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One Community Sitemap

Sitemap :: One Community


One Community Terms and Conditions
Homepage: This is a great place to start

Our Team: This is our amazing team of world-change people
Overview Page: An overview of One Community and our goals
The One Community Pledge: Our commitment to making a difference
For The Highest Good of All®: This is our #1 value and the foundation for all we do
Open Source Project Launch-blueprinting: This is how we are changing the world
Purpose, Mission, Vision, and Values: Our Purpose, Mission, and Vision statements
Solutions that Create Solutions: This is the point of why we are doing what we are doing
4-Phase Strategy: This is the overview of how we will accomplish solutions that create solutions
Methodology: This is the details page covering how we will accomplish solutions that create solutions
Who We Are and Who We Are Looking For: This is the kind of people we are and are looking for
Fulfilled Living Page: This is the environment we are purposed to create and create from



One Community, YoutubeOne Community, LinkedInOne Community, TwitterOne Community, Facebook, UpdatesOne Community, Facebook, GroupsOne Community, Facebook, FansInstagram, Instagram icon, Instagram posts, One Community's Instagram Page, One Community Global images, Highest Good Living, green living, eco-livingOne Community, PinterestOne Community, Weekly, Progress, Updates, BlogOne Community. Tumblr



How to Help Overview: Overview of all the ways to get involved


highest good food, vegan, vegetarian, omnivore, diet, food infrastructure, hoop houses, large scale garden, food forest, botanical garden, soil amendmenthighest good energy, off-grid energy, solar power, wind power, water power, energy efficiency, hydronic, electricity, power, fuel, energy storagehighest good housing, shelter, dome home, living space, eco-housing, earthbag village, straw bale village, cob village, earth block village, shipping container village, recycled and reclaimed materials village, tree house village, duplicable city centerhighest good education, school, home school, learning, teaching, teachers, learners, curriculum, lesson plans. ultimate classroomhighest good economics, trade, money, business, transactions, resource based economy, for profit, non profit, eco tourism, revenue streams, taxes, investments, debthighest good society, social architecture, fulfilled living, pledge, values, highest good lifestyle, consensus, social equality, community contribution, recreationhighest good stewardship, for the highest good of all, vision, values, solution-based thinking model, open source model, sustainability, cultural diversity, spiritual diversity, drug policy, pet policyduplicable city center, open source city hub, laundry, dining, swimming pool, hot tub, kitchen, library, game room

Here are some of the portals within the portals. These are only the most frequently referenced ones. For an alphabetical listing of all the portals, go to the bottom of this page.

Collaborative Input for Education Page
Collaborative Input for Infrastructure Page


Becoming an Industry Partner
Becoming a Community Member
Contributing to Our Non-profit Organization
Specific Areas You Can Help
Marketing Engine


Building a Better World
Location Essentials
Funding Options


People’s Agenda 21 –
Ethosolutions –



(mouse-over icons for descriptions – click for complete pages)

the One Community blog, One Community updates, transforming the global environment, transformational change, evolving living, One Community, One Community Global, creating a new world, the solution to everything, the solution to everything, the solution to anything, creating world change, open source future, for The Highest Good of All, a world that works for everyone, world change, transforming the planet, difference makers, sustainability non-profit, solution based thinking, being the change we want to see in the world, making a difference, sustainable planet, global cooperative, 501c3 sustainability, creating our future, architects of the future, engineers of the future, sustainable civilization, a new civilization, a new way to live, ecological world, people working together, Highest Good food, Highest Good energy, Highest Good housing, Highest Good education, Highest Good societysustainable civilization building though housing, sustainable housing, best practice living, sustainable housing systems, green materials, earthbag, cob, straw bale, One Community, open source housing, free-shared architecture, sustainable living, green living, eco living, living ecologically, for The Highest Good of All, transforming the world, build your own home, build your own house, affordable housing, open source architecture, architects of the future, sustainability non-profit, 501c3 organization, sustainable life, water catchment, organic food, eco-housing, artistic homes, sustainability cooperative, sustainable living group, open source, sustainability nonprofit, free-shared plans, teacher/demonstration village, open source project-launch blueprinting, One Community housing, Highest Good housingduplicable city center, solution based thinking, One Community, SEGO Center, city hub, recreation center, eco center, sustainable living, ecological living, green living, eco-recreation, group laundry center, for The Highest Good of AllStraw Bale Village, One Community Pod 2Duplicable City Center Natural Pool and Spacontrol systems, monitoring systems, automation systems, analysis systems, eco-living, green livingDuplicable City Center Eco-Kitchen (click image for the complete page)
earthbag materials costs, straw bale materials costs, eco-materials, green materials, building materials, where to get materials, construction materials, earthship materials, sustainable materials, subterranean construction materials, architecture materials, eco-materials, tree-house materials, earthblock materials, earth block materials, building with earth, building with straw, sustainable materials, Highest Good materials, sourcing materials, buying materialsopen source equipment, sourcing equipment, what equipment you need, eco-equipment selection, Highest Good equipment, tools and equipment, earthbag tools and equipment, straw bale tools and equipment, cob tools and equipment, earth block tools and equipment, green tools and equipment, earthship tools and equipmentbuilding time needs, time investment, build times, time to build, earthbag build time investment, straw bale build times, eco build times, sustainable build times, green building, labour evaluation, labour investment, labour input, labor requirements, labor input, time for buildingOne Community furniture, dome home furniture, round furnitureHeating and Cooling IconFire and Medical Icon, Open Source Fire Plan, Open Source Emergency Medical Strategywater conservation methods, advantages of rainwater harvesting, rainwater harvesting techniques, open source water systems, methods of rainwater harvesting, smart water, intelligent water use, swales, One Community, solution based thinking, conserve water, water conservation, water wise, saving water, best land for water, mulch, water catchment, water collection, swails, water collecting, vermiculture, conserving waterACE Application, improving city efficiency, creating the world we want


