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@fatsexybitch /

I'm a poly queer queer who lives with a constellation of disabilities / 18+ ONLY, I'm a grumpy old / Transphobes suck shit and die, thx

Guy writing professor/student porn because it's their kink, but repeatedly emphasizing that the student went to uni late and is a freshman at 37, because age gaps are problematic

this post is a weird one to me. like i suppose the joke in this post is that this hypothetical writer is having cognitive dissonance between the types of "problematic" behavior going on but age gaps are a very reasonable thing to be uncomfortable with. why shouldnt they be encouraged to write something that subverts the expectations of a given power dynamic? especially if its their personal preference. is it uncool to tailor your own art to yourself?

I think anyone who's ever made any kind of art ever should be shot in the streets by a paramilitary force yeah



Me, gazing into Boston Harbor with a tear in my eye: that's what they said about the British East India Company my dude

Official Post of Massachusetts


Apologies if this is a dumb question, but re: scented things causing reactions, is it only fragranced things? Or can the smell of cooking food cause a reaction? I'm wondering if there are safer alternatives for people who want their home to smell nice (as opposed to just being clean) but without using fragranced things like candles or diffusers


Thank you for asking. And it depends on the person.

I have a condition called Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) which makes my body perceive harmless things as a threat.

Red meat is one of my worst allergies, and while the smell of it cooking won’t make me as lethally ill as eating it, the smell can make me feel not good because the mast cell receptors in my nasal passage pick up on it and start sending “we’ve been exposed to our allergen” signals and because my immune systems is broken, it can sometimes perceive that as a threat and I get ill.

It’s not as common as eating the allergen, but it can happen.

For people with “normal” fragrance sensitivity, using things like coffee beans or baking cookies is a lot nicer way of scenting your home without risking harm to others who are adversely affected by strong fragrances.

Best thing to do is ask people. It might seem weird at first but I promise you, asking your friend with say, migraines, if there’s any scents that bother them and making sure they’re not exposed to them in your house is a good way to show you’re willing to be a safe space for them. They’ve likely never even had people ask. People just expose us to our triggers all the time and don’t care.


Near as I understand it, people with fragrance sensitivities are functionally having an allergy response to the *musk* that's in the fragrance. The carrier agent. Which, annoyingly enough, sometimes means you don't even have to be able to perceive whatever scented thing is in your immediate vicinity - you'll just get the damn migraine. Or other reaction.

Thing is, this isn't just limited to perfumes. It's ANYTHING scented. The laundry detergent. The hand lotion. THE HAND SOAP. The shampoo and conditioner. The fucking cat litter. Freaking household cleaners. Hairspray. Makeup!

I've gotten hives because I bought a jacket after someone else had tried it on, and they had perfume on their wrists.

I'm going to have to do something about the bathroom at work, because they just changed out the soap dispensers and therefore, the soap, and the scent building up in the bathroom from people washing their hands is triggering migraines for me.

I frequently have to alter my walking path because the person ahead of me is wearing something and I have to get to air they haven't contaminated.

I have several coworkers that I cannot be in the same vicinity with simply because they wear a cologne that happens to be particularly evil to my brain. And yes, I've told them that their cologne triggers my migraines. They won't give up their stinky shit, but they will at least avoid my office, so there is that.

Nothing needs to be scented. If you really want to be nice to people with scent allergies, just don't use anything. Just clean the house. Clean houses don't smell bad (usually) and therefore don't need to have odorizers to cover the stink.

My house was *rank* when I bought it. Previous owners had 5 dogs in a wet climate. They used (thankfully mild) deodorizers to help combat the smell. I ripped out the carpet and solved the problem.

Just go for "free and clear" products whenever possible. Sadly, things labeled "unscented" are actually scented... It's a damn nightmare.

Anyway. Hi. I may be mildly passionate about this, because it puts me in pain on a daily basis. I'm thankful you are curious enough to ask.

