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Title: Topic: Segment: Length: TV Anchor: SCRIPT WRITERS: Corazon Ma. M. Muñoz Melc

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TITLE: Television-Based Instruction for Grade 8 - Science

TOPIC: Colors of Light

SEGMENT: Science 8
LENGTH: 30 minutes
TV ANCHOR: Corazon Ma. M. Muñoz
SCRIPT WRITERS: Corazon Ma. M. Muñoz

1. Demonstrate the existence of the color components of visible light using a prism
or diffraction grating; (Week 4 S8FE-If-27)
2. Explain hierarchy of colors in relation to energy; and
3. Explain that red is the least bent color and violet the most bent color according
to their wavelengths and frequencies.

1. Find through simple activities how light disperse to form the colors of light;
2. relate the arrangement of colors and its corresponding energy; and
3. know which color bend the most and which color bend the least.

Program ID


A pleasant day to our dear learners of Catbalogan City Division.

Anchor Welcome to our fifth episode for Grade 8 Science.
I will again be your learning companion for this episode, Teacher Heart.
Join me as we discover new learning today.
Let us try to focus and enjoy the rest of the session.


Supported with screencast of Today, we will investigate the colors of light.

PPT At the end of this episode, you will be expected to:
1. Demonstrate the existence of the color components of visible light
using a prism or diffraction grating;
2. Explain hierarchy of colors in relation to energy; and
3. Explain that red is the least bent color and violet the most bent color
according to their wavelengths and frequencies.

Supported with screencast of To be able to achieve these competencies you will need to
PPT 1. Find through simple activities how light disperse to form the colors of
2. relate the arrangement of colors and its corresponding energy; and
3. know which color bends the most and which color bends the least.

Anchor Before we continue, let us first take a break to watch these few
reminders from the World Health Organization on how to safe during
the pandemic.
(5 things Kids Need to Know
about the coronavirus)

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LESSON PROPER Colors of Light
Supported with screencast of Are you ready to start our learning journey! Let us begin!
PPT Rainbows have always been a source of wonder for young kids. Have
you ever wondered how a majestic rainbow is formed? Why do we see
spectacular events in the sky like red sunset, blue sky, and rainbows?
How is the arrangement of color determined by nature?

Anchor Let us try to do Activity 1 of the What’s In portion of your module. The
instruction is for you is to color the rainbow using your coloring
materials based on how well you remember how a rainbow looks like. I
understand you do not have enough time to finish this activity so I
suggest you do this after you are done with the sessions today. But let
me show you how I remember what a rainbow looks like.

Supported with screencast of Is it not pretty? Is it the same with how you remember how a rainbow
PPT looks like? Good job kids!

Anchor Now I will perform Activity 2 of the What’s New portion of your
module. I want you to observe carefully and try to answer the questions
that I will ask you.

Supported with screencast of I have here a big bowl with water almost to its rim. I will place a mirror
PPT and Demonstration video with its part partially submerged into the water. I will then hold a paper
above the bowl and point a flashlight or any source of light into the
submerged part of the mirror with my other hand. I will adjust the
position of my mirror until we see color bands on the paper. Do you see
those bands of color on the paper? Very good?

Supported with screencast of Now, let me ask you questions. What happens when the light hits the
PPT mirror? That’s correct! Bands of color appeared on the paper I was

Supported with screencast of Now, let us list and arrange the observed colors based on how they
PPT appear on the paper. Excellent! From top to bottom, we got the colors
red, orange, yellow, green, blue and violet.

Anchor Having fun so far? You can also try doing this simple and fun activity at
your home on your Science time to give you a hands-on experience on
how light reacts to the mirror.

Supported with screencast of At this point, I will discuss the information presented in the What Is It
PPT portion of your module.

Supported with screencast of Let us talk about light. Light is a kind of energy that can travel through
PPT space in a form of wave. Light from the sun or flashlights looks white,
but it is really a mixture of many colors. The colors in white light are
red, orange, yellow, green, blue indigo and violet. We highlight here the
arrangement of colors of light as ROYGBIV when dispersion happens.
Dispersion is a kind of refraction which provided us colors of light. This
phenomenon is observed when white light passes through a prism.