Large-scale Gardening Icon, food diversity, organic food, eco-living, grow your own foodHoop House Open Source Hub IconAmending soil, soil amendment, One Community soil amendmentopen source building plans, open source architectural plans, open source structural plans, open source blueprints, open source CAD, open source Sketchup, open source 3D Max, open source Revit, free-shared plans, free-shared blueprints, sustainable food, best practice food, sustainable food systems, green food, aquapinis, aquapini, walipini, green house, in-ground growing, organic food, One Community, open source food, free-shared architecture, sustainable living, green living, eco living, living ecologically, for The Highest Good of All, transforming the world, build your own food house, build your own greenhouse, affordable food, open source architecture, architects of the future, sustainability non-profit, 501c3 organization, sustainable life, water catchment, organic food, eco-housing, artistic homes, sustainability cooperative, sustainable living group, open source, sustainability nonprofit, free-shared plans, teacher/demonstration village, open source project-launch blueprinting, One Community housing, Highest Good housingsustainable food, best practice food, sustainable food systems, aquaponics, walipini, aquapini, zen aquapini, One Community, open source food, free-shared architecture, sustainable living, green living, eco living, living ecologically, for The Highest Good of All, transforming the world, grow your own food, build your own greenhouse in the ground, ground greenhouse, open source architecture, architects of the future, sustainability non-profit, 501c3 organization, sustainable life, water catchment, organic food, food anywhere, maximum food diversity, build your own farmers market, sustainability cooperative, sustainable living group, open source, sustainability nonprofit, free-shared plans, teacher/demonstration village, open source project-launch blueprinting, One Community Update, USDA zone 7a, USDA zone 7bfood forest, growing food, great food, natural food, open source food, One Community food, Canopy, Understory, Vines, Shrubs, Herbs, Groundcover, Root Crops, Edge Plantings, organic food, delicious food, botanical garden, grow your own foodbotanical garden, open source botanical garden, preserving bio-diversity, regenerative living, earth-regenerative, species diversity, Highest Good for plants, One Community, open source plant model, preserving plant diversity, saving plants, loving plants, global plant collaborative, indoor garden, walipini, aquapini, non-profit support for agriculture, food research, plant researchsustainable civilization building though housing, sustainable housing, best practice living, sustainable housing systems, green materials, earthbag, cob, straw bale, One Community, open source housing, free-shared architecture, sustainable living, green living, eco living, living ecologically, for The Highest Good of All, transforming the world, build your own home, build your own house, affordable housing, open source architecture, architects of the future, sustainability non-profit, 501c3 organization, sustainable life, water catchment, organic food, eco-housing, artistic homes, sustainability cooperative, sustainable living group, open source, sustainability nonprofit, free-shared plans, teacher/demonstration village, open source project-launch blueprinting, One Community housing, Highest Good housing
Tropical Atrium Planting Icon, One Community Tropical Atrium, greenhouse, eco-greenhouse, Highest Good food, tropical greenhouse, indoor growing, sustainable food, Earthbag Village, One Community, sustainable community, green living, One Community Globalchicken, rooster, roaster, fryer, cock, coop, henyard, poultry, chuck, peeper, henhouse, raising chickens, eggs, chicken eggs, Highest Good food, ethical animal husbandryrabbits, hare, rabbiter, rabbitry, coney, rabbiting, cottontail, warren, bunny, bunnies, rabbits for food, eating robbits, rack rabbit, buck rabbit, thumper, Highest Good food, One Communitygoats, billygoat, goat meat, goat milk, Highest Good food, ethical raising of goatsharvesting wildlife, ethical wildlife harvesting, wildlife stewardship, increasing wildlife habitat, ecosystem stewardship, deer, rabbits, pigs, javelina, turkey, sheep, One Community, goose, geese, bison, elk, moose, caribou, duck, dove, pheasant, wild goat, quail, squirrelaquaculture, aquaponics, catfish, mussels, crawfish, lobster, tilapia, trout, salmon, clams, shrimp, prawns, snails, frogs, crawdaddies, fish for food, crustaceans for food, eco eating, ethical food, Highest Good food, One CommunityOne Community for-profit, open source for-profitOne Community non-profit, open source non-profit


