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Ingles II

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Joven Estudiante:

En todo este proceso de incorporación al mundo profesional, el español

tiene una importancia decisiva, por lo que su aprendizaje en la
preparatoria es de la mayor importancia. Veamos por qué.

La comprensión de lectura, la capacidad de escuchar; la expresión oral

clara y la redacción lógica de una lengua que no sea la materna nos
permiten incorporar información nueva y transmitirla en cualquier
situación, sea escolar o laboral. Estas habilidades son, por lo tanto, la
puerta de entrada para conocer todo loque nos rodea (incluso las demás
disciplinas) y para darnos a conocer a quienes nos rodean. Sin estas
habilidades básicas no podemos tener éxito en la vida social adulta.

La reflexión sobre nuestra lengua y su mejor conocimiento conducen a

un pensamiento más ordenado, por lo que el aprendizaje del inglés en la
preparatoria permite a los alumnos tener un instrumento para
clasificar mejor sus ideas.

En todo acto de comunicación, ya sea oral o escrito, intervienen una

serie de elementos necesarios para que dicho acto sea eficaz. O lo que
es lo mismo, sin estos componentes el proceso comunicativo no sería
Cecilia Lara Rodríguez - Directora del Plantad León San Juan Bosco.
Silvia Anahí Jiménez - Directora del Plantel Silao.
Diana Rubio Zarazúa - Directora del Plantel San José Iturbide.
Areli Mendiola Gómez - Subdirectora Académica del Plantel Purísima del Rincón.
Silvia Yadira Ramírez Mota - Subdirectora Académica del Plantel Celaya II.
Ma. Concepción Barrientos - Presidente de la Academia Estatal de Comunicación.
Zenzilt Anahí Herrerías Guerrero - Academia Estatal de Comunicación.
Ma Trinidad Rodríguez Muñoz - Academia Estatal de Comunicación.
Juan José Aviña Hernández - Academia Estatal de Comunicación.
Adriana Frías Ramírez Academia Estatal de Comunicación.
Pedro Arredondo González - Presidente de la Academia Estatal de Ciencias Experimentales.
Carla Renata Villagómez Balcázar - Secretaria de la Academia Estatal de Ciencias
Gerardo Medina Jiménez – Presidente de la Academia Estatal de Matemáticas.
José de Jesús Leos Mireles - Academia Estatal de Matemáticas.
Néstor José Guevara Ordoñez - Academia Estatal de Matemáticas.
Martha Margarita Martínez Rangel - Presidente de la Academia Estatal de inglés.
María del Carmen Martínez Ávila - Academia Estatal de inglés.
Ma. Elena Campos Campos - Academia Estatal de
inglés. María Leticia Núñez Pascual - Academia Estatal
de inglés.
Lilia López Aguado - Academia Estatal de inglés.
Francisco Javier Alcacio González - Academia Estatal de inglés.
Celina Michelle Martínez Felipe - Academia Estatal de
Adela Tierrablanca Estrada - Academia Estatal de Humanidades.
Ma. Inés Rosas Bravo - Academia Estatal de Humanidades.

Colaboración Especial

Celia Margarita García Esparza - Coordinadora de Cuerpos Colegiados.

Julio Cesar Vargas Manríquez — Analista especializado para el área de Docencia.

Joven Estudiante: ..........................................................................................................1
COMPETENCIAS EN INGLÉS. ...................................................................................7
Símbolos de Identificación ...........................................................................................8
INTRODUCCIÓN .........................................................................................................9
UNIT I. SIMPLE PAST VERB TO BE.........................................................................14
UNIT II. SIMPLE PAST: REGULAR AND IRREGULAR VERBS. ..............................32
Simple past ............................................................................................................32
WAS/WERE IS NOT PART OF THIS TOPIC. Do not use it when you want to
express actions in past. .................................................................................................. 41
En la parte tres, también puedes cambiar los enunciados neg ativos a
Structure ............................................................................................................................ 62
The basic structure for be able to in affirmative sentences is: ............................................ 62


Escucha, interpreta y emite mensajes pertinentes en distintos contextos mediante

la utilización de medios, códigos y herramientas apropiadas.
Propone maneras de solucionar un problema o desarrollar un proyecto en equipo
definiendo un curso de acción con pasos específicos.
Que el estudiante sea capaz de comunicarse en inglés acerca de su persona, de
otras personas, de su entorno y de sus actividades cotidianas.
Que comunique hechos, actividades y experiencias.

Propósitos de la Asignatura
Inglés apoya a todas las asignaturas que integran la estructura curricular, ya que su dominio le
permite al estudiante acceder al acervo académico universal en el idioma en el que más se genera
información, por lo que es posible que los docentes organicen trabajo multidisciplinario entre
asignaturas; por ejemplo, la asignatura de Inglés V con la asignatura de ciencia, tecnología,
sociedad y valores, en el que se puede realizar la consulta de una fuente en inglés y presentar
argumentos en los dos idiomas, para el desarrollo de competencias en ambas asignaturas, a
través de un proyecto único.

