FiretodoSimple Todo Application using SwiftUI / Firebase / Redux.
To Do一个无后端待办事项应用,数据用 LeanCloud 进行同步。
Geek LifeThe Todo List / Task Manager for Geeks in command line
Javascript Todo List Tutorial✅ A step-by-step complete beginner example/tutorial for building a Todo List App (TodoMVC) from scratch in JavaScript following Test Driven Development (TDD) best practice. 🌱
CollabtiveCollabtive is web based project management software
Wanna💡✔ Wanna is an implementation of a 21st-century to-do list app.
Atom Todo ShowAtom package that shows a list of todos from your project.
TdoKeyboard driven, hackable TODO list
Coc Todolist[Deprecated due to an unfixable bug and crappy design]🕐 Todolist/task manager extension for (Neo)Vim
Qtodotxt2Rewrite of GUI code of QTodoTxt using qml.
Vim BujoA minimalist task manager for vim.
Coddx AlphaCoddx - a collection of tools that help developers program efficiently. One of the features is generating multiple files from templates quickly.
Td CliA todo command line todo manager ✔️
MarkorText editor - Notes & ToDo (for Android) - Markdown, todo.txt, plaintext, math, ..
TodoitThe JavaScript framework for hassle-free TODO application development.
Py Todo📋 Lightweight reminder / todo-list in cli
TodolistA simple ToDoList written in Swift
PolyxProductivity suite written from scratch in Ink on the backend and Torus on the web
Swiftui jike用SwiftUI仿即刻App界面(Build Jike App UI with SwiftUI)
Flutter todoYet another Todo app, now using Flutter (with ScopedModel)
Todo简洁清爽的Todo清单工具❤️ (MVP+okhttp3+retrofit+gson)
EcnoEcno is a task state manager built on top of UserDefaults in pure Swift 4.
Flask Todolistexemplary flask application - small to-do list WebApp example
RealmtasksSimple Todo iOS app with Realm DB and Swift
MachdasTodo manager based on PHP 7, Slim and Vue.js
Go Todo微信小程序 todo后端,采用GoFrame框架搭建,包含微信认证、token管理、发送微信模板消息等
Todolist📄 Task management web application built with AngularJS and Java EE.
GithubtodosMissing Github Features you always wanted (persist notifications / manage todos)
Vue Koa Demo🔰A simple full stack demo(CSR & SSR & Docker Support) written by Vue2 & Koa2(Koa1 verson also completed)
JkanbanVanilla Javascript plugin for manage kanban boards
SwiftuitodoAn example to-do list app using SwiftUI which is introduced in WWDC19
TaskwikiProper project management with Taskwarrior in vim.
Todo.txt Cli☑️ A simple and extensible shell script for managing your todo.txt file.
Wanandroid flutter🔥🔥超完整超漂亮的Flutter版wanAndroid客户端。含wanAndroid已开放的所有功能(包括TODO)。项目包含BloC模式、Provider模式、常规模式。
BacklogSimple desktop app for storing lists of items (todo, tasks, backlog items)
TodoA simple command line todo list manager which can be as powerful as you want it to be.
taskontableTaskontable is To-Do List & Time keeper on Spreadsheet.
todoscreensaverA screensaver that reads a text file from somewhere on your PC.
SparkTodoTodoList WebApi Powered by ASP.Net Core and JWT token auth
markmark is an markdown editor app for mac
ToDo-AppManage your chores with this ToDo-App in Swift
todo-listTodoList using Ionic2/3 & Firebase: * PWA * SSO Google plus. * Share list via QRcode. * Upload image from Camera or Storage. * Speech Recognition.
max-todosA basic Todo app developed in React.
meemoRun a lightweight Meemo server with database on Docker with docker-compose
tda non-offensive, per project ToDo manager.
ctodoA simple ncurses-based tasklist manager
ttdlTTDL - Terminal Todo List Manager
outsplineExtensible outliner and personal time organizer to manage todo lists, schedule tasks, remind events.
todo-listA practical web application built with Node.js, Express, and MySQL for you to readily record, view, and manage your tasks with an account: Create, view, edit, delete, filter, and sort expenses are as easy as pie 🥧