
Showing posts with the label pagerank

PageRank Code... What's wrong?

Today, I notice something wrong with my pagerank at one of my scrap blog, The Rojak Blog . As a loyal Firefox user, I also use google toolbar to access my google bookmarks and I do wanna know pagerank of certain page because I'm also google's loyal fan... heheh Then, what's wrong with the code anyway? I see my pagerank icon on the blog from shows zero (0/10) while my google toolbar shows 3/10. Which one do you think is more accurate? Obviously, the toolbar is from google and the pagerank value is also from google. The Verification... So, I go to to verify the rank and blogflux still says that the pagerank of is 0/10. Then I go to another pagerank checker page at and it says 3/10 for that same scrap blog . Now, I can verify that there might be something wrong on pr.blogflux. Maybe they have to fix their code to keep people link to their site. The Solution... Instead of emailing pr...