Fuente: imagen recuperada en junio 2020

Aprendiendo a usar el cuaderno:

Símbolos de Identificación

Rescatando mis Aprendizaje.

Para aprender.

Ejercitando mi habilidad.

¿Qué Aprendí?

Rescatando mis Aprendizaje.

Actividad Transversal.


Este cuaderno de trabajo busca favorecer la capacidad de resolver problemas dentro del
contexto social de nuestros estudiantes, para ello es importante seguir pasos en dicha
Identificar el conocimiento necesario para resolver el problema.
Extraer información de fuentes pertinentes.
Tomar decisiones lógicas y justificables.
Combinar en una solución coherente información parcial recibida de distintas

Aplicar soluciones antiguas a soluciones nuevas.

Aplicar soluciones nuevas a situaciones antiguas.

El resultado de este proceso conduce a destrezas que son valiosas más allá de cualquier
clase: serán útiles para los estudiantes que busquen un mayor nivel de formación; son
destrezas invaluables en los sitios de trabajo que cualquier empresa reconocerá en un
El enfoque por competencias requiere que los estudiantes sepan trabajar también en
equipo, que en el proceso de resolver situaciones problemáticas sean eficaces, veraces
y solidarias. Lo ideal es integrar equipos de estudiantes con diferentes capacidades y
talentos para que resuelvan las actividades de enseñanza-aprendizaje definidas por el
profesor. Con ello, los jóvenes no solo demuestran la comprensión que han adquirido de
conceptos, propiedades y fórmulas, sino que también desarrollan su capacidad para
escuchar a sus compañeros, aprender de lo que dicen y confrontar sus respuestas con
ellos, porque esto los lleva a aumentar sus conocimientos y a manejar las habilidades

Transversalidad de los Aprendizajes

El alumno realizará un ejercicio transversal en conjunto con las asignaturas de Química,

Geometría y Trigonometría, TIC´S, inglés y Lectura, Expresión Oral y Escrita.
Cada una de las asignaturas indicará el producto que se generará de acuerdo a su
programa tomando como tema integrador: Aplicación e importancia de los polímeros
en la comunidad.

Contents Table of English II.

Content Structure.

English II

Expected learning
Competence Component Content Specific content Evidence of learning

Communication and
Students will relationships.
interact, and Integration of Activation of previous
collaborate with learning Collaborative work in knowledge.
How do I ask for
others (transverse communities. classroom as a basis Write a conversation
the products I
axis for all subjects for the integration of To ask for the correct between a shop assistant
need in different
from Contextualization of the learning amount in many and a customer.
Communication learning community. products in different
and Social communities contexts.
Sciences as through students'
disciplinary fields). interests and

Reading, writing and

oral production as The importance of
learning sources and language and To communicate the
abilities practice. grammar role in it. specific situations of A presentation with
Reading, writing, The importance of your school or graphic support where the
Argumentative text. Describing my daily
speaking and reading to writing relative´s work student describes his
listening. production. (present continuous activities and those of a
The text as resource and the adverbs of relative.
The importance of information and new frequency)
reading to write on ideas
based argument.
Expected learning
Competence Component Content Specific content Evidence of learning
The justification of
the students’
The argumentative
Providing opinion with an
reasonable argument. To provide simple
Using the book as a Write and answer
opinions from the arguments about a
The original tool for writing questions about a text
point of making a The solid text.
text construction of
one´s original
Technology and
development. The impact of
technology on human
Creation and development.
responsible usage How to start a blog
of the information Responsible use of
information. To give orders or
Technology, for learning. How to make a
Using technology to instructions in
information, Web-based videoconference?
develop in XXI different contexts.
communication and Learning and
learning. century skills. (Imperatives, action
learning. innovation. How to use an
Creation of contents electronic device.
In and from the web.
for learning.
Programming to
Use of technology learn.
to enhance web-
based learning.
Students will Asking and A personal
answering interview of
questions about activities in the
interact, and past
Collaborative events and
collaborate with Talk about activities in the
work in
others (transverse Communication personal actions past. A short story
classroom as a
axis for all subjects and interpersonal basis for the that happened Referring to the time based on verbal
from relationships. integration of before when an event and visual
Communication the learning now. (Past simple) happens. prompts
and Social community. Talking about the
places one stayed A paragraph about
Sciences as
at some time a place one visited
disciplinary fields) before. in the past.
Expected learning
Competence Component Content Specific content Evidence of learning

To state where
things have been A list of things they
found based on remember they saw
what they saw. at a certain place.
Expressing the idea
Reading, writing The importance of that something
Reading, writing, To express the Descriptions using
and oral production language and existed somewhere.
speaking and quantity of how many in past
as learning sources grammar role in it. (Singular and plural).
listening. something in past. tense.
and abilities (There was / there
practice. were)
To describe what A dialogue where
the characteristics of they describe how a
a place were like in place was and all the
the past. things it had.

