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Top 44 acf open source projects

Extended Acf
Register advanced custom fields with object oriented PHP
✭ 212
Acf Extended
ACF Extended Plugin
Private Composer Installer
Composer install helper outsourcing sensitive keys from the package URL into environment variables
React Wp Rest
A boilerplate for pairing the WP Rest API with a server-rendered React app
Acf Builder Cheatsheet
A cheatsheet for use with ACF Builder.
Acf Options For Polylang
A WordPress plugin for adding ACF options page support for Polylang.
Acf Composer
Compose ACF Fields, Blocks, Widgets, and Option Pages with ACF Builder on Sage 10
✭ 124
Acf Tools
Advanced Custom Fields code made simple! 🙌
Acf Codifier
A wrapper class to help write more readable ACF field declarations.
Plate: a super stripped-down WordPress starter theme for developers.
Write code to create ACF field groups, fields and re-usable modules.
Acf Star Rating Field
A simple star rating field for ACF.
Acf To Rest Api
Exposes Advanced Custom Fields Endpoints in the WordPress REST API
Advanced Forms
WordPress plugin to create forms using Advanced Custom Fields
Acf Builder
An Advanced Custom Field Configuration Builder
Component based WordPress starter theme, powered by ACF Pro and Timber, optimized for a11y and fast page load results.
Acf Quickedit Fields
WordPress Plugin implementing Column Displaying, QuickEdit and BulkEdit for Advanced Custom Fields (ACF)
Real time eye tracking for embedded and mobile devices.
Acf Pro Installer
A composer install helper for Advanced Custom Fields PRO
Java Command Dispatch Framework - (Bukkit, Spigot, Paper, Sponge, Bungee, JDA, Velocity supported, generically usable anywhere)
Acf Fluent
✒️ A fluent interface for the Advanced Custom Fields WordPress plugin
A real ACF phone number field powered by libphonenumber and intl-tel-input
Transform ACF's flexible layouts list into a nice and UX popup.
Transforms ACF's flexible content field's layout list into a modal with image previews.
ACF Country field - Display a select field of all countries, in any language.
Automatic WordPress Gutenberg block loader based on template files
Small addon for ACF Options. Adds ACF options page per custom post type
Allows saving templates of the "Flexible Content" field, for easy and fast use of them on other pages.
WordPress ACF Plugin to add a Codemirror powered field
Configuration builder for advanced custom fields field groups
Auto-register ACF field groups as blocks in the new editor (Gutenberg).
ACF Overview allows to quick view configuration of all field groups
This is a simple ACF Field that moves the WordPress content editor of a post or page to the location of this field.
1-44 of 44 acf projects