Highest Good Lifestyle Considerations Page: Materials | Cleaning Supplies | Lifestyle Practices | Toiletries | Technology | HardwareOne Community school, One Community education, teaching strategies for life, curriculum for life, One Community, transformational education, open source education, free-shared education, eco-education, curriculum for life, strategies of leadership, education for life, transformational education, new paradigm learning, genius training, the ultimate classroom, teaching tools for life, for the highest good of all, Waldorf, Study Technology, Study Tech, Montessori, Reggio, 8 Intelligences, Bloom's Taxonomy, Orff, our children are our future, the future of kids, One Community kids, One Community families, education for life, transformational living, thinking out of the box, learning how to learn - not what to learn, learning to think, using your brain for a change, brainy builderOne Community school, One Community education, teaching strategies for life, curriculum for life, One Community, transformational education, open source education, free-shared education, eco-education, curriculum for life, strategies of leadership, the ultimate classroom, teaching tools for life, for the highest good of all, Waldorf, Montessori, Reggio, 8 intelligences, Bloom's Taxonomy, Orff, our children are our future, the future of kids, One Community kids, One Community families, education for life, transformational livingOne Community school, One Community education, teaching strategies for life, curriculum for life, One Community, transformational education, open source education, free-shared education, eco-education, curriculum for life, strategies of leadership, education for life, transformational education, new paradigm learning, genius training, the ultimate classroom, teaching tools for life, for the highest good of all, Waldorf, Study Technology, Study Tech, Montessori, Reggio, 8 Intelligences, Bloom's Taxonomy, Orff, our children are our future, the future of kids, One Community kids, One Community families, education for life, transformational living, thinking out of the box, learning how to learn - not what to learn, learning to think, using your brain for a change, brainy builderteaching tools, teaching toys, learning tools, learning toys, educational toys, educational tools, toys to learn with, toys to grow with, math toys, science toys, social sciences toys, classroom toys, classroom tools, english toys, art toys, music toys, health toys, writing toys, reading toys, reading toolslesson plans for life, educational lessons, learning for life, teaching for life, educational plans, math lesson plans, science lesson plans, english lesson plans, social sciences lesson plans, art lesson plans, vocational lesson plans, health lesson plans, education templates, education mindmaps, learning mindmaps, Education for Life program, One Community, open source education, Highest Good education, free-shared educationevaluation and evolution, learning for life, growing as individuals, evolving education, One Community school, One Community education, teaching strategies for life, curriculum for life, One Community, transformational education, open source education, free-shared education, eco-education, curriculum for life, strategies of leadership, the ultimate classroom, teaching tools for life, for the highest good of all, Waldorf, Study Technology, Study Tech, Montessori, Reggio, 8 Intelligences, Bloom's Taxonomy, Orff, our children are our future, the future of kids, One Community kids, One Community families, education for life, transformational living, Highest Good education, One Communitythe ultimate classroom, One Community Kids, enlightened children, children of the future, conscious kids, conscientious kids, kid leaders, leadership and children, children leading the world, sustainable education, Highest Good education, One Community

teaching arts, teaching trades, teaching life skills, teaching building, teaching communication, teaching painting, teaching exploration, teaching rhythm and tempo, teaching tactile skills, teaching learning strategies, teaching storytelling, teaching puppet theatre, teaching planting, teaching crafts, teaching woodworking, teaching metalworking, teaching pottery, teaching theatre, learning arts, learning trades, learning life skills, learning building, learning communication, learning painting, learning exploration, learning rhythm and tempo, learning tactile skills, learning learning strategies, learning storytelling, learning puppet theatre, learning planting, learning crafts, learning woodworking, learning metalworking, learning poetry, learning theatre, the Education for Life Program, creative kids, artistic kids, art in the context of, music in the context of, One Community education, open source education, One Community school teaching english, teaching literature, teaching sociolinguistics, teaching communications, teaching linguistics, teaching speech etiquette, teaching listening, teaching pronunciation, teaching language, teaching reading, teaching writing, teaching parts of speech, teaching comprehension, teaching speaking, teaching stories, teaching poems, learning english, learning literature, learning sociolinguistics, learning communications, learning linguistics, learning speech etiquette, learning listening, learning pronunciation, learning language, learning reading, learning writing, learning parts of speech, learning comprehension, learning speaking, learning stories, learning poems, the Education for Life Program, creative kids, artistic kids, art in the context of, music in the context of, One Community education, open source education, One Community school teaching health, teaching emotional health, teaching mental health, teaching social health, teaching nutrition, teaching spiritual health, teaching physical health, teaching self respect, teaching self awareness, teaching flexibility, teaching fruit, teaching vegetables, teaching grains, teaching ego, teaching connection, teaching intuition, teaching motor skills, teaching fitness, teaching outdoors, learning health, learning emotional health, learning mental health, learning social health, learning nutrition, learning spiritual health, learning physical health, learning self respect, learning self awareness, learning flexibility, learning fruit, learning vegetables, learning grains, learning ego, learning connection, learning intuition, learning motor skills, learning fitness, learning outdoors, the Education for Life Program, creative kids, artistic kids, art in the context of, music in the context of, One Community education, open source education, One Community school teaching math, teaching arithmetic, teaching algebra, teaching calculous, teaching calculations, teaching geometry, teaching trigonometry, teaching architecture, teaching engineering, teaching addition, teaching subtraction, learning math, learning arithmetic, learning algebra, learning calculous, learning calculations, learning geometry, learning trigonometry, learning architecture, learning engineering, learning addition, learning subtraction, the Education for Life Program, creative kids, artistic kids, art in the context of, music in the context of, One Community education, open source education, One Community schoolteaching earth sciences, teaching life sciences, teaching physical sciences, teaching astronomy, teaching states of matter, teaching motion, teaching investigation, teaching energy, teaching vibration, teaching magnetism, learning earth sciences, learning life sciences, learning physical sciences, learning astronomy, learning states of matter, learning motion, learning investigation, learning energy, learning vibration, learning magnetism, the Education for Life Program, creative kids, artistic kids, art in the context of, music in the context of, One Community education, open source education, One Community school teaching social sciences, teaching friendship, teaching family, teaching social skills, teaching language, teaching literature, teaching seasons, teaching fine arts, teaching emotions, teaching culture, teaching history, teaching sports, teaching relationships, learning social sciences, learning friendship, learning family, learning social skills, learning language, learning literature, learning seasons, learning fine arts, learning emotions, learning culture, learning history, learning sports, learning relationships, the Education for Life Program, creative kids, artistic kids, art in the context of, music in the context of, One Community education, open source education, One Community school teaching innovation, teaching awareness, teaching focus, teaching imagination, teaching strategy, teaching creativity, teaching visualization, teaching technology, teaching basic machines, teaching magnets, teaching gears, teaching coding, teaching app development, teaching design, teaching blueprints, learning innovation, learning awareness, learning focus, learning imagination, learning strategy, learning creativity, learning visualization, learning technology, learning basic machines, learning magnets, learning gears, learning coding, learning app development, learning design, learning blueprints, the Education for Life Program, creative kids, artistic kids, art in the context of, music in the context of, One Community education, open source education, One Community school teaching imagination, teaching communication, teaching care, teaching kindness, teaching hygiene, teaching sharing, teaching playfulness, teaching teamwork, learning imagination, learning communication, learning care, learning kindness, learning hygiene, learning sharing, learning playfulness, learning teamwork, the Education for Life Program, creative kids, artistic kids, art in the context of, music in the context of, One Community education, open source education, One Community school