Supported with screencast of A prism is a transparent optical element with flat and polished surfaces
PPT that disperses light. Usually a prism has a triangular base and
rectangular sides. Prisms can be made from any transparent materials
like glass, plastic or fluorite. Water in a glass can also act as prism. It
also breaks white light into constituent colors namely: red, orange,
yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet (or ROYGVIB). You can see
these colors when you look at a rainbow in our sky. A rainbow is caused
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by both the reflection and refraction of light in water droplets on the
Earth’s atmosphere. The water droplets serve as tiny prisms that refract,
reflect, and disperse sunlight into spectrum of light appearing in the sky.

Anchor For you to better understand the concept you can do Activities 3, 4 and
5 of the What’s More portion, What I can Do portion and Additional
Activities portion of your module respectively. You can ask your
parents or siblings to help you with these simple and fun learning
activities. If you are in need of clarification or supervision you may
contact your subject teacher. Their contact information is listed on your
school’s directory page.

Supported with screencast of Now, let us talk about the hierarchy of colors. That is lesson 2 for this
PPT module. In the previous lesson, we learned about the arrangement of
colors of white light. But what does the arrangement of colors of light
exhibit in terms of energy? Which color of light has the greatest energy?
The next activity will provide you with answers to these questions. In
this lesson, you will be able to relate the arrangement of colors and its
corresponding energy.
Let us first do Activity 7 of the What’s New portion of your module.

Supported with screencast of Shown on the table is the range of wavelength, frequency and energy of
PPT light. Observe the data the table provides. Then let us answer the
questions that follow.

Supported with screencast of 1. Which color has the highest frequency? the shortest wavelength?
PPT That is right! The color which hs the highest frequency and the
shortest wavelength is VIOLET.
2. Which color has the lowest frequency? the longest wavelength?
Right again! The color which has the lowest frequency and the
longest wavelength. Is RED.
3. What did you observe about the wavelengths and frequencies of the
different colors of light?
You may have observed that the wavelengths and frequencies
of the colors of light vary. The wavelength decreases fro red to violet
while the frequency decreases from red to violet.
4. Do the frequencies of colors of light increase from red to violet?
Excellent observation! Yes, the frequencies of colors of light
increase from red to violet.
5. What did you observe about the corresponding energies from red to
Magnificent! You may have observed that as the frequency of
the color of light increase, the energy also increases. Red has the least
frequency with the least energy and violet has the highest frequency and
the highest energy.

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Supported with screencast of Now let us talk more about this topic. Let us talk about frequency.
PPT The frequency of light wave refers to the number of waves that move
past a certain point in one second. Frequency is generally measured in
Hertz, the units of cycles per second. Color has the frequency ranging
from 430 trillion Hertz to 750 trillion Hertz. Waves can also go beyond
and below those frequencies, but they are not visible to the human eye.

Supported with screencast of Wave frequency is related to wave energy. The more energy in the
PPT wave, the higher its frequency. The lower the frequency is, the less
energy in the wave. When it comes to light waves, violet has the highest
energy while red has the lowest energy. Related to energy and
frequency is the wavelength, or the distance between corresponding
points on subsequent waves. You can measure wavelength from peak to
peak, trough to trough or between two consecutive corresponding points
of waves.

Supported with screencast of Within the band of visible light, the different wavelengths are perceived
PPT by people as different colors. The shortest wavelength is violet, and the
longest wavelength is red.

Anchor Are you still with me? I hope you are still having fun while learning
with me. To help you have a better grasp of understanding on this topic
you can do the following listed activities on your module after you are
done with the sessions for today.

Supported with screencast of LESSON 2

PPT 1. Activity 6 – What’s In
2. Activity 8 – What’s More
3. Activity 9 – What I Can Do
4. Activity 10 – Additional Activities

Anchor You can do these activities on the Science time schedule of your weekly
learning plan for this week.
Let us continue our discussion and let us talk about the bending of
colors. We are now on Lesson of this week’s Science 8 Module.

