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solutions that create solutions, self-replicating solutions, green living, eco-living, sustainable living, One Community, creating world change, Sustainable change, Localized ecology, Systems for global conservation, Eco-communities creating a global sustainability cooperative, Experiential global change, Eco-systemic permanence, a path to global sustainability

Solution Model to Create Solution-creating Models

A model solution that creates solution-creating models has the potential to spread globally and transform life as we know it on this planet. This page discusses:

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A 3-D printer that can print its own parts is a solution-creating solution. A diversely functional robot that can also build itself would be a solution-creating solution too. Both of these examples could exponentially improve life for people because part of their function is to reproduce themselves. People with access can then use this replication ability to provide access for even more people.

A solution-creating solution, model solution, robot building a robot

Most people know now that the necessary resources and technology exist to solve our biggest challenges. We have the ability to feed, house, and provide energy for every person on Earth if we want to. These solutions, however, are currently not available to most people. People can create solution-creating solutions specific to each of these areas though. Doing this will make foodenergy, and housing accessible and replicable by people with average knowledge and little or no experience. It will also teach these people how to teach others how to replicate these things too.

Designing open source models for this, and building the first example, will begin the self-replication process. We call these solution-creating solutions teacher/demonstration hubs because they are places that develop and teach how to build additional solution models. They will also functioning as a demonstration model people can visit.

sustainable self-replicating eco-technologies solution creating solution, sustainable solution, highest good of all

Sustainable Self-Replicating Eco-Technologies – Click To Enlarge

Developing and free-sharing additional replicable solution models helps to spread the word, increase implementation, and increase visitors. People visiting generates even more sharing of the solutions and model and also generates revenue for expansion and additional design, development, and construction. Including models for fulfilled livingeducation, and economics creates a better and more comprehensive solution to help spread the word even more, increase visitors even more, and generate even more revenue for additional design, development, and expansion.



global cooperation, solutions that create solutions, global collaborationSelf-replicating teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities are a viable path to empowering people to create a world that works better for them and for everyone else too. Enough people applying a solution-creating model like this could change the world within our lifetime. A self-replicating process is what makes this possible. Here is how this self-replication process could work with each model helping to inspire and/or create two more each consecutive year:

self-replicating model, One Community

Click for Additional Details on the One Community Global-transformation Methodology Page

Keep in mind when thinking about why we’d want to create self-replicating solutions that replication at the speed shown above is not necessary to create transformational change. Arguably, any system that has the ability to self-replicate itself will eventually have global impact if it provides sufficient value and adaptability to continue the self-replication process. So long as it continues to self-propagate, it is only a matter of time before the process accelerates to the point of exponential growth.

Perhaps most importantly, this exponential expansion is quite possibly the only path capable of fully and sustainably addressing challenges as significant as global poverty and starvation, homelessness and lack of infrastructure (energy, sanitation and economic), education, social injustice and inequality, and regeneration and restoration of our shared biosphere. 

Addressing these interrelated and interdependent areas simultaneously, in ways that also better meet the needs of individuals, could, for the first time in the history of our species, create a world that truly works for everyone.

Why Global Sustainability Now
Why Global Sustainability Now
Watch this video on YouTube

RBE Creation, resource based economy, creating a new paradigm, for The Highest Good of All, One Community, open source, non-profit sustainability, a new way to live, asset based community development, solutions that create solutions, thinking forward, forward thinking, open source future, for The Highest Good of All



Highest Good society, fulfilled living, enriched life, enriching life, living to live, how to live an enriched life, keeping it all running, sustainable living, social architecture, fulfilled living, thriving, thrivability, emotional sustainability, the good life, a new way to liveNow that a world-changing global network of cooperative self-sufficient and self-sustainable teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities is possible, how does one implement such an idea to begin the self-replication process?

We feel the first fully operational teacher/demonstration village should be:

Simply stated, to begin exponential expansion and implementation around the world, let’s make teacher/demonstration hub creation accessible to anyone with a computer, open source and simple enough that most people can duplicate it, more cost effective than current models, and demonstrate it as a more attractive way of living than most people are currently experiencing.



