はてなキーワード: Internetとは
2025年2月 | 人気エントリー入り回数 |
togetter.com | 254(18.5%) |
anond.hatelabo.jp | 197(14.4%) |
note.com | 73(5.3%) |
www3.nhk.or.jp | 47(3.4%) |
mainichi.jp | 34(2.5%) |
posfie.com | 32(2.3%) |
news.yahoo.co.jp | 30(2.2%) |
www.nikkei.com | 27(2.0%) |
www.yomiuri.co.jp | 26(1.9%) |
www.asahi.com | 25(1.8%) |
zenn.dev | 24(1.7%) |
www.sankei.com | 23(1.7%) |
www.cnn.co.jp | 22(1.6%) |
www.itmedia.co.jp | 19(1.4%) |
speakerdeck.com | 19(1.4%) |
gigazine.net | 15(1.1%) |
dailyportalz.jp | 13(0.9%) |
www.bloomberg.co.jp | 12(0.9%) |
nordot.app | 11(0.8%) |
courrier.jp | 11(0.8%) |
toyokeizai.net | 9(0.7%) |
qiita.com | 9(0.7%) |
www.jiji.com | 8(0.6%) |
www.bbc.com | 8(0.6%) |
www.47news.jp | 8(0.6%) |
president.jp | 8(0.6%) |
newsdig.tbs.co.jp | 8(0.6%) |
www.afpbb.com | 7(0.5%) |
japan.cnet.com | 7(0.5%) |
internet.watch.impress.co.jp | 7(0.5%) |
automaton-media.com | 7(0.5%) |
www.youtube.com | 6(0.4%) |
shonenjumpplus.com | 6(0.4%) |
natalie.mu | 6(0.4%) |
bunshun.jp | 6(0.4%) |
blog.tinect.jp | 6(0.4%) |
www.nikkansports.com | 5(0.4%) |
www.fnn.jp | 5(0.4%) |
natgeo.nikkeibp.co.jp | 5(0.4%) |
jbpress.ismedia.jp | 5(0.4%) |
xtech.nikkei.com | 4(0.3%) |
www.techno-edge.net | 4(0.3%) |
www.gizmodo.jp | 4(0.3%) |
www.bengo4.com | 4(0.3%) |
studyhacker.net | 4(0.3%) |
shueisha.online | 4(0.3%) |
news.denfaminicogamer.jp | 4(0.3%) |
levtech.jp | 4(0.3%) |
jp.reuters.com | 4(0.3%) |
delete-all.hatenablog.com | 4(0.3%) |
deep researchを使うと必ず一回はリサーチの方針を固めるための質問を聞き返してくるので、「具体的には~」の手前で区切って2回に分けて投稿した。この聞き返してくる質問(具体的に調べることの例示)によって「ああそういうのを調べるのもいいね」ってヒントになったりするので、自分で直接使うと使い勝手もちょっと変わるかもしれない。
シェアしたページからは見れないけど、どういうふうに調べていってるのか推論過程が表示されている。ChatGPTの言語設定によってその言語も変わるものの、それが結果に影響するのかは不明瞭だ(使っている印象ではただの飾りっぽくも見える)。仮に影響するとしたら、少なくともdeep research用のモデル(OpenAIはこれ専用のモデルがあると述べている)だと日本語の拙さが若干漏れ出ているので、言語設定は英語のままでいいや…という気持ちになった。
1. 日本語で指示(ChatGPTの言語設定: 英語): ChatGPT - アンチAI現象分析
2. 日本語で指示(ChatGPTの言語設定: 日本語): ChatGPT - アンチAI多角的分析
3. 英語で指示: ChatGPT - Anti-AI Resistance Analysis
Piecing together a comprehensive analysis on cancel culture against generative AI or anti-AI resistance, covering social, economic, cultural, ethical, political, international, and historical perspectives.
Examining past and present anti-tech movements, such as the Luddite movement and early internet resistance, to draw parallels with current debates on generative AI.
Tracing how companies resisted digitalization, like newspapers and Napster, and their strategic shifts. Considering resistance to computing, including debates on universal adoption and regulatory responses.
Searched for AI technology impact on unemployment
I'm capturing insights on international AI's workplace impact and EU job concerns. Progress is steady, yet data comparison remains elusive.
In the EU, a survey from IE University shows 68% desire regulation to prevent job instability due to ChatGPT, up 18% from 2022.
Searched for technophobia and social anxiety examples
I’m thinking about the implications of technology on social anxiety. This topic involves gathering insights and unpacking the interplay between tech and psychological impacts.
Searched for social anxiety about new technology
Searched for social anxiety and technology criticism
Tracking public anxiety about job loss due to new tech. Comparing US and Japan, Americans are notably more anxious, which might hinder tech adoption.
Searched for examples of neo-Luddite movement
I’m piecing together historical context with Wikipedia, examining modern neo-Luddite movements in Wired JP and news posts, and exploring cultural perspectives in Mainichi news and a blog.
