
Showing posts with the label Software Engineering

Scrum Agile Software Development: Chicken And Pig Story

Scrum is an iterative incremental framework for managing complex work (such as new product development) commonly used with Agile Software Development methodology. Although the word is not an acronym, some companies implementing the process have been known to spell it with capital letters as SCRUM. Maybe because Ken Schwaber capitalized SCRUM in the title of his early papers about this methodology.

Some Photos from my office's Desktop

It is Sunday, and I'm checking my old photos... And then, I found my office's desktop photos. You may want to see them. Sometimes, my desk is clean but sometimes, it get horribly messy... This is the average looks of it. Working on these Wireless Rain Gauge development have build up my skills in linux bash programming and I learn a lot on how Single Board computer works. In the beginning, we just create a daughter board and attach it to a hacked LinkSYS WRT45GS board which I've installed OpenWRT so I can embed my bash script inside. But then, we go for TS-7260 board from to get more control on the RainGause for version two. Till now, I'm still upgrading the code for more features and stability. Well, that's all for now. Enjoy what you're doing!!

Do you trust your downloaded software?

In this Information Technology age, we have a lot of choices from hardware to software in order to solve our daily issues. When we need software, just google up and seek on what you need, maybe you got a free version or sometimes cracked by someone else... It doesn't matter. The only things that matter is, do you really trust the software that you recently downloaded won't do anything wrong to you? If you have no worries about it before, you may need to read this Jeff Atwood's post about A Question of Programming Ethics on his CodingHorror blog. THen you should think again...

Software is not just the Computer Programs

Currently, I'm helping myself with my Software Engineering class. So, I would like to share with you what I've learned. And maybe this could help for your better understanding on what is the real meaning of a Software . Owh, I'm going to be serious on this. When talking about software, some people always refer it as the executable files. I mean the '.exe' files for windows or other executable files in other operating system which I'm referring it as computer programs . Actually, software is not just the computer programs but also all associated documentation and configuration data that is needed to make this programs to operate correctly . Now I've sound like the lecturer hahahah... Anyway, a software system usually consist of a number of separate programs, configuration files, system documentation, user documentation, and even also web sites for users to download recent product information or updates. Configuration files: is used to set up these computer ...