1 - 20 of 23 Works in Widowed Harry Potter
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The Boy from the Piano Shop (переклад українською мовою) by StasyD
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
02 Feb 2025
Після того, як Гаррі втратив зір під час відчайдушної спроби помститись за смерть Джіні, його життя перетворилось на боротьбу з важкою депресією. Одного дня, блукаючи вулицями Лондона, він натрапляє на затишну майстерню з реставрації піаніно, де знайомиться з її власником — доброзичливим літнім чоловіком — та його замкнутим молодим учнем, чий голос здається Гаррі дивно знайомим.
Гаррі й Драко поступово відновлюють зв’язок через приватні уроки гри на піаніно, а ця маленька майстерня стає для Гаррі прихистком та проблиском надії в його темному світі.
/Події відбуваються через п’ять років після битви за Гоґвортс/
The Boy from the Piano Shop (переклад українською) by Syldteo
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
21 Jan 2025
Після того, як Гаррі осліп у безрозсудній спробі помститися за смерть Джіні, він бореться з тяжкою депресією. Одного дня він наштовхується на старомодну крамницю з реставрації піаніно в серці Лондона та знайомиться з власником — добродушним чоловіком похилого віку — і з його юним замкнутим помічником, чий голос звучить навдивовижу знайомо.
Поки Гаррі і Драко повільно знаходять спільну мову під час приватних уроків гри на піаніно, маленька майстерня стає прихистком для Гаррі та дає йому вогник надії в світі без зору.
/Події відбуваються через пʼять років після Битви за Гоґвортс/
A nos Amours: La cinquième guerre des loups. by Majaix15
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
18 Jan 2025
Harry aurait espéré ne jamais refaire face à la guerre. Malheureusement, Teddy, son filleul, se retrouve mêlé à une guerre entre meutes qui dépasse le monde fermé des lycanthropes. De son côté, Ayaba a ses propres batailles à mener face à un mal qui ronge les terres de son Nigeria natal. Et dans cette course contre la montre mystérieuse, elle aurait préféré ne jamais être liée à un loup.
- Part 10 of À nos Amours
The Flavour of a Despicable Soul by ExistingTM
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, ヴァ二タスの手記 - 望月淳 | Vanitas no Carte | The Case Study of Vanitas - Mochizuki Jun (Manga), ヴァニタスの手記 | Vanitas no Carte | The Case Study of Vanitas (Anime)
12 Jan 2025
Harry attempted to pull away again, but his heart wasn’t in it. “I’m not begging you for anything. This isn’t me begging.”
Snape squeezed his face painfully.
“That’s not what it looks like to me.”
Despite the rumors surrounding him, Severus Snape wasn’t a vampire. Harry, on the other hand…Series
- Part 2 of Vampire Harry (VNC-Inspired Works)
The days of the great wand-wielding wizards are long gone, but under the protection of Rome's growing empire, magic hasn't entirely faded away. All humans have it, but only one type. Agriculture, crafts and politics belong to the wixes, who are in the majority. Offensive and defensive magic is the domain of the sorcerers, who protect the villages from the monsters that roam the earth. Medicine, religion and art fall to the witches. No caste could survive without the others.
Harry, a recently widowed sorcerer, leaves his hometown with his children and his wixen friends in the hope of finding a witch available for mating further north.
After the second wizarding war the Ministry enacted a Marriage Law. The effects of which were insurmountable, not only in a population surge, but also the appearance of new magical powers. As Aurora Malfoy, first born of The Boomers, navigates hunting down ancient artifacts she uncovers more than anticipated between romance, mystery and precarious situations.
Here Lies Ginevra Molly Potter (1981 - 2021) by DespicablyCharming
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
29 Sep 2024
She had no heartbeat.
Her skin was ice cold.
She wasn’t breathing.Series
This Fic will contain SPOILERS. More tags will also be added. This story is part of the Keep Going Universe. Harry Potter has made a new life in the states as Dr. James Palmer. After losing his family, he moves to America and becomes a medical examiner. He finds a new family with the NCIS team. In this episode, he has a near death experience which is being witnessed by his daughter.
Episode description: While investigating the death of an intruder at Quantico, Jimmy and Kasie are exposed to a deadly biotoxin, and the NCIS team calls on Doctor Carol Wilson for help as they race to find the antidote. Also, Torres tries to distract Jimmy's daughter.
Please do not crosspost my work.
