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Discover open source projects by 545 programming languages
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17. Dockerfile
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20. CMake
21. kotlin
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24. Vue
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27. scala
28. Batchfile
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32. coffeescript
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70. Jinja
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72. Blade
73. HLSL
74. haxe
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77. common lisp
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93. Visual Basic .NET
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96. crystal
97. FreeMarker
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106. racket
107. NSIS
108. GDScript
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110. purescript
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112. applescript
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114. autohotkey
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116. vala
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122. Logos
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124. VHDL
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127. SystemVerilog
128. cplusplus
129. GAP
130. cpp11
131. reason
132. Coq
133. OpenSCAD
134. Standard ML
135. SourcePawn
136. SWIG
137. clojurescript
138. Gnuplot
139. cpp17
140. Raku
141. OpenEdge ABL
142. forth
143. Procfile
144. Vim Snippet
145. Apex
146. LLVM
147. Jsonnet
148. ASL
149. Nunjucks
150. Haml
151. swift4
152. ASP.NET
153. script
154. vba
155. Eagle
156. AMPL
157. dsl
158. WebAssembly
159. SQLPL
160. Thrift
161. Zig
162. cpp14
163. Pawn
164. fsharp
165. flow
166. Liquid
167. SuperCollider
168. VBScript
169. Max
170. python2
171. Ada
172. SaltStack
173. Dhall
174. NASL
175. delphi
176. Metal
177. livescript
178. lisp
179. ColdFusion
180. Stata
181. RobotFramework
182. IDL
183. dartlang
184. DIGITAL Command Language
185. AGS Script
186. ReScript
187. Agda
188. Slim
189. scripting
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191. KiCad Layout
192. BitBake
193. sed
194. GDB
195. macros
196. Game Maker Language
197. Stan
198. G-code
199. Idris
200. POV-Ray SDL
201. ecmascript
202. PureBasic
203. es2015
204. Scilab
205. YARA
206. declarative
207. reflection
208. XQuery
209. YASnippet
210. basic
211. Xtend
212. V
213. XS
214. API Blueprint
215. metaprogramming
216. swift3
217. java8
218. micropython
219. NewLisp
220. Nextflow
221. AutoIt
222. RAML
223. VCL
224. grammar
225. Rebol
226. Brainfuck
227. PEG.js
228. xBase
229. Bicep
230. SQF
231. dlang
232. AIDL
233. assembler
234. types
235. Ragel
236. bytecode
237. Modelica
238. DTrace
239. Smali
240. XML
241. Sage
242. arc
243. Markdown
244. Cap'n Proto
245. RenderScript
246. Zeek
247. flowtype
248. AngelScript
249. ABAP
250. RPC
251. MoonScript
252. procedural
253. Objective-J
254. shellcode
255. Limbo
256. bucklescript
257. ts
258. MAXScript
259. enum
260. Common Workflow Language
261. Open Policy Agent
262. SMT
263. python27
264. scalajs
265. nesC
266. EmberScript
267. DM
268. SAS
269. symbols
270. ring
271. Nearley
272. CartoCSS
273. Pure Data
274. MQL5
275. COBOL
276. languages