writing and Describing others
oral in past tense as a To get information
Reading, writing, The importance of Write questions for an
production as way to report a about other people
speaking and language and interview with a death
learning fact or an event. using the (Wh-
listening grammar role in it. famous character
sources and (descriptions in questions in past).
abilities past)
Expected learning
Competence Component Content Specific content Evidence of learning

Describing situations To communicate the

Reading, writing and that were happening specific situations of
oral production as The importance of in the past to show your school or A short video showing
learning sources language and that something relative´s work (past what was happening in
Students will and abilities grammar role in it. continued for some continuous and the the past
communicate, practice. time (past continuous) adverbs of
interact, and frequency)
collaborate with
others (transverse
axis for all subjects
and Social
Sciences as
disciplinary fields). Perform a short
Collaborative work in To compare the conversation
Communication and classroom as a basis What did I use to do? things, I used to do
interpersonal exchanging information
for the integration of How did I use to be? and the way I used to
relationships. be with those I do about how they used to
the learning (used to)
now. be and the things they
used to do

Expressing the skills,

Reading, writing and
the power or the Write sentences in past
Reading, oral production as Discussing about
The importance of means to do tense expressing
writing, learning sources past possibilities or
language and something in past abilities and classify
speaking and and abilities past abilities.
grammar role in it. (Could vs. them in a table.
listening. practice.
be able
Vocabulary. Personal Pronouns. Personal pronoun is associated with a particular person
in a grammatical sense.

Para Aprender más

The past tense of to Be in English has two forms: WAS and WERE.


Subject + TO BE (was/ were) + complement


I was Yo era/fui

He was Él era/fue

She was Ella era/fue

It was ÉL/Ella era/fue (animal, planta, objeto)

You were Tú eras/fuiste

You were Ustedes eran/fueron

We were Nosotros (as) éramos/fuimos

They were Ellos (as) eran/fueron

Check the table and look at the examples.


Subject Verb to be + complement

I was happy.
He was sad.
She was in class.
It was ugly.
You We were early.
They were late.
were at school.

Activity 1: Complete the sentence using was/were

1. Ariana Grande________ 26 last June.

2. You __________ very sad on Monday.
3. She and I ________ at home yesterday.
4. You ________ at school this morning
5. It _________ very dangerous.
6. She was interested in Math.

Activity 2: Complete the following sentences using WAS or WERE.

1. They at the hospital three days ago.

2. You on the phone this morning.

3. The children quiet. They are always noisy.

4. Jari _____in Helsinki last week.

5. She_________home for dinner last Wednesday.

6. My dog a German shepherd.

7. It a Labrador retriever.

8. There a good film on TV yesterday.

9. We in Brazil last summer.

10. There many beautiful beaches there.

11. Fred and Wilma at school this morning.

12. I happy when I heard about the accident.

13. I in Guatemala last spring.

14. We at school last Saturday.

15. Maria and I at home yesterday.

16. Robson happy yesterday.

17. Bob and Mike Jenny's friends. They don’t know her.

Activity 3: Writing Make 10 sentences using the verb to be in past.

In 2007 I was in Queretaro.
I was a student.
I was ready to work.

Para aprender más


Subject + TO BE (was/were) + not + complement


I was Yo no era/fui

He was Él no era/fue

She was Ella no era/fue

It was ÉL/Ella no era/fue (animal, planta, objeto)

You were not Tú no eras/fuiste

You were Ustedes no eran/fueron

We were Nosotros (as) no éramos/fuimos

They were Ellos (as) no eran/fueron

Check the table and look at the examples.


Subject Verb to be + not + complement Short form

I was not happy I wasn´t happy.

He was not sad He wasn´t sad.
She was not in class She wasn´t in class.
It was not ugly It wasn´t ugly.

You were not early. You weren´t early.

We were not late. We weren´t late.
They were not at school. They weren´t at school.

Activity 1: Circle the correct answer.
1. My parents wasn’t / weren’t doctors.
2. We wasn’t / weren’t in the room.
3. My grandfather wasn’t / weren’t a teacher
4. I wasn’t / weren’ living in London.
5. My mom wasn’t / weren’t at her work

Activity 2. Complete the following sentences with the correct form of be. was /
wasn’t / were / weren’t.

1) My father ___________in the garage.

2) The pupils (not) at school today’s morning.
3) Maria's grandmother from Brazil.
4) I (not) a football fan when I was 16.
5) It Sunday yesterday.
6) They (not) in the car.
7) His briefcase at home when he needed most.
8) your parents from Liverpool?
9) I (not) your friend in middle school.
10) But mom, we with you last night.

Para aprender más


TO BE (was/were) + Subject + Complement


Was / I? ¿era/fui Yo?

Was / He? ¿era/fue Él?

Was/She? ¿era/fue Ella?

Was/It? ¿era/fue ÉL/Ella (animal, planta, objeto)?

Were/You? ¿eras/fuiste Tú?