highest good food, vegan, vegetarian, omnivore, diet, food infrastructure, hoop houses, large scale garden, food forest, botanical garden, soil amendmenthighest good energy, off-grid energy, solar power, wind power, water power, energy efficiency, hydronic, electricity, power, fuel, energy storagehighest good housing, shelter, dome home, living space, eco-housing, earthbag village, straw bale village, cob village, earth block village, shipping container village, recycled and reclaimed materials village, tree house village, duplicable city centerhighest good education, school, home school, learning, teaching, teachers, learners, curriculum, lesson plans. ultimate classroomhighest good economics, trade, money, business, transactions, resource based economy, for profit, non profit, eco tourism, revenue streams, taxes, investments, debthighest good society, social architecture, fulfilled living, pledge, values, highest good lifestyle, consensus, social equality, community contribution, recreationhighest good stewardship, for the highest good of all, vision, values, solution-based thinking model, open source model, sustainability, cultural diversity, spiritual diversity, drug policy, pet policyduplicable city center, open source city hub, laundry, dining, swimming pool, hot tub, kitchen, library, game room


The Property/Location
Progress Update Page
The One Community Updates Blog
The One Community Updates Facebook Page
The One Community Twitter Feed
The One Community LinkedIn Group


One Community Pledge
One Community Spirituality


Long-term Vision
Executive Summary
Modeling Efficiency
Enviro-artistic Design
Non-Profit Organization
Community Contribution
What is True Community
A Resource Based Economy
Consensus Decision Making
Culture of Personal Growth
World Change Strategy Overview
Highest Good Lifestyle Considerations


Becoming a One Community Member Overview Page
One Community Pioneer Member Invitation
One Community Satellite Member Invitation
Overview of the Application and Interview Process
One Community Agreement of Understanding Form
One Community Partnership/Consultant Application
One Community International Applicants Page
One Community Family Applicants Page
Additional Questions for Parent Applicants Page
Additional Questions for Young Applicants Page
One Community Pets Policy Page
One Community Health Requirements Page
One Community Healthy Living Policy Page
One Community Financial Stability Page
Pioneer “Tangible” Contribution Expectations Page
One Community Now Page


One Community Welcome Teams
One Community Project Teams
One Community Weekly Team Calls
Monthly 2-Directional Reviews
One Community Project Planning Tool
One Community Feedback Format
Our Path to Consensus


Phasing in Consensus
What Is Consensus
Where We are Now with Consensus
Consensus Training
Consensus and Groups of 200+


One Community Global - 3-minute Overview of Who We Are and What We Are Creating
One Community Global - 3-minute Overview of Who We Are and What We Are Creating
Watch this video on YouTube


One Community Global: Large-scale Implementation of Sustainability
One Community Global: Large-scale Implementation of Sustainability
Watch this video on YouTube


Why Global Sustainability Now
Why Global Sustainability Now
Watch this video on YouTube


One Community Global - A Sustainable World IS Possible
One Community Global - A Sustainable World IS Possible
Watch this video on YouTube