Fragrance free is also something to look for, because yeah “unscented” usually means it’s scented. Fragrance free means nothing has been added.


When I still worked in an office there was a 3 month period that I had to leave work about once a week because a woman who worked on the otherside of the building but sat directly under the air intake would try out a new perfume hoping to find one that did not trigger asthma or migraines and failing every time.

The workplace had to transition to fragrance free just because of this one deeply selfish person who couldn't tolerate walking around unscented.


i see no one knows about the ice cream lesbians

okay pay attention yall because im going to delete this post once i stop being in a silly goofy mood but. the key to not getting rickrolled is to know that the youtube url for rick astley's never gonna give you up contains the ice cream lesbians


"dQw4w" or "dairy queen woman for woman"

anyway i don't remember where i learned this tip now but if you mouse over a link and it's the ice cream lesbians... now you know


Something something so-called "religion respecters" when Mormonism enters the chat-- whatever I'm not committed to this stupid joke. I don't respect any religion invented by Americans

I'm an annoying atheist or whatever but also I do think that if God were real he would simply not whisper prophetic words into the ears of an American. He might whisper other things but mostly I think it would be stuff like "I need you to stop what you're doing"

Also, FULLY acknowledging that law =/= morality and many significant religious figures had trouble with the law of their times. I shrimply don't think I'd trust a guy with multiple fraud charges to be telling me divine truths. I guess that's like, the point of faith or whatever. But again, atheist

Christianity (much like Buddhism) thrives because it's able to mold itself into the shape of whatever the dominant culture that takes hold of it demands, and it's also true for when it comes to the USA. It's no surprise that Mormonism came about around the same time as the rise of Industrialization in the USA, wherein the contradictions in proto-capitalism (Adam Smith and John Locke's hideous, mpreg baby), started its conflict-filled adolescence as it started the process of maturing into capitalism as we understand it today.

Protestantism, after all, is a child of opportunism and "of-time" justification for power-grab. John Calvin wrote Institutio Christianae Religionis, and the sixteenth century Protestants, eager to differentiate themselves, created out of this text the monster of the Christian religion, a deviating from religio as a personal virtue to the start of the systemic categorization of religion. God spoke to these people as much as God spoke to the economic and political capitals of the petty lords and burghers of the Holy Roman Empire and other parts of Europe, from which we soon see the breakdown of the HRE's systems of internal peace in a spetacular display of uniquely European cruelty against their neighbors in the form of Thirty Years' War (or, if you prefer, the European Sengoku Jidai).

It's, then, also no surprise that Mormonism is the most successful form of Protestantism borne out of the USA, no matter how much both non-Mormon Protestants and Mormons want to deny this fact. There's a reason why Mormonism was borne out of Western New York in 1820, wherein we saw one of the "major victories" of industrial projects of the time in the shape of Eeric Canal. It's a child of a still-adolescent proto-capitalism of the USA and the ability of this disgusting, far-reaching, creeping hands of Protestantism, in which the voice of God demands, scriptually, the spiritual obliteration of the NDNs, spiritual (and physical) inferiority of black people, and the accumulation of wealth from the bottom of the organization to the top. Mormonism speaks as a message from God to the residents of the United States because, at the center of the ethos of the United States, it's a republic founded by slavers and smugglers looking to enrich themselves at the cost of everyone around them, even if it meant potentially dying in a trial for treason. Just like that, Joseph Smith risked his life to create a religious order that reflects the United States' inglorious, ugly birth that should have been aborted before it had the chance to disgrace the world with its visage.


Why don't you google "ted lasso altyazili izle" and cry on and off for roughly 20hrs and maybe you'll calm down


Republicans want to remind you that events like this are why is essential to dissolve NOAA immediately, since if you know a tornado is coming you can't prepare or take shelter, which is a thing they want for some reason.