Searched for Luddite movement history
en.wikipedia.org を読み込みました
Searched for Neo-Luddite resistance to technology
theatlantic.com を読み込みました
Searched for protests against automation history
smithsonianmag.com を読み込みました
Searched for resistance to surveillance capitalism
ユーザーが「プライバシー活動 デジタル権利運動」と検索している。進展を確認し、重要な点をリストアップする。
Searched for digital privacy movement history
個人情報保護運動やPRISMプログラムに対する抗議、GDPR導入から始まり、Cambridge Analyticaスキャンダルが引き起こした#DeleteFacebook運動、Mark Zuckerbergの証言など、幅広い活動がある。
Searched for techlash and privacy backlash
Searched for generative AI protests and lawsuits
Searched for 2023 writers strike AI agreement
wired.com を読み込みました
Searched for EU AI Act regulations 2023
Searched for China generative AI regulation 2023
reuters.com を読み込みました
The Hatena Anonymous Diary, while undeniably a distinctive fixture within the tapestry of Japanese internet culture, has garnered substantial criticism for its content and the implications of its operational framework. This discourse aims to elucidate the reasons underpinning its characterization as "problematic."
At the crux of the Hatena Anonymous Diary's appeal lies its hallmark feature: anonymity. This veil of secrecy ostensibly facilitates unrestrained discourse, allowing individuals to articulate their thoughts without fear of retribution. However, this very anonymity engenders a paradoxical effect; it cultivates an environment ripe for irresponsible commentary and vitriolic defamation. The absence of accountability diminishes the sense of responsibility that typically accompanies public expression, resulting in a proliferation of emotionally charged diatribes and baseless assertions. Such dynamics render the establishment of constructive dialogue increasingly elusive, thereby stifling meaningful engagement.
Moreover, the content disseminated through the Hatena Anonymous Diary frequently exhibits a disconcerting superficiality. Many entries lack substantive depth, failing to provide rigorous analysis or innovative perspectives. Instead, they often succumb to the allure of trending topics or sensationalism, prioritizing ephemeral relevance over intellectual rigor. This trend not only undermines the potential for serious discourse but also contributes to a culture where shallow engagement with complex issues prevails. In an era marked by information saturation, this deficiency in content quality is particularly egregious, as it detracts from the cultivation of critical thinking and informed debate.
Additionally, the cultural ramifications of this platform warrant scrutiny. By amplifying certain dominant narratives or viewpoints, there exists a palpable risk of eroding diversity within public discourse. The emergence of "groupthink" within specific communities can lead to the marginalization of dissenting voices, creating an echo chamber that stifles pluralism. In such an insular environment, diverse perspectives are systematically excluded, resulting in a homogenized narrative that fails to reflect the complexities of societal discourse. This phenomenon not only undermines individual expression but also poses significant risks to the overall health of democratic dialogue.
In conclusion, while the Hatena Anonymous Diary ostensibly champions free expression through its anonymous framework, it simultaneously fosters a milieu characterized by irresponsibility and superficiality. The cultural influence wielded by this platform raises critical concerns regarding its impact on diversity and social responsibility. Thus, characterizing it as "problematic" is not merely an exaggeration; it is an imperative recognition of its shortcomings. Moving forward, it is essential to scrutinize how this platform might evolve and address these inherent flaws in order to foster a more enriching and responsible discourse.
2024年 | 人気エントリー入り回数 |
togetter.com | 3265(18.2%) |
anond.hatelabo.jp | 2730(15.2%) |
note.com | 634(3.5%) |
www3.nhk.or.jp | 624(3.5%) |
news.yahoo.co.jp | 376(2.1%) |
mainichi.jp | 310(1.7%) |
www.itmedia.co.jp | 301(1.7%) |
www.asahi.com | 288(1.6%) |
qiita.com | 275(1.5%) |
zenn.dev | 265(1.5%) |
www.yomiuri.co.jp | 238(1.3%) |
www.sankei.com | 234(1.3%) |
speakerdeck.com | 215(1.2%) |
nordot.app | 209(1.2%) |
gigazine.net | 184(1.0%) |
www.nikkei.com | 169(0.9%) |
www.tokyo-np.co.jp | 165(0.9%) |
dailyportalz.jp | 162(0.9%) |
shonenjumpplus.com | 131(0.7%) |
www.cnn.co.jp | 129(0.7%) |
bunshun.jp | 125(0.7%) |
president.jp | 121(0.7%) |
toyokeizai.net | 111(0.6%) |
newsdig.tbs.co.jp | 110(0.6%) |
automaton-media.com | 101(0.6%) |
pc.watch.impress.co.jp | 97(0.5%) |
courrier.jp | 82(0.5%) |
www.publickey1.jp | 77(0.4%) |
ascii.jp | 75(0.4%) |
www.jiji.com | 73(0.4%) |
gendai.media | 69(0.4%) |
www.fnn.jp | 67(0.4%) |
www.bengo4.com | 66(0.4%) |
news.ntv.co.jp | 65(0.4%) |
blog.tinect.jp | 65(0.4%) |
www.oricon.co.jp | 63(0.4%) |
shueisha.online | 61(0.3%) |
www.bloomberg.co.jp | 60(0.3%) |
forest.watch.impress.co.jp | 60(0.3%) |