Were/You? ¿eran/fueron Ustedes?

Were/We? ¿éramos/fuimos Nosotros (as)?

Were/They? ¿eran/fueron Ellos (as)?

Check the table and look at the examples.

Verb Pronoun + Short answer
BE complement.
was I happy? Yes, I was. / No, I wasn´t.
was He sad? Yes, he was. / No, he wasn’t.
was She in class? Yes, she was. / No, she wasn´t.
was It ugly? Yes, it was. / No, it wasn´t.
were You early? Yes, you were. / No, you weren´t.
were We late? Yes, we were. / No, we weren´t.
were They at school? Yes, they were. / No, they weren´t.

Activity 1: Order the following sentences using the interrogative form.

1. 27 last July /Selena Gómez /was


2. you /were/ very sad on Monday.


3. she / at home yesterday/ was.


4. I /at school /this morning/ was


5. It / very dangerous/ was.


6. were /interested in Math/ they.


Para aprender más


Wh -Question + TO BE (was/were) + Subject + Complement.

Wh- questions

What? - ¿Qué?
Where? - ¿Dónde?
When? - ¿Cuándo?
Who? - ¿Quién?
Why? - ¿Por qué?
Which? - ¿Cuál?
How? - ¿Cómo?
How many? - ¿Cúantos?
How much? ¿Cuánto?
How long - ¿Cuánto tiempo?

Check the table and look at the examples.

Verb be + pronoun+
Wh- Long answer

Who was Frida Kahlo?

She was a Mexican painter.

Where were you last night? I was at a party.

Activity 1: Write five questions using Wh-questions

1. _________________________________________________________________?

2. _________________________________________________________________?

3. _________________________________________________________________?

4. _________________________________________________________________?

5. _________________________________________________________________?

Fuente: imagen recuperada de junio 2020

Activity 2. Speaking: Work with a partner and practice the following questions
and record the answers.
You/Your Partner

1. What was your lunch yesterday? 1. What was yours?

2. What was the most beautiful city you 2. And you? What was the most beautiful
have been to? city you have been to?

3. What was your first pet’s name? 3. Why were you at the vet?

4. Who was your first teacher? 4. Who was your favorite teacher?

Write your own question. Write your own question.

5. ____________________________? 5. ______________________________?

Para aprender más


Subject + TO BE (was/were) + age + years old


He was 15 years old

We were 17 years old

Para aprender más


To talk about the weather or atmospheric weather, it is expressed through the verb to
be, plus verbs and qualifying adjectives.


It was hot

It was raining

Para aprender más


Expressions for Past Tense

In English, we use the simple past time expressions to show when an action or situation
happened in the past. We call them time adverbials, but also remember to use
prepositions of time. Here are some of the most common ones.

Images Reference:


Recuperado de:


I was at school last year. We were in the park

yesterday. She was a student five years ago. He was our teacher two
years ago. They were friends until yesterday. It was nice to see you last

Past Tense
An action started and
completed in the past.

yesterday, a week
ago, last night, in
2007, last month.

Activity 3: Complete the fallowing sentences with the correct time expression .
1. I was at the hospital ___________night.
2. He left the office an hour ____________.
3. My parents didn’t come home _____________evening.
4. She posted the important letter ______________ week.
5. I studied French two years _____________.
6. Mandy had a chicken sandwich _______________ Sunday.
7. It snowed heavily _____________ night.
8. Anna walked to school ______________ morning instead of taking the bus.
9. My father stopped smoking five years ____________.
10. Mike failed his examination ____________ month.
11. He woke up late ______________ morning.
12. Tom stayed with his parents ___________ March.
13. I saw Sally at the supermarket two weeks _____________.
14. We played football in the park ____________ afternoon.
15. The children watched a horror film ___________weekend.
16. He completed the project a week ____________.
17. Mandy went to Spain with her family ______________ summer.
18. The burglar broke into our house ______________ evening.
19. Thomas worked 12 hours ____________ month.
20. The boy finished his homework ages ______________.
21. I didn’t feel well in the lesson _______________.
22. He rode a bike to the park half an hour ____________.
23. Linda waited for the bus at the corner ______________ morning.
24. Mandy sent the letter first class ___________ week.
25. We were in Paris ______________ month.
26. Peter and Mark were in the library an hour _________.

Reading. Complete the following text using was/were/wasn´t/ weren’t.

My name is Camilla. Last summer I_________________in the United States. The voyage
by plane_____________long and tiring and the plane ticket_____________quite
expensive. It took me 10 hours to get to the New York airport. My friend Katie
___________ there waiting for me. I_______________surprised by the size of the JFK
airport. It ____________ huge and there__________________very many people. I was
glad my friend____________________________________there, otherwise I would
probably get lost. A few minutes later we _____________in a cab. It________a typical
NY cab – big and yellow. We were in the car for an hour. There_____________ poor, run
down neighborhoods and rich, luxurious ones. The city center fantastic. There
___________huge skyscrapers, and big roundabouts. The largest and busiest
roundabout________________the famous Columbus Circle. There was also an
enormous traffic jam.
We went to Katie’s apartment to leave the luggage and rest a bit.
and cosy with a nice view of the park. I______________________(not) very tired so we
went to see the
biggest fountain in New York. It__________________the Bethesda Fountain in Central
Park. There_____________________(not) many people in the park, because
it________________________still early in the morning.

