
Showing posts with the label Profound Vibra

Profound Vibra crashed on PostMessage

I don't know what's wrong with it... I'm using VB6 like what I've done before with the Profound Vibra Software . For those who didn't know about it may read my previous post about Vibration Measurement with Profound Vibra . I can get the window handle and use PostMessage API to make the Vibra program do something on the menu... But each time I send PostMessage WM_KEYUP , the Vibra program will crash... I've passed my deadline but thank god I'm not i'm still alive... hehe... I'm still trying to fix it...

Vibration Measurement with Profound Vibra

Today I have to look back to my old unfinished code... dealing with Profound Vibra device. A device to measure vibrations . What I do with this device seems so simple but not that simple. I don't have the protocol for communicating with this device neither I'm going to get them from the manufacturer. So, what I can do is simply use their software to generate something that I can manipulate then. I start with their Vibra software which can download the data from the device and export the data to CSV. Seems simple right? Yeah, I do think like that in the first place. But then, when I start doing it in VB, I struck with a lot of problems to programmatically control the Vibra software . Damn! It uses QWidget class where I cannot simply find the window class, use SendMessage and WM_COMMAND to the window because all the class looks the same. I'm trying a lot of tricks to get it working. Urrgghh!! I'm still working on it and I have no time. I got deadline by tomorrow night...