www.afpbb.com | 58(0.3%) |
www.watch.impress.co.jp | 56(0.3%) |
nlab.itmedia.co.jp | 54(0.3%) |
natgeo.nikkeibp.co.jp | 54(0.3%) |
www.bbc.com | 52(0.3%) |
www.sponichi.co.jp | 51(0.3%) |
www.nhk.or.jp | 51(0.3%) |
www.47news.jp | 51(0.3%) |
natalie.mu | 49(0.3%) |
logmi.jp | 47(0.3%) |
internet.watch.impress.co.jp | 46(0.3%) |
Dân cư người Việt hay người Kurd thiếu trên các nền tảng như là Hatenabookmark có thể có một số lý do. Đầu tiên, có thể là rào cản ngôn ngữ vì nền tảng này chủ yếu hoạt động bằng tiếng Nhật, nếu không hiểu ngôn ngữ thì khó sử dụng. Thứ hai, trong văn hóa của người Việt hay người Kurd, có thể các mạng xã hội hoặc nền tảng khác phổ biến hơn. Cuối cùng, có thể cộng đồng internet hoặc nguồn thông tin mà họ sử dụng không giống nhau.
I Traveled to 46 States in America This Summer. Here’s Why Trump Won.
By Frank S. Zhou
By Ezekiel A. Wells
Ezekiel A. Wells ’27 is a Double Concentrator in Environment Science & Engineering and Economics in Eliot House. He spent last summer traveling to 46 American states conducting interviews for his YouTube series, “Crossroads America.”
A week after Democrats’ election loss, accusations have flown in every direction within their Party. Some fault President Joe Biden for an egoistic refusal to drop out of the race earlier. Some blame the Harris campaign for failing to serve key demographics and communicate a clear vision for the country. And some blame Americans, claiming that racism and sexism drove voters toward Trump.
These factors certainly exist, but we’re missing a larger piece of the picture.
Over the summer, I traveled to 46 states in the U.S., creating a YouTube series highlighting slices of life across the country. In conversations from my nearly three-month road trip, I spoke with Republicans who were certain that inflation is entirely Biden’s fault and Democrats who, despite their frustrations with corporate profits and desires for universal healthcare, hoped for a more moderate candidate. From supporters of all candidates, I heard a shocking amount of misinformation.
After combing through hundreds of hours of interview footage from swing state Trump voters, I am certain that, as much as other factors influenced the outcome of the election, our crumbling media landscape — which has caused a rift in our democracy — is most to blame.
In the postwar period, news was dominated by three main channels, and because of the Fairness Doctrine, each station reported the same stories and covered multiple sides of each issue. Viewers picked which channels they watched mainly based on their preferences for news anchors’ personalities. Of course, this model had its problems, but, at the end of the day, it meant that Americans worked with a shared set of facts.
A shared set of facts is not the world we live in today.
Throughout my interviews, conspiracy theories were rampant, and on at least five separate occasions across separate states, I was told that Bill Gates tampers with our food, adding plastic to our fruits and vegetables to make his medical investments more profitable.
In conversations with voters, neither side seemed able to name many specific policy issues they cared about; everyone just seemed to repeat the words of their favorite pundits, podcast hosts, and internet personalities.
Although this behavior is harmful, I don’t blame everyday Americans. Blame falls on the media that has ostracized, disillusioned, and misinformed them.
I first saw this trend with low-wage workers in West Virginia, who — despite falling inflation rates — have seen stagnated salaries and clear increases in food costs. Channels like Fox News bred anger and resentment for many of them.
Take July of this summer, for example, when for the first time in his presidency, prices actually fell under the Biden administration. Traditional media establishments rushed to celebrate this victory, with one article from CNN declaring, “The White House can finally cross out ‘inflation’ on its list of presidential liabilities.” However, outside these bubbles, I observed many Americans held a different view.
In late July, I was welcomed at a massive family reunion in Tylertown, Mississippi, where one Trump voter — a middle-aged, Black, family man, pastor, and soul food enthusiast — made this clear.
“When I go in the grocery stores, and I gotta spend my last to get groceries, you mean to tell me I’m not gonna look and see who’s gonna vote to help me? I voted for Trump and I’d vote for him again, because he put money in our pocket,” he told me.
In their coverage, mainstream news organizations obsess over the Federal Reserve’s next rate cuts while failing to connect with people concerned with their next meals. With titles like “Vance: Young Americans ‘Are Becoming Paupers’ Due To Inflation, High Housing Costs,” sites like The Daily Wire had their fingers on the pulse of American sentiment, welcoming new readership from those who felt neglected by traditional media.
