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This page is an open source resource guide for parsley. It is for growing and maintaining the most bio-diverse, delicious, and broadly applicable parsley selection possible. It contains cultural considerations, planting guidelines, descriptions, and the best places we’ve found for purchasing the species we’ve listed. As part of the One Community Highest Good food component of global transformation, this page will continue to evolve indefinitely to contain maintenance and care tips, accessioning and plant breeding and sharing information as part of the One Community open source botanical garden model, and even recipe’s, preparations, and preservation methods used on the property.


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Parsley collage, One Community


(Click here for parsley purchase details)

Parsley (Petroselinum crispum- incl. tuberous rooted types)
Parsley, One Community

Parsley is grown for its distinctly flavored greens and (in some forms) the crisp white fleshed tubers. Greens are eaten fresh or cooked and can be dried; they are one of the richest known sources of Vitamin A. The so-called Hamburg types produce dark-skinned tubers with white flesh that will overwinter under mulch and can form a perennial bed.

  • Plant out in early spring
  • Parsley seed is difficult to germinate
  • It prefers a rich soil and steady moisture
  • Parsley is generally grown from transplants
  • Stratification or hot water treatment helps germination

Start seed in late winter or early spring indoors. Dibble seedlings into individual pots and gradually harden off in a cold frame or unheated greenhouse. Plant outdoors after last frost and feed with liquid fertilizers during the growing season for greatest leaf production.

DIY Video half, ways to help One Community, open source sustainability, One Community globalDo-it-yourself video coming, helping through crowdfunding, crowdfunding sustainability

VIDEO COMING: Planting tutorial followed by timelapse growth videos



Wikipedia ” Parsley

Berliner Halblange Parsley, One Community
GPar#1 :: Berliner Halblange Parsley

Berliner Halblange is a medium-long, white, root parsley that may remain in the ground to overwinter. It has dark green leaves, and the narrow tapered roots, measuring 20-25 centimeters, weigh about 3.5 ounces (100 grams). This variety takes at least 70 days until the leaves can be cut and it matures in 120-140 days

Cilician Parsley, One Community
GPar#2 :: Cilician Parsley

Cilician parsley is an extremely rare medieval variety that came from Cilicia, a kingdom on the coast of Armenia that existed from 1198-1375 A.D. This flat-leafed plant has a pronounced sweet flavor and fragrance, which is most pronounced when grown in partial shade. Cilician is a biennial that grows to 12 inches with a flower stalk reaching heights over 3 feet.

Einfache Shnitt Parsley, One Community
GPar#3 :: Einfache Shnitt Parsley

Einfache Shnitt is a flavorful, hardy parsley with aromatic long stems. Its name translates from German to “easy cut” which was given due to its dark-green, large, flat leaves which are easy to cut and rot resistant. This variety is cold-hardy, overwinters, and is harvested in the spring.Used as a garnish in salads and as a flavoring in soups, Einfache Shnitt is sourced from Bingenheimer Saatgut, a German biodynamic seed company, and matures in 70 days

Forest Green Parsley, One Community
GPar#4 :: Forest Green Parsley

Forest Green is an attractive parsley with dark-green, finely double and triple curled leaves. These compact plants do well in containers and also in the garden. Their long, stiff, upright stems make it easy to cut and bunch; this variety easily tolerates heat and repetitive cutting. Forest Green is used to add color in soups, salads, and gourmet dishes and overwinters in most areas, maturing in 75 days.

Italian Flat Leaf Parsley, One Community
GPar#5 :: Italian Flat Leaf Parsley

Italian Flat Leaf is an unassuming classic parsley variety with flat, deeply-divided leaves that are soft and pliable. It is a 6-12 inch tall plant with sturdy stems that hold the leaves upright for bunching. These stems are edible and can be cut up and used as a replacement for celery or crunchy vegetables. Italian parsley roots are best dried or enjoyed fresh in salads. This variety is great in sautees, stocks, and stews, adding a flavor and color in many dishes. Italian Flat Leaf matures in 70 days.

Italian Giant Parsley, One Community
GPar#6 :: Italian Giant Parsley

Italian Giant is an easy-to-grow, dark-leaved, flat parsley. Its large, glossy-smooth, dark-green leaves have an intense parsley flavor and grow up to 3 feet in height. This versatile parsley can be used dried, fresh, or frozen, and is preferred in most Italian dishes. It has thick stalks and produces heavily; reaching maturity in 75-85 days. Italian Giant is a robust plant with high pest and disease resistance.