I would imagine, it's more with something they can bill you for. the weather network, has the US as a very major part. and it's run, like government. meaning, for the most part, free to the end user, and incredibly efficient. they don't see a profit margin there.

plus climate change? if we set all of the records on fire, how can you say the weather's worse?

Plus, of course, they embarrassed Trump that time when he drew on the weather map with a sharpie showing a storm not headed to Alabama was going there when it wasn't and they kept repeating facts.

It's so evil and petty and he ran on it and people voted for him knowing he was going to do this.

So many people are going to die.

From climate crisis fueled storms and tornadoes, from volcanoes.

It is bad enough now with monitoring. I am sad so many were killed, but I am freaked the fuck out about where we will be when NOAA is gone. There is no private company with the resources, monitoring equipment and experts that can come even close to replacing NOAA.

The death toll will be horrendous and likely censored.

I live in earthquake country, and the volcanoes can't reach me, though they can reach neighboring areas. A quirk of geography protects us from a lot of other things.

It doesn't stop me from worrying about all the people I know and the millions I don't who are in danger and not just in this country, but all the others depending to any extent on our data.


today was the day we finalized the migration of essential software at work from some old and busted shit that was ready to die at any time, to the new cloud version of the same software that we are no longer responsible for maintaining. which is good because no one was actually maintaining ours. it's just been slowly crufting into unusability for a decade. so anyway they set aside an hour for a teams meeting where they'd walk us through the different interface and how to go through normal processes.

"it's not that big a change," they said. "it's all the same stuff, it just looks a little different," they said.

they did not account for the fact that the primary user of this software is someone who doesn't actually know how it works or what it's doing. they learned how to do their job entirely through rote memorization. they know which buttons they are supposed to press in which order, and that is the full extent of what they know. they also did not account for the fact that this person's processes were learned thirdhand from other people who were not using this software normally to begin with.

it's like. imagine if someone had only ever used tumblr in the app. and you try to get them to use it in a desktop browser, but they cannot figure out how to post. and you go through explaining where the button is and how to format text and add tags, even though you could have sworn it was all the same in the app. but then they're like, "okay, but what's the phone number" and you're like "what" and they're like "the phone number to call to make a post?" and it turns out somehow they still had the ability to post by calling a phone number, and every time they posted on the app they called the post in first and then edited the audio post to transcribe it into text before screenshotting the text for a photo post. and nothing you can say to them will make them understand that none of that is necessary or correct. they shouldn't have even been able to do some of that. they can just type into the post box now, like a civilized person. "okay," they say, "but what is the phone number, though? because when i made my account my friend gave me this checklist and the first thing on it is to call the number."

so anyway we were on that teams call for almost three hours and they still don't have a handle on the new software

details have been changed but i want you to imagine that this software is used in part to record payments and send out updated invoices. in this software there is a special process to send invoices to collections. generally, you use special filters to determine what does and does not get sent off to collections. but this person kept asking that poor trainer to run the collections wizard on all invoices. every one of them. unpaid. paid. brand new. all of them. and the trainer is like. i am not doing that actually. and the person keeps insisting. "i need the report" they keep saying. "this isn't a report" the trainer keeps explaining.

as far as anyone can tell, decades ago, the person who first worked with this software added a custom report that prints before you can run the collections wizard. they would go through that report manually highlighting every invoice going to collections, with a highlighter, because they didn't trust the software. because this was old software without any kind of autosave functionality, they could just abort the collections wizard after they got the report, before doing it again and manually flagging the invoices they highlighted. everyone using this software since then has just. done that. assuming it was necessary for some reason.

"please," the trainer kept saying. "can you tell me what the report is called. what is the report. can you scan the report and send it to me. we can just run the report. we don't need to run the collections wizard. we actually specifically should not. there is no report here. we would need to add that in if you want that. but you won't need to run this wizard to get that report. you can just get it. the report. without doing this."

"it's fine," they kept saying. "i can show you the report. just hit okay on the wizard and it should pop up."