This problem was not just confined to the economy. While Biden’s mental state was deteriorating, liberal media outlets seemed to under-cover these stories, sheltering him from scrutiny of his declining capabilities, until the infamous presidential debate.
Formerly trusted networks slowly made themselves indigestible to the polarized American public, and in 2024, for the third year in a row, a Gallup poll found that more Americans indicated having “no trust” in the media than those who trust it a “great deal/fair amount”.
So where does the average American turn when the nation’s media cannot be trusted? For many people, it was YouTube talk shows, Newsmax, and podcasters such as Joe Rogan.
While Democrats seek to blame various internal factors for this election’s loss, I cannot help but think of Joe Rogan’s Trump endorsement, the many blind lies I heard from ordinary citizens across the country, and declining trust in American journalism.
As Harvard students and members of higher education institutions, we have a part to play in the problem. At Harvard’s Institute of Politics, those who denied the 2020 election results have been precluded from speaking at the JFK Jr. Forum. While the goal is understandable, it shields students from understanding the American viewpoints they represent.
There is a difference between platforming intentional and manipulative misinformation and listening to and learning about where people are and what they believe.
As a pipeline to mainstream media, Harvard, and its future journalists, have to consider the audience they lose when they stay inside of their bubble and ignore the issues of everyday Americans.
The disappearance of factual importance in our world is alarming and dangerous, but if we, as aspiring journalists, politicians, and engaged citizens, want to be taken seriously in communicating Trump’s threat to democracy, inflationary tariff policies, and so on, we owe American voters that seriousness, too.
Ezekiel A. Wells ’27 is a Double Concentrator in Environment Science & Engineering and Economics in Eliot House. He spent last summer traveling to 46 American states conducting interviews for his YouTube series, “Crossroads America."
Welcome to dark internet じゃね?
8月31日に「はてブで人気の新聞ランキング」という増田が投稿されていて https://anond.hatelabo.jp/20240831171744 はてブには朝日と東京新聞の記事が多くて読売が少ないと書かれていたけれど、直近の8月では読売が朝日や東京新聞よりも数多く人気エントリーになっていたらしい。読売が勢力を伸ばしたというよりは朝日、東京新聞のほうが増田に食われて減らした感じである。
2024年8月 | 人気エントリー入り回数 |
togetter.com | 297(19.6%) |
anond.hatelabo.jp | 281(18.5%) |
note.com | 52(3.4%) |
www3.nhk.or.jp | 49(3.2%) |
news.yahoo.co.jp | 36(2.4%) |
www.sankei.com | 26(1.7%) |
zenn.dev | 22(1.4%) |
www.yomiuri.co.jp | 20(1.3%) |
www.cnn.co.jp | 18(1.2%) |
www.asahi.com | 18(1.2%) |
dailyportalz.jp | 18(1.2%) |
speakerdeck.com | 16(1.1%) |
www.tokyo-np.co.jp | 15(1.0%) |
www.itmedia.co.jp | 15(1.0%) |
mainichi.jp | 15(1.0%) |
qiita.com | 14(0.9%) |
nordot.app | 14(0.9%) |
president.jp | 13(0.9%) |
www.nikkei.com | 12(0.8%) |
gigazine.net | 12(0.8%) |
pc.watch.impress.co.jp | 11(0.7%) |
ascii.jp | 11(0.7%) |
shonenjumpplus.com | 10(0.7%) |
newsdig.tbs.co.jp | 10(0.7%) |
automaton-media.com | 10(0.7%) |
www.afpbb.com | 8(0.5%) |
www.publickey1.jp | 7(0.5%) |
www.techno-edge.net | 6(0.4%) |
www.dailyshincho.jp | 6(0.4%) |
www.bengo4.com | 6(0.4%) |
www.4gamer.net | 6(0.4%) |
toyokeizai.net | 6(0.4%) |
smhn.info | 6(0.4%) |
internet.watch.impress.co.jp | 6(0.4%) |
bunshun.jp | 6(0.4%) |
www.businessinsider.jp | 5(0.3%) |
shueisha.online | 5(0.3%) |
blog.tinect.jp | 5(0.3%) |
xtech.nikkei.com | 4(0.3%) |
www.tokyo-sports.co.jp | 4(0.3%) |
www.oricon.co.jp | 4(0.3%) |
www.jiji.com | 4(0.3%) |
www.gizmodo.jp | 4(0.3%) |
www.bbc.com | 4(0.3%) |
tonarinoyj.jp | 4(0.3%) |
studyhacker.net | 4(0.3%) |
smart-flash.jp | 4(0.3%) |
news.tv-asahi.co.jp | 4(0.3%) |
news.ntv.co.jp | 4(0.3%) |
natalie.mu | 4(0.3%) |
jp.reuters.com | 4(0.3%) |
gendai.media | 4(0.3%) |
forest.watch.impress.co.jp | 4(0.3%) |
diamond.jp | 4(0.3%) |
courrier.jp | 4(0.3%) |
PSA: It's not only "white racists" who are angry about the new Assassin's Creed game. A lot of Japanese internet users are angry too. Why?
