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Oral Test in Practical Research 2

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- Is a scientific, experimental, or inductive manner of

EDUCATION thinking. Starting from particular to more complex
- Knowledge acquisition. ideas, you execute varied thinking acts that range from
- Also encourages you to use acquired knowledge for a lower order to higher-order thinking strategies.
deeper understanding of the world – an understanding
that inspires you to create, construct, or produce things RESEARCH ACTIVITIES
for the betterment of your life and the rest of the world. - Identifying the topic or problem,
- Gathering data,
INQUIRY - Making theories,
- A term that is synonymous with the word - Formulating hypotheses,
“investigation,” - Analyzing data and
- When you inquire or investigate, you tend to ask - Drawing conclusions.
questions to probe or examine something. You do this
kind of examination through your hots or higher-order DESCRIPTIVE WORDS TO CHARACTERIZE
thinking strategies of inferential, analytical, critical, QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH
creative, and appreciative thinking to discover more Cognitively driven terms like:
understandable or meaningful things beyond such - Empirical
object of your inquiry. Thinking in this manner makes - Logical
you ask open-ended questions to elicit views, opinions, - Cyclical
and beliefs of others in relation to your research (small - Analytical
et al., 2012) - Critical
- Methodical
- And replicable
Other sources of knowledge that the data you work on in Explain your understanding of inquiry and
your research come from: Research by answering the following questions

- People 1. Compare and contrast inquiry and research.