Creating this with a non-ideological and broadly adaptable approach also seems hugely beneficial to speeding implementation. This is true because it will facilitate implementation by people with differing values systems and allow for easier adaptation to diverse needs. We call this living and creating for The Highest Good of Alland we specifically define living like this as:

  • Non-dogmatic
  • Good for people
  • Good for economy
  • Good for the planet

We believe the idea of setting aside our differences to work towards positive transformation of all life on Earth should be seen as non-controversial, non-political, and simply being common sense.

People have different views and philosophies and no one way will be considered the best way by everyone. Open source sharing addresses this by promoting collaboration over competition through free access to the creative design foundations so different people can create their own ideas of what is best. This is a massively beneficial aspect of any solution-creating solution model because it does not limit the diversity of solution output.

global sustainability, green building systems, propagating green, lets work together, open source collaboration, global collaboration, coexistence, total cooperation, for the highest good of all, international sustainable development, green building future, eco sustainable systems

The goal in “solutioneering” all the foundations of a sustainable civilization is producing replicable results most people will consider superior to existing options.

Simultaneously integrating all of the foundations of self-sufficient and sustainable living as One Community is doing is an evolution of sustainability that will far surpass the majority of people’s current living experience. This is what will create the necessary desire for replication of all of these components as world-changing solution-creating solutions in the form of teacher/demonstration hubs to teach others how to replicate them too.

Here are the specific open source foundations we consider most essential:

highest good food, vegan, vegetarian, omnivore, diet, food infrastructure, hoop houses, large scale garden, food forest, botanical garden, soil amendmentOur duplicable food infrastructure is designed to produce food that is produced on-site so it is fresh, grown without chemicals so it is organic, and more diverse than what people find in the grocery store because it is grown as part of our open source botanical garden model.
highest good energy, off-grid energy, solar power, wind power, water power, energy efficiency, hydronic, electricity, power, fuel, energy storageOur duplicable energy infrastructure is designed to eliminate power bills, be a source of revenue for those still connected to the grid, and built to evolve and grow with the evolution and expansion of new technologies too.
highest good housing, shelter, dome home, living space, eco-housing, earthbag village, straw bale village, cob village, earth block village, shipping container village, recycled and reclaimed materials village, tree house village, duplicable city centerOur duplicable housing infrastructure is designed to be do-it-yourself construction with the help of our blueprints and open source resources, more affordable because of the sustainable materials we use and the partnerships we are building, and longer lasting than traditional homes.
highest good education, school, home school, learning, teaching, teachers, learners, curriculum, lesson plans. ultimate classroomOur duplicable education model is designed for all ages, built to exceed traditional educational standards, and modifiable for application in a homeschooling environment, a traditional schooling environment, or for use as a complete community-based private schooling program.
Highest Good for-profit economics, Highest Good non-profit economics, open source business, One Community entrepreneurial model, making money at One Community, sustainable businessOur duplicable for-profit and non-profit business infrastructure is designed to function for The Highest Good of All, help make the communities, villages, and cities profitable for their inhabitants and/or investors, and to further share and spread the teacher/demonstration model globally.
highest good society, social architecture, fulfilled living, pledge, values, highest good lifestyle, consensus, social equality, community contribution, recreationOur duplicable social architecture and recreation model is designed to provide on-site activity diversity that is superior to most metropolitan areas. Additionally, we will have more time to enjoy these activities and built-in structures for maintaining and evolving it all.
highest good stewardship, for the highest good of all, vision, values, solution-based thinking model, open source model, sustainability, cultural diversity, spiritual diversity, drug policy, pet policyOur duplicable stewardship practices are good for people, the planet, and financial viability. They include everything from lifestyle considerations, to earth regenerative practicesresource based economy implementation, and more.