Check this image for some examples of Japanese netizens expressing their views about Assassin's Creed Shadows.
それらの属性の人じゃないけど、アジア人蔑視・日本文化軽視のプロモーションと表現を重ねてきた UBI の姿勢と アサクリ シャドウズ は非常に不愉快です😠
いわゆる "坂上田村麻呂黒人説" や "African Samurai: The True Story of Yasuke, a Legendary Black Warrior in Feudal Japan" などは、
PSA: It's not only "white racists" who are angry about the new Assassin's Creed game. A lot of Japanese internet users are angry too. Why?
Check this image for some examples of Japanese netizens expressing their views about Assassin's Creed Shadows.
なお、日本のアカデミアは本当にどうしようもないところにまで来ている (https://anond.hatelabo.jp/20240726180651#)に書いた通り、
anond:20240726181641 anond:20240726181751 anond:20240726181827 anond:20240726183348 anond:20240726184111
職業 | 年齢 | おおよそ の月収 | ボーナス 等 | おおよそ の年収 | 労働者数 |
航空機操縦士 | 43.1 | 138 | 123 | 1,779 | 4,970 |
医師★ | 41.6 | 97 | 63 | 1,227 | 77,920 |
(男女合計)管理的職業従事者 | 50.2 | 47 | 522 | 1,086 | 6,720 |
大学教授(高専含む)★ | 58.0 | 66 | 275 | 1,067 | 59,530 |
法務従事者 | 49.9 | 68 | 176 | 992 | 21,150 |
大学准教授(高専含む)★ | 48.9 | 55 | 207 | 867 | 39,880 |
歯科医師★ | 40.5 | 60 | 42 | 762 | 15,090 |
その他の経営・金融・保険専門職業従事者 | 39.3 | 46 | 156 | 708 | 16,000 |
大学講師・助教(高専含む)★ | 41.6 | 49 | 108 | 696 | 56,890 |
高等学校教員 | 43.1 | 43 | 163 | 679 | 69,200 |
研究者★ | 39.8 | 42 | 156 | 660 | 118,450 |
輸送用機器技術者 | 40.1 | 41 | 159 | 651 | 191,480 |
小・中学校教員 | 40.3 | 42 | 146 | 650 | 31,200 |
システムコンサルタント・設計者 | 40.4 | 46 | 97 | 649 | 78,730 |
電気・電子・電気通信技術者 (通信ネットワーク技術者を除く) | 41.8 | 41 | 154 | 646 | 285,830 |
"民" とか時代劇の殿様かな?っていうスゲー文章だが、2024年の東京大学准教授の投稿である(成りすましでなければ)
PSA: It's not only "white racists" who are angry about the new Assassin's Creed game. A lot of Japanese internet users are angry too. Why?
Check this image for some examples of Japanese netizens expressing their views about Assassin's Creed Shadows.
いわゆる "坂上田村麻呂黒人説" や "African Samurai: The True Story of Yasuke, a Legendary Black Warrior in Feudal Japan" などは、
"坂上田村麻呂黒人説" の言い出しっぺは、今から100年以上前、カナダの人類学者、Alexander Francis Chamberlain 氏です。
米国の非営利団体 Internet Archive で原著を確認できると思うんですけど、
氏は『The Contribution of the Negro to Human Civilization』(1911年)という論文の中でこう書いてます。
And we can cross the whole of Asia and find the Negro again, for, when, in far-off Japan, the ancestors of the modern Japanese were making their way northward against the Ainu, the aborigines of that country.
the leader of their armies was Sakanouye Tamuramaro,
(彼らの軍隊の指導者は 坂上田村麻呂 であり、有名な将軍であり、黒人であった。)
Full text of "The Contribution of the Negro to Human Civilization"
まぁこんなこんな感じで唐突に 『坂上田村麻呂 は黒人である』 と論文の中で言い出してるんですね。
そして、この論文の記述を 全米黒人地位向上協会(NAACP) の設立者の一人である W・E・B・デュボイス氏 が、『The Negro』(1915年)にもしたため、
As rulers and warriors we remember such Negroes as Queen Nefertari and Amenhotep III among many others in Egypt; Candace and Ergamenes in Ethiopia; Mansa Musa, Sonni Ali, and Mohammed Askai in the Sudan; Diaz in Brazil, Toussaint L'Ouverture in Hayti, Hannivalov in Russia, Sakanouye Tamuramaro in Japan, the elder Dumas in France, Cazembe and Chaka among the Bantu, and Menelik, of Abyssinia; the numberless black leaders of India, and the mulatto strain of Alexander Hamilton.
