Most would probably remember Andrea Bianchi best as the sleazy director who did Burial Ground and Strip Nude For The Killer. Bianchi proves yet again that he is a master in the ways of Eurotrash with Malabimba, also known as The Malicious Whore.
Malabimba is pure exhibitionism disguised as an Exorcist ripoff. Sure we have a demon possessed teenage girl but the soul purpose of this movie is to show full fledged female nudity.
The movie starts off with a typically cheesy Italian seance and Bimba, the youngest girl in the house becomes possessed by a an evil force. The demon within Bimba turns her into a total nymphomaniac. She spies on her uncle and his lover and in the uncut version we are treated to some XXX hardcore action. She gets naked at house parties but unfortunately doesn't piss on the carpet in front of a priest.
Bimba is so horny that she sinks to the level of fucking her stuffed animals. She cuts the crotch open on her favorite teddy bear and shoves a candle stick between his legs. I'm sure you can figure out what shes planning on doing next. She even masturbates with a smurf looking stuffed animal.
Its not long before Bimba is down in the basement and performing some oral sex on a bed ridden, crippled relative. She is caught with the meat in her mouth by Mariangela Giordano who I remember best as the hot mom who has her titty eaten by her zombie son in Burial Ground. This time around Mirangela plays a nun by the name of Sister Sofia and our sleazy version of The Exorcist makes its way into Nunsploitation territory.
Sister Sofia does her best to warn the family of Bimba's evil ways but its not long before the nun also falls victim to the sexual deviance of The Malicious Whore.
It is nice to see Mariangela Giordano yet again in the buff and we are treated to a steamy lesbian scene. Oh and did I mention that Bimba is supposed to be 15 years old? Well of course she doesn't look it. In fact she is a bit boyish and the least attractive out of the whole lot. Still the age thing makes Malabimba all the more twisted and bizarre.
Aside from Seytan (The Turkish Exorcist), The Malicious Whore might be my new favorite Exorcist rip. It most certainly has to be the most erotic version I have ever seen and it comes complete with plenty of naked ladies, very silly dialogue and holds back on all the exorcism stuff that tends to make us sleep after a while. Eurotrash fans will love this!