Misadventures in modelling, painting and wargaming
Saturday, 31 December 2022
And Here We Go Again
No, I'm not dead.
Yes, I'm still painting miniatures, building models and playing games.
Yes I have been truly awful at keeping this blog updated.
However, new year is a time for New Resolutions so I'm going to try and keep this updated more often especially as I'm not using twitter any more.
In the meantime, I'll try and post a few of the things I've been doing over the last year here
First up, some 3d printed Samurai for Test of Honour. This was more about having a go at patterns.
I'll post some more tomorrow.
Tuesday, 6 July 2021
I am not dead! Just been very busy with work during the pandemic and doing little bits and pieces of hobby.
My most recent experiment was trying out a wet palette for the first time. The results were quite pleasing.
As I get a bit more time I will try and post the other stuff I've been doing:
Victory at Sea
Blood Red Skies
A lighted USS Discovery
Some model kits.
Thursday, 3 September 2020
The Wire
The Book nook project is finished! In the last post I covered the basic planning and construction and here I'll cover the painting and electronics.
So this is where we left the construction; apart from the shell, everything was scratch built.