Supported with screencast of Rainbows are created just like the colors of light appeared in previous
PPT activity. A prism separates the white light into the different colors of
light. With the different refractive indices of the colors of light, bending
is also different for each of the colors of light. In this lesson, you will
know which color bend the most and which color bend the least.

Supported with screencast of Let us do Activity 12 of the What’s New portion of your module for
PPT lesson 3.
We will use this table as your guide in answering the questions.

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Supported with screencast of Choose TRUE if the statement is correct but if it is false, change the
PPT underlined word to make the whole statement correct. You can write
your answers on a separate sheet of paper.

Supported with screencast of 1. Red has the greatest refractive index among the seven colors.
PPT The statement is false. The answer is violet.
2. Violet has the lowest refractive index among them.
The statement is false.The answer is greater.
3. Red is the least bent color among them.
The statement is true.
4. Violet is the most bent color among them.
The statement is true.
5. The greater the refractive index of the color of light, the more
bending is observed.
The statement is true.

Anchor Did you get all the answers correctly? That’s good if you did? If not, let
us try to focus more as we discuss this topic.

Supported with screencast of Light exhibits the characteristics of a wave. It moves in its maximum
PPT speed in vacuum but this speed decreases as it moves along different
media. Refraction is the bending of light when it travels from one
medium to another. When light crosses the boundary of two media of
different optical density, a change in speed takes place. The optical
density is the measurement of a component’s ability to slow the
transmission of light. This change in speed is manifested by the bending
of the light ray. A known indicator of the optical density of a material is
the index of refraction of the material (n). The index of refraction of a
material is a quantity that compares the speed of light in a material to its
speed in a vacuum.

Supported with screencast of In the figure, light travels from air to the prism. When the light enters
PPT the glass, which is denser than air, it slows down and is bent. You
observe that the angle of incidence (θ 1) is greater than the angle of
refraction (θ 2). You can see that the light ray refracts or bends towards
the normal. Thus, light bends towards the normal when travelling from
a less dense medium to a higher density medium and light bends away
from the normal when travelling from denser to less dense medium like
when light ray leaves the prism.

Supported with screencast of The incoming ray is called the incident ray from medium 1 and the
PPT outgoing ray is the refracted ray in medium 2, and the associated angles
are the angle of incidence and the angle of refraction.

Supported with screencast of When white light enters a prism, separation into seven different colors is
PPT observed. The refractive indices of the different colors of light indicate
that it travels at different speeds in the prism which accounts for the
different degrees of bending.

Supported with screencast of In terms of frequency and energy of colors, blue, indigo and violet are
PPT the ones with the highest frequency and energy. These colors are the
ones that are bent the most. At the end of the spectrum, red is the one
with the lowest frequency and energy. It is the color that is bent the least
and violet is the most bent.

Anchor At this point we are at the end of our discussion. I know that our time
here is limited so to help you better understand this topic you can do the
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following listed activities on your module after you are done with the
sessions for today.

Supported with screencast of LESSON 3

PPT 1. Activity 11 – What’s In
2. Activity 13 – What’s More
3. Activity 14 – What I Can Do
4. Activity 15 – Additional Activities

Anchor You can do these activities on the Science time schedule of your weekly
learning plan for this week.


Supported with screencast of To recap our lesson let us review what we have learned today.

Supported with screencast of LESSON 1

PPT 1. Light is a kind of energy that can travel through space. It looks
white, but it is really a combination of many colors.
2. The colors in white light are red, orange, yellow, green, blue,
indigo, and violet.
3. When light appears white, it is made up of different colors just like
the colors of the rainbow. The colors can be separated by shining
light into prism
4. Dispersion is the separation of white light into its component colors
as it passes through a prism.
5. The main purpose of the prism is to separate visible light into
constituent colors namely: red, orange, yellow, green, violet,
indigo and violet (ROYGVIB).