277. MQL4
278. Lean
279. macro
280. c99
281. LabVIEW
282. Squirrel
283. GCC Machine Description
284. python36
285. es7
286. wdl
287. Mercury
288. AspectJ
289. p5js
290. Web Ontology Language
291. elisp
292. q
293. PigLatin
294. TLA
295. Brightscript
296. YAML
297. Fluent
298. Latte
299. Terra
300. Isabelle
301. Component Pascal
302. Clarion
303. Ren'Py
304. proposal
305. Gosu
306. FreeBasic
307. Hy
308. KakouneScript
309. jq
310. cxx
311. introspection
312. LilyPond
313. Motoko
314. Pony
315. Io
316. CUE
317. optics
318. objc
319. P4
320. Lasso
321. shellscript
322. Red
323. CLIPS
324. type
325. ZenScript
326. UnrealScript
327. FLUX
328. Astro
329. Volt
330. Bison
331. cgo
332. Fennel
333. Mask
334. Csound Document
335. es2017
336. HiveQL
337. OpenQASM
338. StringTemplate
339. BlitzBasic
340. scalaz
341. cljs
342. ecmascript6
343. Bikeshed
344. SQL
345. NCL
346. Asymptote
347. XC
348. CWeb
349. Rascal
350. Slash
351. Nu
352. clj
353. javaweb
354. javascipt
355. esnext
356. es5
357. Singularity
358. mcfunction
359. Alloy
360. operators
361. gravity
362. XProc
363. Papyrus
364. ZIL
365. ZAP
366. Nemerle
367. Modula-2
368. Turing
369. Parrot
370. JSONiq
371. ChucK
372. MLIR
373. ctypes
374. gcode
375. es2016
376. cpython
377. Faust
378. Euphoria
379. LSL
380. ImageJ Macro
381. Propeller Spin
382. Cirru
383. Graphviz (DOT)
384. Q#
385. Boo
386. Qt Script
387. kvlang
388. Frege
389. mIRC Script
390. ATS
391. APL
392. JSON
393. Eiffel
394. Bluespec
395. GAMS
396. REXX
397. Ballerina
398. ObjectScript
399. Uno
400. pypy
401. JetBrains MPS
402. HolyC
403. eC
404. Xojo
405. Augeas
406. Zephir
407. Closure Templates
408. CodeQL
409. J
410. NetLogo
411. E
412. Xonsh
413. F*
414. Jasmin
415. Vyper
416. Kaitai Struct
417. SRecode Template
418. PicoLisp
419. Janet
420. GSC
421. Diff
422. AL
423. Module Management System
424. mupad
425. Cool
426. Slice
427. Futhark
428. Marko
429. Visual Basic 6.0
430. CAP CDS
431. Cadence
432. Gleam
433. Csound
434. Ceylon
436. LookML
437. Beef
438. Earthly
439. Monkey C
440. PowerBuilder
441. Modula-3
442. RMarkdown
443. Monkey
444. Shen
445. Grammatical Framework
446. Riot
447. Pike
448. Pep8
449. Macaulay2
450. Boogie
451. LFE
452. RouterOS Script
453. Csound Score
454. Factor
455. Click
456. Gettext Catalog
457. BlitzMax
458. Clean
459. Odin
460. ooc
461. DataWeave
462. Promela
463. Oz
464. PogoScript
465. Cycript
466. Inform 7
467. Sieve
468. Harbour
469. Adblock Filter List
470. Nasal
471. wisp
472. NWScript
473. LigoLANG
474. Clarity
475. Chapel
476. Opa
477. KRL
478. Zimpl
479. IGOR Pro
480. Self
481. KiCad Schematic
482. NetLinx
483. SmPL
484. Filebench WML
485. WebIDL
486. Elvish
487. Cypher
488. Wren
489. hoon
490. Fantom
491. Velocity Template Language
492. RPGLE
493. Org
494. UrWeb
495. Glyph
496. Rouge
497. Dylan
498. Jolie
500. Logtalk
501. Kit
502. Ink
503. Smithy
504. BrighterScript
505. Charity
506. SugarSS
507. just
508. CSON
509. REALbasic
510. Mirah
511. Mint
512. Berry
513. MTML
514. INI
515. Ox
516. SVG
517. HyPhy
518. Genshi
519. Tea
520. AsciiDoc
521. Redcode
522. Fancy
523. EQ
524. Genero
525. Befunge
526. Curry
527. Mermaid
528. Edje Data Collection
529. Move
530. Gradle
531. Talon
532. TXL
533. reStructuredText
534. PDDL
535. Grace
536. Dafny
537. Ioke
538. DenizenScript
539. Omgrofl
540. Cairo
542. Pan
543. GAML
544. LoomScript
545. Wikitext