MarvelMarvel Characters Android Application Assigned by smava GmbH
DahakaDemo project for Dagger 2
NewgankCool Android client for gankio (Java).
MoonshotA SpaceX companion app for Android
DaggerDagger 是一个基于 Loki 的日志查询和管理系统,它是由达闼科技( CloudMinds )云团队的`大禹基础设施平台`派生出来的一个项目。Dagger 运行在 Loki 前端,具备日志查询、搜索,保存和下载等特性,适用于云原生场景下的容器日志管理场景。
Android Base MvpAndroid Base MVP Concept with RXJava, Dagger, Event Bus, Retrofit, Glide, OkHTTP
Translateapp📝 A translations app without interruptions, copy words and translate directly, show result by top view.
CoinverseCoinverse Open App is the first audiocast app for cryptocurrency news. 🚀
Archcomp使用Dagger,LiveData,ViewModel,Rxjava ,Retrofit等搭建App业务模块组件化框架。并处理多个系统提供数据导致的返回数据格式不一致,More ,please readme
CatchupAn app for catching up on things.
FoodsearchShowcase project of MVP+Dagger+RxJava+StorIO
UltimateandroidtemplaterxMVP Android App Template Ultimate Android Template MVP // Dagger 2 // Boilerplate // Bootstrap // Bottom Navigation Menu Material Design
Space AppAn Android app which shows timeline of upcoming rocket launches and showcases architecture of real application.
Mvpframes整合大量主流开源项目并且可高度配置化的 Android MVP 快速集成框架,支持 AndroidX
Androcat AndroCat is a GitHub client for Android phones and provides to user GitHub user interface like how they used to.
DaggermockA JUnit rule to easily override Dagger 2 objects
EasychatandroidclientEasyChat是一个开源的社交类的App。主要包含消息、好友、群组等相关的IM核心功能。部分界面参照了QQ、微信等相关社交APP。EasyChat APP整体采用MVVM模式,基于JetPack(Lifecycle,LiveData,ViewModel,Room)构建
DaggraphDagger dependency graph generator for Android Developers
BigbangAndroid base project used by Xmartlabs team
Tr2mainTomb Raider II Injector Dynamic Library
Star Wars ShopSimple project with clean architecture and android lifecycle
AndroidallAndroid 程序员需要掌握的技术栈:数据结构算法、程序架构、设计模式、性能优化、插件化、热更新、Kotlin、NDK、Jetpack,以及常用的开源框架源码分析如 Flutter、Router、RxJava、Glide、LeakCanary、Dagger2、Retrofit、OkHttp、ButterKnife 等
YoutubeuxWith MVVM Architecture pattern using Android Architecture Components This is a sample app demonstrating Youtube player animation using constraint layout
KotlinmultiplatformKotlin MultiPlatform App (Android, iOS, JVM & JS). MVVM/MVP - Kotlin MultiPlatform
CountriesAn example Android app using Retrofit, Realm, Parceler, Dagger and the MVVM pattern with the data binding lib.
Scabbard🗡 A tool to visualize Dagger 2 dependency graphs
TheatrePet project using Clean Architecture + MVVM + Reactive Extensions + Android Architecture Components. The data are fetched from LondonTheatreDirect API. 🎭
Startup OsWorking examples of Google's Open Source stack and deployment to the cloud.
Android Mvp ArchitectureThis repository contains a detailed sample app that implements MVP architecture using Dagger2, GreenDao, RxJava2, FastAndroidNetworking and PlaceholderView
FirebucketGlimpse into Firebase, with a simple TODO list app built around Dagger, RxJava 2, Clean architecture and of course, Firebase.
Applocker🔐 Open source app locker, vault, call blocker application
Goldmovies👑 The GoldMovies is based on Kotlin, MVVM architecture, coroutines, dagger, koin, and material designs & animations.
XdagXDAG (Dagger Coin) Official Main Repository. XDAG is a novel DAG based cryptocurrency.
Githubfollows A demo project based on MVVM architecture and material design & animations.
Dagger BrowserSimple tool for browsing Dagger graphs generated via an SPI plugin
mvp with daggerHow presenters survive Activity recreations on configuration changes with Dagger2
searchiDemo of PagedListAdapter, PageKeyedDataSource, LiveData, ViewModel in Kotlin
dagger-trackGradle plugin to add clock trackings to your dagger components and subcomponents
WanAndroid💪 WanAndroid应用,持续更新,不断打造成一款持续稳定, 功能完善的应用