Supported with screencast of LESSON 2

PPT 1. The color of white light ranges from red, 430 trillion Hertz, to
violet, 750 trillion Hertz.
2. The more energy in a wave, the higher its frequency. The lower the
frequency is, the less energy in the wave.
3. Violet has the highest energy color while red has the lowest energy.
4. The shortest wavelength is violet, and the longest wavelength is
5. The higher energy of the wave, the faster it moves from one
medium to another. On the other hand, the less energy of the wave,
the slower it travels from one medium to another.

Supported with screencast of LESSON 3

PPT 1. Refraction is the bending of light as it passes from one medium to
another of different optical densities.
2. The index of refraction of a material is a quantity that compares
the speed of light in that material to its speed in a vacuum.
3. When light moves from one medium to another of different optical
density, the speed changes, bringing changes in the direction of the
refracted ray with respect to the normal line.
4. The component colors of white light arranged from the least bent to
the most bent are as follows: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue,
Indigo and Violet.
Good job! You have just proven that you have gained new learning on
the colors of light.

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Anchor Before we end our session, let us have a short quiz to test your
understanding of the topic. Please answer as honestly and diligently as
you can.

Supported with screencast of The instruction is for you to choose the letter of the correct answer.
PPT Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.

Supported with screencast of 1. Which has the least energy among the colors of a rainbow?
PPT A. green
B. orange
C. red
D. violet
2. Violet is bent most among the seven colors because it has the
A. highest frequency
B. lowest frequency
C. longest wavelength
D. shortest wavelength
3. Which of the following can separate white light into seven colors?
A. box
B. cellphone
C. paper
D. prism
4. Nina sent an arrow beam of white light through a prism. As a result,
she observed the light dispersing into ___.
A. four colors
B. three colors
C. five colors
(Answers Key) D. seven colors
5. Rainbows are formed through ______.
1.D I. dispersion
2.B II. reflection
3.B III. refraction
5.C A. I only
6.B B. I and II
7.C C. III only
8.C D. I, II and III
9.D 6. What can prisms do?
11.D A. Change sunlight into a single color.
12.A B. Invert a light ray’s frequency and wavelength.
13.A C. Separate the incoming light into its constituent colors.
14.D D. Slow down light to few meters per second, when used back to
15.D back.
7. For visible light, which property changes with color?
I. frequency
II. period
III. wavelength
A. III only
B. I and II
C. I and III
D. I, II, and III
8. Which of the following colors has the highest energy?
A. orange
B. red
C. violet
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D. yellow
9. What refers to the bending of light as it passes from one medium
into another?
A. frequency
B. reflection
C. refraction
D. wavelength
10. Which of the following arrangements of visible light colors shows
decreasing wavelength?
A. red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet
B. red, yellow, green, orange, violet, blue, indigo
C. violet, blue, green, orange, red, indigo, yellow
D. violet, indigo, blue, green, orange, yellow, red
11. A ray of light passes through a glass block. When it passes through
the glass, it changes direction. Which of the refracted rays A, B, C
or D is most likely to leave the glass block?

A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
12. What refers to the splitting of white light into seven different
A. dispersion
B. refractive index
C. reflection
D. refraction
13. Refractive Index is a ratio between the speed of light in vacuum and
A. speed of light in vacuum
B. speed of sound in vacuum
C. speed of light in a medium
D. speed of sound in a medium
14. The diagram shows a ray of white light passing through a prism and
emerges as a band of colored light which strikes a screen. What is
the color of X and Y?

A. X=Blue, Y=Red
B. X=Red, Y=Violet
C. X=Green, Y=Red
D. X=Green, Y=Blue
15. Based on the colors of light, what color comes between red and
A. indigo
B. green
C. orange
D. violet

I hope that you have answered most of the questions, if not all,
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Anchor correctly. If you were not able to, you can go back to your module to
review the lesson. You may also contact your subject teacher or adviser
for clarifications and/or direct supervision.


It has been a wonderful time being with you our dear learners. I hope
you had a fun and interesting learning experience. See you again in our
next episode for new learning opportunities.

I am your learning companion for today, Teacher Heart.

We heal as One, We Learn as One through BAYANIHANDS.

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