One Community Global: 4-Phase Global Strategy
One Community Global: 4-Phase Global Strategy
Watch this video on YouTube


One Community Global - Get Involved
One Community Global - Get Involved
Watch this video on YouTube

10 Community Problems and 10 Solutions
A Better World
A Life of Learning and Growth – People Development
A New Life in a New World – One Community
Additional Application Questions for Parents
Aircrete Engineering and Research: Compression Testing, Mix Ratios, R-value, and More
Application Questions for Younger Applicants
Aquapini and Walipini Collaboration Hub
Aquapini and Walipini Construction Plans and Documents
Aquapini and Walipini Consultants
Aquapini and Walipini Do-It-Yourself Resource Hub
Aquapini and Walipini Open Source Project-Launch Blueprinting Hub
Aquapini and Walipini Global Collaboration Page
Aquapini and Walipini Maintenance and Upkeep
Aquapini and Walipini Materials and Costs
Aquapini and Walipini Permitting and Licensing
Aquapini and Walipini Planting and Harvesting Page
Aquapini and Walipini Solution Hub
Aquapini and Walipini Time Investment
Aquapini and Walipini Tools and Equipment
Aquapini and Walipini Water Catchment
AutoCAD® Template and Tutorial
Becoming a Community Member
Best Small and Large-scale Community Clothing Recycling, Reuse, and Repurposing Options
Best Small and Large-scale Community Glass Recycling, Repurposing, and Reuse Options
Best Small and Large-scale Community Options for Sustainable Processing and Reuse of Non-recyclables
Best Small and Large-scale Community Paper Recycling, Reuse, and Repurposing Options
Best Small and Large-scale Community Plastic Recycling, Reuse, and Repurposing Options
Best Small and Large-scale Community Polystyrene & Styrofoam Recycling, Repurposing, and Reuse
Best Small and Large-scale Recycling, Reuse, and Repurposing Options
Best Uplifting Songs to Live, Love and Expand With
Bloom’s Taxonomy Revised
Botanical Garden Creation
Brand Book
Carl Orff Schulwerk Method
CFC: Aircrete Dome and Loft Construction
CFC: Bathroom/Kitchen Appliances/Cabinets
CFC: Camp Setup
CFC: Dome-Home Custom Furniture
CFC: Dome-Home Electrical
CFC: Dome-Home Plumbing
CFC: Earthbag and Aircrete Dome Home Crowdfunding Campaign Overview Page
CFC: Earth Dome and Loft Construction
CFC: Earth-Dome Guest/Studio Dome
CFC: Footers, Foundations and Flooring
CFC: Guest & Studio Dome Furniture
CFC: Open Sourcing Your Own Build
CFC: Patio, Benches and Water Collection
CFC: Site Clearing and Preparation
CFC: Waterproofing and Int/Ext Finishing
CFC: Window and Door Framing
Climate Battery
Climate Impact of Biking vs. Driving
Cob Village – One Community Pod 3
Cob Village Building Plans
Cob Village Do-It-Yourself Resource Hub
Cob Village Materials Costs
Cob Village Permitting and Licensing
Collaboration and Cooperation as Elements of Educational Curriculum for Life
Communication and Language Skills as Elements of Educational Curriculum for Life
Community Contribution
Community Health Insurance
Community Project Management Software
Community Project Proposal Format
Community, Family, and Social Skills as Elements of Educational Curriculum for Life
Compensation for our volunteers and consultants
Compressed Earth Block Village
Compressed Earth Block Village Building Plans
Compressed Earth Block Village Do-It-Yourself Resource Hub
Compressed Earth Block Village Materials Costs
Compressed Earth Block Village Permitting and Licensing
Conflict Resolution Process
Conscious and Conscientious Communication as a Value
Conscious and Conscientious Communication Skills
Conscious Music Project Awesome, Uplifting, and Feel-good Song Suggestion Submission Form
Consensus Decision Making
Consensus Model for Large Groups
Contributing to Our Non-profit
Contribution, Global Perspectives, & Social Science as Elements of Educational Curriculum for Life
Control Systems
Copyrights, Trademarks, Patents and Using them to Support Open Source and Free-sharing
Core Curriculum for the Education for Life Program
Creating a Culture of Personal Growth
Creating Utopia on Earth
Creating Win-win Relationships
Curriculum for Life
David Holmgren Quotes
Diversity, Differences, and Similarities as Elements of Educational Curriculum for Life
Dome Home Plumbing
Duplicable City Center
Duplicable City Center Building Plans
Duplicable City Center Collaborative Hub
Duplicable City Center Consultants
Duplicable City Center Do-It-Yourself Resource Hub
City Center Dome Hub Connector Engineering
Duplicable City Center Eco-Laundry
Duplicable City Center Electrical
Duplicable City Center Engineering
Duplicable City Center Flooring
Duplicable City Center Footer, Foundation, and Flooring
Duplicable City Center Heating and Cooling (HVAC)
Duplicable City Center Kitchen
Duplicable City Center Lighting
Duplicable City Center Maintenance and Upkeep
Duplicable City Center Materials and Costs
Duplicable City Center Natural Pool and Spa