Later we had lunch and were at some nice museums. In the evening we______________
at the world famous Times Square. There_________________hundreds of people, huge
neon lights, billboards and advertisements. And there _____________________(not) any
cars because it was a holiday and the square was closed to traffic. I ___________
amazed!!! We also …………. in one of the Broadway theatres to see a musical. It great!

Activity 1. Answer the following questions according to the reading.

1. How long was the voyage by plane?___________________________________

2. Was JFK airport big?_________________________________________________
3. Was Camilla afraid she would get lost without her friend?___________________
4. What is the name of the most famous roundabout?________________________
5. What____________in Central Park?___________________________________
6. Were there many cars at the Times Square? ____________________________

Activity 2: Choose (T) for true or (F) for false. According to the reading.

1. The plane ticket wasn’t expensive.

2. They went to Katie’s house by a taxi.
3. Only rich people live in the New York city.
4. Katie’s apartment wasn’t big but it was nice and comfortable.
5. Cars weren’t allowed to the Times Square.
6. They saw a play at a Broadway theatre.

¿Qué aprendí?
Write the correct order of each sentence.

1. She/ be/ in / Mexico city/ last year,


2 He / be / studying/ at/ CECYTEG / in / 2017.


3. You / be / upset / last night.


4. Maria and Peter / be / really / hungry.


5. We / be / exhausted / after / the / game.


I can ………. Yes No
 
Use the verb to be in affirmative, negative and interrogative
Talk about the weather using verb to be in past.
Use verb to be to express identity, location, mood and feelings.


Rescatando mi Aprendizaje.

1. Look at the pictures and tell. What are these items for? How did they work? Mira estas fotos.
¿Para qué se usaban o cómo se usaban estos artículos?

Simple past
In everyday life we sometimes talk about events that happened in the past. Please
study the following presentation in order to identify some elements that we use to
describe past events. Cada día de nuestra vida en ocasiones hablamos de
eventos que sucedieron en el pasado. Por favor estudia la siguiente presentación
para identificar algunos elementos que usamos para describe los eventos

These are the characteristics of the simple past tense contextualized in a day of
a student like you.
Now let’s check some verbs in past and their classificati on.
Estas son las características del pasado simple contextualizado en un día de un
estudiante como tú. Ahora revisemos algunos verbos en Pasado y su

Para aprender más


Do you remember some verbs in English? When we use them in past tense we
classify them in regular and irregular verbs to describe past actions. Study this

Most verbs add - ED Ask- asked

Want- wanted
Fail- failed
Visit- visited
Verbs ending in –E add a - D Bake- baked
Dance- danced
Like- liked
Live- lived
Hate- hated
Love- loved
Verbs ending in Stop- stopped
CONSONANT + VOWEL + Mop- mopped
CONSONANT Skip- skipped
Double the last consonant and add - ED Chop- chopped
Shop- shopped

Verbs ending in Study- studied

CONSONANT + Y Carry- carried
change “Y” to “I” and add - ED Worry- worried
Hurry- hurried
Dry- dried

Now watch the video in the following link and observe the rule to pronounce the
regular verbs in past tense.

Remember, your throat vibrates the -ED sound /d/. If it doesn’t vibrate, the -ED sound is
pronounced as a /t/. When the verb in simple form ends in a /t/ or /d/ sound, the -ED is
pronounced /id/.

Activity 1. Instructions: read the irregular verbs then classify them filling out the
table below.
Allowed Flooded Mixed Visited
asked Guessed Pasted Wasted
Cracked Included Relaxed Washed
Cried Jailed Repeated Watched
Damaged Killed Shaved Welcomed
Decided Landed Slipped Yawned
Encouraged Loved Stopped Ended
Missed tasted

/d/ /t/ /id/

1. 1. 1.
2. 2. 2.
3. 3. 3.
4. 4. 4.
5. 5. 5.
6. 6. 6.
7. 7. 7.
8. 8. 8.
9. 9. 9.
10. 10. 10.

For irregular verbs, you have to memorize their changes in order to learn them.
The suggestion is to watch the following video on YouTube.