For each of the above areas, here are the specific aspects we consider essential to open source share in order to make replication and adaptation as easy as possible:

  • Complete duplication plans/blueprints
  • Complete cost and implementation needs
  • Complete cost analysis for material and equipment
  • Complete time-investment needs for each component
  • How to work with local governments, counties, codes, etc. when needed
  • Multi-media replication tutorials sharing everything learned through the process
  • An updating list of the best places found for purchasing materials, equipment, etc.
  • Complete and on-going sharing of experience, development/adaptation, modification, and evolutions created by us and other using the original solution models. This includes evolutions of all of the educational systemsocial architecture, and other Highest Good of All lifestyle and stewardship practices

With these foundations, a model will be affordably replicable almost anywhere with something to offer most anyone. This combination of easy enough, affordable enough, and attractive enough is what will ultimately spread world-changing solution-creating solutions just as it has successfully spread for-profit models and products throughout history.

solutions that create solutions, self-replicating solutions, green living, eco-living, sustainable living, One Community, creating world change, Sustainable change, Localized ecology, Systems for global conservation, Eco-communities creating a global sustainability cooperative, Experiential global change, Eco-systemic permanence, a path to global sustainability

Self-replicating Solutions can Create a Sustainable World – Click for One Community’s Self-replication Methodology Page



One Community, solutions to create solutions, comprehensive sustainability, new sustainability, global changeglobal cooperation, solutions that create solutions, global collaborationOnce the broad concept of solution models that create solution-creating models is understood as both possible and desirable, it becomes helpful to address additional implementation details related to global psychology, social diversity, economics, existing city design, etc. These global aspects are important because incorporating their consideration into solution-model design allows us to develop a better solution to meet needs and speed self-propagation.

These considerations could never be the end-all-be-all because the issues are as diverse and constantly changing as our species. Still, the answers that follow offer a foundation to build solutions off of and, like a 3-D printer that prints itself, the solution-creating-solution-model teacher/demonstration hub is designed to not only replicate itself but also generate new adaptations and modifications specifically for the complex and ever-evolving human challenges and needs.



How do you create something for everyone when people’s desires, values, and cultures are so diverse and different?

The answer to this question is two-fold. The first half is to focus on an adaptable model versus a specific model and to provide a diversity of solutions. All of the above open source foundations do this.

The second half of the answer is to design the solution-creating solution so that it addresses foundational human needs. These needs drive desires and values and apply in varying degrees to every culture. We’ve written a whole page about these key human needs and how they motivate people, create the foundations of our happiness, and are specifically addressed by the solution-creating solution model proposed.

Human Needs, Foundations of Fulfillment, Values



Another important consideration is how to create a solution such as this when people are so socially different. The ideas described in the “addressing global psychology” section above sounds good from an individual perspective, but what about group dynamics and addressing global human conflict?

One perspective on this is that the majority of humanity’s conflicts today stem from competition over resources and a global struggle for survival/control that would specifically be addressed by a solution-creating solution model like the one proposed here. This evolution of sustainability that we are now capable of has the ability to address these issues in a Highest Good of All manner that benefits everyone. This includes the rich, the poor, 1st-world countries, and 3rd-world countries through:

  • The leveraging of existing technologies to reduce labor needs
  • Existing differences in 3rd-world construction limitations to promote international development
  • Increasing global wealth disparities that support global solutions as one path to maintain social order

The second perspective on this is that these differences don’t need to be resolved if generally like-minded groups congregate and reasons don’t exist for these groups to create conflict with one another. Right now, for the most part, this second perspective is happening successfully throughout the world significantly more than global conflict and war. We have the ability to support expanding these peaceful environments and create even more of them.

Increasing the ability for like-minded individuals to work together, and decreasing the need for competition over resources and the global struggle for survival and control, are both specifically addressed by the solution-creating solution model proposed.

Addressing human needs psychology (see above), global economics (see below), and providing a more fulfilled living experience also support what we call “Highest Good society.” This is a society focused on peace, cooperation, collaboration, and creating a global community focused on a world that works for everyone versus competition and war.

The first step is to demonstrate small but replicable models diverse people can relate to and will want to replicate. If properly designed and open source shared, made broadly accessible, demonstrated as affordable, and providing a better and more enjoyable experience of living, they will predictably spread enough to positively impact even the most extreme conflicts in our world.

creating True Community, true community, Genuine Community, One Community, Highest Good society, for The Highest Good of All



What about global economics, jobs, people in debt, etc.?