Duplicable City Center Pallet Furniture
Duplicable City Center Pipe Furniture
Duplicable City Center Permitting and Licensing
Duplicable City Center Plumbing
Duplicable City Center Site Clearing and Preparation
Duplicable City Center Solution Hub
Duplicable City Center Sprinkler and Emergency Systems Design
Duplicable City Center Time Investment
Duplicable City Center Tools and Equipment
Duplicable City Center Water Catchment
Duplicable City Center Waterproofing and Maintenance
Duplicable City Center Windows and Doors
Earthbag Construction: Electrical
Earthbag Construction: Footers, Foundation, and Flooring
Earthbag Village – One Community Pod One
Earthbag Village Building Plans
Earthbag Village Collaborative Hub
Earthbag Village Communal Eco-shower Designs
Earthbag Village Consultants and Volunteers
Earthbag Village Do-it-yourself Multi-media Resource Hub
Earthbag Village Electrical Design and Setup
Earthbag Village Engineering
Earthbag Village Flooring
Earthbag Village Furniture
Earthbag Village Greywater System
Earthbag Village Heating and Cooling for Dome Homes
Earthbag Village Maintenance and Upkeep
Earthbag Village Materials & Costs
Earthbag Village Permitting and Licensing
Earthbag Village Plumbing Design and Setup
Earthbag Village Solution Hub
Earthbag Village Time Investment Projections
Earthbag Village Tools and Equipment
Earthbag Village Vermiculture Communal Eco-toilet Open Source Hub
Earthbag Village Water Recycling Net-zero Bathroom
Earth-Dome Loft Structural Engineering and Calculations
Eco-community Electric Vehicle Integration and Charging Infrastructure Guide
Education for Life Collaborative Input
Education for Life Evaluation and Evolution
Education for Life Licensing
Education for Life Subject: Arts/Music & Trades
Education for Life Subject: English
Education for Life Subject: Health
Education for Life Subject: Math
Education for Life Subject: Science
Education for Life Subject: Social Sciences
Education for Life Subject: Technology and Innovation
Education for Life Subject: Values
Energy: 100% Off-grid Energy Setup for Eco-village Construction
Energy: Grid-tie Remote Energy Infrastructure Setup and Construction How-to Tutorial
Energy: Hydro Energy Setup and Maintenance
Energy: Solar Incentive Rates and Net Metering Research: West Coast States
Energy: Solar Microgrid Energy Setup and Maintenance
Energy: Wind Energy Setup and Maintenance
Energy Conservation Strategies and Results Data
Enlightenment Thinkers
Enviroartistic Design
Ethical, Humane, & Conscientious Raising of Aquaculture
Ethical, Humane, & Conscientious Raising of Chickens
Ethical, Humane, & Conscientious Raising of Goats
Ethical, Humane, & Conscientious Raising of Rabbits
Ethical, Humane, & Conscientious Raising of Sheep
Ethical, Humane, & Conscientious Wildlife Stewardship and Habitat Development
Evolving Sustainability
Families with Children at One Community
Food: Achochas
Food: Ahipa
Food: Alliums
Food: Arracacha
Food: Asparagus
Food: Beans
Food: Beets
Food: Bitter Melon
Food: Cabacui
Food: Carrots
Food: Cassabanana
Food: Celery
Food: Chayote
Food: Cole Crops
Food: Corn
Food: Cucumbers
Food: Eggplants
Food: Lettuce
Food: Maca
Food: Mashua
Food: Mauka
Food: Melons
Food: Oca
Food: Parsley
Food: Parsnips
Food: Peas
Food: Potatoes
Food: Tomatoes
Food: Turnips
Food: Radishes
Food: Squash
Food: Sweet Potatoes
Food: Peppers
Food: Ulluco
Food: Wax Gourd
Food Forest Open Source Hub
Food Forest Canopy Plantings
Food Forest Edge Plantings
Food Forest Groundcover Plantings
Food Forest Herb Plantings
Food Forest Root Crop Plantings
Food Forest Shrub Plantings
Food Forest Understory Plantings
Food Forest Vine Plantings
Food Procurement and Storage Plan
Food Self-sufficiency Transition Plan
For The Highest Good of All
For The Highest Good of All Translated to Italian
For The Highest Good of All Translated to Portuguese
For The Highest Good of All Translated to Russian
Foundations of Being: Strategies for Leadership, Teaching, and Communicating
Free Education Resources
Freedom and Celebrating Other Perspectives as Elements of Educational Curriculum for Life
Fulfilled Living
Fulfilled Living Translated to Italian
Fulfilled Living Translated to Portuguese
Fulfilled Living Translated to Russian
Funding Options
Getting Done What Needs To Be Done
Giving and Receiving Feedback
Global Sustainability Solution
Global Sustainability Strategy
Helping Create One Community
Highest Good Economics
Highest Good Economics Collaborative Hub
Highest Good Economics Entrepreneurship Hub
Highest Good Economics For-Profit Hub
Highest Good Economics Maintenance and Upkeep
Highest Good Economics Non-Profit Hub
Highest Good Collaborators
Highest Good Food Infrastructure
Highest Good Housing
Highest Good Innovation and Technology
Highest Good Lifestyle Considerations
Highest Good Society
Home Shares
Honesty and Integrity
