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he/they - utena tenjou died for our sins - call me wick

can i be honest my younger brothers both try very hard to remember that I am nonbinary and refer to me as such and I appreciate that. but also they sometimes say things like "girl you can't do that. I mean boy you can't do that. I mean. They/them you can't-" and I just burst out laughing so hard that half the time I forget to clarify how I actually want to be referred to because they always have that "oh shit WAITWAITWAIT HOLD ON" energy and I find it hilarious for some reason


Video captions: And stop trying to show your ex what they missed out on! Stop trying to teach your family a lesson for not believing in you! Stop trying to shit on your haters! Do it for you! Do it because you deserve it! Do it for YOU! Water your dreams with love! Don’t put no hate and resentment, and try to — “oh Imma fucking show them, Imma show” — FUCK THEM! Fuck them, do it for you! They don’t matter! They NEVER mattered.


becoming president just to put lumen, decibel, and size restrictions on vehicles.

i shouldn't be seeing floaters shaped like your car's headlights for thirty seconds after i pass you. also shut the fuck up. and your car does not need to be that big. you're putting other people in danger. let's get you a more conscious-of-other-people car


Everytime I have period cramps, I get really fucking pissed about the fact that in a/b/o stories nobody EVERRRRRR talks about periods. It's never even mentioned if it's not in the context of pregnancies which is such a damn shame because you could write so many amazing comfort fics with this.

And like- I don't care which a/b/o gender flavor we're talking about if there's the possibility of pregnancy then there's an egg that has to go somewhere once it's not needed! Which, for all my breeding kink mutuals out there, is also the very first indicator that the knot took. And also it should be such a fundamental part of the aftercare aspect. Like what do you mean you get a whole week off for literal fucking but getting one or two days off for your body to reset itself is not a thing?

Where's my angst authors? Do you realize how much potential there is behind this idea? Sweet little omega going into heat all of a sudden, being helped out by their alpha crush during the smutty bits and once their heat subsides they expect to be left alone. Does the alpha stay? Is there a drop? Does the beta have to come over to help fix an emotional situation??

(i am very crampy and grumpy rn so I'm sorry if my tone is off buttttt)

⬆️ Are we...... Are we not talking about humans? Why.... I... I get the wolf thing yes, but..... The body is still human????? Even if we go catboy hybrid it's still a human body that if it goes through a normal human pregnancy should also have human periods?

Speaking about catboys. Female Cats and Dogs bleed if not castrated, tho with cats it's sometimes less obvious due to them being smaller and cleaning themselves more often. But once again. Humans? We're still talking about humans right?

That being said please castrate your pets, there's so many reasons for that.

Totally fair. I just always assume that when dealing with humans given fantastical physiology then all bets are off, I guess?

Canines do NOT have periods. They do not menstruate. The blood you see as part of their heat cycle 1- comes from the vagina, not the uterus, and 2- it's mostly before they ovulate/ go into a standing heat, not after (during pro-estrus and estrus itself, not diestrus and anestrus)

Cats rarely bleed heading into heat. So rarely that in 25 years in the veterinary field I've never seen it. And unlike humans and dogs, cats are induced ovulators. They release eggs when they get bred. If they don't breed/get pregnant then they do this *delightful* thing where they go out of season for 2, maybe 3 weeks... and then go into season again! And an intact female cat will do that cycle UNTIL they get bred. And a female cat in heat is about the most obnoxious thing on the planet.

Both of these have tons of writing/biological potential that is overlooked for a/b/o stories (today on sentences i never thought I'd write). But everyone should be grateful for the human menstruation system as it's why we are so unlikely to get a pyometra.


the best part about having a job is being able to go through doors other people aren’t allowed to use the worst part is everything else


The Israeli occupation army officially announces the return of war on Gaza and the failure of negotiations 😭


At the risk of sounding anti-intellectual, I think that college should be free and also not a requirement for employment outside of highly specialized career fields

At the risk of sounding like an effete intellectual, I do actually think you should be allowed to just take college courses indefinitely

technically you can, if you don't care about degrees.

For paid, there's The Great Courses+/Wonderium. 20$ a month for unlimited courses.

When searching, the phrases you're looking for are Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), or you can do a general search of say, "free online college courses." Oh, and so you don't get surprised like I did, have an avoid: Hillsdale College is a conservative Christian site and not a valid MOOC place. Sign up with them and you will get things like THIS IS WHY THE LEFT IS TURNING YOUR KIDS TRANS AND GAY in your inbox.

@yourunderwaterskies I wanted to say thank you so much for adding these links, seriously, they've been life-changingly helpful to me-

And I also wanted to mention that humanitarian organisations have free courses too, like the Red Cross on international humanitarian law.

No day where you've learned something is a day wasted


weird as fuck living in a culture where it's considered more impolite to speak up and defend yourself against someone treating you unfairly than it is for someone to be rude to you in the first place

older family members, coworkers, customers, and strangers in general can say the most batshit insane things to your face and somehow you're considered to be the "rude" one if you say "hey that wasn't cool of you to say"

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