Another tip is to learn them by heart by grouping them according to their changes.
Group 1
All three forms of the verb are the same
Base Form Simple Past Base Form Simple Past

bet bet hurt hurt

cost cost let let

cut cut put put

hit hit shut shut

Group 2
The 2nd and 3rd forms of the verb are the same
Base Form Simple Past Past Participle

lose lost lost

shoot shot shot
get got got
light lit lit
sit sat sat
keep kept kept
sleep slept slept
feel felt felt
leave left left
meet met met
bring brought brought
buy bought bought
fight fought fought
think thought thought
catch caught caught
teach taught taught
sell sold sold
tell told told
pay paid paid
make made made
stand stood stood
understand understood understood
lend lent lent
send sent sent
spend spent spent
build built built
find found found
have had had
hear heard heard
hold held held
read read (pronounced red) read (pronounced red)
say said said

Group 3
All three forms of the verb are different
Base Form Simple Past Past Participle
drive drove driven
ride rode ridden
rise rose risen
write wrote written
bite bit bitten
hide hid hidden
break broke broken
choose chose chosen
speak spoke spoken
wake woke woken
blow blew blown
grow grew grown
know knew known
draw drew drawn
fly flew flown
show showed shown
wear wore worn
tear tore torn
begin began begun
drink drank drunk
swim swam swum
ring rang rung
sing sang sung
eat ate eaten
fall fell fallen
forget forgot forgotten
give gave given
see saw seen
take took taken

Activity. Now let’s practice. Can you distinguish which verb is regular and
which is irregular? Drag the verbs located into the correct classification.
Regular and Irregular.

Para aprender más


Negative sentences

Important note: WAS/WERE IS NOT PART OF THIS TOPIC. Do not use it when
you want to express actions in past.

Activity. Sentence transformation You will practice the structure of
simple past in affirmative, interrogative and negative. In the first part of the
exercise, there are sentences with a verb in parentheses “()”, write the verb in
past form to complete the sentences. Then, in part two change affirmat ive
sentences into negative sentences. In part three, you also change the negative
sentences into interrogative sentences.
Transformación del Enunciado. Practicarás la estructura del Pasado Simple en
afirmativo, interrogativo y negativo. En la primera part e del ejercicio, hay
enunciados con un verbo en paréntesis “( )”, escribe el verbo en pasado para
completar los enunciados. Luego en la parte dos, cambia enunciados
afirmativos a negativos. En la parte tres, también puedes cambiar los
enunciados negativos a interrogativos.

Remember that in interrogative and negative ideas, it is necessary to use the

auxiliary DID, when you have DID, the verb goes in simple form not in past tense.
On the other hand, in affirmative ideas, the verb goes in simple past tense and you
do not need an auxiliary

Diana and Michelle are good friends. Diana likes parties and she prefers to party
than study. She doesn´t care if she sleeps late. She likes to go out with her
boyfriend all the time.

A peculiar pet.
The simple past tense is used to describe actions or events that took place in the
past. Now you will have to do the following activity based on the contents of a
text. You will read a page of a teenager diary about a peculiar pet. Identify the
events in past and put them in order.

Pon los números al espacio apropiado para ordenar los eventos, siendo el 1 el
evento que sucedió primero y el 19 el último evento.

Fu en t e: i m ag en r ec u p er a d a d e www.p i xab ay. c om j un i o 2 02 0

Activity. My autobiography.

En esta actividad tendrás que When were you born? How old are you? Where

escribir tu autobiografía. Es did you study elementary school? Did you meet

necesario contestar primero las good friends in there? What did you do during

preguntas de la derecha; luego, junior high school? How did you decide to

leer la biografía como ejemplo study the major you are studying? When did

para que te ayudes hacer la tuya. you receive your first kiss? Did fall in love with
someone special? Where and when?

This is my autobiography.

I am Stella. I was born in Quito, Ecuador. I am 23 years old. I studied element ary
school in a town near Quito. This was a public school. I remember this school
was great, it was small and all the children from the town went there to study.
There were not many students, so I met good friends there. When I was 15, I
moved to Mexico City and I studied in a public high school. This was difficult. I
did not know many people and everywhere was crowded and noisy. It was
difficult for me to adapt. I remember people in my group were really loud, but
now I know that is Mexican style. They were great with me and we went to
parties a lot. Then I decided to study arts. I remember painting since I was a
little girl and everybody loves what I do.

When I was 15 I received my first kiss, it was a goodbye kiss because I was
moving to Mexico. German, a boy who studied with me didn’t want me to leave
Ecuador. He was very attentive and generous to me. I liked him very much but
I didn’t really love him. People from Ecuador are nice and generous but we love
our freedom and, in my case, I take love pretty se riously. That’s why I think I
have never fallen in love

Para aprender más
A memorable celebration
Read the example carefully so that you have an

idea of what to record for your description.

Do you remember a special birthday

Think of the answers to these questions.

• When was it?

• Where did you spend the day in?
• What did you wear?
• What did you eat?
• What did you drink?
• What presents did you receive?
• What did you do that day?

You will record yourself describing that

day. It is important that you use complete
ideas in past tense and that you answer
all the questions. Your description should
be organized in three paragraphs

Use of simple past.

