Ex auditEcto auditing library that transparently tracks changes and can revert them.
Jsondiffpatch.netJSON object diffs and reversible patching (jsondiffpatch compatible)
Wasmpatch🧱Yet Another Patch Module for iOS/macOS via WebAssembly
UksmUltra Kernel Samepage Merging
PatchmanPatchman is a Linux Patch Status Monitoring System
AstorAutomatic program repair for Java with generate-and-validate techniques ✌️✌️: jGenProg (2014) - jMutRepair (2016) - jKali (2016) - DeepRepair (2017) - Cardumen (2018) - 3sfix (2018)
BinchA light ELF binary patch tool in python urwid
Apkdiffpatcha C++ library and command-line tools for Zip(Jar,Apk) file Diff & Patch; create minimal delta/differential; support Jar sign(apk v1 sign) & apk v2,v3 sign .
Macos PatcherCommand line tool for running macOS on unsupported Macs
Patchy⚓️ Patch the inner source of python functions at runtime.
Unityandroidhotupdate(Unity3D热更新) provide a way to hot update Unity app on Android, support code&resources, not need lua js or IL runtime etc..., will not disturb your project development; just loading the new version apk file to achieve.
NightpatchEnable Night Shift on any old Mac models.
Free SidecarEnable Sidecar on Unsupported iPads and Macs running iPadOS 13 and macOS Catalina
RevokemsgpatcherA hex editor for WeChat/QQ/TIM - PC版微信/QQ/TIM防撤回补丁(我已经看到了,撤回也没用了)
Tr2mainTomb Raider II Injector Dynamic Library
Git FollowFollow lifetime changes of a pathspec in Git.
WaxpatchDynamically load a lua script to change the behavior of your iOS application.
Gomonkeygomonkey is a library to make monkey patching in unit tests easy
UnitydarkskinSwitcher of UI theme in Unity Editor (light -> dark) (.NET, WPF)
Hdiffpatcha C\C++ library and command-line tools for Diff & Patch between binary files or directories(folder); cross-platform; run fast; create small delta/differential; support large files and limit memory requires when diff & patch.
Diff Match PatchDiff Match Patch is a high-performance library in multiple languages that manipulates plain text.
NupdateA comfortable update solution for .NET-applications.
SimilarA high level diffing library for rust based on diffs
UpmetroskinThis non-official addon for Metro for Steam fixes bugs with the current version and adds optional content for you to choose from.
StarkStark is a hot-fix framework for Android. It supports swapping new implementations of classes without restarting a running Android application, and updated Android resources (icons, layout, etc) while only restarting the Android Activity. Most importantly, there is no private API invoked in Stark.
GsyncgSync is an rsync based library for sending delta updates of files to a remote server.
Unityandroidil2cpppatchdemo这是Unity Android APP il2cpp热更完美解决方案的Demo。更新build_demo_apk里的Unity路径,执行即可一键重build Patch和apk。因为文件libunity是没有热更的,如unity版本有变化则热更不适用。
EditscriptA library designed to diff and patch Clojure data structures
DiffsonA scala diff/patch library for Json
MPPatchPatch for Civilization V to allow modded multiplayer. Currently under development.
patch-rubyPatch's Ruby client library - https://www.patch.io
wumpfetch🚀🔗 A modern, lightweight, fast and easy to use Node.js HTTP client
dwm-ipcA DWM patch that allows IPC communication through a UNIX socket
hookwin10calcReverse engineered Windows 10 Calculator.exe (UWP application) hacker. 한글/漢文을 배운 윈도우 계산기 패치.
tmux-eaw-fixtmux 2.6 以降において East Asian Ambiguous Character を全角文字の幅で表示する
BNSBoostA simple launcher for Blade & Soul patches. Working as of the Fire and Blood game update.
libcarelibcare -- Patch Userspace Code in Live Processes
go-gitdiffGo library for parsing and applying patches created by Git