- Books and 2. Which is easier to carry out, inquiry or research? Give
- Artworks, among others. reasons for your answer.
3. How can a researcher be a scientist?
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 4. If you do things randomly in research, what would be the
- One cardinal principle in research. consequences?
- Your way of not only thanking the authors for their 5. Should you immediately concern yourself with data analysis
Contributions to he field but also establishing the validity prior to research approach? Why? Why not?
and reliability of the findings of your research that ought to 6. Could inquiry and research go together? Explain your point.
serve as an instrument for the world progress 7. What do you think of this line: inquiry occurs completely
(muijs,2011;ransome, 2013. with excessive familiarity with the physical looks of an object?
8. Do the words, inquiry and research somehow indicate
INQUIRY VIS-À-VIS RESEARCH strength of character?
- One scholarly activity that significantly involves inquiry is 9. Have you had an application of inquiry and research in your
research. Similar to inquiry that starts from what you are day-to-day life? Explain.
ignorant about, research makes you learn something by 10. Name some institution or organization that often engage
means of a problem-solving technique. themselves in inquiry and research. Describe their ways of
- Both inquiry and research encourage you to formulate doing it.
questions to direct you to the exact information you want
to discover about the object of your curiosity.
QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH - Seeks to find answers to questions starting with how
- Definition many, how much, how long, to what extent, and the like.
- Characteristics (Answers to these questions come in numerals,
- Classification percentages, and fractions, among others – Suter, 2012;
I. EXPERIMENTAL Russell, 2013).
2. Quasi-experimental - Requires you to focus your full attention on the object of
A.) Matched comparative group your study. (This is why quantitative research is described
B.) Time series as objective research.
C.) Counter balanced quasi experimental. - Characterized by objectiveness, in which only the real or
3. Single subject factual, not the emotional or cognitive existence of the
4. Pre experimental object.
- Importance - It is analogous to scientific or experimental thinking. In
DEFINITION – QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH this case, you just do not identify problems but theorize,
- Expressions like numerical forms, objective thinking, hypothesize, analyze, infer, and create as well.
statistical methods and measurement signal the existence - Usually happens in hard sciences like physics,
of quantitative research. chemistry, biology, and medicine; meanwhile, we see
- One word that reflects the true nature of this type of qualitative research in soft sciences such as humanities,
research is numerical. social sciences, education, and psychology, among
- Makes you focus your mind on specific things by means others.
of statistics that involve collection and study of numerical IMPORTANCE – QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH
data. - Lies greatly in the production of results that should reflect
precise measurement and an in-depth analysis of data.
- Useful in obtaining an objective understanding of people, CHARACTERISTICS OF NON-EXPERIMENTAL DATA
things, places, and events in this world. 1. It is incapable of establishing cause-effect relationships.
- Requiring the use of reliable measurement instruments By itself, it can take place in conjunction with other
or statistical methods it experimental and quasi-experimental research methods.
enables people to study their surroundings as objectively 2. It involves various ways of data analysis:
as they can. Primary – analysis of data collected by the researcher
- Effective method to obtain information about specified himself
personality traits of a group member or of the group as a Secondary – examination of data collected by other
whole as regards the extent of the relationship of their people
characteristics and the reason behind the instability of Meta-analysis – analysis of data expressed numerically
some people’s characteristics (Muijs, 2011; Gray, 2013) 3. It uses research methods that are applicable to both
DEFINITION OF NON-EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH quantitative and qualitative data it collects data through
- Is a way of finding out truths about a subject by survey, observation, historical studies, case studies,
describing the collected data about such subject and documentary analysis, and so on (Suter 2012;
determining their relationships or connections with one Sarandakos 2013)
Another. Any treatment or condition is not involved in this RESEARCH DESIGN OF NON-EXPERIMENTAL
type of research but there is a measuring of variables her. RESEARCH
Hence, once you do a non-experimental research, you Any plan you have about a non-experimental research
Deal with both qualitative and quantitative data. Your must have the following aspects that take place in a
desire to discover people’s thoughts, views, feelings, and sequential manner:
Attitudes about a certain societal issue, object, place, or 1. Specify the problem or topic of your research.
event causes you to use non-experimental research. 2. Formulate the research problem or hypotheses.
3. Determine the dependent and independent variables.
4. Select the participants or subjects
5. Decide on the specific type of experimental research, Here, the researcher selects a sample of respondents
whether it will be a true experimental or quasi- from a small/large population and provide the chosen
experimental research. subjects a formalized questionnaire.
6. Conduct the experiment. PURPOSES OF SURVEY RESEARCH
7. Collect, analyze, and interpret the results. 1. To obtain information about people’s opinions and
DEFINITION OF SURVEY RESEARCH feelings about an issue.
- Many immediately come to think of survey research the 2. To identify present condition, needs, or problems of
moment they hear or read the expression, non- people in a short span of time.
experimental research. This is so because survey 3. To seek answers to social problems.
research is the most used 4. To give school officials pointers on curricular offerings,
non-experimental research in Sociology, Psychology, and guidance and counseling services, teacher evaluation,
Humanities. Inquiries, investigations, and experiments and others.
also happen in this type of non-experimental research, but PLANNING A SURVEY RESEARCH
in terms of types and analysis of data, survey research 1. Explanation of objectives clearly.