Honesty, Integrity, and Fairness as Elements of Educational Curriculum for Life
Hoop House
Hoop House Translated to Italian
How to Start a Non Profit Organization: Open Source Sharing What One Community Filed For Ours
Howard Gardner Multiple Intelligences
Image Code Template
Imagine Wisdom Education
Interconnectedness & Our Relationship to All Things as Elements of Educational Curriculum for Life
Interest Form for Collaborators/Volunteers/Consultants
International One Community Pioneer Applicants
Internet Participation
Introducing One Community
Investing in One Community
Join One Community
Knowledge and Wisdom as Elements of Educational Curriculum for Life
Learning for Life – Assessment Format
Learning for Life – Assessment Forms
Learning for Life – Collaborative Team Roles and Training
Learning for Life – Data Gathering and Analysis
Learning for Life – Ongoing Growth Strategies
Learning for Life – Surpassing Existing Standards
Learning for Life – Taking Your Learning With You
Learning for Life – Transference of Knowledge
Learning Tools & Toys for Life
LEED Tutorial
Legal Documents and Processes
Lesson Plans for Life Overview Page
Lesson Plans How-to
Lesson Plan: Beliefs
Lesson Plan: Caring and kindness
Lesson Plan: Civilization
Lesson Plan: Cognition
Lesson Plan: Communication
Lesson Plan: Community
Lesson Plan: Consciousness
Lesson Plan: Consensus and Decision Making
Lesson Plan: Contribution
Lesson Plan: Cooperation and Collaboration
Lesson Plan: Cosmos
Lesson Plan: Courage
Lesson Plan: Creativity
Lesson Plan: Diversity
Lesson Plan: Dreams
Lesson Plan: Energy
Lesson Plan: Emotional States
Lesson Plan: Fall
Lesson Plan: Form
Lesson Plan: Freedom
Lesson Plan: Fulfilled Living
Lesson Plan: Happiness
Lesson Plan: Harmony
Lesson Plan: Highest Good
Lesson Plan: Honesty and Integrity
Lesson Plan: Human Body
Lesson Plan: Humility
Lesson Plan: Individuality
Lesson Plan: Information
Lesson Plan: Love
Lesson Plan: Matter and Materials
Lesson Plan: Movement and Development
Lesson Plan: Nature
Lesson Plan: Open Source
Lesson Plan: Opposites
Lesson Plan: Outer Space
Lesson Plan: Personal Growth
Lesson Plan: Planet Earth
Lesson Plan: Play
Lesson Plan: Quality and Quantity
Lesson Plan: Reality
Lesson Plan: Recreation and Relaxation
Lesson Plan: Relative and Dimensional Space
Lesson Plan: Sharing
Lesson Plan: Signs and Symbols
Lesson Plan: Social Relationships
Lesson Plan: Spring
Lesson Plan: Summer
Lesson Plan: Sustainability
Lesson Plan: Time
Lesson Plan: Winter
Lesson Plan: Work
Love and Connection
Love, Compassion, Empathy, and Connecting as Elements of Educational Curriculum for Life
Meeting the Six Foundational Human Needs
Methodology Translated to Italian
Methodology Translated to Portuguese
Methodology Translated to Russian
Mindfulness and Fun
Mindfulness and Fun as Elements of Educational Curriculum for Life
Modeling Efficiency
Montessori: An Education System for Everyone
Most Sustainable Adhesives
Most Sustainable Doors and Door Companies
Most Sustainable Flooring Materials: Reclaimed Wood, Bamboo, Cork, Tile, Concrete, Carpet, Vinyl, Linoleum, etc.
Most Sustainable Faucets and Faucet Accessories
Most Sustainable Hand Dryers
Most Sustainable Insulation
Most Sustainable Lightbulbs and Light Bulb Companies: Research, Energy Savings, and More
Most Sustainable Paints, Stains, Varnish, Sealers
Most Sustainable Toilets: Research, Water-savings, and User Feedback
Most Sustainable Urinals: Research, Water-savings, and User Feedback
Most Sustainable Windows and Window Companies
Moving Toward The Venus Project
New Proposal Format For Community Consideration
One Community Apiary
One Community Blog
One Community Donations Page
One Community Executive Summary
One Community’s Healthy Living Policy
One Community Now
One Community Overview
One Community’s Path to Consensus
One Community Phase II Collaborative Friends
One Community Pioneer Health Requirements
One Community Pod Three
One Community Policies and Procedures
One Community Progress Page
One Community Project Teams
One Community Rental Revenue Projections
One Community Residency Timeline
One Community Retiree Member
One Community Review and Interview Process
One Community Sitemap
One Community Time Allocation Projections
One Community Timeshares
One Community Tropical Atrium Open Source Project-Launch Blueprinting Hub
One Community Tropical Atrium Planting and Harvesting Page
One Community Weekly Team Calls
One Community Welcome Teams
One Utopian Community
Online Component Creation Template
Online Project Planning Template
Open Source
Open Source – Translated to Italian
Open Source – Translated to Portuguese
Open Source – Translated to Russian
Open Source and Copyrights and Trademarking
Open Source and Patents
Open Source and Patents: Defensive Publishing Costs Research
Open Source Trademarking and Copyrights
Open Source DIY Dam Design for Water Retention, Pond and Lake Creation, etc.
