TosdatabridgeA collection of resources for pulling real-time streaming data off of TDAmeritrade's ThinkOrSwim(TOS) platform; providing C, C++, Java and Python interfaces.
Iceoryxiceoryx - true zero-copy inter-process-communication
Gear LibGear-Lib, C library for IOT Embedded Multimedia and Network
AndromedaAndromeda simplifies local/remote communication for Android modularization
JstpFast RPC for browser and Node.js based on TCP, WebSocket, and MDSF
ShadesmarFast C++ IPC using shared memory (with msgpack)
Pyro5Pyro 5 - Python remote objects for modern python versions
SgfThis is a Smart Game Foundation (Not Framework)
ZetaipcA tiny .NET library to do inter-process communication (IPC) between different processes on the same machine.
Reactor NettyTCP/HTTP/UDP/QUIC client/server with Reactor over Netty
Flying Pigeonflying-pigeon 是一个IPC 跨进程通信组件,底层是匿名内存+Binder , 突破1MB大小限制,无需写AIDL文件,让实现跨进程通信就像写一个接口一样简单
EnduroxEnduro/X Middleware Platform for Distributed Transaction Processing
IpcPublic domain single header inter process communication primitives
JocketLow-latency java socket implementation (using shared memory)
BdtunnelBoutDuTunnel is able to create virtual connections tunnelled in HTTP requests.
Traffic Shmtraffic-shm (Anna) is a Java based lock free IPC library.
DiscordipcConnect locally to the Discord client using IPC for a subset of RPC features like Rich Presence and Activity Join/Spectate
Tinyipc.NET inter process broadcast message bus with supporting classes
VezaIPC/TCP Networking Utility to connect several processes with great concurrency.
Broadcast Channel📡 BroadcastChannel to send data between different browser-tabs or nodejs-processes 📡
Scalecube Servicesv2.0 - ScaleCube Services provides a low latency Reactive Microservices library for serverless service registry and discovery based on gossip protocol and without single point-of-failure or bottlenecks.
Rpc ThunderdomeA comparison between Proteus RPC and other commonly used RPC frameworks
RaftlibThe RaftLib C++ library, streaming/dataflow concurrency via C++ iostream-like operators
K8cscanK8Cscan大型内网渗透自定义插件化扫描神器,包含信息收集、网络资产、漏洞扫描、密码爆破、漏洞利用,程序采用多线程批量扫描大型内网多个IP段C段主机,目前插件包含: C段旁注扫描、子域名扫描、Ftp密码爆破、Mysql密码爆破、Oracle密码爆破、MSSQL密码爆破、Windows/Linux系统密码爆破、存活主机扫描、端口扫描、Web信息探测、操作系统版本探测、Cisco思科设备扫描等,支持调用任意外部程序或脚本,支持Cobalt Strike联动
Pyro4Pyro 4.x - Python remote objects
AeronEfficient reliable UDP unicast, UDP multicast, and IPC message transport
MappedbusMappedbus is a low latency message bus for Java microservices utilizing shared memory.
BinaryprefsRapidly fast and lightweight re-implementation of SharedPreferences which stores each preference in files separately, performs disk operations via NIO with memory mapped byte buffers and works IPC (between processes). Written from scratch.
Scalecube ServicesScaleCube Services is a high throughput, low latency reactive microservices library built to scale. it features: API-Gateways, service-discovery, service-load-balancing, the architecture supports plug-and-play service communication modules and features. built to provide performance and low-latency real-time stream-processing. its open and designed to accommodate changes. (no sidecar in a form of broker or any kind)
MicroservicesMicroservices from Design to Deployment 中文版 《微服务:从设计到部署》
AndlinkerAndLinker is a IPC library for Android, which combines the features of AIDL and Retrofit. Allows IPC call seamlessly compose with RxJava and RxJava2 call adapters.
Cpp IpcC++ IPC Library: A high-performance inter-process communication using shared memory on Linux/Windows.
NfxC# Server UNISTACK framework [MOVED]
SharedhashfileShare Hash Tables With Stable Key Hints Stored In Memory Mapped Files Between Arbitrary Processes
YarpYARP - Yet Another Robot Platform
IpcIPC is a C++ library that provides inter-process communication using shared memory on Windows. A .NET wrapper is available which allows interaction with C++ as well.
Apollo🚀 Awesome EventBus by RxJava.
PandoraA Manageable, Measurable and Traceable Node.js Application Manager represented by Alibaba powered by TypeScript
EcaleCAL - enhanced Communication Abstraction Layer
binder-for-linuxAn experimental project to port Android Binder IPC subsystem to Ubuntu Linux.
fastmqHigh performance message broker implementation for node.js with multiple network transports support.
tiny-nix-ipcMinimal Rust wrapper for using sockets as IPC with file descriptor passing