@grison-in-space your tags pass peer review

Having had actual significant success with these people:

  • learn to identify them immediately: if someone starts asking you about "the collections wizard", and it makes no sense, stop, stop trying to explain it to them with shortcuts, and ask them to take you through their old process. This will ascertain for certain that you are dealing with This Person.
  • once you have identified them - and this is very important - accept that they did things by rote, and that ergo any change to that rote process is not, actually, "just a little bit different". It is a whole new process.
  • No seriously just fucking accept it. Accept it immediately. You are now working with someone who has never used the kind of software or process or thing you are trying to teach them before. They have arrived before you a blank slate. You are starting from the beginning.
  • if for some reason you are too rigid to do this, or do not have enough time, or just want to commit murder, this is the point where you run the opposite direction or hire someone else. but tell the someone-else this much.
  • if you're not too rigid or overloaded: now you need to make them understand that this new process is Totally Different.
  • Explain to them: forget about the old way. I'm so sorry - this is a total new way. I know. I know it's awful. It's Head Office's Fault. It's just how it is. I know they told you it would just be a little change. They lied. You can't do anything the old way anymore.
  • I don't care if this isn't really true. It doesn't matter if it's really true. It's true for them, because they knew this new way by-rote, not by-understanding-the-underlying-principles. They now have to learn a new rote.
  • (please note: if you are still going 'but it's just a little bit different - !' YOU are now, in fact, this person. Your by-rote is insisting that learning works the way it worked for you, and that using a system requires the way that you interact with the system. It doesn't! Remember that you also have to be flexible, as you demand someone change their system (that used to work fine for them) For You.)
  • Stop trying to short-cut this step. Short-cutting this step will just make you both cry. Just accept you have to do this the long way. It's good for you. It'll build character.
  • You will indeed get more pushback/upset at the beginning if you admit that you're needing them to learn something Entirely New. But it will be less than the rage/frustration/betrayal/resentment you get when you told them it was just a little change, and they end up having to re-learn everything they ever knew about doing their job, AND now they feel like either you lied to them or you're condescending to/judging them, and they hate you.
  • Yeah that's totally a lot of work, isn't it. But you gotta do it! (You do GOTTA do it, right? You didn't just decide to change things Because It's Neater This Way or for another reason that prioritized your sense of what's Correct over that of those actually doing the job, right - it was for a reason?) (Oh good, glad to hear it, so I reiterate: yeah, it's a lot of work but you gotta do it.)
  • Plan for this to take a realistic amount of time, which is about three times as long as the amount of time you wanted to tell the person you report to it should take, which is still going to be less time than it'll take if you DON'T just fucking plan for the fact that you'll need to retrain people from the ground up and then end up with three hours of a teams meeting and people crying because nobody understands at the end of it.
  • Finally: if you hire someone else to do it, do make sure THEY understand all of the above as well, and aren't going to be a dick to your staff about it.

You're welcome!


This is the truest thing anyone has ever written about software change management.


Anyone I'm this thread read "where's my cheese?"


Donald Trump Is Not Joking About Annexing Canada: A Fucking Timeline

December 3, 2024: Trump's quip about Canada becoming 51st state was a joke, says minister who was there (CBC News 🇨🇦) <- This is when it could have feasibly been a joke

January 7, 2025: Donald Trump is quoted in a press conference directly stating his intentions to annex Canada (New York Times, timestamp 0:45 🇺🇸) <- This is where Americans should have stopped telling Canadians it's just a joke

REPORTER 1: Are you also considering military force to annex and acquire Canada? DONALD TRUMP: No. Economic force.

February 7, 2025: Trudeau says Trump threat to annex Canada 'is a real thing' (BBC 🇬🇧) <- This is where the Commonwealth starts to take it seriously

Trudeau suggested Trump has floated the idea of taking over Canada and making it the "51st state" because he wants to access the country's critical minerals. "Mr Trump has it in mind that the easiest way to do it is absorbing our country and it is a real thing," the prime minister said.

