter is a Kentucky family heirloom grown since the 1930s by three generations of James Halladay’s family. In a trial of 25 Mortgage Lifter types, Halladay’s produced the best crops of up to 2 pounds of pink beefsteak fruits. Meaty and typically crack-free, this tomato has been described as having “an old-fashioned tomato flavor.” It matures in around ninety days and is an indeterminate type.


Principe Borghese Tomato, One Community
GT#6 :: Principe Borghese Tomato

Principe Borghese is an Italian heirloom tomato that is the traditional variety for sun-dried tomatoes because it retains its color and flavor when dehydrated. They are also favorites for eating fresh and their ability to withstand high heat makes them especially good for sauce making. The bushier of these plum-shaped red plants will need support when the yield gets near 1-2 ounces. It matures in seventy to seventy-five days and is of a determinate type.

Redfield Beauty Tomato, One Community
GT#7 :: Redfield Beauty Tomato

Redfield Beauty was selected from Livingston’s Beauty in 1885. Plants are an indeterminate type and vigorously productive with dark green foliage and pink 3-4 inch flattened fruits that mature in eighty days from transplanting and drop from the plant when ripe. The fruit is a full-flavored juicy-pink heirloom tomato with a hint of tartness, low acid, thin skin, and great for slicing and fresh eating.

Dester Tomato, One Community
GT#8 :: Dester Tomato

Dester tomato seeds were originally introduced from Germany by way of an Amish women in Seymour Missouri. It is a indeterminate type that matures in seventy to eighty days after transplanting to produce a luscious one-pound pink beefsteak tomato with a rich, sweet flavor. They are smooth to the touch, crack resistant, and great for slicing and raw eating.

Dr. Wyche's Yellow Tomato, One Community
GT#9 :: Dr. Wyche’s Yellow Tomato

Dr. Wyche’s Yellow tomato are open pollinated and produce heavy yields of one pound tomatoes that, despite the name, are almost orange in color. They have a plump meatiness about them, extra juicy insides that look more like a pomegranate than a tomato because of the many holes, and a silky texture and rich flavor. These tomatoes are low acid, great for dehydrating, stews and eating fresh or with sandwiches despite their non-uniform shape. They mature in seventy-five to eighty-five days from transplanting and are an indeterminate type.

Cherokee Purple Tomato, One Community
GT#10 :: Cherokee Purple Tomato

Cherokee Purple tomato was introduced by a North Carolina seed saver member, Craig LeHoullier, in 1991, from seed obtained from J. D. Green of Tennessee. It produces large vines that can yield fruit up to 5 inches across and 3 ½ inches deep. These fruits have a unique brick-red color, can weigh up to twelve ounces, provide a sweet flesh and a rich and full flavor. It matures in seventy-five to ninety days and is an indeterminate type.


 We will also be growing the following additional tomatoes:
Tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum:: GT#11 -GT#25

11. Amarillo de Benlloch 12. Aranyalma 13. Blue Streak 14. Burracker’s Favorite 15. Gajo de Melon 16. Joya de Oaxaca 17. Babushkin’s Secret 18. Beefsteak, Watermelon 19. Mexican Giant 20. Market at Huachinango Puebla Mexico 21. Purple Calabash 22. Zapotec Pleated 23. Abe Lincoln 24. Bison 25. Burbank

Tomato Plant Material/Seed Providers:Tomato Purchase Details
GT#1TomatoAmish PasteSSE3 pkt.$3$9
GT#2TomatoBlack KrimSSE1/2 oz.$27.5$27.5
GT#3TomatoCurrant, Sweet PeaSSE3 pkt.$3$9
GT#4TomatoGold MedalSSE3 pkt.$3$9
GT#5TomatoMortgage Lifter, Halladay’sSSE3 pkt.$3$9
GT#6TomatoPrincipe BorgheseSSE3 pkt.$3$9
GT#7TomatoRedfield BeautySSE3 pkt.$3$9
GT#8TomatoDesterSSE3 pkt.$3$9
GT#9TomatoDr. Wyche’s YellowSSE3 pkt.$3$9
GT#10TomatoCherokee PurpleSSE3 pkt.$3$9
GT#11TomatoAmarillo de BenllochSSE3 pkt.$3$9
GT#12TomatoAranyalmaSSE3 pkt.$3$9
GT#13TomatoBlue StreakSSE3 pkt.$3$9
GT#14TomatoBurracker’s FavoriteSSE3 pkt.$3$9
GT#15TomatoGajo de MelonSSE3 pkt.$3$9
GT#16TomatoJoya de OaxacaSSE3 pkt.$3$9
GT#17TomatoBabushkin’s SecretSSE3 pkt.$3$9
GT#18TomatoBeefsteak, WatermelonSSE3 pkt.$3$9
GT#19TomatoMexican GiantSSE3 pkt.$3$9
GT#20TomatoMarket at H. P. MexicoSSE3 pkt.$3$9
GT#21TomatoPurple CalabashSSE3 pkt.$3$9
GT#22TomatoZapotec PleatedSSE3 pkt.$3$9
GT#23TomatoAbe LincolnSSE3 pkt.$3$9
GT#24TomatoBisonSSE3 pkt.$3$9
GT#25TomatoBurbankSSE3 pkt.$3$9



We are seeking awesome tomato resources. If you know of one, please click here to share it with us so we can make this page better.