Activity. Now that you know the rules and use of past tense, complete the
following exercise. Ahora que conoces las reglas y el uso del Tiempo Pasado,
completa el siguiente ejercicio. You will complete a text writing in the box the
verbs in the parenthesis in past tense in affirmative, negative or interrogative.
Completarás un texto escribiendo en el espacio los verbos del paréntesis en
afirmativo del tiempo Pasado.

Self ¿Qué Aprendí?

I can ………. Yes No
 



Para aprender más


We use the modal verb “used to” to indicate something that happened or happened in the past in a
habitual way. Also, it is used for something that used to be true but is no longer true. As with the
other modal verbs, "used to" is followed by the base form of the verb (the infinitive without "to").

I used to do camping every summer, but now I go every Easter

-Did you use to stay many days?

Yes. I used to stay for weeks.

No, I didn´t use to stay for more tan two days.

Positivo Negativo Pregunta

Sujeto + used to + Sujeto + did+ not + use to Did + sujeto + use to + verbo +
Verbo + Complemento + verbo + complemento complemento?

I used to speak in He didn´t use to study. Did you use to study?.


Complete the following sentences:

1. When I was in elementary school, I used to ______________ __________.

2. I used to ___________________________________________, but not anymore.
3. When I was a kid. I used to play ___________________________ on weekends.
Choose the right item.

1. My sister and I ………………… lots of candies, but now I can´t eat them because I
am on a diet.
a) Use to b) didn´t use to c) used to

2. Frank ………… go to parties, but now he goes partying three times a week.
a) Use to b) didn´t use to c) used to

3. when I was a college, I was disciplined; I ……. Get all A´s in my classes.
a) Use to b) didn´t use to c) used to

4. ………. go out with her when she was still my girlfriend?

a) Did you used to b) didn´t use to c) did you use to

5. when I was sad, I ………. Cry in my bedroom.

a) Used to b) did used to c) use to

Activity. Use your imagination and write about what people “used to” do
before these inventions.

1. Televisions (1926)
People used to read more books.___________________________
2. Electric lights (1879)
3. Alarm clocks (1847)
4. Cameras (1814)
5. Telescopes (1608)
6. Guns (about 1.000 years ago)

Activity. Rewrite Macy´s comments using “used to” or “didn´t use to”, as the
Recovered from Up-load text book 3 - Express Publishing - Virginia Evans – Jenny Dooley

Writing and Speaking

Work in pairs to ask questions.
Add four more questions on your own to the list.

1. What’s your favorite memory from secondary school?

2. What kinds of sports or games did you use to play then?
3. Did you use to have a nick name?
4. Did you use to have a special food?
5. What kind of music did you use to like?
6. Where did you use to go for entertain?

Answer the questions about you (When you were a child). Use “used to” in your

Example: I used to use pants 10 years ago

1.- What did you use to eat ten years ago?

2.- Where did you use to live eight years ago.?

3.- What games did you use to play?

4.- Who used to be your best friend?

5.- What did you use to watch on TV?

Rescatando mis aprendizajes.


What abilities did you have as a kid?


Activity 1: Make a drawing according the vocabulary words and circle the abilities you
had in the past.
Read Ride a bike Skate

Cook Use the cell phone Use the computer

Swim Play chess Play the guitar

Para aprender más

We use “COULD” to talk about different contexts in the past. Check the following chart.
Use Example
When she was a kid, she could swim.

Ability Negative
We couldn´t walk when we was 2 years old.

Could you ride a bike when you were 5 years
Yes, I could. / No I couldn´t.
When he was a kid, he could play in the street
until dark.
(It was possible because it wasn´t dangerous)

Possibility Negative
They couldn´t use internet in their house.
(I wasn´t possible because there was no internet

Could you watch Netflix when you were a kid?
Yes, I could. / No, I couldn´t.

I could visit my friends any time when I was in
middle school.
(I had permission)
I couldn´t arrive home after 11:00 p.m. when I
was 13.
(I didn’t have the permission)

Could you go to parties alone at the age of 13?
Yes, I could. / No, I couldn´t.

Ejercitando mi habilidad.

Activity 1: Choose the correct answer to complete the sentences.

1. I _______________________ remember his name.
a. was b. couldn´t c. could to

2. Diana ____________________the piano.

a. could play b. can to play c. could to play

3. She _____________ come on vacations last year. Her parents didn´t give her
a. can´t b. could c. couldn´t

4. They ____________ go camping, the weather was horrible.

a. couldn´t b. can to c. could to

5. We _______________ return to school because of the pandemic.

a. could b. could to c. couldn´t

Fuente: imagen recuperada de junio 2020

Ejercitando mi habilidad.