The Negro
For a Samurai to be brave, he must have a bit of black blood
Why do Afro-centrists claim that the first samurai warrior was a black African? | Quora
(最近のゲームでは Rise of the Ronin みたいに、主人公の人種を自由に設定できるオプションがデフォだけど)
『ゆうて、一部の歴史オタク が 弥助は武士(侍)って言ってるだけでしょ』『時代劇でもよくフィクション入るじゃん』って思うでしょ?🤔
それが、どういうわけか、YASUKE の 英語版の Wikipedia 見ると、日本のアカデミアのお墨付き貰ってるのとか、参考文献に引っ張ってきてるのよね。それも京都大学とかの
ZINBUN は査読付き学術誌と京大で紹介されてるんですけど、その中でこんな風に書かれてます。
Perhaps more extraordinary is that Yasuke’s story does not end here. Retained as an attendant by Nobunaga, he later accompanied him into battle against the rival lord Akechi Mitsuhide (1528? - 1582) who upon defeating Nobunaga at Horyuji, spared the African and subsequently released him.
(さらに驚くべきことに、弥助の話はここで終わりません。信長の従者として残された彼は、後に信長と共に、ライバルの大名(rival lord)である明智光秀(1528? -1582)との戦いに参加しました。光秀は法隆寺で信長を破った際、このアフリカ人の命を助け、その後解放しました。)
Excluded Presence : Shoguns, Minstrels, Bodyguards, and Japan's Encounters with the Black Other
African samurai: The enduring legacy of a black warrior in feudal Japan |CNN
文字数制限に引っ掛かったから続く → 日本のアカデミアは本当にどうしようもないところにまで来ている・2
It's sudden, but right now in Japan, creativity is facing a true crisis. Characters like Uzaki-chan, Onsen Musume, and Tojo Rika are being targeted and flamed, game character designs are being infiltrated by political correctness, Johnny's Entertainment is being dismantled, swimsuit photo sessions in parks are being canceled, Hitoshi Matsumoto is being publicly shamed, and the new AV law was enacted without considering the opinions of those directly involved. Every form of expression in every venue is currently under unreasonable pressure.
How does this connect to the Tokyo gubernatorial election? In fact, a major event directly linked to this is occurring in the 2024 Tokyo gubernatorial election. As a creator, I hope this message reaches you.
What I am about to share is a story about someone named Himasora Akane, who you should know about to resist such pressures. But before I dive into that story, I want to express my deep gratitude to my old friend Nozomi for giving me the opportunity to post this article in a place where many creators will see it. As someone who also loves manga, anime, and games, I hope this information will benefit Japanese society and support Nozomi's activities.
Himasora Akane Should Be the Governor of Tokyo
First, I would like to make a straightforward request to you as a creator: please support Himasora Akane for governor. In this election, please write "Himasora Akane" on your ballot. The voting day is July 7th. Even if you are not a Tokyo resident, I ask that you at least listen to this story. If you find it interesting, please share it with your friends, family, and acquaintances. You can check Himasora Akane's campaign promises and the background of their candidacy on their Twitter (X) posts linked below:
Himasora Akane (Tokyo gubernatorial candidate)
Himasora Akane Will Not Allow Our Culture to Be Burned
Himasora Akane is an ordinary otaku who loves manga, anime, and games. Known as "Cognitive Profiling Detective Akane Himasora," he has been active on Twitter (X) and YouTube, and now he is running for governor. Akane, who is deeply concerned about the repression and destruction of otaku culture, is challenging those who seek to destroy our culture alone. Akane will never allow those who try to burn our culture.
As mentioned at the beginning, all forms of expression are currently under pressure. Otaku culture, in particular, seems to be a prime target.
Uzaki-chan Blood Donation Poster Controversy (2019): A collaboration between the Japanese Red Cross Society and the manga Uzaki-chan was flamed for allegedly being overly sexual in its PR illustration.
V-Tuber Traffic Safety Video Controversy (2021): A V-Tuber hired by the Matsudo Police Department in Chiba Prefecture was deemed too sexual for public agency PR.
Onsen Musume Controversy (2021): Characters personifying local hot springs were criticized as sexist.
Mie Transport Official Character Controversy (2024): A character in a bus driver's uniform released by Mie Transport was flamed for evoking sexual images.
These controversies are often fueled by so-called political correctness and feminism. For creators, these are direct threats. If these factions label your work as sexual and demand it be burned to ashes, could you resist? How would you feel if your painstakingly created work, like your own child, was trampled by people who have no regard for your efforts? Could you continue your creative activities while constantly shrinking away?
Himasora Akane saw something behind these flaming incidents. He started investigating the key figure behind the Onsen Musume controversy, a representative of a general incorporated association in Tokyo. This association's core business, the Young Female Victims Support Project, received substantial public funds from Tokyo. Akane submitted public document disclosure requests to Tokyo and thoroughly dug into the organization. During his investigation, Akane uncovered many suspicions suggesting this project was unworthy of public funding, which he exposed one by one on social media.
Negligent accounting reports, taking protected girls to the Henoko base protest in Okinawa, Communist Party members waiting in the bus used to protect girls—these revelations drew significant attention online. The investigation extended beyond this general incorporated association to other NPOs receiving public funds, and Akane named this cluster of issues the "WBPC problem" after the initials of these organizations.
