
Showing posts with the label tutorial

How to Create Hyperlink on Blogger Header

Today, I got this question in comment of my previous tutorial on How to Create Hyperlink on Blogger Post . Barbara Fowlds L.Ac. : "Can I put a hyperlink in my header of my blogspot blog and if so how?" My answer is Yes you can. And here's how to do it in the simplest newbie way. Before that, I assume you may wanted to add this hyperlink on your Blogger Header Description because maybe you want to invite your visitor to your business website or any other sites you have. For example, I may like to invite my blog reader to read my art blog at and my blog description says something like this: Feel free to visit Art Of ApOgEE Blog to see my arts and order some graphic design books And now we wanna link that blue "Art Of ApOgEE Blog" to This is the simplest way. You just have to copy paste and no coding . Here's the step: Open up New Post on you blogger, select Edit Html and type the words there: Se...

My Cheat Code to Create Properties in VB6

Did you ever feel lazy to type the same code with a small modification but it is every where. And doing the same work repeatedly for let say 34 times? I will feel like my hand got the RSI (Repetitive Strain Injury). The most common task that I encounter this situation is when creating a set of properties for any classes. As the time goes I discover a cheap cheat code to reduce my coding work and let some script do my repeated work for me... Here is my code to create a set of 17 properties in a class... Public Sub MakePropCode() Dim vsProp Dim vlProp Dim vbProp Dim i As Long Dim sOutPut As String ' array of string properties vsProp = Array("ISNFolder", "ISDFolder", "CSVFolder", _ "DBHost", "DBUser", "DBPassword", _ "RDBHost", "RDBUser", "RDBPassword", _ "LogPath", "DRSMHost", "DRSMID", "...

How to Flip Your Visual Basic Form in another Form

I recently joined myLot forum . It is a paid to post forum introduced by my friend. Hah! Hah! I'm thinking about making money while hanging around the net with friends. Isn't that great? You can get money if you start a good discussion and even get money when responding in discussion in a good manners. The good thing is myLot can pay me via PayPal or e-Gold. So, if you are interested too, then you can simply join the myLot forum for free by clicking here and then click on sign up. Ups, back to the topic. While browsing the forum, I found a Visual Basic question about how to flip the content of the VB form . So, I decided to help him and make this simple step by step code. OK lets make it simple because I also hate to type a lot . We are using VB6 to create this small project. So, make sure you have VB6 installed to follow this steps. Step 1: Open up VB6 and create new project using 'Standard EXE' . Step 2: Add one CommandButton (we will use this to trigger the f...