Activity 2: Write complete sentences using the prompts and pictures given.
Example: Sofia / teach 1. He / use three 2. Delia and her husband /
math… phones… dance …

Sofia could teach math when __________________________ ___________________________

she was young. __________________________ ___________________________

3. Angel and his friends / 4. Laura / use a 5. We / play tennis…

make carne asada… computer…

__________________________ ___________________________ __________________________

__________________________ __________________________ ___________________________

6. Carla and Lina / go to 7. Hector and Betty / drive 8. We / have a dog…

museums… …

________________________ ___________________________
________________________ _________________________

Rescatando mi aprendizaje

Speaking: Exercise 1: Write questions using “could” and ask them to your classmates.
Use and complete the following chart.
Classmate Question Answer and extra information
Example: Claudia Example: Could you ride a Example: Yes, I could. I used to
horse when you were a kid? live in a ranch.









Suggested websites for further practice:



¿Qué Aprendí?


I can… Yes  No 

Identify different uses of could in past.

Use could in different contexts.

Write accurate sentences using could.

Make accurate questions using could.

Answer accurately questions with could.

Para aprender más


We use be able to to express ability. "Able" is an adjective meaning: having the power,
skill or means to do something. It is possible to use Be able to in all tenses.


The basic structure for be able to in affirmative sentences is:

Subject + verb to be + able + to + verb in infinitive + complement

Example: I am able to sing opera

For negative sentences the basic structure is:

Subject + verb to be + not + able + to + verb in infinitive + complement

Example: She is not to drive a motorcycle

For interrogative sentences the basic structure is:

verb to be + Subject + able + to + verb in infinitive + complement?

Example: Will you be able to work?

It is possible to use be able to in all tenses

For example:

Past simple tense: I was able to sing

Future tense: I will be able to sing

Present perfect: I have been able to sing

Fuente: imagen recuperada en junio 2021

Rescatando mis aprendizajes.

Let’s practice.

Activity 1. Choose the correct answer to complete the following sentences.

1. Paola was not able to __________.

a) hearing b) hear c) heard

2. Lucy and Hugo will be able to __________.

a) smell b) smelling c) smelt

3. Fer will __________ able to taste it.

a) was b) is c) be

4. Will Alex ________ able to work tomorrow?

a) are b) be c) is

5. David and Luisa ________ able to dance.

a) are b) be c) is

Ejercitando mi habilidad.
Activity 2. Write sentences using the correct structure and the information below.

Example: (speak): The baby will be able to speak.

1. The kangaroo is _________________________________________.


2. It will __________________________________________________.


3. Tigers are _____________________________________________.


4. The dolphin ____________________________________________.


5. My grandfather __________________________________________.


Ejercitando mi habilidad.
Activity 3. Order the following words to form a correct sentence.

1. able / I / to / was / my / do / work:


2. build / house / a / will / able / We / to / be:


3. those / able / I / am / to / able / slam / doors:


4. classroom / They / clean / able / were / to / the:


5. Axel / be / will / to / ride / horse / able / a:


6. last / Brenda / was / go / dancing / able / to / Saturday:


7. that / You / kill / are / ant / able / to:


8. those / able / I / am / to / able / slam / doors:


9. very / able / well / She / is / to / sing:


10. Fer / dance / to / able / be / will:


Ejercitando mi habilidad.

Activity 4. Work in pairs. Write 5 things you were able to do at 7 years old and 5 you are

able to do now. Write 5 sentences with the information.

My classmate at 5 My classmate at
Me at 5 years old Me at present
years old present
1. 1. 1. 1.
2. 2. 2. 2.
3. 3. 3. 3.
4. 4. 4. 4.
5. 5. 5. 5.

1. When I was 7 years old, I was able to ___________________________

2. Now, I am able to ___________________________________________

3. My classmate ______________________________________________

4. __________________________________________________________

5. _______________________________________________________ __

Rescatando mis Aprendizaje

Activity 5. Read the following dialogue about nanotechnology and identify the sentences

that use be able to.

Paty: I have a party today; could you comb my hair?

Silvia: Yes, I can also do your makeup.

Paty: Really? Are you able to?

Silvia: Yes, I took a makeup course.

Paty: That’s amazing, could you take a photo of me too?

Silvia: Oh no! Sorry, I’m taking that course now, I will be able to do it soon!

¿Qué Aprendí?


I can… Yes  No 

Identify different tenses with be able to.

Write accurate sentences using be able to.

Make accurate questions using be able to.

Answer accurately questions with be able to.


Murphy, R. (1997). Essential grammar in use: A self -study reference and

practice book for elementary students of English: with answers. Cambridge,
U.K: Cambridge University Press.
Oxenden, C. Latham-Koenig, C. (2013). American English File 1. Oxford,
U.K. Oxford University Press.

Complementary references.

Coe, N., Harrison, M. y Patrson, K. (2006). Oxford Practice Grammar.

Oxford, U.K: Oxford University Press.
Coordinación de Universidad Abierta y Educación a Distancia -UNAM.
(2011). English Media. Retrieved on 2016, November 13 from


Elemental English. (2013). [t], [d] or [ld]? | "-ed" Past Tense | English
Pronunciation [video]. Retrieved on 2016, November 13 from
Michael English. (2014). MC Fluency – Irregular verbs rap with lyrics
[video]. Retrieved on 2016, November 13 from



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