Akane's YouTube Channel (WBPC Problem Playlist)
From here, Akane's story expanded to resident audits, resident lawsuits, and national compensation lawsuits concerning the Tokyo Young Female Victims Support Project. Akane discovered that behind many flaming incidents, there is no clear command structure but a group of various political organizations and activists working together like an amoeba. He named this group the "Nanika Group" (Nanika means "something" in Japanese), a reference to the mysterious, ominous "something from another place" in the manga HUNTER×HUNTER, which Akane loves. The Nanika Group is also connected to welfare interests, where public funds flow unchecked. Akane called this phenomenon "Public Fund Chu-Chu" (siphoning).
For creators, this means the tax money they earn through hard work is used to burn their precious works. It's an intolerable situation.
Himasora Akane Is Fighting Against Those Who Burn Our Culture
In November 2022, a major event marked a turning point in this series of controversies. The general incorporated association under scrutiny held a press conference at the parliamentary office building, gathering media and announcing a lawsuit against Akane. This "Legal Harassment Press Conference," as it was called online, involved multiple layers of power: the government, the media, and a team of seven lawyers targeting a single individual.
However, Akane did not back down. Instead, he intensified his pursuit, exploiting the opponent's careless statements as lawsuit fodder. This led to an outpouring of support on social media, with his Twitter follower count skyrocketing and 160 million yen in donations for legal fees.
The following year, a resident audit request filed by Akane resulted in Tokyo's official website recognizing some improper points and deciding to audit the organization. However, Tokyo's lenient audit led Akane to file a resident lawsuit. Suspicion also turned towards Governor Yuriko Koike for allocating public funds through dubious sole-source contracts. Tokyo began excessively redacting documents in response to public document requests, attempting to conceal the issue. Koike's promise to end document redaction quietly disappeared from her campaign page.
Throughout this battle, Akane has been a target of criminal complaints and faced threats, yet he persists. His book "Netoge Senshi" was released amid bookstore threats, but only the criminal complaint was widely reported by the media, portraying Akane negatively.
Himasora Akane is an ordinary otaku, a top-tier online gamer during his student days, and a talented game creator who worked for a major game company and later a venture company. His meticulous work on the game "Shin Goku no Valhalla Gate" was betrayed by the company's CEO, leading to a seven-year legal battle that Akane ultimately won, securing 600 million yen. This experience fuels his fierce opposition to having his creations burned.
Before investigating the Young Female Victims Support Project, Akane exposed fraudulent feminist "knights" on his YouTube channel, shaking the internet. He detests lies and has an uncanny ability to detect them.
Akane is a special individual with extraordinary abilities, honed through his experiences in games, court battles, and extensive document analysis. His pursuit of truth and justice makes him a suitable candidate for governor, promising a world without lies and where honest people do not suffer.
What We Can Do to Protect Our Culture
Creative expression can be crushed if we are not vigilant. Even in modern Japan, otaku culture is on thin ice. The recent cessation of Visa transactions for DMM (Fanza) is a reminder of how a single card company can wield its power to dictate what is deemed appropriate expression. Expression freedom is fragile and constantly under threat.
To those reading this, I urge you to vote for Himasora Akane. Support him to protect our culture. Despite his harsh demeanor and preference for solitary battles, he is now seeking help for the first time. Akane feels the danger in this gubernatorial election and believes that if he does not become governor, everything will end. He has taken a stand for the people of Tokyo and Japan.
I wrote this article to support his spirit and spread the word. Please vote for Himasora Akane and help create a miracle.
To you, the creator, I sincerely hope this message reaches you.