follows a standard that is applicable to social sciences 2. Formulation of research questions or hypotheses to
(Schreiber & Ashner-Self, 2011). predict relationships of variables.
- Survey research is a method of research that aims at 3. Determination of the exact kind of data referred to by
knowing what a big number of people think and feel about the hypotheses or research questions.
some sociological issues. The data it collects from these 4. Assurance of the population or group of people to
people serving as “representatives or informants” explain which the findings will be applied to.
or describe the society’s thoughts, attitudes, and feelings 5. Finalization of the sampling method for selecting the
toward environmental issues. participants.
- Requires data gathering techniques such as interview, 6. Identification of the method or instrument in collecting
questionnaire, online survey, and telephone interview that data, that is, whether it is a questionnaire on paper,
primarily consider the size of the group being studied. through phone, via computer, or face to face.
STRENGTH OF SURVEY RESEARCH 7. It cannot use a questioning or coding method that
• Versatility - It can tackle any issue affecting society. Can accurately register differences among the
• Efficiency - It is not costly in terms of money and time, participant's’ responses.
assuming there is excellent communication or postal 8. It cannot diffuse the main researcher’s abilities to
system. control and manipulate some factors affecting the study.
• Generality - It can get a good representation or sample 9. It cannot account for real or actual happenings but it can
of a large group of people. give ideas on respondents’ views, beliefs, concepts, and
• Confidentiality - It is capable of safeguarding the emotions.
privacy or anonymity of the respondents. VARIABLE
WEAK POINTS OF SURVEY RESEARCH - Variables are “changing qualities or characteristics” of
1. It cannot provide sufficient evidence about the persons or things like age, gender intelligence, idea,
Relationships of variables. achievements, confidence, and others that are involved in
2. It cannot examine the significance of some issues your research study.  
Affecting people’s social life. - A variable is a concept or abstract idea that can be
3. It cannot get data reflecting the effects of the described in measurable terms. In research, this term
Interconnectedness of environmental features on the refers to the measurable characteristics, qualities, traits, or
research study. attributes of a particular individual, object, or situation
4. It cannot consider man’s naturalistic tendencies as the being studied.
basis of human behavior unless his ways or styles of living TYPES OF VARIABLES IN RESEARCH
are related to his surroundings. Independent Variables are manipulated or controlled or
5. It cannot promote interpretative and creative thinking changed. It is what the researcher studies to see its
unless its formation of ideas results from scientific relationship or effects.
thinking. - Presumed or Possible Cause
6. It cannot have an effective application on all topics
Of research.
Dependent Variables are the outcome variables and are
the variables for which we calculate statistics. The variable
which changes on account of independent variable is
know as dependent variable. i.e. is influenced or affected
by the independent variable.
- Presumed results ( Effect )
- Quantitative variables are ones that exist along a
continuum that runs from low to high. Interval, and ratio
variable are quantitative.
- Quantitative variables are sometimes called continuous
variables because they have a variety (continuum) of
- Height in inches and scores on a test would be
examples of quantitative variables.
- Qualitative variables do not express differences in
amount, only differences.
- They are sometimes referred to as categorical
variables because they classify by categories. Ordinal,
Nominal variables are qualitative.
- Nominal variables such as gender, religion. or eye color
are categorical variables. Generally speaking,
categorical variables.
OTHER TYPE OF VARIABLES 2. It is the first task facing researchers and is one of the
1. Constant - do not undergo any changes during an most important aspects of doing research in any field.
2. Attribute - characteristics of people: intelligence, 1. Personal experience and interests as educational
creativity, anxiety, earning, and style, among others. practitioners.
3. Covariate - included in the research study to create 2. Various educational and behavioral theories.
interactions with the independent and dependent 3. Related Literature – Literature from one’s own area of
variables. interest.
4. Continuous - quantitative in nature and is used in 4. A reproduction of past research studies.
interval or ratio scale of measurement. TYPES OF QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH QUESTIONS
5. Dichotomous - has only two possible result: one or DESCRIPTIVE RESEARCH QUESTIONS
zero. - Ask questions on the kind, qualification, and categories of
6. Latent - cannot be directly observed like personality the subject or participant.
7. Manifest - can be directly observed to gives proofs to - Are questions about the nature and manner of
latent variables. connection between or among variables.
8. Exogenous - found outside an identified model. CASUAL QUESTIONS
9. Endogenous - found inside as a part of identified model - Reason behind the effects of the independent variable on
IDENTIFYING THE INQUIRY AND STATING THE the dependent variable are focus of these type of research
PROBLEM questions. 
1. A research problem is a question or a statement about RESEARCH PROBLEM AND RESEARCH QUESTIONS
the relationship between variables. 5. Formulate a research problem that is researchable.
2. See to it that you state your quantitative research INDUCTIVE APPROACH
problem clearly. - The researcher begins with specific observation and
3. Have your research problem focus on a general measures, and the moves to detecting themes and
understanding of your research topic. patterns in the data.
4. Construct a research problem that mirror the - Start from smaller and simpler ideas to bigger or more
importance of carrying out the research for finding answer complex ones.
or solution to a problem.
5. Let your quantitative research problem state the
variables and their relationships with another.
6. Construct an introductory statement to present your
research problem.
7. Express your research problem and research question
either in an interrogative or declarative manner. 
- Approach explores a known theory or phenomenon and
tests if that theory is valid in given circumstances. 
- Approach goes from  bigger ideas, such as theories or
concepts, to smaller ideas.

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