I think I haven't fooled anyone with the title and nobody's thinking of ships or icebergs.
OK, I'll be sincere. At first I was a little bit reluctant to the idea of jumping into the new Adeptus Titanicus game. I have tons of (both painted and unpainted) minis, vehicles and titans from the old Epic days. If I'm not going to play anyway, I can do it with the minis I already have!
In the meantime, a friend of mine got fully into the new fever and amassed a number of Titans and stuff. But, after acouple of years or so, he sadly reached a similar conclusion, as time had passed and hadn't even unsealed most of the boxes. Long story short, I got all his stuff (shudders). It was quite a sum of money, but significantly less than if I had got all on the shop, and in the end my friend was happy and I... well, now I have a lot of Titans to assemble!!
I have enough stuff to build a couple of forces, which (I fool myself) will hopefully make it easier to run some games at home, not forcing anyone to make such an investment. Though I still don't have clear plans, my idea is to have a lighter Legio, in which I can favour more Warhounds, mobility and so, and a heavier one, more focused on artillery and stuff of the like. I still have to work on the details, but I wouldn't like to have two identical, twin enemies.
But that's a long term plan. For now I have to discover the kits and explore their possibilities. The first stage will consist in building a Titan of each class (Warhound/Reaver/Warlord) for both Legios, and we'll see from that point.
Today I'll start with the Warhounds. It's a quite complete kit and allows essentially infinte poses. As it's my first time, I'll play it easy:
No conversions. Not yet
You can see I primed the kits first. I feared I couldn't reach all the places when assembled, and I thought it would be reasonable to paint as I glue pieces. The first challenge was to decide the poses and make them work, but in the end it wasn't as terrible as I feared.
Twins. Yet note the differences
Each kit provides a couple of choices for armour plates and so. This way, you can make your Titans look different enough. Those tiny details are awesome and make the difference, I'm really happy with the sprues.
Time to splash some colour. For the loyal Legio my first choice was to keep the same scheme I used for my Epic Titans, blue and bone.
WIP pic, before I forgot taking more
I used Vallejo Royal Blue, which is slighty lighter than the deeper tone I used for the other Titans, and I think it works better. But when I thought I had finished it (and even with the decals placed!) I changed my mind. I realised that a colder white suited it best:
See the difference between the bone white on the leg and the neutral white
Then I repainted those parts. Not a big deal, but I think it's better to see these things at the beginning of the project, not when you have already painted six Titans!
The traitor Legio was a little bit more difficult for me. I first tried a scheme, but I wasn't really pleased with it. It consisted of a very dark blue combined with yellow, but I really didn't see it. So I changed my mind too and repainted it again. The new scheme wasn't in my plans at all, as I thought that red and brass would bee too classic and kind of a cliche, but in the end I have to admit that it works and I like it more than anticipated.
I only left the yellow leg pad, which looked nice to me
Well, then these are the first two Titans of the new project!
Here you have the Lancearium from Legio Artemis.
This is
Sharpblade [Imperial designation
Acutus] from Legio Faucibus (
Death Jaws).
Oh, just a thought. I haven't really opened the rulebook, so I don't know what these weapons truly are, if they are good or whatever. I simply applied the Rule of Cool. I believe I'll have to look it up in the future. But for now this is it, I just wanted to check the kits. No conversions, no complications.
It has started
On another note, look at the size difference between the old and new Titans:
Come on, kid, let's go to Titan School
I also took the chance to paint the tokens in the core box. As my pal got the ruleset box and the Grand Master Edition, I had two sets to paint!
I hope I painted them all!
This new road to insanity has just begun. Stay with me to see where it goes!