The fastest and simplest way to build, run, govern, and evolve a high-quality API layer on all your data.
We stand with Ukraine Ukrainian people are fighting for their country. A lot of civilians, women and children, are suffering. Hundreds were killed and injured, and thousands were displaced. This is an image from my home town, Kharkiv. This place is right in the old city center. Picture by @fomenko_ph (Telegram). Please consider donating or volunteering. https://ww
※こちら内容がかなり古くなっていたのでMac OS El CapitanでPostgreSQLをインストールした記事を書きました。 Homebrewを使ったPostgreSQLのインストール(Mac OS El Capitan) heroku用にPostgreSQLを使ったアプリを作りたかったので確認用にPostgreSQLをインストールします。 ##HomebrewでPostgreSQLのインストール brew install postgresql ##データベースの初期化 (文字コードはUTF-8) initdb /usr/local/var/postgres -E utf8 PostgreSQLサーバの起動 postgres -D /usr/local/var/postgres データベース一覧が取得出来ればインストール成功 psql -l Mac OS Lion だとこんなエラーが
Knex.js (pronounced /kəˈnɛks/) is a "batteries included" SQL query builder for PostgreSQL, CockroachDB, MSSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, SQLite3, Better-SQLite3, Oracle, and Amazon Redshift designed to be flexible, portable, and fun to use. It features both traditional node style callbacks as well as a promise interface for cleaner async flow control, a stream interface, full-featured query and schema build
Today I’d like to share the steps I take when I need to convert a PostgreSQL database into a SQLite database. Commonly I have to do this when a Ruby on Rails application is in production and I have to check some issues with the production data. In the production environment we usually use a PostgreSQL database and for developing I use a SQLite database, so we need some conversion. Short story a.k.
Execute Query now on Google Groups We have set up Execute Query on Google Groups to consolidate queries and issues as well as provide an indexed support forum and mailing list. Please visit us at You can also continue to log your issues and requests directly here or from the feedback option in the application help menu. Latest Version Execute Query v4.4
JRubyでActiveRecord使ったりしてみたけど、普通のRubyでも使ってみた。 とりあえず、RubyをDLしてきてインストール。 gem install railsを実行して一通りインストール gem postgres-prを実行してPostgreSQLにつなげるのに必要なものをゲット 実験に使ったテーブルは前に使ったものと同じ。 一応DDLをのせておく create table departments ( id serial primary key, name varchar(50) ); create table employees ( id serial primary key, name varchar(50), department_id int, constraint fk_departments foreign key (department_id) referen