This section will evolve to include accessioning and plant breeding and sharing information as part of the One Community open source botanical garden model.



This section will evolve to include testimonials, recipe’s, preparations, and preservation methods used on the property first, and then later with additional information from other Highest Good collaborators and teacher/demonstration hubs.

Garlic Grilled Tomatoes, Tomato Recipes, Grilled Recipes, One Community

Garlic Grilled Tomatoes

Recipe courtesy of: Grilled Recipe Blogspot

Total Time: 20 min
Prep: 20 min
Cook: 12 min
Yield: 4 Servings
Level: Easy



  • 4 ripe red tomatoes
    House Seasoning, recipe follows
  • 3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
  • 5 cloves garlic, minced
  • 2 tablespoons fresh thyme leaves
  • 1/4 cup Parmigiano-Reggiano

House Seasoning

  • 1 cup salt
  • 1/4 cup black pepper
  • 1/4 cup garlic powder


  1. Cut the tomatoes in half crosswise, season with House Seasoning.
  2. Heat the oil in a small frying pan over medium heat.
  3. Add the garlic, and cook until just starting to turn golden brown, 1 to 2 minutes.
  4. Pour the garlic and oil into a heatproof bowl.
  5. Oil the grill and set for high heat.
  6. Place the tomatoes cut side down and grill for 3 to 5 minutes.
  7. Turn over, top with the garlic oil mixture and continue to cook for another 3 minutes.
  8. Remove from grill and top with thyme, House Seasoning and Parmigiano-Reggiano.  (House Seasoning can be stored for up to 6 months)

Serve immediately

15 Minute Creamy Tomato Soup, Tomato Recipes, One Communitys15-Minute Creamy Tomato Soup (Vegan)

Recipe courtesy of: Serious Eats

Total Time: 30 min
Prep: 15 min
Cook: 15 min
Yield: 4 – 6 Servings
Level: Easy



  • 1/2 cup extra-virgin olive oil, divided
  • 2 cloves garlic, grated on a microplane grater
  • 1 small onion, finely sliced (about 1 cup)
  • 1 teaspoon dried oregano
  • 1/2 teaspoon red pepper flakes
  • 2 slices white bread, crusts removed, torn into rough 1/2-inch pieces
  • 2 (28-ounce) cans whole peeled tomatoes packed in juice or equivalent fresh tomatoes
  • Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper
  • Minced chives, basil, or parsley as garnish
  • Toasted bread or grilled cheese for serving



  1. Heat 2 tablespoons olive oil in a large saucepan over medium high heat until shimmering. Add garlic, onions, oregano, and red pepper flakes. Cook, stirring frequently until onions are softened but not browned, about 4 minutes. Add bread and tomatoes. Roughly mash tomatoes with a whisk or a potato masher. Add 2 cups water. Bring to a boil over high heat, then reduce to a simmer. Cook for 5 minutes.
  2. Transfer half of soup to the jar of a blender. Blend soup, starting at low speed and gradually increasing to high (be careful starting up, it can shoot out the top of the blender”open the vent and hold a kitchen towel over the lid to prevent blowout). With blender running on high, gradually trickle in half of remaining olive oil. Season soup to taste with salt and pepper. Transfer to a large bowl and repeat with remaining half of soup and olive oil. Ladle into individual serving bowls, top with minced herbs, drizzle with more olive oil, and serve with toast or grilled cheese.
Caprese Salad Bites, Tomato Recipes, Tomato Appetizers, One CommunityCaprese Salad Bites

Recipe courtesy of: Doctorate Housewife

Total Time: 15 min
Prep: 15 min
Cook: Chill
Yield: 4 Servings
Level: Easy



  • 1 lb. Cherry or Plum tomatoes
  • 50 Mini Mozzarella balls
  • 1 Package fresh basil
  • Toothpicks




  1. Wash tomatoes and basil.
  2. Take a tomato, cut it in half and stick it on the toothpick.
  3. Next add a small piece of basil to the toothpick, followed by the mozzarella ball, a second small piece of basil, and the other half of the tomato. Put on platter.
  4. Repeat with the remaining ingredients.
  5. Drizzle with olive oil (optional). Use the extra tomatoes and basil as garnish and watch the platter empty before your eyes.

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