February 9, 2025: "Trump's national security adviser: 'I don't think there's any plans to invade Canada'" (NBC News 🇺🇸) <- CANADIANS NOTICE THAT THIS IS NOT A VERY STRONG DENIAL OF POSSIBLE MILITARY FORCE

Fox News host Bret Baier asked Trump whether Trudeau was right in telling business leaders the U.S. president’s threat to absorb Canada is a “real thing,” to which Trump agreed with Trudeau and responded, “Yes it is.”

February 12, 2025: ‘Trump effect’: How US tariffs, ’51st state’ threats are shaking up Canada (Al Jazeera 🇶🇦) <- This is where the rest of the fucking world outside America starts to take it seriously

February 18 2025: CBC releases podcast episode: "What if the U.S. invaded Canada?" (CBC's Front Burner 🇨🇦)

“I would be working urgently with [European Nato allies] to build a closer security relationship… in a time when the United States can be a threat,” said [Canada's] ex-foreign minister and finance minister at the final Liberal leadership debate last week.
Eby: "If this president wants to annex Canada, he should save his breath to cool his soup, it is never going to happen.”

March 7, 2025: How Trump’s ‘51st State’ Canada Talk Came to Be Seen as Deadly Serious (New York Times 🇺🇸) <- This is where American news media starts to treat this as maybe possibly not a joke

March 9, 2025: U.S. Congress bill aims to prevent funding of invasion of Canada (CTV News 🇨🇦) <- This is where you should understand that military force is ON THE TABLE

March 13, 2025 (TODAY): Trump threatens to acquire Canada, Greenland while next to NATO chief (Global News 🇨🇦)

“To be honest with you, Canada only works as a state...This would be the most incredible country visually,” [Trump] said. “If you look at a map, they drew an artificial line right through it, between Canada and the U.S., just a straight artificial line. Somebody did it a long time ago, many many decades ago, and it makes no sense.” -Donald Trump

And hey, just for fun, let's contrast that with another quote:

First of all, I would like to emphasize that the wall that has emerged in recent years between Russia and Ukraine, between the parts of what is essentially the same historical and spiritual space, to my mind is our great common misfortune and tragedy...I am confident that true sovereignty of Ukraine is possible only in partnership with Russia. -Vladimir Fucking Putin, the year before launching an attack on Ukraine, which everyone also said he was joking about and definitely wouldn't do (2021 essay, Kremlin official website 🇷🇺)

I know you're overwhelmed, Americans, but please stop saying this is a joke. Canadians are anticipating an invasion, possibly within the year. This is not a fucking drill.

Update march 18:

A draft of an executive order is reported to be circulating, intending to designate Fentanyl as a Weapon Of Mass Destruction

Context: Fentanyl supposedly coming from Canada into the USA — a lie, very very little of it crosses the border in that direction, and quite a lot more in the other direction — has been one of the excuses given to justify economic attacks on Canada. Recently, someone close to Trump even claimed that Canada was « overrun by Mexican cartels », prompting Canadians to wonder if this was going to be used as the « WMD* » equivalent of an excuse for the invasion. We did not expect it to be the literal excuse. We live in the stupidest timeline.

*imaginary weapons of mass destructions were the excuse given to invade Irak.

From the linked Handbasket article:

The EO may be published as early as next week, the Department of State source tells me, but the timeline isn’t confirmed. The source speculates the purpose is a combination of designating fentanyl cartels as terrorist organizations and creating justification for conducting military operations in Mexico and Canada. They also suspect that it will be used domestically as justification for rounding up homeless encampments and deporting drug users who are not citizens.


Remember, Congress has the power to declare war NOT the president. Which means they have the power to give orders to the military. They can order the military NOT to carry out these invasions. Also, regardless of order the military should not follow illegal orders.

And get out and PROTEST.

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