On the micro/individual level self-sufficient living in a teacher/demonstration community, village, or city would reduce the overhead of living, includes a model for getting out of debt, and offers an alternative to a traditional job. This helps reduce the burden on current economic systems and increases job availability for others too.

On the macro/global scale, new and mainstream involvement in a model such as this will represent massive growth for all related industries. The money people save building and living this way will also be available for investment in evolutions and additional industries. This is a significant benefit of a solution model like this because it exponentially grows the resources and success of these industries, engages even more people in sustainability practices, and benefits the entire human organism.



How does a self-replicating teacher/demonstration model apply in existing city models?

utopia, utopian visions

In the not-too-distant future, solution-creating city models could potentially be even easier to establish than the models being designed now. For this to happen though, mainstream interest in involvement, design, and financing must exist first. This mainstream support can be created through successful, widespread, and diverse implementation of solution-creating models like the ones discussed here.

These initial solution models would provide the living examples and opportunities necessary for people to evaluate, adapt, and evolve the concepts sufficiently to appeal to mainstream culture.

As soon as this tipping point in mainstream interest happens, history has taught us that human ingenuity will find a way. People will work together to create what they want, problem solve where needed, and start thinking differently.

Most of the specifics of ultra-eco, efficient, artistic, sustainable and technology-rich urban design have already been thought of by organizations like The Venus Project (click here for our thoughts on this). The solutions that would provide a far superior and more enjoyable urban experience exist and could be implemented right now if mainstream desire existed.

Implementation of these solutions without mainstream desire, however, is cost prohibitive and politically impossible. This makes a self-replicating model like the one proposed here a viable (and arguable necessary) step to achieving urban implementations and evolutions too. What’s important to understand is that it is possible with sufficient public support, desire, and involvement.

Building the Future We Want


But what about all the things that haven’t been covered here?

Through a solution-creating solution in the form of self-sufficient teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities, we have the ability to improve people’s lives and inspire a global generation of people helping each other while also creating a better living experience for themselves. It would be impossible to answer every possible concern here, but it is completely reasonable to look at humanity’s successes and accomplishments made thus far and realize that solutions exist that could be implemented within the open source and adaptable structure outlined.

The solution-creating model described here, capable of creating additional solution-creating models as self-sufficient Teacher and Demonstration Hubs to be built around the world is already well underway.

It’s already happening and anyone can help make it happen faster. Created for The Highest Good of All, designed as an evolution of sustainability, and being created to carefully fulfill all of these criteria:

Groundbreaking on construction will happen as soon as funding is achieved. Further development and open source creation is happening daily (click here for our weekly updates blog) while we seek this funding that, even in an absolute worst-case scenario, will not take more than ten more years.

While questions will always exist for specific scenarios, the initial steps are clear and in-process for this broad and self-replicating solution. Equally as important, built in as an essential foundation of this approach is an enhanced ability to addresses current problems while also adapting to the unexpected.



Solutions that create solutions, world change, solution-creating models

global cooperation, solutions that create solutions, global collaboration One Community’s non-profit mission is transformational global change through designing, modeling, and open sourcing sustainably holistic, virally-self-replicating, Highest Good of All solutions. We’re designing these solutions for global replication. Duplication can be accomplished both modularly and/or as complete teacher/demonstration hubs and include sustainable solutions for infrastructure, food, education, economics, fulfilled living, and more.

This solution-creating solution simultaneously addresses all the challenges our species and planet are currently facing, in ways that also better meet the needs of individuals so that humanity can, for the first time in history, create a world that truly works for everyone.



Q: How long do you think it will take to accomplish a global shift using this model?

We believe we can accomplish a global shift significant enough to have a noticeable impact in every region of the world in less than 30 years.

Q: Where can I learn more specifics about your strategy for leading global change?

Our open source project-launch blueprinting page and our Global Methodology page discuss these details.

Q: Where can I read the simplest explanation and overview of what One Community is creating?

Please read our Overview page.

Q: I want to help, where can I get more information?

Please see our How to Help One Community overview page.