51無念Nameとしあき やっぱ神のカードはすげぇよ24/06/07(金)19:17:25 IP:14.132.*(commufa.jp)No.1225944407+
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53無念Nameとしあき タコはエロしかいない事が確定24/06/07(金)19:17:25 IP:60.142.*(bbtec.net)No.1225944409+
54無念Nameとしあき blenderはめちゃくちゃ使いにくい24/06/07(金)19:17:25 IP:153.240.*(ocn.ne.jp)No.1225944410+
56無念Nameとしあき24/06/07(金)19:17:27 IP:126.184.*(access-internet.ne.jp)No.1225944423+
57無念Nameとしあき 相棒貸すから絶対返せよ的な感じで24/06/07(金)19:17:27 IP:218.225.*(dream.jp)No.1225944424+
58無念Nameとしあき24/06/07(金)19:17:34 IP:60.145.*(bbtec.net)No.1225944461+
59無念Nameとしあき24/06/07(金)19:17:35 IP:119.171.*(home.ne.jp)No.1225944474+
60無念Nameとしあき24/06/07(金)19:17:35 IP:122.222.*(vectant.ne.jp)No.1225944478+
61無念Nameとしあき そう思いますよね24/06/07(金)19:17:43 IP:106.160.*(dion.ne.jp)No.1225944527+
62無念Nameとしあき 来週は真っ裸で戦う姿見れそうだから楽しみ24/06/07(金)19:17:44 IP:110.2.*(yournet.ne.jp)No.1225944535+
64無念Nameとしあき 美ケモR24/06/07(金)19:17:52 IP:183.77.*(asahi-net.or.jp)No.1225944582+
65無念Nameとしあき24/06/07(金)19:17:52 IP:180.6.*(ocn.ne.jp)No.1225944584+
66無念Nameとしあき24/06/07(金)19:17:54 IP:223.134.*(nuro.jp)No.1225944593+
67無念Nameとしあき24/06/07(金)19:17:55 IP:160.237.*(cyberhome.jp)No.1225944606+
68無念Nameとしあき24/06/07(金)19:18:09 IP:138.64.*(v6connect.net)No.1225944702+
69無念Nameとしあき 最近炎上ネタ多くね?24/06/07(金)19:18:10 IP:119.231.*(eonet.ne.jp)No.1225944705+
70無念Nameとしあき sage24/06/07(金)19:18:10 IP:153.187.*(ocn.ne.jp)No.1225944707+
71無念Nameとしあき24/06/07(金)19:18:10 IP:106.152.*(dion.ne.jp)No.1225944709+
72無念Nameとしあき sage24/06/07(金)19:18:14 IP:14.10.*(enabler.ne.jp)No.1225944722+
Internet Download Manager はダウンロード・アクセラレーション・ソフトウェアであり、最高のダウンロード・サポートです。ダウンロードを最大 5 回まで高速化し、ダウンロードを続行し、スケジュールを設定することができます。 IDM の最新バージョンでは、 Windows 10 と Windows 11の互換性が追加され、 Internet Explorer、 Mozilla Firefox、 Opera、 Google Chrome などの一般的なすべての一般的なブラウザーがサポートされています。
Every web user has at least once encountered loss of internet connection. This happens for a variety of reasons, such as a dysfunction in the cellular network or a broken internet cable. However, regardless of the reason, every Google Chrome user sees the Dino game (when there is no internet) instead of a plain blank error page. This game can be played without an internet connection.
Play game: Dinosaur T-Rex Game
Despite the fact that the game is just a plain runner that’s built into the Google Chrome browser, the developers behind it still deserve a round of applause. The peculiar monochrome graphics and the simplicity make the game even better, and it has gained a lot of worldwide fans since its launch.
The main character of the game is a classic dinosaur, a Tyrannosaurus rex, the species we usually see in movies and books about dinosaurs. It’s a carnivorous type of dinosaur from the Cretaceous. In the game it runs through the desert, encountering pterodactyls and cactuses that need to be avoided by jumping or ducking. As the distance the dinosaur has traveled increases, so does its speed, which is why it’s quite difficult for an inexperienced player to get a high score, even though the game itself seems easy.
Surely, all of you are curious about the development of the Chrome Dinosaur Game Online, so let’s take a little trip back in time.
The development of the T-Rex game dates back to September 2014, however, the final improvements were completed only in December of that same year. The adjustments supported earlier versions of the Android operating system.
Sebastien Gabriel, one of the designers of the game, says that the T-rex was chosen as a funny reference to "prehistoric times", when highspeed internet wasn’t so widely spread.
The T-rex was also not an accidental choice. The offline Chrome Dino game (without internet) was also called "Project Bolan", referring to the popular singer Mark Bolan from the 70s band "T-Rex". While creating the game the programmers also thought about making Dino growl or kick. Eventually these features were rejected in order to keep the game simple and "prehistoric".
How to open the T-Rex Chrome Dino Game?
In order to open the game you can simply type chrome://dino/ in the address bar. The game will open even if you’re connected to the internet, so there’s no need to disconnect.
The majority of internet users have Chrome as their default browser. However, if you’re using a different one, our website can help. Here you can play the T-Rex Dinosaur Game using any browser and any device, like a desktop computer or even your cell phone.
病み垢が2016-7位に開始して他の人に見られることなんてなかったし見せられたもんじゃないから今普通の人?ネットで語彙で病むことをしない人?に見られるとこんなんなんだって思った ネットの底辺って倫理を知らないから
If you think all native speakers use complex vocabulary and rhetoric, you'll be disillusioned pretty quickly. Native speaker picks up non-nativeness not from complex vocabulary or rhetoric, but in more fundamental things like basic grammar, use of a simple word and/or singular/plural, general smoothness, etc. Think of Japanese. People won't find it foreign when you don't use complex vocabulary and rhetoric. I once even had an occasion where this person believed I'm American because of a "wrong" use of plural that Americans often do. Just look at here or any SNS. I bet you don't find most of them use complex vocabulary and rhetoric. But if you use てにおは wrong a couple of times though, that's a big giveaway. And the use of "native level" usually comes with work. You can use the language at a native level for the work or you can't. It's not something that requires an opinion from an anonymous person on the internet, but thanks for your two cents.