Moss Curled Parsley, One Community
GPar#7 :: Moss Curled Parsley

Moss Curled is a vigorous, dark-green, semi-curled parsley with a high resemblance to forest moss. This uniform variety is tolerant to heat and repetitive cuttings (its long stiff stems and thick leaves make it easy to cut and bunch). It has a mild flavor that is great for sauces, soups, and salads. Moss Curley is high yielding, cold hardy, and harvested most of the year.

Prezzemolo Gigante D'Italia Parsley, One Community
GPar#8 :: Prezzemolo Gigante D’Italia Parsley

Prezzemolo Gigante D’Italia (aka Giant parsley of Naples) is an aromatic leaf type that is sweeter than most parsleys with a deep, rich, strong flavor. It is tall and flat, with large, dark-green leaves that regrow after cutting (hence the name Prezzemolo, which means “to turn up everywhere”. This variety is perfect for sauces, salads, and garnishes and is grown in gardens and containers, maturing in 80 days.

Bartowich Root Parsley, One Community
GPar#9 :: Bartowich Root Parsley

Bartowich root parsley is a Hamburg type with a distinctive nutty taste; making it especially great for soups. Its roots are generally 7-8 inches long (18-20 centimeters), but can grow to 10 inches (25 centimeters). This variety stores easily, like carrots, and can winter over if mulched. Bartowich root parsley prefers deep, well-dug and free-draining soils, and matures in 95 days.

We will also be growing the following additional parsley:
Parsley (Petroselinum crispum) :: GPar#10 -GPar#15

10. Bogatyr 11. Borovtsi 12. Hosszu 13. Obyknovennaya Listovaya 14. PI 169596 (Turkey) 15. Sakharnaya

Parsley Plant Material/Seed Providers:Parsley Purchase Details
GPar#1ParsleyBerliner HalblangeSSE3pkt.$3$9
GPar#3ParsleyEinfache ShnittSSE3pkt.$3$9
GPar#4ParsleyForest GreenSSE3pkt.$3$9
GPar#5ParsleyItalian Flat LeafSSE3pkt.$3$9
GPar#6ParsleyItalian GiantSSE3pkt.$3$9
GPar#7ParsleyMoss CurledSSE3pkt.$3$9
GPar#8ParsleyPrezzemolo Gigante D’ItaliaSSE3pkt.$3$9
GPar#9ParsleyBartowich (Root Parsley)SSE3pkt.$3$9
GPar#13ParsleyObyknovennaya ListovayaSSE3pkt.$3$9
GPar#14ParsleyPI 169596 (Turkey)SSE3pkt.$3$9



We are seeking awesome parsley resources. If you know of one, please click here to share it with us so we can make this page better.



This section will evolve to include accessioning and plant breeding and sharing information as part of the One Community open source botanical garden model.



This section will evolve to include testimonials, recipe’s, preparations, and preservation methods used on the property first, and then later with additional information from other Highest Good collaborators and teacher/demonstration hubs.

Parsley Pesto Recipe, Parsley Recipes, One CommunityParsley Pesto

Recipe courtesy of: Cheap Recipe Blog

Total Time: 20 min
Prep: 10 min
Cook: 10 min
Yield: 4 servings (1 1/2 cups)
Level: Easy



  • 2 cups fresh parsley leaves, packed
  • 1/2 cup toasted walnuts
  • 1 garlic clove, smashed
  • 1/2 cup olive oil
  • 1/2 cup shredded Parmesan cheese
  • Pinch of salt
  • Water, if needed


  1. In a food processor or blender, pulse parsley and walnuts a few times.
  2. Add garlic and pulse some more.
  3. Slowly stream in olive oil, continuing to blend ingredients. Scrape down sides to ensure even consistency.
  4. Add Parmesan cheese and continue pulsing. Add salt to your liking.
  5. If pesto is too thick, add additional olive oil, or for a lighter option, add water.

Parsley Apple Lime Juice Recipe, Parsley Recipes, Juice Recipes, One Community

Parsley Apple Lime Juice (Raw Vegan)

Recipe courtesy of: The Clean Dish

Total Time: 15 min
Prep: 15 min
Cook: Nope 🙂
Yield: 4-6 servings
Level: Easy


  • 4 small bunches  of parsley (e.g. Italian flat leaf parsley)
  • 4 apples, (e.g. Granny Smith), quartered
  • 4 oranges, peeled and quartered
  • freshly squeezed juice of 4 limes
  • Optional: Chia seeds



  1. Process parsley, apples, and oranges in a juicer.
  2. Add lime juice and serve immediately. Enjoy!

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