- Part 3 of NCIS/HP KG Universe
Struggling with the woes of being a single father to a daughter about to leave for Hogwarts, Harry Potter has made two life missions for himself. One: to be the best damn father he can to Clara Hermione Potter. Two: prove the late Hermione Granger right, that magic comes not from blood, but from love, skill and patience. If only she could see him now.
- Part 2 of Magical Meetings
After going blind in a reckless attempt to avenge Ginny's death, Harry battles with severe depression. One day, he stumbles upon a quaint piano restoration shop in the heart of London and meets the owner, a kindly old man, and his introverted young apprentice, whose voice sounds strangely familiar.
As Harry and Draco slowly reconnect through private piano lessons, the small workshop becomes Harry's refuge, offering him a glimmer of hope in a world without eyes.
/Set five years after the Battle of Hogwarts/
In the year 2060, a wizard artist has been commissioned to paint a portrait of the aging Harry Potter. As the portrait takes shape, the artist remains oblivious to the perilous fate that awaits them.
The wizarding world has undergone significant changes due to advancements in wizarding knowledge and the groundbreaking discovery of a theory challenging blood purity. Despite improved relations between wizards and muggles, remnants of traditional beliefs persist and the wizarding world grapples with the clash between progressive ideas and the lingering shadows of its past.
With tension escalating, the consequences of the human ego and clinging to outdated beliefs are felt by both men. The story unfolds as the delicate balance between misguided ambition, hard-won wisdom, and faith in humanity plays out.
Yours, Mine and Our Pet... Dragon? by Backstagespotlight
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
22 Jan 2023
ON HIATUS (somewhat) Due to increased responsibilities with work and school updates have become very sporadic and will continue to be so for the foreseeable future.
For the Harmony and Co. Prompt Bank Garage Sale-
the prompt from The Muse of Apollo-Hermione is a single mother, struggling to get by when she meets the wealthy Lord Potter who is a widower and is also trying to come to terms with parenthood. The two bond and fall in love.
There may come a time when you must place her hand in anothers, step back, and support her from behind. It will be difficult and it will hurt, especially when you used to be the one holding her hand.
- Part 3 of After It All
Loving someone leaves a mark, as does losing someone. How do we move forward after that loss?
- Part 2 of After It All
Day 21: Promise
- Part 21 of Microfic May 2022
A week later, Harry broke, it was not something big nor dramatic that triggered it, but a picture sitting innocently in its place on the mantel above a cheerily cracking fire.
- Part 1 of After It All
Study in Synchronicity by MyNameIsSniffany for momatu
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
09 Nov 2021
After being granted an official pardon, Draco leaves behind his life to traipse around the world, living a perpetual hot girl summer. He finally makes a home for himself in the East and all is well, or so he thinks. Ten years later, he gets summoned back to Wixen London to fulfill the clauses of his mother's last will and testament. Hi-jinx ensues.
A story of redemption and coincidences, where Draco chances upon a rather-dead!Ginny, who wrenches him out of his self-imposed isolation, thus leading him to a rather-suspicious!Harry, who seems to be handling his own inner grief with much grace and gusto. They learn a thing or two about themselves and each other.
Harry Potter & the Rest of the Story by earnestdesire
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
16 Jun 2020
Harry Potter lost his wife less than a year ago.
He's still the youngest Head Auror in history. He's still father to three wonderful, unpredictable, indomitable children. He's still an uncle, a godfather, a best friend, a surrogate son. He's still the Boy Who Lived Twice.
Harry Potter is still alive. Somehow.
And so is Draco Malfoy.---
EXCLUSIVE! BREAKING NEWS!The Wizarding World is abuzz with news that HERMIONE GRANGER-WEASLEY (closest confidant of the Boy Who Lived, Wizengamot prosecutor, and pregnant with her third child) has signed a contract with IPSWITCH PUBLISHERS. The beautiful and brainy Ms. G-W is writing the PENULTIMATE HISTORICAL ACCOUNT of the Battle of Hogwarts, including interviews with all the most prominent DARK ARTS DESTROYERS. Surely the private Mr. Potter will grant her an exclusive interview? We wish her a pint of Felix Felicis, although the BRIGHTEST WITCH OF OUR AGE is unlikely to need it. Preorder your copy from Flourish & Blott's today!
How Did We Get Here? by weaverofdreams45 for StrungOutGremlin
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
14 Apr 2019
After 20 years of marriage, Hermione Granger finally admits that she's unhappy, but how did she find a new happiness in the arms of her best friend?
- Part 1 of Baby, You're Mine 亲爱的,你属于我