Vue ExamplesCollection of Vue examples for beginner front end developers
HacktoberfestThis hacktoberfest project exists to help you submit your first Pull Request and welcome you to the world of open source!
Javascript Todo List Tutorial✅ A step-by-step complete beginner example/tutorial for building a Todo List App (TodoMVC) from scratch in JavaScript following Test Driven Development (TDD) best practice. 🌱
HacktoberfestMake your first PR! ~ A beginner-friendly repository made specifically for open source beginners. Add your profile, a blog or any program under any language (it can be anything from a hello-world program to a complex data structure algorithm) or update the existing one. Just make sure to add the file under the correct directory. Happy hacking!
Frida BootFrida Boot 👢- A binary instrumentation workshop, with Frida, for beginners!
Python tipsSome Python tips for beginner to intermediate users. Also used as a personal cheat sheet. Featured here
Dark Fantasy Hack ToolDDOS Tool: To take down small websites with HTTP FLOOD. Port scanner: To know the open ports of a site. FTP Password Cracker: To hack file system of websites.. Banner Grabber: To get the service or software running on a port. (After knowing the software running google for its vulnerabilities.) Web Spider: For gathering web application hacking information. Email scraper: To get all emails related to a webpage IMDB Rating: Easy way to access the movie database. Both .exe(compressed as zip) and .py versions are available in files.
AlgobookA beginner-friendly project to help you in open-source contributions. Data Structures & Algorithms in various programming languages Please leave a star ⭐ to support this project! ✨
Learn Heroku🏁 Learn how to deploy your web application to Heroku from scratch step-by-step in 7 minutes!
42.exam CSolutions of the C beginner exam. Doing each problem correctly, one level up, and so the difficulty of the problems. If one fails a problem, you can retry another problem in the same level, but without getting the full marks.
Start Here💡 A Quick-start Guide for People who want to dwyl ❤️ ✅
HacktoberfestMake your first PR! ~ A beginner-friendly repository made specifically for open source beginners. Add your profile, a blog, or any program under any language or update the existing one. Just make sure to add the file under the correct directory. Happy hacking!
Hello World🙆 Are you a beginner? send your test pull requests here!
Learn VimVim 实操教程(Learning Vim)Vim practical tutorial.
Python For BeginnersHere you can find all the main Python files written throughout my free YouTube tutorial series Python for Beginners!
Llvm 9.0 Learner TutorialA blog for LLVM(v9.0.0 or v11.0.0) beginner, step by step, with detailed documents and comments. Record the way I learn LLVM and accomplish a complete project for FPGA High-Level Synthesis with it.
Babysploit👶 BabySploit Beginner Pentesting Toolkit/Framework Written in Python 🐍
Vst24 Hello WorldThis project contains a "Hello World" style application for building a VST 2.4 plugin
PpelThe Python Practical Examples List. REAL projects for beginners.
Learn VimLearning Vim and Vimscript doesn't have to be hard. This is the guide that you're looking for.
Hacktoberfest 2020 Welcome to Open-source! Simply add your details to contributors | Repo for Hacktoberfest 2020 ✅
FlutterbasicwidgetsABC of Flutter widgets. Intended for super beginners at Flutter. Play with 35+ examples in DartPad directly and get familiar with various basic widgets in Flutter
UnityplaygroundA collection of simple scripts to create 2D physics game, intended for giving workshops to a young audience
Programming ChallengesAlgorithmic, Data Structures, Frontend and Pentest - Programming challenges and competitions to improve knowledge.
Phoenix Chat Example💬 A Step-by-Step Beginners Tutorial for Building, Testing & Deploying a Chat app in Phoenix 1.5.5 🚀
Hacktoberfest2019Happy Hacktober! This is a beginner friendly repository made specifically for Hacktoberfest that helps you get your first PR.
MariaA ClojureScript coding environment for beginners.
Basic Mathematics For Machine LearningThe motive behind Creating this repo is to feel the fear of mathematics and do what ever you want to do in Machine Learning , Deep Learning and other fields of AI