Open Source Education for Life
Our Team
Volunteers and Consultants to One Community
Performance Management Template
Permaculture Design
Privacy Policy
Purpose, Mission, Values
Rainwater Harvesting, Water Catchment, and Soil Building Open Source Hub and Portal
RBE? Why Do Anything Different?
Reggio Emilia Theory and Application
Relative and Dimensional Space Lesson Plan
Remote Internet Setup
Remote Village Hydronic Systems Setup
Recipe Page: Pasta Omnivore Recipes
Recipe Page: Pasta Vegan Recipes
Recipe Page: Potato Omnivore Recipes
Recipe Page: Potato Vegan Recipes
Recipe Page: Rice Omnivore Recipes
Recipe Page: Rice Vegan Recipes
Recipe Page: Sweet Potato Omnivore Recipes
Recipe Page: Sweet Potato Vegan Recipes
Recycled Materials Village – One Community Pod Six
Recycled Materials Village Building Plans
Recycled Materials Village Do-It-Yourself Resource Hub
Recycled Materials Village Materials Costs
Recycled Materials Village Permitting and Licensing
Resource Based Economy
Revenue Streams
Satellite Member Invitation
Search One Community
Seeking Civil Engineer
Seeking Educators, Parents, & Creative Minds
Seeking Food Specialists
Seeking General Contractor
Seeking Graphic Designers
Seeking Irrigation Specialist
Seeking Legal Professionals
Seeking Master Electrician
Seeking Master Plumber
Seeking Permaculturalist
Seeking Software Developers
Seeking Structural Engineer
Seeking Surveyor
Seeking Videographer
Seeking Web Developers
Sharing, Giving, and Receiving as Elements of Educational Curriculum for Life
Shipping Container Village – One Community Pod Five
Shipping Container Village Building Plans
Shipping Container Village Do-It-Yourself Resource Hub
Shipping Container Village Materials Costs
Shipping Container Village Permitting and Licensing
Shower Energy Saving Measures: Thermostatic Mixing Valves
Sketchup Plants, Trees, and Shrubs Archive
Social Consensus: How Do We Reach a Consensus
Social Media Strategy
Solution Model to Create Solution Creating Models
Solution Model to Create Solution Creating Models – Translated to Italian 
Solution Model to Create Solution Creating Models – Translated to Portuguese
Solution Model to Create Solution Creating Models – Translated to Russian
Soil Amendment
Straw Bale Village – One Community Pod Two
Straw Bale Village Materials & Costs
Subscribe Page – For Subscribing to our Weekly Updates
Study Technology Methodology
Sustainable Energy Infrastructure
Sustainable Infrastructure Collaborative Input
Sustainable Partnerships
Sustainable Parking Lot Construction Guide
Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping
Sustainable Water Heating
Sustainable World Development: Projecting Our First 5 Years of Global Contribution and Transformation
Teaching Strategies for Life
Team Leadership Development through Consensus
Terms and Conditions Page
The Four Stages to Achieving True Community
The Importance of Financial Stability for One Community Pioneers and Our Global Goals
The Most Uplifting Songs to Live, Love, and Expand With ” Music Positively Changing the World
The One Community Agreement
The One Community Pledge
The One Community Promotional Engine
The Property
The SEGO Center City Hub
The Ultimate Classroom
Thermal Lag
Time Lesson Plan
Tools and Equipment for Open Source Construction
Transition Kitchen: Design/Open Source Hub
Transition Kitchen: Food Self-sufficiency Transition Plan
Transition Kitchen: Food Bars
Transition Kitchen: Food Procurement and Storage Plan
Transition Kitchen: Sustainable Food Nutrition Calculations
Translation Tutorial
Tree House Village – One Community Pod Seven
Tree House Village Building Plans
Tree House Village Do-It-Yourself Resource Hub
Tree House Village Materials Costs
Tree House Village Permitting and Licensing
Tropical Atrium Building Plans
Tropical Atrium Collaborative Hub
Tropical Atrium Consultants
Tropical Atrium Do-It-Yourself Resource Hub
Tropical Atrium Electrical
Tropical Atrium Engineering
Tropical Atrium Flooring
Tropical Atrium Footer and Foundation Construction
Tropical Atrium Heat and Humidity Control
Tropical Atrium Maintenance and Upkeep
Tropical Atrium Materials and Costs
Tropical Atrium Open Source Portal
Tropical Atrium Permitting and Licensing
Tropical Atrium Planting and Harvesting
Tropical Atrium Plumbing
Tropical Atrium Solution Hub
Tropical Atrium Time Investment Projections
Tropical Atrium Tools and Equipment
Tropical Atrium Water Catchment
Tropical Atrium Window and Door Framing
True Community
Village Emergency Fire and Medical Plan
Waldorf Education Philosophy
Water-Saving Faucets
Water-Saving Shower Heads
We Are the Ones We Have Been Waiting For
Website Translation Tutorial
Welcome to the Team Page
What is The Consensus Process
Who We are
Why This Property



Open Source Google Doc of Code for These





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Jae Sabol: Executive Director and Overall Project Manager