One of my first posts featured this map on a Seattle Manhole cover.
Since then I have been exposed to a world of manhole enthusiasts and found various other cool map examples. An entire blog post on this subject, complete with video can be found on Geography Realm.
Here is Oklahoma City, via Kontraband. The dot shows you where you are. There is a bonus state map at the top!
Chandigarh, India, a manhole possibly designed by Le Corbusier - via The Indian Express
Duluth, Minnesota with a dot pattern for Lake Superior- via flickr
Galicia - not a whole lot of detail here.Over in Japan, colorful manhole covers are popular,
in fact so popular that there are sets of collectible cards. These cards have pictures as well as their gepographic coordinates so you can find them.
Here is a nice map, via guidable showing the locations of some of these cards. I'd like to be able to say more about this map but I don't know the language.
(Reference: Gesuido Koho Platform) |